PREFAcE Preface The described hard- and software are developments of the KEB Automation KG. The enclosed documents correspond to conditions valid at printing. Misprint, mistakes and technical changes reserved. Signal words and symbols Certain operations can cause hazards during the installation, operation or thereafter.
The customer may use the instruction manual as well as further documents or parts from it for internal purposes. Copyrights are with KEB Automation KG and remain valid in its entirety. Other wordmarks or/and logos are trademarks (™) or registered trademarks (®) of their...
3.3 Node switch (x16, x1) ........................15 4 Software................ 16 Fundamentals of the KEb PROFINET interface connection ..........16 PROFINET acyclic data (parameter channel) according to PROFIdrive ....... 16 4.2.1 Parameter addressing with 16-Bit PNU plus 16 Bit Subindex (PROFIdrive) ...... 19 4.2.2 Set-addressing with subindex ....................
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TAbLE OF cONTENTS 4.3.7 Process data mapping ......................27 4.3.8 Fieldbus watchdog ......................28 4.3.9 PROFINET alarms ......................28 4.3.10 PROFINET-Name (DCP-Set) ................... 28 4.3.11 Identification of a device by flashing LED (DCP-set) ............30 5 Diagnosis..............31 5.1 Diagnosis via the diagnostic interface (X6b) ................31 5.2 Diagnosis via the second EtherNet interface parallel to PROFINET (X6c/X6D) ...... 31 6 Project Design and Unit Description with GSDML File 33 7 Operator Parameters ...........
Figure 9: PROFINET system ......................61 Figure 10: Graphical view of the PROFINET communication ............62 Figure 11: Set KEB slave as Sync slave ................... 63 Figure 12: Set synchronization role....................64 Figure 13: Selection of the transmission clock .................. 64 Figure 14: Synchronous alarms ......................
LIST OF TAbLES List of Tables Table 1: Overview of the operator....................13 Table 2: Description of the LEDs ....................14 Table 3: Description of the slots..................... 33 Table 4: Extended slot 3 ........................33...
Hazards and risks through ignorance. ► Read the instruction manual ! ► Observe the safety and warning instructions ! ► If anything is unclear, please contact KEB Automation KG ! 1.1 Target group This instruction manual is determined exclusively for electrical personnel. Electrical per- sonnel for the purpose of this instruction manual must have the following qualifications: •...
bASIc SAFETy INSTRUcTIONS 1.3 Electrical connection DANGER Voltage at the terminals and in the device ! Danger to life due to electric shock ! ► For any work on the unit switch off the supply voltage and secure it against switching on. ►...
PROFINET-IO slave interface. The F5 PROFINET operator is integrated into the drive converter housing by simple plug-in and fits into all F5 units. Here it concerns to an intel- ligent interface which controls the data transfer from PROFINET to the drive converter control and reverse. The data are internally transferred via the KEB own serial protocol named HSP5. 2.1 Intended use The KEB COMBIVERT serves exclusively for the control and regulation of three-phase motors.
PRODUcT DEScRIPTION 2.3 List of literature [1]: Application Layer Protocol for decentralized periphery and distributed automation Specification for PROFINET V2.2 [2]: Application Layer Services for decentralized periphery and distributed automation Specification for PROFINET V2.2 [3]: Profile Drive Technology PROFIdrive Technical Specification for PROFIBUS and PROFINET V4.1 [4]: GSDML Specification for PROFINET IO V2.10 [5]: Application manual of the used drive converter control.
OVERVIEW OF THE cONTROL ELEMENTS 3 Hardware 3.1 Overview of the control elements Overview Type Description LED1 PROFINET communication LED2 Acyclic data access LED3 Process data LED4 PROFINET link LED5 Identification LED6 Error display LED3 LED4 Diagnostic interface LED1 LED6 LED5 LED2 High nibble of the node switch...
OFF) converter Double blinking (200ms Fatal error during initialization. No func- ON/200ms OFF/200ms tion of the operator! ON/1000ms OFF) Can occur e.g.: - no valid KEB MAC address assigned. - inconsistent configuration. Constantly on No error Table 2: Description of the LEDs...
