We do not recommend the use of improvised connections since this can lead to excessive leakage and
potential damage to the aircraft avionics systems.
When all the required pipework has been connected, the ADTS should be turned on as soon as
possible to allow a few minutes for it to reach a stable operating temperature. This is a safe action for
the aircraft regardless of whether the ADTS Touch is connected or not at this time. No changes in pres-
sure will be applied to the aircraft until actively requested. Make the ADTS Touch data connection to
the ADTS, either by Bluetooth® data connection or cable (see section Bluetooth®).
Altimeter and Airspeed Indicator Testing
Limits Protection Checks
The ADTS will automatically power up with the HELICOPTER limits in force. This table enforces the
most restricted control range on the ADTS output pressures, so this default configuration is the safest
of the predefined limit sets if working on small, low speed aircraft.
Consult the AMM to check the approved maximum test ranges for Altitude, Rate of Climb, Airspeed
and Mach for your aircraft.
It is important to have the ADTS limits set correctly configured for the following reasons:
a) Prevents operators mistakenly entering test aims which exceed the aircraft maximums.
b) Provides early real time warnings that ranges and rates are being exceeded (due to Pitot Static
system leak etc.,).
c) Will prevent inadvertent creation of excessive Mach conditions due to selection of inappropriate
altitude and airspeed combinations.
d) Will ensure that the ADTS can successfully reach any extended range test points as required.
Consult the ADTS limits values for the three predefined tables, HELICOPTER, FIXED WING and MAX
AERO in the SETTINGS menu (see section Settings). If a suitable protective limits match cannot be
found in one of the three predefined tables then choose CREATE NEW LIMITS and edit your own
custom limits table name and preferred values from the offered starting values. This protected oper-
ation will require use of the Supervisor PIN code. Any attempt to enter limit values greater than the
ADTS pneumatic control maximums will create a warning to the user requesting a lower value. Before
attempting to create a new custom named limit, first check that there are no more than 4 existing user
named tables. A maximum of 5 only are allowed, but old unused tables can be deleted as required.