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GE JSP69 Use And Care & Installation Manual
GE JSP69 Use And Care & Installation Manual

GE JSP69 Use And Care & Installation Manual

Electric slide-in modular range


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;?, , ',. .,.. . . . . , ,, , ', ,,, ,,
,, .,,.,., , , .:,
Electric Sfide=in
Safety Instructions ...................4-7
Anti-Tip Device........................................ 4,46
Operating Instructions, Tps
Aluminum Foil.......................... 6,28,32,
Clock and Timer ................................... 24, 25
Features....................................................... 8,9
Oven .................................................... 26-39
Bating ................................................. 27-29
Broiling,BroilingGuide................... 34,35
Conmlsattings..... 27,29,30,32,34,37,38
Light Bulb Replacement................ 26,43
Roasting, RoastingGuide............... 32,33
Self%leaning Instructions.............36-39
Shelves............. 5,26-28,32,34-36,43
Timed Baking.................................... 29,30
Surface Module Cooking................... 10-23
CanningTips............................................. 23
Coil Surface Unit Module ............... 12,13
Control Settings....................................... 11
Cooktop Comparison............................. 10
Griddle Accessory............................ 20-22
Grill Module ....................................... 17-19
Module Cover.............................................. 3
Modules and Accessories........................ 3
Radiant Module..,..,.......................... 14-16
Problem solver ......................
Thermostat Adjustment–
Do It Yourself............................................ 31
More questions?..,call
GEAnswer C enteP8(J0.626.2000
Care and Cleaning ...................
Coil Surface Unit Module ..........................
Door Removal .............................................. 44
Griddle Accessory....................................... 42
Grill Module .................................................. 42
Radiant Module ........................................... 41
Vent System.......................................... 43,45
Preparation ...........................................
Anti-Tip Device........................................ 4,46
Flooring Under the Range ........................... 7
Leveling............................................................ 7
Installation .................................
Consumer Services ..................59
Appliance Registration................................. 2
Important Phone Numbers....................... 59
Model and Serial Numbers ......................... 2
Warranty ....................................... Back Cover
Model: JSP69



Summary of Contents for GE JSP69

  • Page 1 & hide ;?, , ’,. .,.., ,, , ’, ,,, ,, ,, .,,.,., , , .:, Range Electric Sfide=in Problem solver ...... Safety Instructions ....4-7 56-58 Thermostat Adjustment– Anti-Tip Device........4,46 Do It Yourself..........31 More questions?..,call GEAnswer C enteP8(J0.626.2000 Operating Instructions, Tps...
  • Page 2 NEXT,if you are stillnot pleased,write all the To obtainservice,see the ConsumerServicespagein details-including yourphonenumber—to: the backof this guide. Manager,ConsumerRelations We’reproudof our serviceand want you to be GE Appliances pleased.If for somereasonyou are not happywith AppliancePark the serviceyou receive,here are three stepsto follow Louisville,KY 40225 for furtherhelp.
  • Page 3 See each module section for specific instructions for installing and removing that module. To purchase, contact your nearest GE Appliances dealer or service center. If you need assistance in finding your nearest GE dealer, contact the GE Answer Center@at 800.626.2000. Using Electric Surface Unit Modules...
  • Page 4 WORTAm SME~ mSTRUC~ONS Rwd d imtmctiom beforewing t~ appfiance. I~ORTANT SAFETY NOTICE WAMING–A1l ranges > can tip and injury could result. The CWornia Safe DrinkingWaterand Toxic To prevent accidentaltipping of EnforcementAct requiresthe Governorof the range from abnormalusage, Californiato publisha list of substancesknownto attach it to the wall or floor by the stateto causebirth defectsor otherreproductive installingthe Anti-Tip device...
  • Page 5 When cooking pork, follow the directions DO NOT STORE OR USE COMBUSTWLE exactly and always cook the meat to an intemd MATERIALS,GASOL~E OR OTHER temperatureof at least 170°F.This assures that, FLAWBLE VAPORSAND LIQ~S in the remote possibility that trichina maybe VIC~I~ OF T~S OR ANT OTnR present in the meat, it will be killed and the meat...
