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Model 2016 Amplifier/TCA User’s Manual 9231145C 7/01...
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Copyright 2001, Canberra Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. The material in this manual, including all information, pictures, graphics and text, is the property of Canberra Industries, Inc. and is protected by U.S. copyright laws and international copyright conventions. No material in this manual may be reproduced, published, translated, distributed or displayed by any means without written permission from Canberra Industries.
SCA output from each of up to thirty-two 2016’s in a system for routing to an MCA (multichannel analyzer) for window set up. All of this capability is in a single-wide NIM allowing large scale sys- tems to be built compactly.
AIMs (i.e. a 30-element array will require two AIMs, 30 TCAs, one ADC and one HVPS). Software to control the setup of the 2016 and other ICB NIM modules is available un- der Canberra’s Genie-2000/Genie-PC and Genie-VMS software packages. Software setup is provided to control the SCA’s centroid window on all three SCAs, SCA Polar-...
Front Panel Controls 2. Controls and Connectors Front Panel Controls This is a brief description of the front panel controls and connectors. For more detailed information, refer to Appendix A, Specifications. Figure 1 Front Panel Controls and Connectors...
Controls and Connectors Rear Panel Connectors This is a brief description of the rear panel connectors. For more detailed information, refer to Appendix A, Specifications. Figure 2 Rear Panel Connectors...
Internal Controls Internal Controls Amplifier Board This is a brief description of the jumper controls on the Amplifier board; the jumpers are shown in their factory default positions. For more detailed information, refer to Appendix A, Specifications. Figure 3 Amplifier Board Jumpers...
Controls and Connectors TCA Board The proper DAC voltage range is set at the factory with a jumper in position JP5 or position JP6. For proper operation of this unit, this voltage range jumper must not be moved. There should be no jumpers installed in positions JP1, JP2, JP3 and JP4; these posi- tions are for factory testing only.
DOE/ER-00457T will accommodate the Model 2016; the module requires ±24 V, ±12 V and 6 V from the power supply. The right side cover acts as a guide for inserting the instrument. The module is secured in place by turning the two front panel captive screws clockwise un- til finger tight.
Amplifier Setup Before installing the 2016 in a NIM Bin, its internal controls should be set to their de- sired positions. When multiple 2016 TCA modules are being used, each must have a different ICB address.
Pole/zero compensation is critical when using resistive feedback preamplifiers. Pole/zero compensation must be readjusted whenever the shaping time is changed or when the 2016 is connected to a different detector. Refer to “Pole/Zero Matching” on pages 37 and 39 for instructions on adjusting the pole/zero compensation.
Instrument Control Bus (ICB). All 2016 Selected SCA Outputs are connected to an ADC Gate Input. The 2016 Selected Amp Output is connected to an ADC Input. With the ADC configured for Delayed Peak Detect, the 2016 Selected SCA controls ADC conversion, allowing calibration of each 2016 Amplifier/TCA.
ADC Setup ADC Setup Please refer to your ADC user’s manual for specific ADC operating instructions. Set the ADC’s GAIN and RANGE equal to the MCA memory group size. For in- stance, set the GAIN and RANGE to 4096 for an MCA with a 4096 channel memory size.
Installation” on page 47. Conventions 1. Each 2016 defined in the system is assigned a number, from 1 to n (this number is referred to as a channel). 2. Up to sixteen 2016 modules may be connected to each AIM.
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Now the screen shown in Figure 8 will be displayed. Adjust the selected 2016’s gain until the energies of interest are displayed in the selected SCA windows (Figure 8). The RDY LED on the selected module...
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Normally only the “primary SCA” (SCA number 1) needs to be used during Amplifier/TCA calibration. The dialog will disappear; the value(s) will be written to the selected 2016 and MCA memory cleared. If the Apply to all Amp/TCAs check box was selected, the Amp/TCA and SCA parameter adjustments will be applied to all channels (2016’s).
Performing the Gain Normalization 1. When at least one channel has been calibrated, you’ll need to select the Gain Normalization procedure from the 2016 Amp/TCA Software main menu. 2. The procedure starts with the screen in Figure 7, which lets you select a channel to be gain normalized.
When the gain normalization is complete, you can run the TCA Window Setup proce- dure 1. Select TCA Window Setup from the 2016 Amp/TCA Software main menu. 2. The TCA setup proceeds as before. When the screen in Figure 11 appears, the SCA window values can be entered for the energy regions of interest on a channel by channel (or Apply to All) basis.
View Setup Parameters Figure 11 Setting the SCA Parameters View Setup Parameters This menu item lets you look at the SCA setup parameters for any 2016. 1. Select View Setup Parameters from the 2016 Amp/TCA Software main menu. 2. The procedure starts with Figure 7 and proceeds to the screen shown in Figure 12, which displays the parameters for the selected 2016’s three SCAs.
Software Installation” on page 49. Conventions 1. Each 2016 defined in the system is assigned a number, from 1 to n (this number is referred to as a channel). 2. Up to sixteen 2016 modules may be connected to each AIM.
