Periodic Checks
Direction 5610736-100 Rev. 9
An absolute necessity for a quality assurance program is
establishing baselines for each test or check. Baselines are
established after the system has been verified to be working
properly at installation or after a repair. If a probe or major
assembly is replaced, new baselines should be generated.
Baselines can be made by adjusting system parameters to
prescribed levels or to the best possible image. The key factor to
remember is reproducibility. The same conditions must be
reproduced for each periodic check.
All system parameters not displayed on the monitor should be
recorded for the permanent record.
Periodic checks should be performed in accordance with your
facility's quality assurance requirements. For the data to be
valid, periodic checks should mimic the baseline setup
The resulting image, when scanning the phantom exactly as
before, should be recorded and compared to the baseline.
When a matching image is obtained, it can be assumed that the
system performance has not degraded from the baseline.
If a significant difference between the baseline and periodic
check is noted, double check the system setup and repeat the
test. If the difference between the baseline and periodic check
persists, contact a local Service Representative.
Failing to reproduce the control settings as in the baselines will
introduce errors in the data and potentially invalidate the results.
User Guide
Quality Assurance