  • Page 6 types gbs/@ra* Mrthenware orother *ed mntiers m ~tible fmcooktop tiee; others m ay break of the sudden change in tempera~. poss~tityofbins, ignition .To ~ of flammable materiak,andspfiage,$e Me of a mntainershodd be -ed towardtherenter of the range without extendingover the nearby Stia tits.
  • Page 7 If a combination of oils or fats will be used Avoidscratching the glass cooktop surface. in frying, stir together before heating, or as fats The cooktop can be scratched with items such sharp instruments,or rings or other jewelry melt slowly. and rivets on clothing.
  • Page 8 OFYOm MODW G-uG~Dm See tie ModulesandAwessories sectionfor a listingof modulesavailable. — %111111 @ 7/=,...
  • Page 9 Explainedon page Featureshdex Anti-Mp 4,46 D evice 2 Modeland SerkdNumberP1ati 6,36,44 3 OvenDoor Gasket 4 htenor OvenLight 26,36,42 11,45 5 Modde SurfaceUnit Controls 6 OvenLight Switch Surface Unit“ON hdicatorLightforModdesmen any surfaceunit is on, this light will come on and stay on unti thesurfamunitis turnedoff. 8 Gfll Sheet GriUPan must be in placewhen usingthe grill module 17.21,42 or the gridde module),and Deflector...
  • Page 10 HOW DOES T~S COOKTOP COmAW TO YO~ OLD Om? Yournewmodularcooktopmay haveseveraltypesof cookingsurface units.Youwill noticesomedifferenceswhenyou use each one. The besttypesof cookwareto use, plus heat-upandcool-downtimes, dependsuponthe type of burneror electricsurfaceunityou are using. The followingchart will help you to understandthe differencesamongthe variouscookingsurfaceunits and how they differfromothersyou may haveused in the past.
  • Page 11 S~ACE CONTROLS At both OFF and HI the control“clicks”intoposition.Whencookingin a quietkitchen,you may hear slight“clicking”sounds—anindicationthat the heat settingsyou selectedare beingmaintained. Switchingheats to highersettingsalwaysshowsa quickerchangethan switchingto a lowersetting. How to Set the Controls Push the knob Thecontrolmust be pushedin to sure you turn the control to in and turn in set only from the OFFposition.
  • Page 12 How to Insertthe Module sure thecontrolsare turnedto OFF.To install the module,positionthe electricalplug to face the rear wallof the cooktopopening.Thereyou will see the electricalreceptacle.(A receptacleis availablein eithercooktopopening.)Let the leadingcomersof the modulerest on the cooktop surface. 2. Carefullyslidethe moduleplug towardthe receptacleuntilplugis engagedcompletely in receptacle.Allowthe moduleto fit into the cooktopopening.
  • Page 13 Deep Fat Frying Do not ovetilll cookwarewith fat that may spillover whenaddingfood. Frostyfoodsbubblevigorously. W atchfood fryingat hightemperatures. Keepthe rangeand hoodclean from grease. Wok Cooking Werecommendthatyou Do not use woks that useonly a flat-bottomed have support rings. wok.They are available ..— Use of thesetypesof at your localretail store.
  • Page 14 WDWNT MODULE How to Insert the Module 1. Be surethe controlsare turnedto OFF.To install the module,positiontheelectricalplug to face the rear wallof the cooktopopening.There you will see the electricalreceptacle.A receptacleis availablein eithercooktopopening.Allowthe leadingcornersof the moduleto rest on the cooktopsurface. 2. Carefullyslidethe moduleplugtowardthe receptacle untilplug is engagedcompletelyin the receptacle.
