Philips hmp2500t hd media player user manual (32 pages)
Summary of Contents for Philips HMP3011
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Register your product and get support at HMP3011 English...
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Please refer to the safety information before using the product. ZH-CN Trademark notice +'0, WKH +'0, ORJR DQG +LJK'HÀQLWLRQ 0XOWLPHGLD ,QWHUIDFH DUH WUDGHPDUNV RU UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUNV RI +'0, licensing LLC in the United States and other countries. 0DQXIDFWXUHG XQGHU OLFHQVH IURP 'ROE\ /DERUDWRULHV 'ROE\ DQG WKH GRXEOH' V\PERO DUH WUDGHPDUNV RI 'ROE\ Laboratories.
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Register your product and get support at HMP3000...
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Safety and notice Read and understand all instructions before you use this player. If damage is caused by failure to follow the instructions, the warranty does not apply. Safety 5LVN RI HOHFWULF VKRFN RU ÀUH Never expose the product and accessories to rain or water. Never place liquid containers, such as vases, near the product.
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.RQLQNOLMNH 3KLOLSV (OHFWURQLFV 19 6SHFLÀFDWLRQV DUH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH ZLWKRXW QRWLFH 7UDGHPDUNV DUH WKH SURSHUW\ RI .RQLQNOLMNH 3KLOLSV (OHFWURQLFV 19 or their respective owners. Philips reserves the right to change products at any time without being obliged to adjust earlier supplies accordingly.
1 Control and play Use your remote control to control the play. Function Buttons / Actions Stop the play. Pause or resume the play. 6NLS WR WKH SUHYLRXVQH[W PHGLD ÀOH Return to the home page. Zoom in or out. Press repeatedly.
2 Options During play, press to access the option items. Video options [Subtitle]: Adjust subtitle settings. Press to select an item and to adjust values. Then press OK to FRQÀUP [Audio]: Select an audio language. [GOTO] 6NLS SOD\ WR WKH VSHFLÀF WLPH 3UHVV to select an item and / to adjust values.
4 File management <RX FDQ PDQDJH PHGLD ÀOHV RQ WKH VWRUDJH GHYLFH Basic operations CARD SETUP Folder Movies Music Photos Press Select [USB]/ [CARD] >[Folder]. Press OK to go to the partition of the USB/SD storage device. Press WR VHOHFW D ÀOH RU IROGHU DQG SUHVV [Edit]. »...
5 Settings You can change settings of this player in the setup menu. CARD SETUP System Audio Video EasyLink MISC Press Select [Setup] and press OK WR FRQÀUP » The setup menu is displayed. » Press to select a menu item or setting option. »...
One Touch Standby When you switch a connected device (for example TV) to the standby mode with its own remote control, this player switches to the standby mode automatically. Note Philips does not guarantee 100% interoperability with all HDMI CEC devices.
7 Troubleshooting ,I \RX FRQWDFW 3KLOLSV \RX ZLOO EH DVNHG IRU WKH PRGHO DQG VHULDO QXPEHU RI WKLV SOD\HU 7KH PRGHO QXPEHU DQG VHULDO number are at the bottom of this player. Write the numbers here: Model No. __________________________ Serial No. ___________________________ No picture.
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Power consumption in standby mode: < 1 W Power Adapter Power supply rating: AC 100V-240V 50Hz / 60Hz Output: DC 9V 1.1A Brand: Philips Model No: SSW-1918CN-1 Accessories Main unit Remote control ...
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7+,6 62)7:$5( (1' 86(5 /,&(16( $*5((0(17 ´7+,6 $*5((0(17µ ,6 $ /(*$/ $1' %,1',1* AGREEMENT BET WEEN YOU (EITHER AN INDIVIDUAL OR ENTIT Y ) AND PHILIPS CONSUMER /,)(67 </( %9 $ '87&+ /,0,7(' /,$%,/,7 < &203$1< :,7+ ,76 35,1&,3$/ 2)),&( $7 +,*+ TECH CAMPUS 37, 5656 AE EINDHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDS AND ITS SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES (INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY “PHILIPS”).
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8SJUDGH LV UHTXLUHG DQG WKHQ DVN IRU \RXU FRQVHQW EHIRUH WKH :0'50 8SJUDGH LV GRZQORDGHG :0 DRM Software built by Philips may do the same. If you decline the upgrade, you will not be able to access Secure Content that requires the WM-DRM Upgrade; however, you will still be able to access unprotected content and Secure Content that does not require the upgrade.
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2) 7+( 35,&( $&78$//< 3$,' %< <28 )25 7+( 62)7:$5( 25 ),9( 3281'6 67(5/,1* 12. Trademarks. Cer tain of the product and Philips names used in this Agreement, the Software, and the SULQWHG XVHU GRFXPHQWDWLRQ PD\ FRQVWLWXWH WUDGHPDUNV RI WKH 3KLOLSV LWV OLFHQVRUV RU RWKHU WKLUG SDUWLHV <RX DUH QRW DXWKRUL]HG WR XVH DQ\ VXFK WUDGHPDUNV 13.
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Linux/MIPS is a port of Linux to the MIPS architecture. It is available under the terms of GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full Open Source Software the GNU General Public License.
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• e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Obtaining An Explicit License To Use SQLite have already sent this user a copy.