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MCUK970901C8 Service Manual G450 ersonal Cellular Telephone an hel ortable EB-G450 Car Mount Kit EB-HF501Z Easy it Car Mount Kit EB-HF450Z Si ple Car Kit EB-KD500 C A aptor EB-CD400A ual Charger EB-CR500 Issue 1 Revision 0...
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This Service Manual is copyright an issue on the strict un erstan ing that it is not to be repro uce copie or isclose to any thir party either in hole or part ithout the prior ritten consent o Matsushita Co unication In ustrial UK Lt Every care has been taken to ensure that the contents o this anual give an accurate representation o the e uip ent o ever Matsushita Co unication In ustrial UK Lt accepts no responsibility or inaccuracies hich...
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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION urpose o this Manual Structure o the Manual Servicing Responsibilities GENERAL DESCRIPTION General an portable Main Kit an s ree Car Mount Kit Easy it Car Kit Si ple Car Kit C A aptor ol er Kit ual Charger an Carry Case attery acks 2 10...
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General an portable Unit an s ree Unit ual Charger AC A aptor C A aptor attery acks TEST AND MEASUREMENT Intro uction E ternal Testing Co plete Unit Test Setup Channel o Test Co an s A ust ent Mo e Lock Co e 7-19 SIM ersonalisation...
WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS WARNING The e uip ent escribe in this anual contains polarise capacitors utilising li ui electrolyte These evices are entirely sa e provi e that neither a short-circuit nor a reverse polarity connection is a e across the capacitor ter inals AILURE T SER E T IS AR I G C UL RESULT I AMAGE T T E E UI ME T R AT SSI LE I UR T ERS EL RESULTI G R M ELECTRIC S CK R T E A ECTE...
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This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 Service Manual...
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Purpose of this Manual This Service Manual contains the in or ation an proce ures re uire or installing operating an servicing the anasonic GSM ersonal Cellular Mobile Telephone syste operating on the GSM igital Cellular et ork Structure of the Manual The anual is structure to provi e service engineering personnel ith the ollo ing in or ation an proce ures General an technical in or ation - provi es a basic un erstan ing o the e uip ent kits an options together...
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INTRODUCTION This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 1 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 1 - 2 Service Manual...
GSM net ork Figure 1: an portable Main Unit Kit 450-0201 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER Main unit E -G450 attery E - S450 A aptor E -CA400 UK EU SA T perating instructions See Section 2 11...
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GENERAL DESCRIPTION Handsfree Car Mount Kit The an s ree Car Mount Kit enables the han portable to be ounte in a vehicle an to operate in han s ree The an s ree Unit contains a speaker ith separate volu e control Speech is via a icrophone ounte on the ashboar or the sun visor The telephone can be operate in han hel o e by re oving it ro the ol er This ill use the e ternal antenna an po er ro the an s ree Unit...
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GENERAL DESCRIPTION Easy Fit Car Kit The Easy it Car Mount Kit is very si ilar to the an s ree Car Mount Kit The ain i erence ith the Easy it Car Mount kit is the a ition o a cigar lighter a aptor or the supply o po er The cigar lighter a aptor akes installation o the kit very si ple The an s ree Unit contains a speaker ith separate volu e control Speech is via a icrophone ounte on the ashboar or the sun visor...
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Simple Car Kit The Si ple Car Kit enables the han portable unit to be po ere ro a vehicle battery provi e that the vehicle has a cigar lighter socket an also has an e terna antenna connector or better signal uality hen in a vehicle ne en o the C a aptor plugs into the han portable ith the telephone battery connecte The other en o the a aptor is pushe into the cigar lighter socket The e ternal antenna connector is an ME type Figure 4: Si ple Car Kit...
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Holder Kit The hol er kit allo s convenient ounting o the telephone in a vehicle In con unction ith the C a aptor this can ake a si ple car ount kit The a ustable angle bracket an telephone hol er are attache to a convenient i ing point in the vehicle Figure 6: ol er Kit 500-0204...
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Battery Packs There are our battery packs all o hich use i-M The attery ack S2 is 650 Ah the attery ack S is 600 Ah the attery ack M is 850 Ah an the attery ack L is 1600 Ah Figure 8: attery acks 450-0206 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER...
GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2.11 Documentation In a ition to the kit contents liste in this section all kits also contain user ocu entation So e arkets ay re uire a itional ocu entation e g a speci ic arranty that is not liste KIT TYPE DOCUMENTATION Operating Instructions...