(reset to default) IP gateway: 242…253 / F2h…FDh Last stored name. Last stored values. IP adddress: 254 / FEh empty IP mask: (KEB production test) IP gateway: 255 / FFh Last stored name. Last stored values. Delivered condition...
The KEB F5 PROFINET operator supports the coding of the acyclic services according to PROFIdrive profile also called Base Mode Parameter Access. However this applies only for the data transfer, not for the content or the coding. That means the KEB F5 PROFINET interface connection does not support parameters according to PROFIdrive profile, but only the transport mechanism. In the following only the essential information...
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PROFINET AcycLIc DATA (PARAMETER cHANNEL) AccORDING TO PROFIDRIVE Parameter request: Block-Definition Byte n Byte n+1 Request Header Request Reference Request ID Axis-No. No. of parameters = n 1st parameter address Attribute No. of elements Parameter Number (PNU) Subindex n th parameter address Attribute No.
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PROFINET AcycLIc DATA (PARAMETER cHANNEL) AccORDING TO PROFIDRIVE No. of elements: =1 Parameter number (PNU): Addressing of the parameter (see below) Format: Value Meaning Boolean Integer8 Integer16 Integer32 Unsigned8 Unsigned16 Unsigned32 Byte Word DWord Error The F5 PROFINET operator returns all parameters during reading with format = 4. Also the master can preset all parameters during writing with format = 4.
Parameters of the drive converter control and operator with PNU = KEB-Parameter-Address (*1). KEB uses the subin- dex for set-addressing. Parameters of the operator always start at PNU = XX80h (*1) The KEB parameter address can be found here or in [5]. It is also possible to display the KEB parameter address in the KEB start-up software COMBIVIS (more information see annex).
The PROFINET subindex is used for set-addressing for all KEB parameters. A param- eter that contains more than one value is called set-programmable at KEB. These pa- rameters have always eight different values. The 1st value is addressed via set 0 and the last value via set 7.
4.3 Differences between normal and synchronous mode The KEB F5 PROFINET operator supports the synchronous mode from software ver- sion 2.6. This is a special communication between operator and drive converter control and is completely independent of the PROFINET communication. However, an active synchronous mode is the precondition for a synchronization of PROFINET-IRT com- munication and internal control software.
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DIFFERENcES bETWEEN NORMAL AND SyNcHRONOUS MODE Feature Normal mode Synchronous mode Maximum PD transfer rate at 8 Byte PD data 1000 µs (*2) 2000 µs (*3) (*1) Maximum PD transfer rate at 16 Byte PD data 2000 µs (*2) 2000 µs (*3) (*1) Acyclic ProfiNet communication fully supported fully supported Diagnosis via the diagnostic interface (X6B) fully supported fully supported...
By means of process data communication new process output data (PDOUT) can be sent to the KEB PROFINET slave and the actual process input data (PDIN) can be determined. Which parameters concern to the data is determined by the process data mapping in the frequency inverter control.
DIFFERENcES bETWEEN NORMAL AND SyNcHRONOUS MODE The operator determines the cycle time of the synchronization signal and indicates it in the value of parameter Fb03: RealSyncCycleTime (see below). IRT-Synchr. int. Fb02 Communication Pdout Pdin Figure 1: Cycle time of the synchronization signal-- 4.3.4 Process data communication (asynchronous mode) The process data assignment is determined by the parameters of the sy-group in the drive converter control. In normal mode only 8 bytes process data can be transferred in...
DIFFERENcES bETWEEN NORMAL AND SyNcHRONOUS MODE Basically the two PDO units are realized separately from each other. The KEB-F5- PROFINET-RT operator executes the necessary process data communication to the drive converter control one after another, since this communication must be done via the internal serial connection.
KEB control word. • Pr.01 ← Sy.42, Sy.51: The KEB status word high and low is converted to Drc_Sta- tusword according to DRIVECOM profile. The DRIVECOM state machine of the operator determines the values of the Drc_Statusword from the values of the KEB status word. • Pr.02 → Sy.52: Pr.02 is directly mapped to the KEB setpoint speed • Pr.03 ← PP.00: PP.00 is directly mapped to Pr.03 •...
