■MasterValueSourceM1 (Master axis 1 data source selection)
Select the data souse of Master1 which is for the movement amount of Master1 to transmit. For details, refer to the following.
Page 427 Master Axis Data Source Selection
■MasterValueSourceM2 (Master axis 2 data source selection)
Select the data souse of Master2 which is for the movement amount of Master2 to transmit. For details, refer to the following.
Page 427 Master Axis Data Source Selection
■BufferMode (Buffer mode)
Select the buffer mode. Aborting and Buffered can be set. For details of operation, refer to the following.
Page 107 Buffer mode type
■InSync (In synchronization)
It turns TRUE when Slave starts synchronizing.
■Busy (Executing)
It turns TRUE during execution of instruction.
■Active (Controlling)
It turns TRUE during controlling Slave.
■CommandAborted (Abortion of execution)
It turns TRUE if other instructions are started during execution of this FB.
■Error (Error)
It turns TRUE if an error occurs in this FB.
■ErrorID (Error code)
It returns an error code occurred in this FB.
14.9 Addition/Subtraction Positioning