Camera menu items (continued)
Error Status screen
E r r o r S tatu s
L e n s
P a n / T i l t
F a n
T e m p e r a t ure
R e t u r n
Lens [No Error, Error]
This displays the error status of the lens.
No Error
The lens is operating normally.
A lens error has occurred.
Pan/Tilt [No Error, Error]
This displays the error status of the pan-tilt drive section.
No Error
The pan-tilt drive section is operating normally.
A pan-tilt drive section error has occurred.
Fan [No Error, Error]
This displays the error status of the fan.
No Error
The fan is operating normally.
A fan error has occurred.
Temperature [No Error, High Temperature, Sensor Error]
This displays the status of temperature related errors.
No Error
Within normal operating temperature range.
Temperature is high.
Sensor Error
The temperature sensor may have malfunctioned.
• When the above errors occur, notification of the errors are sent via
IP/serial to the external device (AW-RP150, etc.), so these errors
can be displayed on the external device.
Return to the previous menu level.
No Error
No Error
No Error
No Error