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Reconnect Power To The Device; Remove The Xio From The Din Rail - ABB XIO-00 User Manual

Extendable io (xio)
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Reconnect power to the device

Follow this procedure to reconnect the power port terminal connectors or the power cables back into the
XIO. You do not need to rewire if the connectors are not removed from the cables. This procedure
assumes wiring was left intact before terminal connector removal.
NOTICE – Equipment damage. Do not reconnect the external power until all service
procedures are complete. This includes reconnecting all wires, plugs, terminations, and
peripheral equipment. Otherwise, property damage can result. Do not perform this procedure
until you receive instructions to do so.

Remove the XIO from the DIN rail

To remove the XIO from the DIN rail:
Figure 8-36: Remove XIO from DIN rail
Legend: Remove XIO from DIN rail
DIN rail clip
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