Page 8
,iadng Calls (..s fr,li fri: fr"1 I Drahqihe r" numer you di'rd {bd Nunb6rF di'D...
Page 9
Peceiving Ca s I:l Prckns np a cal ror 3omedhe ebe {c'n Pickup)
Page 10
When lhe Dialed Ertension is BusylNo Answel t F.seR'n! . b$y lh. (Auion dk c rrrback Buq) r'j' r L€avin! a ell noriiErron (M6$se waitins) l-rro-"rrm, LjlerC...
Page 11
Ca ing Back I I when vou Eeive a ndiri€rion (M*'qe w,hhs) ?l ooo l c.riiq $inqrhec'r oq 0ncomrns car bs)
Page 12
Dwing a Conversation Irl Prachs a cal on iord ,+b '= 6..s fi,1;...
Page 13
l_ ofl.hdor Montror 0o irl b D* fI H.nd*r MrcroFhone Mu'e li+^ fi,j; @ E E...
Page 14
Duing a Convercation tl P.shs a FeEon and tarcrerhs a cai " . i l @ E @ f AnMinq an announced Prse It" l:::" l E @ O r ! 3 " t E@trliE...
Page 15
Usdul Features I Foruadins vor elb (carr Fo adins) E.;.;;I Ebh-h;n @[-;;r...
Page 25
Sbdng in Speed Dialing dyou.endonfup*rom| - - E @...
Page 26
Stoing in SPe€d Dialing I]]l = !!1113 !!/ll4v!!ll!!:!!!:L 1E@@"" ;;;t lE_ s.'l F66,bh=,---ffi1 1*;:,',i,'!r' r-Ili;ii*:rF41'* iftEiffi"'^' I 0di*ied,!$-*rs Pi*lremGBr l5;'llI|"*E"' ,1" ittll}ffx$l ii?'}i,,*^. *" *g** ili'.s:^,"," = E o P * ! t P E n E r r s o @ i P 4 6 h 6 ",fi ;'.
Page 27
1, sioins n:mes and numbeE in rhe syden a @ E...
Page 28
Wa Mounting t n - d . e - d n i . * q P h ! r -tts .