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GENERAL DESCRIPTION This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 2 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 2 - 8 Service Manual...
Instructions or ull operational in or ation LCD Display The G450 han portable unit ha s a 3 line by 12 character chip on glass li ui crystal isplay in con unction ith the ollo ing icons \\\\\|...
Microphone E ternal Connector Figure 2: Location o controls or G450 450-0302 avigation Key Scrolls through options or eatures enu an increases or ecreases volu e Select Key Selects option sho n in the ption Area o the isplay...
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Concept of Operation There is a close relationship bet een the Secect Key avigation Key an isplay ption Area avigation Select Figure 3: Concept o peration 450-0303 ressing up or o n e ill ove the pointer up an o n an scroll through ore in or ation in the ain area o the isplay ressing le t an right f ill scroll through options in the option area o the isplay To choose the option press...
It is possible to operate all GSM telephone in the sa e ay using the ublic MMI The ollo ing operations ill ork ith all GSM telephones o ever this in or ation is restricte to those operations that are supporte by G450 The an...
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.7.3 Security Change PIN Change PIN2 0 4 2 L I 2 E I 2 E I 2 Unblock PIN I U L CKI G KE Unblock PIN2 0 5 2 I 2 U L CKI G KE E I 2 E I 2 3.7.4 Call Hold...
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.7.6 Calling Line Identification Calling Line Identification Feature Service Code Calling Line I enti ication resentation CLI Calling Line I enti ication Restriction CLIR Connecte Line resentation CL Connecte Line Restriction CL R Enable SER ICE C E isable SER ICE C E Te porary suppress i enti ication...
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.7.8 Call Bar Call Bar Type Service Code All outgoing calls utgoing international calls utgoing international call e cept those to your LM country All inco ing calls Inco ing international calls hen roa ing ASS R TELEC MMU ICATI SER ICE Clear ASS R TELEC MMU ICATI SER ICE...
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Bearer Service Service MMI Service Code All bearer services All async services All synchronous services All ata synchronous services All ata asynchronous services All e icate packet access All e icate A access Troubleshooting The user is given the ollo ing in or ation an a vise to contact the ealer i the proble s persist Problem Causes and Solutions Telephone ill...
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Error Messages The ollo ing table is a list o error essages that ay occur uring use o the telephone ith a escription an suggeste course o action Area not allo e Roa ing in the selecte area is not allo e Enter UK The I has been entere incorrectly 10 ti es To enter a ne I you ust irst enter a et ork not...
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.11 GSM Services Supported by PC Card Bearer Error Access Information Service Bearer Service Rate Access Rate Correction Structure Transfer Number Options U I or Asynchronous 300 bps Asynch 300 bps T or T U I or Asynchronous 1 2 kbps Asynch 1 2 kbps T or T...
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.12 GSM Network Codes and Names Network Access Country Code Operator Name Abbreviation Code STA A RRA M ILA TELEC M Australia M ILE ET M- ET TUS Co unications ty Lt Mobile o a one T T Austria elgaco Mobile R IMUS M ILTEL A...
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Network Access Country Code Operator Name Abbreviation Code annon GSM RT ong Kong Teleco CSL Lt TCSL GSM TCSL utchison Telephone Co Lt TCLGSM S arTone Mobile Co unications Lt SMART E KSMC CR ET M ITEL R T ITALIA M ITEL ITALIA TELEC M ITALIA M ILE...
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Network Access Country Code Operator Name Abbreviation Code Globe Globe Teleco GMCR Inc GL E Teleco Isla Co unications Co Inc Islaco ISLA -TEL ATAR ET - ET L TA L TA GSM L GSM Teleco inlan International LibanCell LibCL Mobile Telesyste s...
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.13 Glossary of Terms ual Tone Multiple re uency tones The nu eric keys 0 to 9 an ill generate i erent TM tones hen presse uring conversation These are use to access voice ail paging an co puterise ho e banking Global Syste or Mobile co unications The na e given to the a vance igital technology that your telephone uses o e country...
INSTALLATION GUIDE INSTALLATION GUIDE General This section escribes the proce ure use to install the GSM han portable unit into a negative-groun e vehicle Caution: o not atte pt to install this e uip ent into a positive-groun e vehicle o not atte pt to supply po er to the e uip ent ro a positive-groun e vehicle Installation ill be per or e using either o the ollo ing kits an s ree car ount kit...
