Quickstart Guide
ABB PLC and drives integration using Modbus RTU
Go offline by choosing "Logout" from the "Online" menu.
Add more drives (optional)
In the CODESYS "POUs" tab, right‐click the program for your earlier drive and choose "Copy Object", give the new
program a suitable name and double‐click "PLC_PRG". Add the new program to the main program by copying
Network 0001 to Network 0002 and rename the block in Network 0002 to according to your new program.
Double‐click and open the new program. Change "SLAVE" number of the "ACS_COM_MOD_RTU" block according
to the Modbus RTU node address of actual drive.
Continue to add as many drives as you need. If you want to create visualization pages/objects for the additional
drives, make sure that you connect the Placeholders to the function block instances for the correct program (PRG),
"Drive2" in this example.
Modbus RTU
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PLC and drives integration