All calls
This menu allows you to view all of the
missed, received, and dialled call records.
You can make a call, or send a message
to the number you have selected from
the records. You can also save the
number in the Contacts.
Received video call
Dialled video cal
Missed video call
Reject video call
Received voice call
Dialled voice call
Missed voice call
Reject voice call
Received skype call
Dialled skype call
Missed skype call
Reject skype call
Dialled calls
Allows you to view dialled call records,
make a call, send a message and save
the number.
Received calls
Allows you to view received call records,
make a call, send a message and save the
number in the Contacts.
Missed calls
Allows you to view missed call records,
make a call, send a message and save the
number in the Contacts.