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INSTALLATION GUIDE 4.2.1 Selecting the Location for the Handsfree Unit The ollo ing points shoul be consi ere hen choosing a location or the han s ree unit Ensure that the location oes not obstruct nor al operation unctioning o the vehicle Ensure that the location oes not a ect passenger acco o ation or is sub ect to e cessive shocks Ensure that the location ill allo easy operation o the unit Ensure that the location provi es a secure i ing or the unit...
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INSTALLATION GUIDE 4.2.2 Wiring Locations or the han s ree unit ill vary accor ing to the type o vehicle as ill the routing o po er an interconnecting cables The ollo ing precautions shoul be observe T install or connect the unit into a positive groun e vehicle This e uip ent ust be installe into a 12 negative - groun vehicle Mount cables to the vehicle so that they are not prone to isplace ent or isconnection through vibration...
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INSTALLATION GUIDE 4.2.3 Installation with the Adjustable Angle Bracket The A ustable Angle racket can be use to install the an s ree Unit in the ollo ing con igurations A S REE A USTA LE A GLE RACKET SCRE 4 10 SCRE SEL -TA I G SCRE...
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INSTALLATION GUIDE 4.2.4 Installing the Handsfree Microphone The ollo ing points shoul be consi ere hen installing the han s ree icrophone That it oes not obstruct the operation o the vehicle That it oes not a ect the nor al passenger acco o ation That the icrophone shoul ace the river s outh at a istance o appro i ately 30c Mounting the Microphone to the Sun Visor Mount the icrophone onto the sun visor clip by inserting the pro ection o the clip into the hole o the...
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INSTALLATION GUIDE DC Adaptor The telephone is po ere irectly ro the 12 cigar lighter socket S itch the telephone po er o an it the C po er cable Figure 6: C A aptor Installation 450-0406 Simple Car Kit The telephone is po ere irectly ro the 12 cigar lighter socket To i prove signal uality the e ternal antenna is connecte to the ME type connector S itch the po er o an it the connector to the telephone...
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General This section provi es isasse bly an reasse bly proce ures or the ain co ponents o the G450 syste These proce ures MUST be per or e by uali ie service personnel at an authori e service centre...
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DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Handportable Unit 5.2.1 Disassembly igure 1 ress the release clip then tilt up ar s to re ove the battery ro the telephone Figure 1: attery re oval 450-0501 igure 2 Re ove the back ro the telephone case 2 scre s Figure 2: Case isasse bly 450-0502 3.
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DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS igure 4 Re ove the R boar ro the C chassis Figure 4: R C re oval 450-0504 igure 5 Re ove the icrophone ro the C asse bly Figure 5: Microphone re oval 450-00505 igure 6 Re ove the bu er ree -s itch asse bly cable ro the cable cla p Figure 6: u er ree -s itch cable re oval 450-0506 MCUK970901C8...
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DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS igure 6 Unclip the bu er ree -s itch asse bly ro the R C Figure 7: u er ree -s itch asse bly re oval 450-0507 igure 8 Tip LC isplay or ar to allo re oval o the LC earpiece hol er Figure 8: LC re oval 1 450-0508 igure 9 Unplug the speaker connector ro the logic C...
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DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 10. igure 10 Gently ben the lugs on the LC earpiece hol er out ar s an li t ro the logic C Figure 10: LC earpiece hol er re oval 450-0510 11. igure 11 isconnect the LC ro the logic C Figure 11: LC isasse bly 2 450-0511 5.2.2 Reassembly...
DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Dual Charger 5.3.1 Disassembly igure 13 lace the ual Charger upsi e- o n on a lat ork sur ace Re ove the t o case scre s Figure 13: Case scre re oval 500-0518 igure 14 Re ove the case ro the cover asse bly Figure 14: Case re oval 500-0519 igure 15 Re ove the C asse bly i ing scre s...
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DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS igure 16 Raise an tilt the charger C to e pose the connector cable Figure 16: Charger C re oval 1 500-0521 igure 17 isconnect an re ove the charger C Figure 17: Charger C re oval 2 500-0522 MCUK970901C8 Section 5...
DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Handsfree Unit 5.4.1 Disassembly igure 18 Re ove the hol er ro the han s ree unit 4 scre s Figure 18: ol er re oval 500-0523 igure 19 Re ove the ront cover ro the han s ree asse bly by re oving the cover securing scre an isconnecting the speaker lea ro the han s ree C Figure 19: an s ree cover re oval 500-0524...
