(3) @select-domain to @end
(4) This header must be deleted before the email is sent to your machine for reprogramming of
Auto Dialer (Address Book Dialing).The information following the "#" sign is ignored by your
machine, therefore, you can leave it as is or delete it if you wish.
1. If a POP user account is programmed into the P1 to P15 program keys, the data programmed for this
key cannot be deleted, even when the delete command is specified.
2. The email address and the telephone number cannot be programmed via email when:
a. Address book (Auto Dialer) Number has been used for communication reservation.
Received documents are stored in the image data memory of the machine.
c. While the machine is communicating or printing.
3. When the email address and telephone number are programmed via email, a program result email is
sent back.
4. Some email applications automatically insert a line feed in the middle of a line when the number of
characters in a line exceed a specific number. Turn "Off" the automatic line feed, or define the number
of characters per line to prevent a line feed, or the data will be ignored.
Ver. 1.1
(a) Entry-number : One-Touch, ABBR. No. or Program Keys
(b) Station-name
(c) Key-name
(d) Station-address: email address (up to 60 digits) or telephone num-
(e) Routing-subaddress : sub-address to be used for routing
(f) Routing-id-number : TSI to be used for routing (up to 20-digit)
(g) Favorite : Favorite email address to be used.
(h) Address-kind : Email address to be used for scanner.
(i) The End Receiving Station's telephone number is entered
after the hash sign (#).
Defines the Program Keys stored as a Group Key or POP
Access Key to be set in section (3) between @program to @end
Edit, Delete or Register the information.
(a) Program Key
(b) Station-name
(c) POP
(d) POP User-name : Name of the POP user account (up to 40
(e) POP Password : POP Password (up to 10 alpha-numeric
(f) Set whether the emails on the POP Server are deleted after
retrieving the emails.
(g) Station-name as a Group Key: Name of the station being
programmed (up to 15 alpha-numeric characters).
(h) Key-name: Name of the key being programmed (up to 15 alpha-
numeric characters).
(i) GROUP: The syntax used to set the Program Key as a Group
(j) Entry-number: Address Book entries 000 to 199 (up to 200
to be programmed 000 to 199: Indicates
Address Book entries 000 to 199 (up to
200 stations)
: Name of the station being programmed
(up to 15 alpha-numeric characters)
: Name of the key being programmed (up
to 15 alpha-numeric characters)
ber (up to 36 digits) of the station being pro-
(up to 20-digit)
: P01 - P15
: Name of the station as a POP key.
: The syntax used to set the Program Key
as a POP Access Key.
alpha-numeric characters)
FEB 2008