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MCA cursor located at 5.9 keV will be centered on an SCA window with that setting. Pre-Calibration Setup Use an oscilloscope to view the amplifier output of each 2016 module; adjust the gain to give a pulse height that is approximately equal to the source energy divided by the energy range times 10 volts.
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Figure 15. Figure 15 Calibrating the Selected's SCAs Only one SCA is needed to properly calibrate a given 2016 module; centroid/width values for all three SCA’s can be defined/adjusted later using the TCA Window Setup main menu option. Use the calibration screen as...
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Apply to all Amp/TCAs check box at the bottom of the screen should not be selected at this time. e. Press the SET button. Adjust the fine gain on the selected 2016 module to center the calibration peak within the SCA window as viewed on the MVC window.
At this time, you will be returned to Figure 14. Select Previous to return back to the main menu; select Ok to calibration another 2016 channel. For most conditions, only one 2016 channel needs to be calibrated, the remaining channels can be setup via the Gain Normalization process (refer to next section for more details).
(or Apply to All) basis. Upon pressing the Set pushbutton, the dialog will disappear and the value(s) will be written down to the selected 2016 and MCA memory is cleared. If the Apply to All Amp TCA’s check box was selected, the SCA parameter adjustments will be applied to all channels (2016s).
2016 modules via the Download Setup Values main menu selection). View Setup Parameters This menu item lets you look at the SCA setup parameters for any 2016. 1. Select View Setup Parameters from the 2016 Amp/TCA Software main menu.
7. Circuit Description Amplifier The 2016 amplifier includes a differential input stage for polarity selection, followed by a differentiator, three low noise gain amplifier stages, three complex-pole ac- tive-filter stages (optimized for improved pulse symmetry), a gated active baseline re- storer and a unipolar output amplifier providing semi-Gaussian or semi-triangular output pulse shaping.
Circuit Description Gain Stage Stabilizer A dc stabilizer (schematic sheet 2) is provided around the gain stage amplifiers to maintain the dc output at gain AMP 4 near zero volts over a wide range of tempera- tures and count rates. Transconductance amplifier A23 monitors the output of gain AMP 4 with respect to zero volts and generates a correction voltage that is summed in at the input of gain AMP 2.
Amplifier Restorer Gate, Auto Threshold and Auto Rate Baseline correction (schematic sheet 6) is prevented during unipolar output signal in- tervals that exceed the baseline restorer threshold. Comparators A11A and A11B mon- itor the unipolar output signal and disable or gate off the baseline restorer for signals that exceed the automatic positive or negative threshold.
Circuit Description Inhibit Input This input is usually generated during the recovery time associated with TRP or opti- cal reset preamplifiers. During its active pulse width, the automatic threshold deter- mining circuits, the baseline restorer and all SCAs are gated off. Triple Channel Analyzer Computer Controlled Logic Computer control of the Triple Channel Analyzer (TCA) is provided by the Field Pro-...
Triple Channel Analyzer SCA Logic The FPGA uses the signals from the LLD and ULD comparators to determine if an in- put pulse satisfies any of the windows set for the three SCAs. The logic can most eas- ily be described by the timing diagram in Figure 20. If an input causes an LLD crossing without a subsequent ULD detection before the peak is signaled, an SCA pulse can be generated.
Circuit Description Pileup Rejector As count rates increase, the possibility of peak pileup, a peak’s amplitude being dis- torted by a succeeding pulse, increases. PUR logic, which can be enabled through the computer interface, will prevent SCA outputs if there is peak pileup. With this logic enabled, the outputs of the Fast Discriminator, and the LLD, ULD and Peak signals are used.
Triple Channel Analyzer SCA Output Drivers The logic pulses developed in the FPGA are brought through a plug-in buffer board. Three types of boards can be inserted in the 2016: • Fast NIM (negative pulse). • TTL. • TTL with 50 Ω drive.
Specifications A. Specifications Inputs INPUT - Accepts positive or negative tail pulses from an associated preamplifier; am- plitude 10 V divided by the selected gain, 25 V maximum; rise time: less than shaping time constant; decay time constant: 40 µs to ∞; polarity set with internal jumpers; Z kΩ...
Specifications Manual Controls COARSE GAIN - Eight-position rotary switch selects gain factors of x5, x10, x20, x50, x100, x200, x500, x1000. FINE GAIN - Ten-turn locking dial precision potentiometer selects variable gain fac- tor of x0.5 to x1.5; resettability = 0.03%. SFG (Super Fine Gain) - Multi-turn screwdriver potentiometer adjusts fine gain with a resolution of better than 0.0063%.
Power Requirements PULSE SHAPING - Near-Gaussian or near-triangular shape; one differentiator; three active filter integrators realizing eight-pole shaping network. RESTORER - Active gated. SCA NONLINEARITY - <0.25% of full scale. SCA STABILITY - <±0.005%/°C (50 ppm/°C) of full scale. SCA RANGE - 1000:1. SCA PULSE PAIR RESOLUTION - <250 ns using 0.125 µs shaping.