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DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 5.4.2 Reassembly igure 21 Reinstall the han s ree C into the case 3 scre s Figure 21: an s ree C reinstallation 500-0526 igure 22 osition the cables into the case oul ing o er cable Curly Cable 2.
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DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS igure 23 Reinstall the ront cover onto the han s ree asse bly by reconnecting the speaker lea onto the han s ree C an reinstalling the cover securing scre Figure 23: an s ree cover re oval 500-0524 igure 24 Reinstall the hol er onto the han s ree unit 4 scre s Figure 24: ol er re oval...
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General 890 - 915M re uency range 935 - 960M T R re uency separation R channel ban i th 200k u ber o R channels Speech co ing ull rate perating te perature -20 C to 55 C Handportable Unit 6.2.1 General Unless state these speci ications are ith attery ack S2 itte...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS E ternal C Supply oltage Antenna Ter inal I pe ance 50Ω Antenna S R 2 1 1 R utput o er 2 a i u GSM class 4 Mo ulation GMSK T 0 3 Connection 8 ch T MA oice igiti ing 13kbps R E-LT Trans ission spee...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5. Spurious E issions at the Antenna Connector Limits (dBm) Measurement Video Frequency (MHz) BW (kHz) BW (kHz) Active Mode Idle Mode set ro carrier in T ban set ro T ban e ge 10 0 20 0 30 0 re uency ban s 935 - 960...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.2.3 Rx Characteristics 1. Sensitivity The re erence sensitivity per or ance in ter s o ra e erasure bit error or resi ual bit error rates hichever is appropriate is speci ie in the ollo ing table accor ing to the propagation con ition PROPAGATION CONDITIONS TU50 TU50...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Handsfree Unit This speci ication is applicable to the an s ree Car Kit an Easy it an s ree Car Kit Input voltage 13 8 ver voltage protection peration 2 0A a nor al soun Current consu ption I le o e 150 A a no soun Stan by...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AC Adaptor UK EU 230 AC 10 Input voltage 110 AC 10 100 AC 10 Input current 20 A a i u Type Input plug type Type C-4 C-7 ther Country speci ic utput voltage 6 7 C utput current 600 A a i u Ripple voltage...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Battery Packs 6.7.1 Battery Pack (S2) Type i-M 4 cells eight 80 2g oltage Capacity 650 Ah Storage te perature range -20 to 40 C 6 onths 6.7.2 Battery Pack (S) Type i-M 4 cells eight 90 2g oltage Capacity 600 Ah...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 6 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 6 - 8 Service Manual...
External Testing The G450 unit can be connecte to a co patible personal co puter or electronic a ust ent an ault iagnosis This section provi es a escription o the e uip ent re uire to per or those tasks...
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This unit acts as a base station provi ing all the necessary GSM signalling re uire ents an also provi es GSM signal easuring acilities 7. Channel o So t are This is the test so t are or the G450 unit an shoul be installe onto the personal co puter use or testing Issue 1 Section 7...
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RS232 inter ace cable 9 pin straight through connection GSM test station igure 6 sho s a typical setup or testing the G450 unit The channel bo so t are supplie on loppy isk shoul be installe onto the ain rive o the personal co puter...
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT 2. Ensure that the ollo ing settings are a e Inter ace Unit I 001 o er U position position position o er supply 12 C Channel bo so t are loa e an the screen in icating as sho n igure 7 Figure 7: C Screen SCR 10 450-0707 ress E TER on the C keyboar...
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT 2. Ensure that the ollo ing settings are a e Inter ace Unit I 001 o er position position position o er supply 12 C Channel bo so t are loa e an the screen in icating as sho n igure 9 Figure 9: C Screen SCR 9 450-0707 n the C press E TER...
TEST AND MEASUREMENT 1. At the C change the S T SIM iel to rea E ress E TER 2. At the C change the TEST iel to rea TERM ress E TER The UUT ill po er o n an up again I the UUT is connecte to a GSM test set a ter a elay o appro i ately 5 secon s the UUT ill register service 3.
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT CHANNEL BOX COMMAND INDICATION FUNCTION Sets bu er volu e bet een values 0 to 3 Min to Ma Sets 4 si e tone volu e levels L SI E bet een 0 an -18 Sets 8 MIC volu e levels bet een L MIC 26 an 40 Sets speaker pre-a p volu e...