DIFFERENcES bETWEEN NORMAL AND SyNcHRONOUS MODE 4.3.7 Process data mapping The process data mapping is preset in the drive converter control via the appropriate parameters of the Sy group (normal mode) or parameters of the pd group (synchronous mode). The structure of the process data is additionally adjusted in the operator via parameters PDOUT1_Hsp5Service, PDOUT2_Hsp5Service and PDIN1_Hsp5Service as well as PDIN2_Hsp5Service (see below).
4.3.9 PROFINET alarms The KEB-F5 PROFINET operator supports alarms (from software V2.9).This function- ality is switched off by default and is activated via parameter Fb01 FBS Config.Bit7, if required. When the alarm is activated, the operator monitors the value of the drive converter parameter ru.00 „inverter state“.If there is an error in the drive converter (ru.00...
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PROFINET-Ip-Addr = • PROFINET-Ip-Mask = • PROFINET-Ip-Gateway = 244...253 Reserved These values are reserved for future special configurations KEBProdTest Special configuration for KEB production test: • PROFINET-Name = ‚‘ • PROFINET-Ip-Addr = • PROFINET-Ip-Mask = • PROFINET-Ip-Gateway = UseSavedNoS Use the last stored as PROFINET name...
4.3.11 Identification of a device by flashing LED (DCP-set) PROFINET defines a special service for easy find out of a special device. This belongs to the Discovery and basic Configuration (DCP) protocol. The flashing of a LED on the device in a predefined flash patterns can be started and stopped via the DCP set service. The device is addressed via its MAC address (OS10). At KEB F5 PROFINET operator the LED5 serves to this end.
Here the serial interface of a PC is connected with the diagnostic interface (X6B) of the KEB F5 PROFINET operator with a special HSP5 cable (see order data). All parameters of the drive converter control and the operator can be responded with the start-up soft- ware KEB COMBIVIS.
DIAGNOSIS VIA THE SEcOND ETHERNET INTERFAcE PARALLEL TO PROFINET (X6c/X6D) By setting the last digit of the host IP address to value = 255 in the IP configuration of COMBIVIS one ensures that COMBIVIS can address several connected IP devices whose IP address is in the range 192.10.1.x. Figure 3: Address several IP devices If configured by way COMBIVIS addresses the devices via the IP address 192.10.1.x, where x corresponds to the configured node address. The used node address by COM- BIVIS for addressing the unit must agree with the adjusted value of parameter Din-...
6 Project Design and Unit Description with GSDML File A GSDML file is specified as technical manual for PROFINET (see [4]). KEB provides such a technical manual file for the PROFINET slaves. This file is in most cases nec- essary for a PROFINET configuring tool. The actual version of the KEB F5 PROFINET GSDML file contains no object dictionary and therefore it is not drive converter unit-type dependent. At PROFINET all slaves contain slots and these slots have one or more subslots. Mod- ule/submodule combinations can be plugged into these slots/subslot combinations. The project design in case of the F5 PROFINET operator applies as follows: Slot 0 Is always available and can not be changed.
Firmware version of the PROF- INET-Asics 018Ch 0 OS12 Serial Number Uint32 Serial number of the operator 018Dh 0 OS13 QS number Uint16 KEB internal 018Eh 0 OS14 NodeSwitchVal Uint8 Value of the two hex coding switches at the front of the operator 018Fh OS15 Pnet_IPAddress Uint32...
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0284h Fb04 FBS Command Uint16 Setting of certain commands to the F5 PROFINET operator. 0285h Fb05 PDOUT1_Hsp5Service Uint8 Service number for the KEB internal protocol for reading the first 8 bytes PDOUT data 0286h Fb06 PDIN1_Hsp5Service Uint8 Service number for the KEB internal protocol for reading the first 8 bytes PDIN data...