When performing the following manual P/Z matching adjustments, set the scope’s ver- tical sensitivity to 50 mV/div and use a clamp box, such as the Canberra Model LB1502 Schottky Clamp Box, to view the unipolar signal. This will eliminate potential scope overload, and allow precise manual P/Z matching adjustment.
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Performance Adjustments Figure 22 shows the correct setting of the P/Z control. Figures 23 and 24 show under- and over-compensation for the preamplifier decay time constant. As illustrated in Figure 22, the AMP OUT signal should have a clean return to baseline with no bumps, overshoots or undershoots. Figure 22 Correct Pole/Zero Figure 23 Undercompensated Pole/Zero Compensation...
4. Connect the square wave generator’s output to the Preamp’s TEST INPUT. 5. Remove all radioactive sources from the vicinity if the Detector. 6. Using an oscilloscope, monitor the Model 2016’s AMP OUT unipolar signal. Set the scope’s vertical sensitivity to 5 V/div, and adjust the main time base to 0.2 ms/div.
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Performance Adjustments Figure 25 shows the correct setting of the MANUAL P/Z control. Figures 26 and 27 show under- and overcompensation for the preamplifier decay time constant. As illustrated in Figure 25, the unipolar output signal should have a clean baseline with no bumps, overshoots or undershoots.
Baseline Restorer Mode Baseline Restorer Mode The baseline restorer in the Model 2016 is flexible in that both the symmetrical and asymmetrical modes are offered. In the SYMmetrical mode, the restoration currents are identical for above and below the baseline. For the asymmetrical mode, the restorer current above the baseline (referenced to the positive output), is much less than that below the baseline.
The P/Z matching must be recalibrated each time the shaping is changed. Operation With Reset Preamps The Model 2016 is fully compatible with most reset type preamps. These include the Model 2101 Transistor Reset Preamp, the Model 2008 Optical Reset Preamp, and the Model HRR High Rate Reset Preamp.
Using the Reset Preamp Inhibit Signal The preamp reset event produces a large signal, which drives the amplifier into a se- vere overload condition. The Model 2016 recovers from overload events rapidly and monotonically, requiring approximately two non-overload pulse widths to fully re- cover.
This procedure optimizes the discriminator sensitivity to insure the threshold is at its lowest setting, just above the noise level. 1. Adjust the 2016 ICR THRESH control fully clockwise. The ICR RATE LED indicator is off. 2. Adjust the ICR RATE control counterclockwise until the ICR RATE LED indicator glows green continuously if the PUR is off, or red if the PUR is on.
2020 20 channels. But as the amplifier’s pulse shaping is made faster, the ADC gain will drop and the 10 volt pulse will be converted at a lower channel. The 2016’s cir- cuits are better able to respond to amplifier shapes so that it is necessary to calibrate the MCA spectra to the SCA setting.
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Performance Adjustments 5. Adjust this amplifier’s gain until these peaks are seen in the MCA spectrum. The RDY LED of the selected Amplifier/TCA will be blinking. 6. If all modules are to be set for the same energy range, TCA polarity, PUR, and Auto Threshold mode, select “Apply to all Amp/TCAs”.
C. VMS Software Installation To install the Genie-VMS software, log in as SYSTEM and use the VMSINSTAL util- ity: $ @sys$update:vmsinstal TCA mka500: Where: TCA is the name of the installation save set (VAX processors only. Use TCX for Alpha processors). mka500: is the name of the backup device (substitute the appropriate name if mka500: is incorrect).
VMS Software Installation Defining the Detectors To set up detector definitions to use the software, you must have one MCA configura- tion created for each AIM that is connected to an AMP/TCA module. You may have up to two AIMs. The first AIM will be used to communicate with AMP/TCA modules 1 through 16, and the second AIM is used for modules 17 to 32.
1. If you are installing this software as an upgrade, make sure that no Genie-2000 software is running, including the VDM. 2. Put the disk labeled “Genie-2000 2016 Setup Software” in your floppy drive. 3. Open a DOS Prompt (command) window and type x:\setup where “x:”...
Defining the Detectors To set up detector definitions to use the software, use the following guidelines: 1. To use the 2016 Setup software, you must have at least one AIM detector input definition loaded into the VDM’s runtime database (two AIM detector input definitions are required if more than sixteen 2016 modules are being configured).
• Compliant grounding and safety precautions for any internal power distribution • The use of CE compliant accessories such as fans, UPS, etc. Any repairs or maintenance should be performed by a qualified Canberra service representative. Failure to use exact replacement components, or failure to reassemble the unit as delivered, may affect the unit’s compliance with the specified EU...
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Request for Schematics Schematics for this unit are available directly from Canberra. Write, call or FAX: Training and Technical Services Department Canberra Industries 800 Research Parkway, Meriden, CT 06450 Telephone: (800) 255-6370 or (203) 639-2467 FAX: (203) 235-1347 If you would like a set of schematics for this unit, please provide us with the following information.
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DOMESTIC WARRANTY Canberra (we, us, our) warrants to the customer (you, your) that equipment manufactured by us shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment.