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Apps Collaboration
Apps (_mtl_# Pl_le
o:oThirdpartyInternet s ervices arenotprovidedbyToshiba, may
change or be discontinued atanytime,andmaybesubjectto
Internet s erviceproviderrestrictions. T oshiba makes no
warranties, representations, or assurances a boutthecontent,
availability, o r functionality ofthird-partycontentor services.
Useof third-partyInternet s ervices mayrequire thecreation of a
separate a ccount t hrougha computer w ithInternet a ccess and/or
payment of one-time and/orrecurring charges and membership.
Notall third-partyservices maybeavailable on or compatible
withthis product.Inorderto experience t hefull suggested
capabilities of this product,fully-compatible devices maybe
TheToshiba A/VRemote AppcanonlybeusedwhenyourTV
andyourtabletor smartphone a reconnected tothe Internet.
o:o TheToshiba Send& PlayApp canonlybe usedwhenyourTV
andyourtabletor smartphone a reconnected tothe Internet.
o:o TheToshiba MediaGuide A ppcanonlybe usedwhenyourTV
andyourtabletor smartphone a reconnected tothe Internet.
Starting andoperation of this servicemaytakeseveral minutes.
o:o Software updates maybe needed in orderto usethis service.
o:o In orderto experience t hefull suggested capabilities of this
product,fully-compatible devices mayberequired.
o:o Certain features maynotbe available in all countries.
AppsControl P rofile
To select tile Apps Control Profile
Press tile MENU button. Select NETWORK,
Device Setup and press tile OK button.
Use tile (A/Y
buttons to select Apps Control Profile
and press tile OK button.
Tile Apps Control Profile window will appear.
Use tile (A/Y arrow) buttons to select Device Registration
Setup and press tile OK button.
Tile Device Registration Setup window will appear.
Use tile (A/Y arrow) buttons to highlight tile Companion
Device ID.
Select the Cancel, All, or Delete buttons.