  • Page 15 ~pes of Cookware Stoneware: The followinginformation will help you choose Usable, but not recommended. cookwarewhich will givegood performance. Poor performance.May scratchsurface. Cast Iron: StainlessSteel: Usable, but not recommended. highly recommended good with a sandwichclad bottom.The Poor performance.May scratchsurface. Especially sandwichbottomcombinesthe benefitsof stainless Copper Bottom: steel(appearance, d urability, a nd stability)withthe Goodperformance,but coppermay leaveresidues...
  • Page 16 WDWNT MOD~E (continued) CAUTION Nevercookdirectlyon the glass.Alwaysuse cookware. Alwaysplacethe pan in the centerof the surfaceunit you are cookingon. Do not slidecookwareacrossthe cooktopbecauseit can scratchthe glass. The glassis scratchresistant,not scratch-proof. Do not use the surfaceas a cuttingboard. Plastic and Sugary Spillovers Sugaryspillovers(suchasjellies,fudge,candysyrups) Specialcareshouldbe takenwhenremovinghot or melted plastics can causepittingof the surfaceof...
  • Page 17 How to Assemblethe Gtill Module To insertthe gri~: 1. Be sure the controlsfor the cooktopgrill are 0~. 2. Placethe grillsheetin the centerof the well. 3. Plugthe grillpan intothe well. 4. Placethe deflectoron the grillpan. 5. Graspthe grillelementwith both handsnear the plug.Keepingthe elementas nearlyhotiontal as possible,pushthe plugfidy intothe receptacle to insurecompletecontact.The elementshouldlie...
  • Page 18 MOD~E (continued) NOTE:It is recommendedthatyou havea dry chemical,foam or Halon typefire extinguisherwhereyou can easilyreach it in case of a cooking fire. NEVERUSEWATERON A GREASEFIRE as it is likelyto spread the flames.Readthe instructionson the extinguisheraheadof time and be preparedto followthem in caseof a cookingfire. Grill Tips Do not leavethe grillunattendedwhileit is in use.
  • Page 19 Do not leaverangeunattendedduring“preheat” 3. Beforecookingsteaks,slashfat aroundthe edges @ohs turnedto “~”) or anytimethe bobs are to preventcurlingof meat. turned to “HI” with food on the Grill or Griddle. 4. Suggestedcookingtimes shouldbe used only 1. Preheatat HI settingfor 5 minutesbeforegrilling. as a guide,sincevariablesin food mn change Turnto the heat settingin the guideor your cookingtimes.
  • Page 20 G~DLE ACCESSORY Yournon-stickcoatedgriddleprovidesan extra-largecookingsurface for meats,pancakesor otherfoodsusuallypreparedin a fryingpan or electricskiUet.Youcan also use the gridde as a warmingtray by using a low-heatsetting. How to Assemble the Gtiddle Accesso~ 1. Be sure the controlsare OFF. 2. Plug the grill pan into the well. 3.
  • Page 21 Gtiddle Tips Conditionor “season”the gndde before Foodswhich are high in naturalfat, such as bacon first-timeuse. or sausage,may be startedon a cold gridde. Mostgridded foodsrequirecookingon a preheated Makesure the grillpan is cleanbeforeusing griddle. surfaw,whichmaybe greasedlightlybeforeadding Topreservethe finish,use ordyTeflon”coate~ food.Preheatthe @d&e 5 minutesat HI heatsetting, nylonor woodenspatulasand spoons.Neveruse urdessotherwiseindicatedin the Gndde Cooking the griddlesurfaceas a cuttingboard.
  • Page 22 G~DLE ACCESSORY (continued) Do not leavethe rangeunattendedduring“preheat” 3. Rearrangeor turn foodsover as neededto insure (knobsturnedto “H~) or anytimethe knobsare evencooking. turnedto “H~ with food on the Grillor Gridde. 4. Gridde settingsmay need to be adjustedif the gridde is used for an emendedtime. 1.
