Distance-amplitude correction (DAC)
– Select the function TCG/DAC MODE and then TCG
(time-corrected gain). The horizontal line of the time-
corrected gain is displayed in the A-scan and all
echoes are displayed at 80 % screen height.
USM 36
Turning the DAC evaluation off
You can turn the DAC evaluation off any time.
– Switch to the first operating level.
– Select the function group DAC/TCG.
– Press one of the selector keys to display the specific
function groups and functions for the DAC/TCG.
– Select the function group SETUP.
– Select the function TCG/DAC MODE and press one
of the selector keys to turn the DAC evaluation off
(OFF). The DAC curve is no longer displayed in the
N o t e
The DAC curve is not lost by turning the func-
tion off. By turning it on again, you can use
the function TCG/DAC MODE to go back to
the DAC evaluation again without losing any
Issue 2 (12/2013)
5 Operation