Page 1 Page 1 Tuesday, February 14, 2012 10:42 AM Robert Bosch GmbH Power Tools Division 70745 Leinfelden-Echterdingen GOP Professional Germany 250 CE | 300 SCE 2 609 932 826 (2012.02) T / 50 ASIA en Original instructions cn 正本使用说明书...
Protective equipment such as dust mask, sure that the safety of the power tool is maintained. non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries. 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12) Bosch Power Tools...
6 Plunge saw blade* When working with the machine, always hold it firmly 7 Clamping bolt with spring washer (GOP 250 CE) with both hands and provide for a secure stance. The 8 Allen key power tool is guided more secure with both hands.
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Contact with the application tool/ac- sanding, series sheet cessoriy can lead to injuries. Delta 93 mm* Selecting the Application Tool/Accessory * Optional accessory; for the complete accessories please see Bosch Accessory Material accessory programme. HCS wood seg- Wooden materials,...
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Close SDS lever 12 so that it faces against the housing of the You can use all sanding sheets, fleece pads/polishing cloth power tool. pads of the Delta 93 mm series of Bosch accessory program. Check the tight seating of the application tool/acces- Sanding accessories, such as fleece pads/polishing cloth sory.
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Wait until the machine has come to a standstill before placing it down. Use only original Bosch sanding accessories. Note: Do not cover off the venting slots 3 of the machine while For sanding, always connect the dust extraction.
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Tel.: +63 (2) 870 3871 If the replacement of the supply cord is necessary, this has to Fax: +63 (2) 870 3870 be done by Bosch or an authorized Bosch service agent in or- der to avoid a safety hazard.
들거나 운반하기 전에 , 전원 스위치가 꺼져 있는 지 다시 동 기기 ( 전선이 없는 ) 를 의미합니다 . 확인하십시오 . 전동공구를 운반할 때 전원 스위치에 손가 락을 대거나 전원 스위치가 켜진 상태에서 전원을 연결하 면 사고 위험이 높습니다 . 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12) Bosch Power Tools...
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시 보쉬 순정 부품만을 사용하십시오 . 그렇게 함으로서 기 데도 적당합니다 . 특히 모서리 가까이에서 수평 커팅작업을 기의 안전성을 오래 유지할 수 있습니다 . 하는데 적합합니다 . 이 전동공구는 반드시 보쉬 순정 액세서 리만을 사용하여 작업해야 합니다 . Bosch Power Tools 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12)
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5 손잡이 ( 절연된 손잡이 부위 ) 17 흡입 호스* 6 플런지 톱날 * 18 추출장치 어댑터* 7 스프링 와셔가 있는 고정 볼트 (GOP 250 CE) *도면이나 설명서에 나와있는 액세서리는 표준 공급부품에 속하지 않 8 육각 키 습니다 . 전체 액세서리는 저희 액세서리 프로그램을 참고하십시오 .
Page 25 Page 25 Tuesday, February 14, 2012 10:35 AM | 25 한국어 액세서리 조립하기 / 교환하기 (GOP 250 CE) 세서리의 표시 부분이 위에서 보이게 함 ) 툴 홀더 4 에 끼웁 니다 . 경우에 따라 이미 조립되어 있는 액세서리를 빼내야 합니다 .
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스위치에 “I” 가 보이도록 하십시오 . 일정한 압력으로 작업을 하면 샌딩 페이퍼의 수명을 연장할 전동공구의 스위치를 끄려면 전원 스위치 1 을 뒤로 밀어 스 수 있습니다 . 위치에 “0” 가 보이도록 하십시오 . 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12) Bosch Power Tools...
Berhati-hatilah selalu, perhatikanlah apa yang Anda keselamatan kerja dan petunjuk-petunjuk untuk penggunaan kerjakan dan bekerjalah dengan seksama jika dapat mengakibatkan kontak listrik, kebakaran dan/atau luka- menggunakan perkakas listrik. Janganlah mengguna- luka yang berat. 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12) Bosch Power Tools...
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Janganlah menjangkau di bawah benda luar jangkauan anak-anak. Janganlah mengizinkan yang dikerjakan. Persentuhan dengan mata gergaji bisa orang-orang yang tidak mengenal perkakas listrik ini mengakibatkan luka-luka. atau yang belum membaca petunjuk-petunjuk ini, Bosch Power Tools 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12)
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Jika ada air yang masuk ke dalam perkakas listrik, 6 Mata gergaji untuk pemotongan di tengah* kemungkinan terjadinya kontak listrik menjadi lebih besar. 7 Baut kunci dengan pegas piringan (GOP 250 CE) Janganlah mengoleskan cairan yang mengandung 8 Kunci mur dalam tiner pada permukaan yang akan dikerjakan.
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Delta 93 mm* Pasangkan daun ampelas 11 pada satu sisi dari alas ampelas * aksesori pilihan; aksesori komplit ada dalam program aksesori Bosch. 10 secara rata, kemudian daun ampelas diletakkan pada alas ampelas dan ditekankan pada alas ampelas dengan membuat...
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Anda. penghisapan 17 pada satu mesin penghisap debu (aksesori). Hindarkan debu yang banyak terkumpul di tempat Satu ikhtisar tentang penyambungan pada berbagai mesin kerja. Debu dapat menyulut dengan mudahnya. 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12) Bosch Power Tools...
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Jika bekerja pada alas yang lunak (misalnya kayu), bekerjalah menjadi terlalu panas dan tidak memblok. dengan sudut rendah dan dengan daya tekan yang ringan. Jika tidak, sendok dempul bisa memotong alas. Bosch Power Tools 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12)
{õïc li·t k› dõëi {Éy cß thÚ Jika kabel listrik harus digantikan, pekerjaan ini harus bÔ {i·n giút, gÉy ch¯y vμ/hay bÔ thõêng tŸt nghi›m dilakukan oleh Bosch atau Service Center untuk perkakas trãng. listrik Bosch yang resmi, supaya keselamatan kerja selalu H’y giù...
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Dông cô {i·n c÷m tay {Ïng chöc næng sfi th`m vμo trong m¯y lμm tæng nguy cê bÔ {i·n lμm vi·c tåt vμ an toμn hên theo {Ïng tiøn {é mμ giút. m¯y {õïc thiøt kø. Bosch Power Tools 2 609 932 826 | (14.2.12)
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VŸn hμnh dông cô {i·n vëi cß c¯c cäng tr‡nh cäng céng lÄp {◊t ng÷m c¯c phô ki·n dμnh ri›ng cho m¯y còa Bosch. trong khu vúc lμm vi·c hay li›n h· vëi Cty cäng tr‡nh Cäng céng {Ôa phõêng {Ú nhì hè...