  • Page 23 HOWEVER,DO NOTUSELARGEDIAMETER Canningshouldbe done on the Coil SurfaceUnits CANNERSOR OTHERLARGEDIAMETERPOTS or the RadiantUnits only. FOR FRYINGOR BOILINGFOODSOTHER Potsthatextendbeyond1inchof thesurfaceunitarenot THANWATER. M ost syrupor saucemixtures—and recommended f ormostsurfacecooking. H owever, w hen all typesof frying-cook at temperaturesmuch higher canningwitha water-bath or pressure canner, l arger- than boilingwater.Suchtemperaturescould diameter cookwaremaybe used.Thisisbecauseboiting eventuallyharmcooktopsurfacessurroundingthe...
  • Page 24 FEATURESOF YOUROWN CONTROL & 8. CLOCK. Press this pad beforesettingthe clock. 1. CLEAWOFF. P ress this pad to cancelall ovenoperationsexceptclockand timer. To set the clock,first pressthe CLOCKpad. Thenpressthe + or – pad to changethe timeof 2. PROGRAM STATUS.Wordslightup in the day.Pressthe CLOCKpad to start.
  • Page 25 OWN CONTROL, C LOCKAm T~R To Set the Clock Clock 2. Press the+ or – pad to 1. Pressthe CLOCKpad. Theclockmust be set for the set the timeof day. automaticoven timingfunctions CLOCK to workproperly.The time of day cannotbe changedduringa Timed Bakingor a Self-Cleaningcycle.
  • Page 26 BeforeUsing YourOven 3. Readover the informationand tips that follow. 1. Lookat the controls.Be sure you understand how to set themproperly.Readover the directions 4. Keepthis guidehandyso you can refer to it, for the OvenControlsso you understandhow to especiallyduringthe first weeksof usingyour use them.
  • Page 27 BA~G If you thinkan adjustmentis necessary,see the Adjust Do not lock the ovendoortith the latchduring the OvenThermostatsection.It giveseasy Do It baking. The latch is usedfor self-cleaningonly. Yourse~instructions o n how to adjustthe thermostat. Youroven temperatureis controlledvery accurately NOTE: Whenthe oven is hot, the top and outside usingan oven controlsystem.Werecommendthat surfacesof the rangeget hot too.
  • Page 28 BA~G (continued) Baking Pans Pan Placement Use theproperbakingpan.me typeof finishon the For evencookingand properbrowning,theremustbe pan determinesthe amountof browningthatwilloccur. enoughroom for air circulationin the oven.Baking resultswillbe betterif bakingpans are centeredas “ Dark,roughor dullpans absorbheat resultingin a muchas possibleratherthanbeingplacedto the front browner,crispercrust.Use thistypefor pies. or to the back of the oven.
  • Page 29 Don’t Peek Set the timerfor the estimatedcookingtime and do DO NOTopenthe doorto checkuntilthe minimum time. Takeadvantageof the “BigView”windowto notopenthe doorto look at your food.Most recipes provideminimumand mwimum bakingtimes such monitorcookingprogress.Openingthe oven door as “bake30-40minutes.” frequentlyduringcookingallowsheat to escapeand makesbakingtimeslonger.Yourbakingresultsmay dso be affected. BA~G How to Time Bake Do not lock the ovendoorwith the latch...
  • Page 30 BA~G (continued) How to Set Delay Stirt and AutomaticStop 5. Pressthe STOPTIMEpad. The display s;:~ QuickReminder promptsyou to set the StopTimeyou want.It also showstheearliestStopTime 1. Pressthe BA~ pad. you can set. In this example,“5: O @’and 2. Press the+ or – pad to selectthe oven appearin the display.
  • Page 31 ADJUST THE OVEN THERMOSTAT— DO ZTYOURSELF! Youmayfind that your new ovencooksdifferently To Adjust the Thermostat: than the one it replaced.Werecommendthatyou 1. Pressthe BA~ pad. use yournew ovenfor a few weeksto becomemore BAKE familiwwith it, followingthe timesgivenin your recipesas a guide. 2.