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT Adjustment Mode NOTE: See section 7 2 1 or a list o the e uip ent an setup proce ures re uire to per or the ollo ing a ust ent an calibration proce ures The ollo ing proce ures MUST be per or e a ter replace ent or repair o one or both o the C s in the han hel unit ailure to o so ay result in incorrect operation o the telephone The ollo ing a ust ents MUST be a e on AR AIRS There are our istinct calibration proce ures to a ust R per or ance These proce ures are...
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT Initial Calibration Target Power Level Peak Power (dBm) Tolerance (dB) Change per dB Value Calibration of output power on each power level To be able to calibrate the ra ping gain it is irst necessary to s itch the unit into Test Mo e section 7 3 This proce ure ust be ollo e or all po er levels L5- L19 or lo e iu an high channels 1.
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT igure 13 At the C press 6 to progra the TRIM or the i channel Figure 13: o er level selection 1 450-0713 igure 14 ighlight the L5 iel an press E TER Figure 14: o er level selection 2 450-0714 8.
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT 7.5.2 RSSI This proce ure escribes the calibration o RSSI on the i channel Mch Ch 62 This process ust be carrie out or Lo Channel Mi Channel an igh Channel The ollo ing channel settings are use in this proce ure 1.
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT igure 17 At the C press 6 an highlight progra TRIM other ress E TER Figure 17: RSSI rea ing 2 450-0717 9. Make the ollo ing calculation RSSI SET ALUE ro step 8 REA I G TE I STE 6 Enter the result into the RSSI M iel or e a ple 1 5 5 20 11.
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT 7.5.3 I and Q Values NOTE: ith the I ch a ust ent proce ures the trans itter ust be set to o er Level 5 this presents the orst case o non-linearity so care ust be taken that the spectru analyser use can accept a signal input o 33 I not an appropriate attenuator ust be use I, Q ch Offsets...
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT Ich check 1. Set Ich o set to 3 At the C press 6 an select TRIM other igure 21 ress ove o n arro until IC SET appears in the iel ress E TER Figure 21: I ata iel selection 450-0721 igure 22 Enter a higher or lo er nu ber as appropriate into the ata iel an press E TER...
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT I Inc Calibration 1. Set Ich o set to 3 see Ich check step 1 Using the spectru analyser easure the carrier leakage ratio I the carrier leakage ratio is greater than 30 c then the unit is K o set calibration is co plete 4.
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT igure 23 Using the spectru analyser easure the i age leak ratio I age leak ratio is the easure ratio o peak po er an the po er at 135k belo peak re uency E a ple peak po er 902 468 h po er at 135k belo peak po er -9 i age leak ratio 33...
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TEST AND MEASUREMENT 7.5.4 Simple Receiver Test The ollo ing proce ure gives a etho by hich the Unit Un er Test UUT can be place into a con ition allo ing the service technician to probe the entire receive R path Input level an re uency can also be speci ie To per or the ollo ing proce ure the UUT ust irst be place into Test Mo e er or the ollo ing steps 1.
TEST AND MEASUREMENT Lock Code NOTE: See section 7 2 1 or a list o the e uip ent an setup proce ures re uire to per or the ollo ing a ust ent an calibration proce ures To per or the ollo ing proce ures the UUT ust be place into Test Mo e 7.6.1 Check current lock code igure 24 At the C press 4 an highlight IE L CK C ITI...
Introduction SIM personalisation ill li it the use o G450 to a single SIM a SIM supplie by one et ork Sub-net ork Service rovi er or a SIM purchase by a co pany corporation I a personalise G450 contains a SIM that is ro a...
CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS Handheld Unit 8.1.1 Logic The logic circuit iagra is split over 3 sheets The ain etails o each sheet is sho n S EET 1 S EET 2 S EET 3 KE A ACKLIG T L GIC C ECT R AU ILIAR Figure 1: Logic ap...
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CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 8.1.2 RF The logic circuit iagra is split over 3 sheets The ain etails o each sheet is sho n S EET 1 S EET 2 S EET 3 I TER- C ECTI AU ILAR Figure 3: R Map 450-0803 The ave or s sho n belo relate to the logic circuit iagra on the ollo ing pages The ave or s sho n are or re erence purposes...
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PCB LAYOUT DIAGRAMS Handsfree Unit LA70326E MCUK970901C8 Section 9 Issue 1 Service Manual 9 - 3 Revision 0...
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PCB LAYOUT DIAGRAMS This page is intentionally blank Issue 1 Section 9 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 9 - 4 Service Manual...
