Chapter 6: Advanced Features
This chapter explains the operations of the utility functions available in your radio.
Viewing Recent Calls
When and where to use: This feature allows you to view the recent incoming and outgoing call
information of the following call types:
Call Alert
Selective Call
Private Call
Phone Call (Outgoing Only)
NOTICE: The radio can also be preprogrammed to log only the radio IDs associated with
incoming Dispatch Calls. Check with your dealer or system administrator for more information.
Viewing recent calls using the radio menu:
or to Rcnt.
b. Press the Menu Select button directly below Rcnt to access the Recent Calls feature
to scroll through the list.
d. To return to the Home screen, press the Menu Select button directly below Back,
PTT button.
Selecting the Power Level
NOTICE: This feature must be preprogrammed by a qualified radio technician.
When and where to use: This feature enables you to reduce the transmit power level for specific case
that requires a lower power level. You can select the power level at which your radio transmits. The
radio always turns on to the default setting.
Power level Low enables a shorter transmitting distance and to conserve power. Power level High
enables a longer transmitting distance.
Do one of the following to select the power level. You can use the options interchangeably depending
on your preference and the programmed functions.
Selecting the Power Level using the Transmit Power Level switch:
a. Use the preprogrammed Transmit Power Level switch to toggle the power level between
low and high power.
Selecting the Power Level using the radio menu:
or to Pwr.
, or the