  • Page 32 ROAST~G Most meats continue to cook slightly while standing, Do not lock the ovendoorwith the latchduring after being removed from the oven. Standing time roasting.The latchis used for self-cleaningonly. is 10 to 20 minutes.This recommended for roasts Roastingis cookingby dry heat. Tendermeat or allowsroasts to firm up and makesthem easierto poultrycan be roasteduncoveredin youroven.
  • Page 33 Questionsand Answers Q. Is it necessaryto check for donenesswith a Q. Do I need to preheat my oven each time I cook meat thermometer? a roast or poultry? A. Checkingthe finishedinternaltemperatureat A. It is not necessaryto preheatyouroven. the completionof cookingtime is recommended. Q.
  • Page 34 BROm~G Do not lock the oven doorwith the latchwhile Turnthe foodody onceduring broiting. The latch is used for se~-cleaningonly. broiling. T imethe foodsfor the first side accordingto the Broilingis cookingfoodby intenseradiantheatfrom BroflingGuide. the upperbroilelementin the oven.Mostfish and tendercutsof meatcan be broiled.Followthese Turnthe foo~ thenuse the times directions to keepspattering andsmokingto a minimum.
  • Page 35 BROE~G G~E me doorshotid alwaysbe closed. Whenarrangingfood on the pan, do not let fatty edgeshangoverthe sides.~ese couldsoil Nways usea broilerpan andgrid.~ey are designed the oven. to minimizesmokingand spatteringby trapping juices in the shieldedlowerpart of thepan. Frozensteakscanbe broiledby positioningthe ovenshelfat nextlowestshelfpositionand If desire~ marimte meatsor chickenbefore increasingcookingtime givenin this guide broiling,or brushwith barbecuesaucelast 5...
  • Page 36 OPEWT~G T~ SELF-CLEA~G OWN Norrnd CleaningTime:3 hours 2. To avoidheavysmokein the kitchenduringself- QuickReminder: cleaning,wipeup heavysoil on the ovenbottom. (If you use soap,rinse thoroughlybeforeself- 1. Latchthe door. cleaningto preventstaining.)The enamelgrid and 2. Pressthe AUTOSELFCLEANpad. broilerpan may be cleanedin the self-cleanoven. 3. Pressthe INCREASEor DECREASEpad However,to helppreventheavysmokecausedby to set the CleanTime.
  • Page 37 How to Set the Oven for Cleaning 4. Pressthe+ or - pad untildesired QuickReminder: CleanTimeis displayed. 1. Latchthe door. 2. Press the AUTOSELFCLEANpad. 3. Press the+ or – pad to set the CleanTime. If the oven is too hot andyou startto set a clean cycle,the word“0~’...
  • Page 38 OPEWmG T~ SELF-CLEA~G OWN (continued) How to Set Delay Stati of Cleaning Pressthe+ or – pad to enterthe QuickReminder: CleanTime. 1. Latchthe door. 2. Pressthe AUTOSELFCLEANpad. 3. Pressthe+ or – pad untildesiredClean Timeappears. 4. Press the STOPTIMEpad. Press the STOP~E pad.
  • Page 39 Questionsand Answers Q. Whatcausesthe hair-likelines on the enameled Q. If my ovenclockis not set to the correcttime of surfaceof my oven? day,can I still self-cleanmy oven? is a normalcondition,resultingfrom heating This A. If the clockis not set to the correcttime of day and coolingduringcleaning.Theselinesdo not you will not be ableto set a delaycleanto end at a affecthow youroven performs.
  • Page 40 BE SURE ELEC~CAL POWER 1S OFF AND Propercare and cleaningare importantso your range ALL SU~ACES ARE COOL BEFORE will giveyou efficientand satisfactoryservice.Follow CLEANING- P~T OF T~ RANGE. thesedirectionscarefullyin caringfor it to help assure safe and propermaintenance. PomelainEnameledGrill Pan& Deflector Care of Modules Cleanafter everyuse.
