Defl'osting tips Express Favorite recipes Microwave power Microwave-safe SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE to operate this oven with the open-door ol)ei'ation C[lil exposure to microwave not to deti_at or between the oven the door or allow soil or to accumulate on sealing Start ...
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Some products sealed comainers--fbr jars--are able to explode be heated in this oven. Such use of the oven could m Do not mount a sink. m This o_en is not approxed marine rise, m This oxen is UL listed for standard installation.
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Visible bul)l)ling or boiling whrn the (ontaino is n,ml)vMjhmz microwave oven i_ not aN_@s pms_,nt. 7"HIS COULD I?ESULT IN Iq,2RY HOT LIOUII)S SUDI JI'2\"LY BOIlJN( ; o lq_l¢ DTqI'2NTHE C()NTAL\q:d? IS DISTUI_BFd) OR A 57¥)0N OR OTHEI? UTFN_,'II_ 1S L\(_;I'21?TFd) I N-IO...
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A WARNTNG! • The oven and door Speedcooh when oven-safe • Cookware heat transferred cookzoar_ O_en tile cookware. • Do not use coverings, cooking/roasting plastic, 77w turntable must be ir_ wher_ speedcooking. always pla_ e i_sing ltu, oven. • Do not coxer tlle turntable,...
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• Do not use the oxen • If yon use a meat cooking, nlicrowaxe • Some styrofoam meat is packaged metal embedded microwaved, floor of the oven or ignim a paper IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS or microwaxable container on the cleat glass tray to cook food.
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A WARNTNG! SAFE T"Y PRE(_A UT"IONS • Don't narrow-necked carbonamd container up. This can cause the container burst, • Foods cooked pasta) than Should and Cl_'a*fi_*go/'the ove_l section instructions inside • Hot foods and smam can cause burns. containers popcorn boxes.
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MESURES DE SECURITE PP_CA UTIONS POUR I_VITER UNE I_VENTUELLE EXPOSITION EXCESSIVE N'essayez pas de faire flmctionner i/licro-ondes lorsque la porte est O/l\'erte, puisque cela pourrait entrahler exposition nocive micro-ondes, important nejamais essayer modifier le svst_me de verrouillage s_curit_. Ne placez pas d'objets entre la porte surtace...
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MESURES DE SECURITE Ak i_SE Pour r_duire le risque de brhlures, GARDE ! de blessures MES Ut /,S DE SE C URI7"1'2 Veuillez lire les mesures d'utiliser le four. Lors de Futilisation d'appare_s des mesures Veuillez lire et obserxer pour _ite_ excesshe aux micro-ondes...
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MESURES DE SECURITE MISE EN GARDE. t MES URES DE SEC URITE • Gardez accumulation • Faites bien cuire la xiande et la xolaille-- la xiande INTERNE une temp&atnre 180 ° F (83 ° C). Urm preparation Un arc ptul a[)paraio_ durant app_O, ez D F;TINCF2IZ£S La fbm_ _tion d m_ arc est la fi_Con qu'ont...
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MISE EN GARDE! Ustensiles • Le four et la porte chauds de cuisson • Les ustensiles chauds sans danger des aliments. thermor_sistants pour lefour usmnsiles (l culsson • N'utilisez on de sacs de cuisson/r6tisserie rapide d'aluminiunL pour la cuisson rapide. •...
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MESURES DE SECURITE a, il SE EN GARDE! Ustensile As:smvz-vous d'utiliso" d_s ust(_l.dle__de cuisson appmpriA_ _pour la cuisson c) mio>onde_ _. La plupart (l_s_ca.v_z,ml_ de w'rm, de_ plat._ (h. cui.v_on, (h_ /a.v_z_ _ c) me_m_,_;de_ ramequins, de cuisson de la potoJe ou de la po'_velaine ._ans bo_zl'uw ou gla_mv de m_;tal 0 patine m_;lallique p_ver, t a_z" utilis_s.
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MESURES DE SECURITE AHSE EN GARDE! MES Ut 2S DE SE C URIY /, "_ "_ "_ Ne dOcongelez surgel_es Otroit (tout particuliOrement boissons contenant une accumulation conmnant menant Les aliments (comme bouillir aliments Si ceci se produit, directives l'int_rieur Entrefien lllic ro-ondes •...
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Yo u also save time bec au se Adwm ti um ceq u ices n o preheati The inff)cmation A(hantium whenete_ Fill out the Consumer Easy Ways _b Register Your Appliance:' [] Th ro ugh the im_ t ern eta t [] Complete Write \_m can find them open oven door, on the fcont dozun the modal O"...