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PARTS LIST 10 PARTS LIST 10.1 Handheld Unit M124 Ref. Parts No Name M125 G4570631A Asse ble R C M0123 G4570630A Asse ble Logic C AS70011A u er ol er Assy E0151 A0101 AA70050A LC Mo ule M0113 E0151 A 70073A i e Antenna T0102 S70016A...
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PARTS LIST 10.2 Handsfree Unit Ref. Parts No Name M0401 5 70086A Cover M0402 6 10031A Speaker net M0441 Speaker M0403 4R8209 packing M0429 Speaker M0404 1 70071A bracket M0405 T 256G Scre M0406 M0401 M0410 5M70076A Case M0411 1 C5819A late M0412 7 70119A...
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E -G450 Logic 10.3 Handheld Replacement Parts List MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks 10.3.1 Logic C026 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p C028 CS U011M156 CA ACIT R E -G450 Logic MODEL NAME C029 CS U011M156 CA ACIT R Ref.
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 4 Service Manual E -G450 Logic E -G450 Logic MODEL NAME MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks C059 ECU 1C104K CA ACIT R...
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E -G450 Logic E -G450 Logic MODEL NAME MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks T0102 S70016A RECEI ER R012 ER 3GE 104 RESIST R 100kΩ R014 ER 3GE 103 RESIST R 10kΩ...
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 6 Service Manual E -G450 Logic E -G450 Logic MODEL NAME MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks R056 ER 3GE 470 RESIST R 47Ω...
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10.3.2 RF E -G450 MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks E -G450 MODEL NAME C150 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks C153 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p AS70011A U ER L ER ASSEM L...
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 8 Service Manual E -G450 E -G450 MODEL NAME MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks C208 ECU 1 030CC CA ACIT R C250...
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E -G450 E -G450 MODEL NAME MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks C325 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R 100p C373 ECU 1 103K CA ACIT R C326 GM1C101 1 T CA ACIT R...
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 10 Service Manual E -G450 E -G450 MODEL NAME MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks L103 LSM00023 U LE ER L302 EL RE4 7 2...
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E -G450 E -G450 MODEL NAME MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks R120 ER 3GE 331 RESIST R 330Ω R251 ER 3GE 683 RESIST R 68kΩ R121 ER 3GE 222 RESIST R...
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 12 Service Manual E -G450 E -G450 MODEL NAME MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks R317 ER 3GE 151 RESIST R 150Ω R416...
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10.3.3 Mechanical E -G450 Mechanical MODEL NAME Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks E -G450 Mechanical MODEL NAME M K001 6C72546A UTER CART Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks M K002 6 70571A UL CUS I 9R4500K RE UR KIT - LACK...
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 14 Service Manual E - 501 E - 501 an s ree Unit an s ree Unit MODEL NAME MODEL NAME E - 450 E - 450 Part No. Description Grid Remarks Part No.
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E - 501 E - 501 an s ree Unit an s ree Unit MODEL NAME MODEL NAME E - 450 E - 450 Part No. Description Grid Remarks Part No. Description Grid Remarks C0376 GM1C220 1 T CA ACIT R L0101 RC 664470K I UCT R...
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 16 Service Manual E - 501 E - 501 an s ree Unit an s ree Unit MODEL NAME MODEL NAME E - 450 E - 450 Part No. Description Grid Remarks Part No.
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E - 501 E - 501 an s ree Unit an s ree Unit MODEL NAME MODEL NAME E - 450 E - 450 Part No. Description Grid Remarks Part No. Description Grid Remarks R0324 E U 2A 15 54 RESIST R R0359 ER 3GE 682...
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 18 Service Manual E - 501 E - 501 an s ree Unit Mechanical MODEL NAME MODEL NAME E - 450 E - 450 Part No. Description Grid Remarks Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks...
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10.4.4 Microphone A ustable Angle E 0001 MODEL NAME racket E M1177 Microphone MODEL NAME art o Ref. Description Grid Remarks M0716 T 425R K SCRE Ref. Part No. Description Grid Remarks M0101 4G31674 MIC L ER M0102 4G32105 MIC L ER 10.4.6 Adjustable Angle Bracket 2 M0103 4R13358...
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Issue 1 Section 10 MCUK970901C8 Revision 0 10 - 20 Service Manual 10.5 Printed Material art nu bers or ocu entation are sho n on page 2-7 2 General In or ation 2 11 ocu entation 10.6 Dual Charger The ual Charger is not a serviceable ite 10.7 DC Adaptor The C A aptor is not a serviceable ite 10.8 PC Card...