  • Page 41 Radiant Modul*Glass Ceramic Cooktop Cleaning SpecialCare: Cleaningof glassceramiccooktopmodulesis Sugaryspillovers(such asjellies, fudge,candy differentfrom cleaninga standardporcelainfinish. syrups)or melted plastics can causepittingof the Tomaintainand protectthe surfaceof your new glass surfaceof yourmodule(not coveredby the warranty) ceramicmodulefollowthesebasic steps. unlessthe spillis removedwhilestillhot. Special Beforeyou use the modulefor the first time,clean care should be takenwhen removinghot it with CookTopCleaningCreme.Thishelpsprotect substances.Followtheseinstructionscarefullyand...
  • Page 42 (continued) Gtiddle Accesso~ Gtil Module After cookinga Cleanthe ml module greasyfoo~ wipe after everyuse. Do the non-stickgridde not ~utthe element whileit is stillwarm intowater.It cleans with a @ Pawr itselfwhen heated -’E’ement towel.B; ~~eful not duringnormaluse. To Deflector to bum yourfingers.When cool,wash the gridde at removeany charred the sink in soap and water.Use a non-metalscouring soil, cleanwith a dry,...
  • Page 43 RemovableDowndraftVentand GreaseFtiter Downdraft vent and filter should be cleaned frequently—after every use is best. Toremove: Lift off the ventgrilland the aluminum greasefilter. Toclean:Cleanthe greasefilter in hot soapywater. It may alsobe cleanedin a dishwasher. Oven Shelves Cleanthe shelveswith an abrasivecleanseror steelwool.After cleaning,rinsethe shelveswith cleanwater and dry with a cleancloth.
  • Page 44 CAW Am CLEA~G (continued) Ltit-Off Oven Door TO CLEANTHEDOOR: The oven dooris removable, Insideof the door: but it is heavy. You may need help removing and replacing Becausethe area insidethe gasketis cleanedduring the door. Do not lift the door by the self cleancycle,you do not need to cleanthis by the handle.
  • Page 45 CleaningUnder the Range Oven VentDuct The areaunderthe rangecan be reachedeasilyfor The ovenis ventedinto the downdraftventductin the cleaningby removingthe storagedrawer. middleof the cooktop.Do not obstructthis opening. Keepthe vent clean.Cleanthe associatedfilter after Do not use the area in this compartmentfor storage. eachuse. Neverplacecombustibleor flammableitemsinsideor near the range.
  • Page 46 WAmING All ranges can tip. Injury could result. the Anti-tip device packed with the range. . See the Instigation Instructions. The Anti-tip device must remain engaged. Stability Device Instillation Instructions 1. On the right sideof the cutoutor installation 3. If mountingintowoodflooring,drill 3/32”holes as locationmeasure5ti”...
  • Page 47 Step 1 BEFORE YOU BEGIN Read these instructions completely and carefu~y. CHOOSE M lNSTMMT!OHLOUTIOW WORT~ Save these instructions for the Choose a ltim based on the foU* lod electricrd inspectors use. 1. The range is designed to be vented outdoors. ~PORT~ OBSERVE ~ GOVE-G...
  • Page 48 Repare the CaMnet Opening Standard Catinetandtiunte~p Height Wdl \ shouldetiend approtiately The range 1%” cabinetfrontto the ovendoorhandle. born the Removeventing kit from the storage drawer. 1“~::.--2 Using the dimensions below and the special countertop conditions in these hstiation Instructions, prepare the cabinet opening, 35”...
  • Page 49 7. %d d ductjoints tigh@ using duct tape. Sfide-k hstiation in a Formed Openingsleftin ductig d dow smoke and odor Countertop with a Backsphsh to e=pe inside the house. Toensure proper ventition, the ductwork must not exceed 60 equivalentfeet 9. For best performance, do not use over three W“...