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Turntable • The turntable rotates to ensure Controls • The oven control contains preset • Turn and press dial makes menu Halogen Lamp and Ceramic Heaters • One 500 watt halogen...
Press the dial to enter the display directions tillle. T/u turntable itmsl alwa3 s be in place it,lzell usin_ ltze oven. Tln, clear glass alit,gO _ be in pla#_ _t,tz_t_ Press Ttle turntable must alwa) s be in ]Aaa u,het* u_ing ttu ov#n.
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PI_-set ,peedcooh TlZe_F_ seDctions Afier I)ressim"' _ the SPEEDCOOK pad, the oven will prompt you to make several selections, such as the example below. ]. Turn the dial mitt 3. Tm'n CHICKE,\, FOOl) J_ IENU appears. Press the dia] to em/ter.
Clear Glass 7)'ay Place on the turntable the microwaxe microwme-safe the tray. must always be in on the oven floor, for a]] Be sure file turntable securely over the spindle of the oven. Metal 7:ray directly on the non-stick...
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Wilh your Adva_6um oven, you ca_ a_& with hig'h-i_te_sityhalog'e_lig'h& ceramicheate_:s a _d co_wa:6o_ heati_g e#me_l; a_d/or _o_we_lional microwavee_e_iO_. SPEEDCOOK/Repeat Last Press this pad to access the pre-set speedcook menu. Press and hold for 3 seconds to repeat the last cooking selection.
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When using speedcook proqrams, dishes will be veo_ hot! [¥ior to the firrt use o/your oven ttu clock must be set. Se_ ttu Advantium Sta'_t ,s_ ction. B@m_ yon beffin, make ._n_ tke turntable your owr_ glass or ceramic cookwan_ if r.eded.
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3 seconds. 2. The last pre-set food will be displayed. If your food needs to cook a bit longer, you can restart the oven by pressing the START/PAUSE pad or selector dial. RI_2SUMP2COOKING will be displayed and the oxen will...
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Select a k)wer setting for thicker fi)ods and fi)ods with high sugar or fat contem (example: cakes, io asts). Speedcooking 4dvanlium Oven L01'!<7_[_ t )_'!<%[, (L) controls ]oweI heateL Select a higher setting to brown foods more on the bottom.
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) or in :I_ Cookbook or Cooking" g'uid_. Cookwar: _:iIl beeon, ko: because q/" ke(,': :ra,_,!jbrr.l jiom :he k.,,:.l jDod. Oven mills will b_ n.&d :o k.ndk, Pktee fi_od dDveU3 on Uze non-,s:iek p_.@:_d:b U. or.. :odo oU..r_,i.s.
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k_vorite edpe-- to enter ([,T_ ([ S(g"Hg l_)zvorite r(?C@g-- to find and use and save up to 30 of your Speedcook or microwave recipes, pre-set Speedcook menu recipes favorite recipe, Once it's done, quickly recall your favorite that ),our food cooks just the way...
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l_vorite J"e(J_)(!-- to c,:dj'ust or ch,c,:nge l_tvorite _'(?€ i[) e-- to de&re To adjust or change stored custom speedcook recipes: Press the F;-kVORITE RECIPES the SPEEDCOOK pad. Turn the dial m_til E4&ORITE RECIPES appears. Press the dial to e_ter. the dial tmtil LD[] [d.
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Custom Recipe Name 7_(J_)eS & ¢ o Speedcooking Cook Power Level Time A dv_i_t_u_z Owe_ Commen{s...
• Do not use cookware of paper, plastic, during a speedcook • When cooking of time, the oven may automatically time, and reduce the power tile ai)i)ropriate tile Sounds air while • (;licks and a fan blowing sounds...
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Convection Convection baking allows you to cook foods the stone way as a conventional oven, using a beating element Baking, to ]'aise the temperature Broiling Any oven temI)emture flom 250°F to 450°F may be set. Broiling allows you to broil foods in the same way as 7basting a conventional oven.
1. Press the YEhRM/PROOF pad. 2. Turn the dial to select PROOF BREAD. Press the dial to enter: The oven starts proofing immediately and shows the amount of proofing time completed. • To avoid lowering the oven...
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{Mng ,fi:atures use pre-set 17"tl('ro_oglT_ selections _--( @. _[ Make ._ the t_zr_'_tab[e clr_d clear gTass tray a_ #_ /dace. Pdace _od or microwavab[e co_taD_er di_w:t[y o_ the clear,q'/ass to cook your f!_od. T]z_,turntable must alwa)s be i_ [dace when using the ov_.