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PARAMETER OVERVIEW Sub-In- Internal Name Meaning dex (*1) data type 0290h Fb16 Pdout_DW2 Uint32 Actual PDOUT data bytes 4…7 0291h Fb17 Pdout_DW3 Uint32 Actual PDOUT data bytes 8…11 0292h Fb18 Pdout_DW4 Uint32 Actual PDOUT data bytes 12…15 0293h Fb19 PdinEvCnt Uint32 Counts the events of updated PDIN data 0294h Fb20...
Parameter number (PNU): 0181h Subindex: Data type: Int16 Coding: KEB internal Standard value: Level4 password Note: Written and countercheck value are not identical. Currently the password level has no effect on the functionality of the operator and thus has no impor- tance for the user.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION OS05 Name: Diag baud rate Meaning Indicates the adjusted transmission speed of the diagnostic interface (X6B). Parameter number (PNU): 0185h Subindex: Data type: Uint8 Coding: 0: 1200 Bit/s 1: 2400 Bit/s 2: 4800 Bit/s 3: 9600 Bit/s 4: 19200 Bit/s 5: 38400 Bit/s 6: 55500 Bit/s Standard value:...
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION OS11 Name: NetX_FwVersion Meaning Indicates the actual loaded firmware version of the installed ProfiNet Asics. Parameter number (PNU): 018Bh Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: Standard value: Depending on the delivered PROFINET firmware version Note: OS12 Name: Serial number (IM) Meaning Indicates the serial number of the F5 ProfiNet operator. Parameter number (PNU): 018Ch Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: Standard value: Note: The suffix (IM) in the parameter name indicates that this value is part of the identification and maintenance parameters.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION OS16 Name: Din66019SlvAddr Meaning Slave address of the F5 PROFINET operator for communication via KEB COMBIVIS with TCP/UDP Parameter number (PNU): 0190h Subindex: Data type: Uint8 Coding: Standard value: Depending on the setting in OS15 Note: This parameter is write protected in the actual software. The value is deter- mined by the least significant byte of the Pnet_IPAddress (OS15).
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION OS20 Name: Order_Id (IM) Meaning The order number of the KEB F5 PROFINET operator as long character string (20 characters). Divided into five 32-bit values , each with 4 characters. Parameter number (PNU): 0194h Subindex: 1: Character 1 to 4 2: Character 5 to 8 4: Character 9 to 12 8: Character 13 to 16...
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Data type: Uint16 Coding: Standard value: Note: This value is constant 1 OS24 Name: Profile_Id (IM) Meaning Profile-ID of the F5 PROFINET operator. Although the KEB F5 PROFINET operator operates with respect to the acyclic communication to the PROFID- RIVE profile, it is assigned to the group of Generic device units, because it does not support any parameters according to PROFIDRIVE specification. Parameter number (PNU): 0198h Subindex: Data type: Uint16 Coding:...
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION OS26 Name: Pnet_IPMask Meaning Indicates the actual IP mask of the F5 PROFINET operator. Parameter number (PNU): 019Ah Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: 4-byte IP-Mask Standard value: Note: The last assigned IP mask by the PROFINET controller is stored non-volatile and remains active at the next start-up.From software V3.2 the value of this parameter can also be written via diagnostic interface.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb01 Name: FBS Config Meaning Some configuration settings of the F5 PROFINET operator Parameter number (PNU): 0281h Subindex: Data type: Uint16 Coding: b15…b7 Pnet_ Enable_ Use_De- PDAPI_ Disable_ Sync- IRT_En- SubIdx_ PDMap fault_ Disable NetX_ Mode_ able Linear PDMap Reset Enable bit0 = 1 IRT_Enable: In preparation bit1 = 1 SyncMode_Enable: Enables the internal cyclic communication.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb02 Name: DelayTimeSyncToAppllrq Meaning Is only relevant for the synchronous communication mode (PROFINET IO/ IRT). This parameter defines the delay time between PROFINET-Sync-Sig- nal and communication interrupt. Parameter number (PNU): 0282h Subindex: Data type: Uint16 Coding: 1 µs Standard value: 500 µs Note: A changed value is stored immediately active and non-volatile. Fb03 Name: RealSynccycleTime...