  • Page 50 TMLE 1 EquivalentNumber Equivalent )uct Pieces Length*x Used = Length Calculate TotalEquhalentDu-ork Len@h 5“ round EquivalentNumber EquNalent 10” to 35” x )uct Pieces Length*x Used = Length transition 37 fi. x( 90° elbow 5“ round R.)i= 6“ round ;:::;d to 3%”x lo” fi.)t= transition straight...
  • Page 51 Step3 Reqtiements for Power Cords Onlya power cord suitableforuse with LINE VOLTAGE AKDOUTLET LOUTION rangesmaybe used. For instigation in a mobfle home, or area where local codes do not permit Clearance for Electrid tinnection grounding tiough the neutral terrnind, a Awire cord must be used.
  • Page 52 Step 5 Step INSTWLIN6 A*WIRE ~WER CORD IHSTWLIH6 A*WIRE HWER CORD Connedonsfor a 3-Wre PowerCord Connationsfor a 4Wlre PowerCord Neutral T ermin+ Neutral T erminaL Conneot w irewith Connedwirewith insulationand PowerTerminals brassterminal (240or 208voh bothsides) Strap (240or 208voltsbothsides) Removethe rear wirecover. Remove the rear wirecover.
  • Page 53 Step 8 Step CONVERTING FROM A +WIRE TOA&WIRE INSTWL THESIDE TRIM (optional) HWER CORD Udesired, the optionalside trim provided can be kstiled on the range. The side trim must be 1. Removethe rear wire cover. instiled above countertop level and tapped 2.
  • Page 54 Step 9 Duct Connection tiou@ the moor 1. Attachthe rubbergasket aroundthe edge of the transitionpiece. me flatside /“\. of the rubbergasket should be on the under side of the ~imble (aRati to tie wdl or floor) transitionpiece. 2. Placethe roundend transitionpieceintothe FlexDud floor.Securethe transitionpieceusingthe 8 screwsprovidedin tie kit YoumustM the edge...
  • Page 55 TROUBLE S HOOTING GUIDE -OVN MD REPUCEMENT OF~GE Ethe Disconnect t he electricalsupplyat the house ventilation system is not operating circuitbreaker. correcfly check the fo~owingitems. 2. Disconnect t he rangeventing. 1. Do the ductig pieces look We the examples in the Duct kn@ Chart? The system should be 3.
  • Page 56 QUESmONS? USE THIS PROBLEMSOLVER PROBLEM POSS~LE CAUSE H the timedisplayflashes% and a nmber,w you havefunctione~or *. “F-AND A _ER= E the functionerrorcodeappearsdtig the se~deting cycle,checkme oven ~ THE DISPLAY doorlatch The latchmay havebeen mov~ even if ody sli@tly,fromthe latchedposition.me sure the latch is moved to the right as far wit til go.
  • Page 57 PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSE OWDOOR WLL * TheovenmustcoolbelowtheI&g ternpera~e. NOTUNLOCK NOT CLEAN *The ovencontrolsare not set properly. CLEAN~~ *HeavEysofiedovem may need to seu+la againor for a Iongerperi~ *Heavyspitioversshotid be claed beforestartingdean cycle. The self<iean cyclehas been seleti but the latchhan~e was not moved ~1the wayto the ri@t Movethe btch han~e.
  • Page 58 Be sure to -nnti powerto tbe mge at the ho~hold ti%ution panelbefore~mpting to servim tie bioweryouBE. needmore help...~ to~free: If you GE Answer Center@ 800.626.2000 consumer kforrnation sefice...
  • Page 59 8aM2&2224 You can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Servicewillstillbe there &er your warranty expires. Purchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you’llreceive a substantial discount. With a multipleyear contract, you’re assured of fiture sefice at today’sprices.
  • Page 60 Staple sales slip or cancelled check YOUR GE ELECTRIC RANGE here. Proof of originalpurchase date WARRANW is needed to obtain se~ice under warranty. FULLONE-YEARWARRAN~ WHAT IS COVERED This warrantyis ehended to the For oneyearfrom dateof original original p urchaser a nd any su-eding...