Co_er with a microwave- safe lid or _ented plastic v, rap. Microwaving 4dvan:ium Oven (/_ou .sdec_(dCOOK BY _ _ : • . 7:,lL 1 &_2 :urn :ke dial :o .s_::}u .seco'ndcook :_m_ and p_s.s :1. dial :o _n:_: NO_E': 7b cha_g_"...
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®@ D@_st time [ ... Auto Defrost automatically sets the defrosting times and power levels to give even deflosting resuhs fin. meats, poulti T and fish weighing up to (i pounds. 1. Remo_e ff_od from the package and place it o. a mic-rov, a_e-saf> dish.
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{/.seDEt;7_OST BY FOOD T}7_F.jor meal pou{tr 3 a_d Use [)EFf_O,S'T B Y 7?ME.i0r m0st o,'!_%fi_ze_ ./30ds. m Foods f_ozen in paper or plastic can be time defrosted in the package, but %ods shoukt taken out of the package when using DEI;;_OS'T BY FOOD T}7_E.
Page 34
SeTISOT cooking Do _!ot .,w the 5'e_l,sv>r I+at.>_<stwi<7" 1_7 ,_ue<<<2_o_t on ibe sa,_e./D.d porlio_-- _[ )77(0! ?_%74// _77 ,_Tq_P?>kffy OtJtq>( Oo/ttU] bl.=t.t ,od. 1t/5o¢S , :s =,.Se,.,,,bed @ . Un'jh:_t cou211dow'_i,ti,_eCOOK BY TIME JD,".ddiUo_.d (.oI¢7_ig" i T.a.. The proper containers m,d eovers are essential f_ best sensor eookingo...
Of course, can always continue with COOK BY 77M1:. oc SPEI_DCOOKI N02_': {/':be oven Ls :oo ho: :ke?_ iZwill au:oma:icall 3 cba':_g,_Io Ib_:e cookhgg. might caused it does not indicate with the microwave. Move...
()1 7 7 0NS Purview I... ® @@ @@ @ To remind you that you have food in tile oven, the oven will display COOK TIME COMt>LF.TI_D and beep once a minum until you either open tile oven door...
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Rsi/.,,'.a / Lasf Cool_ fOsun. Dd; D_Ji'.._'tIO' F.od 7}p_" Other Advantium Features ,4dvanlium Oven The display _ill show a description ff)I the progiam you haxe chosen. 5;_ ', Be("/.,( r Y31.m( ,'i(', CloH_ & _ Displ<r _S'p.d ,%7ow Cook 5)'.,(._'d C .ol_ Smr!/P..,se...
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9. Turn the dial to select the hours. Press the dial to emeL An automatic fhn protects the oven flom too much heat h_side the oxe_ ( axitv. It automaticalb turns on at lov,speed if it senses too "much heat.
Page 39
To replace the turntable, place its center over the spindle in the center of the oven and tmn it until it seats i_to place. (Make stHe the sr_ooth side of the tmntat)le is faci_g up and that its center seats securely <m the...
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To Order To order BRYTE ® Stainless Steel Appliance Cleaner, our toll-free nunrber: National Parts Center 800.626.2002 CERAMA BRYTE ® Stainless Steel Appliance Cleaner # PM l OX311 pads scouring direclly o_ the metal bakinff o*_ lwo o/ loa,sli_g"...
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What To Do/Exphnation * This is num_al. The oven senses heat leve! a33d adjusts * When the oven is on, light may be visible a3om3d the doo3 a*3d outer case. * The fhn will autumaticallv when the inter,3al pa3ts c_f the uve,3 have cooled.
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* Press CLEAR/OFF. * Make sure you have e_tered time afte: selectb_g. * Reset cookb_g progiam * This is :_orma]. * Use oven mitts to :emove whe_ ready. * Replace thse or reset circuit menu fl): clock cookh_g a,_d press...
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In the _S_A: receive 800.626.2224 service In Canada: 888. 880.3030 Par_s and Individuals Accessories directh' GE (;-e_ ui _e In the USA: accepted. 800.626.2002 User maintenance In Canada: performed 888.880.3030 persmmeL of your new M.fonogram that if you ever need information be there.
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\_)ur state's Attorney KY 40225 ® Monog em GE Co_Isttmer & t_IdvstriM GE Appliances general Elecnic (;ompany Louisville, KY40225 ge com purchase in materials of a O O e D.C.