Updating firmware on HP 6Gb SAS BL Switches
HP 6Gb SAS BL Switch firmware updates can be performed using the Smart Update Firmware
DVD ISO or the HP Virtual SAS Manager (VSM) utility.
Smart Update Firmware DVD ISO and Firmware Release Sets— These tools deliver tested, compatible
sets of firmware for components included in BladeSystem solutions and are designed to help
manage firmware interdependencies between HP BladeSystem Components. These tools use
executable SmartComponent firmware packages. For information about updating firmware using
the Smart Update Firmware DVD or an individual SmartComponent package, see the HP
BladeSystem Firmware Maintenance page:
HP Virtual SAS Manager utility—This utility is embedded in the 6Gb SAS BL Switch firmware and
is the software application used to create hardware-based zone groups to control access to external
SAS storage. The VSM uses an image firmware file (.img). For information about the VSM, see
the HP 6G Virtual SAS Manager User Guide.
When two HP 6Gb SAS BL Switches are installed in the same row of an enclosure, make sure
that they are running the same firmware version.
Regardless of firmware updating method, each HP 6Gb SAS BL Switch must be updated
Before updating switch firmware, HP strongly recommends backing up the configuration for
safekeeping. For more information, see the "VSM Command Line Interface" section of the HP
Virtual SAS Manager User Guide, available on the HP 6Gb SAS BL Switch page of the HP
Manuals website http://www.hp.com/support/manuals.
Regardless of firmware updating method, firmware updates must be performed during a
scheduled maintenance window (single-domain and dual-domain deployments).
Updating HP 6Gb SAS BL Switch firmware in single-domain deployments
The following describes updating firmware using the VSM GUI. For information about updating
HP 6Gb SAS BL Switch firmware using the VSM CLI, see the HP 6G Virtual SAS Manager User
Guide. For information about using the Smart Update Firmware DVD ISO, see
on BladeSystem components and devices" (page
Obtain the latest HP 6Gb SAS BL Switch firmware file from the HP Support Downloads page:
http://www.hp.com/support/downloads. Be sure to obtain the .img firmware file;
SmartComponent firmware updating methods are not used when updating firmware using the
From the workstation with access to both the firmware file and the BladeSystem c-Class
enclosure, access the VSM for the switch.
Click the refresh icon to ensure that you are viewing the most recent status information and
correct any issues before proceeding.
In the VSM, select the Maintain tab, and then click Update Firmware.
A service maintenance window must be opened when updating switch firmware.
Updating firmware on solution devices
"Updating firmware