adjusts the color contrast and brightness of the screen.
adjusts the sharpness of the screen.
Optimizes the screen for crystal clear images. Best for high-definition video or games.
Optimizes the screen for comfortable viewing, with images at the middle level between the low and high modes. Best for uCC or sD videos.
Optimizes the screen for smooth and natural images. Best for still images or images with less movement.
Displays in the most common setting. Disables suPEr rEsOLuTIOn+.
Because this is a function to increase the sharpness of low resolution pictures, it is not recommended to use the function for normal text or for desktop icons. Doing so
may result in unnecessarily high sharpness.
sets the offset level (for HDMI only).
Offset: as a reference for a video signal, this is the darkest color the monitor can display.
Keeps the current contrast ratio of the screen.
Lowers the black levels and raises the white levels from the current contrast ratio of the screen.
adjusts the brightness automatically according to the screen.