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb05 Name: PDOUT1_Hsp5Service Meaning The adjustment of this parameter is only relevant for the normal mode. Indi- cates the service code for the KEB internal protocol HSP5 to output the first 8 PDOUT data byte from the operator to the drive converter control. The val- ue must be suitable adjusted to the PDOUT mapping in the drive converter. Parameter number (PNU): 0285h Subindex: Data type:...
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PDOUT2_Hsp5Service Meaning The adjustment of this parameter is only relevant for the normal mode. Indicates the service code for the KEB internal protocol HSP5 to output the second 8 PDOUT data byte from the operator to the drive converter control, if activated. The value must be suitable adjusted to the PDOUT mapping in the drive converter.
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Meaning The adjustment of this parameter is only relevant for the normal mode. Indicates the service code for the KEB internal protocol HSP5 to read the second 8 PDIN data byte from the operator to the drive converter control, if activated. The value must be suitable adjusted to the PDIN mapping in the drive converter.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb11 Name: cfgNrPDOUTS Meaning This parameter has two meanings. In mormal mode, the value of this param- eter indicates how many PDOUT units are activated internally. Each inter- nal PDOUT unit transfer 8 bytes PDOUT data in normal mode. Additionally the parameter determines which PDOUT submodule is configured in slot2. The adjustment of this parameter must agree with the project design in the PROFINET controller.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb13 Name: ActiveNrPDOUTS Meaning Indicates the number of active PDOUT units in normal mode.The value of this parameter usually corresponds to the value of FB11. The cause that the two parameter values differ is that the connected drive converter control supports only one PDOUT unit.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb16 Name: Pdout_Dw2 Meaning Displays the last received second double word (32 bit) of the PDOUT data. Parameter number (PNU): 0290h Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: Standard value: Note: The value of this parameter can only be read. Fb17 Name: Pdout_Dw3...
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb19 Name: PdinEvcnt Meaning Counts the events that new PDIN data to the PROFINET have been updat- Parameter number (PNU): 0293h Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: Standard value: Note: The value of this parameter can only be read. Fb20 Name: Pdin_Dw1...
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb23 Name: Pdin_Dw4 Meaning Displays the last transmitted 4th double word (32 bit) of the PDIN data. Parameter number (PNU): 0297h Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: Standard value: Note: The value of this parameter can only be read. Fb24 Name: ProjSynccycleTime...
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb26 Name: ProjDiffTimePDOUT Meaning Indicates at active PROFINET IO/IRT communication the master projected set-up time where the PDOUT data shall be accepted. Parameter number (PNU): 029Ah Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: 1 µs Standard value: 0 µs Note: The value of this parameter can only be read.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb28 Name: 1st PDOUT map Meaning Specifies the PDOUT mapping. The parameter is set-programmable. Parameter number (PNU): 029Ch Subindex: Subindex Bit-coded Linear Meaning FBS Config.Bit6 = 0 FBS Config.Bit6 = 1 addressed the 1th mapping addressed the 1th mapping addressed the 2nd mapping addressed the 3rd mapping addressed the 4th mapping addressed the 5th mapping addressed the 6th mapping addressed the 7th mapping...
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb29 Name: 1st PDOUT map count Meaning Indicates how much PDOUT mapping entries shall be activated in 1st PD- OUT1 map. Parameter number (PNU): 029Dh Subindex: Data type: Uint8 Coding: Standard value: Note: A changed value is stored immediately active and non-volatile. Fb30 Name: 1st PDIN map...
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb32 Name: Pnet_PDOUT_Config Meaning Specifies the required PROFINET PDOUT configuration Parameter number (PNU): 02A0h Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: b31…b24 b23…b16 b15…b8 b7…b0 Module-Id Submodule-Id reserved Pd-length 00000000h: ‚Not used‘, setting in accordance with Fb11 81400002h: ‚1x16BitOut‘ 81410004h: ‚2x16BitOut‘ 81420006h: ‚3x16BitOut‘ 03020008h: ‚4x16BitOut‘(*1) 8144000Ah: ‚5x16BitOut‘ 8145000Ch: ‚6x16BitOut‘ 8146000Eh: ‚7x16BitOut‘ 05040010h: ‚8x16BitOut‘(*1) (*1): These values are downward compatible and offer the possibility to use the new Fb33 with an 'old' GSDML.
