The following other standard has been applied:
IEC 61508:2010, parts 1-2/3
IEC 61800-5-2:2016
The product referred in this declaration of conformity fulfils the relevant provisions of other
European Union directives which are notified in a single EU declaration of conformity
Person authorized to compile the technical file 3AXD10000549485 :
Name and address: Jussi Vesti, Hiomotie 13, 00380 Helsinki, Finland
Bangalore, 27 May 2020
Signed for and on behalf of:
AR Madhusudhan
Vice President, MODP
ABB India Limited
The drive is a machinery component that can be integrated into a wide range of
machinery categories as specified in European Commission's Guide to application
of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC 2nd Edition – June 2010 . The declaration
(3AXD10000549855) is available on the Internet. See section Document library on
the Internet on the inside of the back cover.
Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable
electronic safety-related systems
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems –
Part 5-2: Safety requirements - Functional
Laxmikantha shenoy
Manager , Prodcut Engineering
ABB India Limited
Technical data 167
3AXD10000549832 Rev. 3
IMS template code: 3AFE011906, Rev. C