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PARAMETER DEScRIPTION Fb33 Name: Pnet_PDIN_Config Meaning Specifies the required PROFINET PDIN configuration Parameter number (PNU): 02A1h Subindex: Data type: Uint32 Coding: b31…b24 b23…b16 b15…b8 b7…b0 Module-Id Submodule-Id reserved Pd-length 00000000h: ‚Not used‘, setting in accordance with Fb10 80400002h: ‚1x16BitIn‘ 80410004h: ‚2x16BitIn‘ 80420006h: ‚3x16BitIn‘ 02010008h: ‚4x16BitIn‘(*1) 8044000Ah: ‚5x16BitIn‘ 8045000Ch: ‚6x16BitIn‘ 8046000Eh: ‚7x16BitIn 04030010h: ‚8x16BitIn‘(*1) (*1): These values are downward compatible and offer the possibility to use the new parameter Fb33 with an 'old' GSDML.
STANDARD PROjEcT DESIGN 8 Instructions for F5 PROFINET operator to Simatic S7 Simatic is a product group of Siemens AG. This short overview make no claim to be exhaustive, nor replace the original documents of the company Siemens to this issue! Please note in particular the issue project design of the clock synchronization (PROF- INET IO) in the S7 help.
STANDARD PROjEcT DESIGN Figure 6: Install GSD files If you create a new project in the Simatic-Manager (e.g. via file → Assistent New Pro- ject...) first select the desired S7-CPU. Then change to hardware configuration and paste by right click to the PN_IO interface of the CPU and insert selection PROFINET IO-system ... a PROFINET system. Figure 7: PN-IO interface...
Configure object properties as sync master Then in the right part of the HW Config window of PROFINET-IO → additional field instruments → ..the KEB F5 PROFINET operator selected and appended with the mouse to the PROFINET System in the left pane. It is important that the PROFIDRIVE_ PAP module is set into slot 3:...
ADDITIONAL PROjEcT DESIGN FOR SyNcHRONOUS cOMMUNIcATION AccORDING PROFINET IO-IRT 8.2 Additional project design for synchronous communication according PROFINET IO- Additional settings must also be made for the slave if PROFINET IO-IRT shall be acti- vated. First, the exact topology of the PROFINET network must be specified for synchro- nous communication. This is done by right-click to the PROFINET-IO system and selec- tion of PROFINET IO topology.
ADDITIONAL PROjEcT DESIGN FOR SyNcHRONOUS cOMMUNIcATION AccORDING PROFINET IO-IRT Then the KEB slave must be configured as sync slave. This can be realized via right- click to the PROFINET IO system and selection of PROFINET domain management. Figure 11: Set KEB slave as Sync slave...
It makes sense to set the transmit clocking to 2ms, because this corresponds to the minimum setting of the KEB F5 PROFINET slave. Furthermore the KEB slave is se- lected here (click on ,kebf5-1') and configured as follows via clicking the button ,unit...
ADDITIONAL PROjEcT DESIGN FOR SyNcHRONOUS cOMMUNIcATION AccORDING PROFINET IO-IRT The Siemens S7 control provides synchronous alarms for synchronous communication. The exchange of synchronous, cyclic data is programmed in this alarm modules. The OB61 is activated for it in the example. This is done by right click to the CPU and se- lection of ,object characteristics‘. Page ,synchronous alarms' is seleted in the opening window.
ADDITIONAL PROjEcT DESIGN FOR SyNcHRONOUS cOMMUNIcATION AccORDING PROFINET IO-IRT Finally the slave is assigned to OB61 by right click to the PN-IO interface of the slave and the selection ,object characteristics‘. Page ,IO-Cycle' is selected in the opening window. Figure 15: IO-cycle characteristics...
‚ID‘: This input parameter must be set with the diagnosis address of the PROFId- rive_PAP module (see HW-config).In the example above this is 2038(07F6h). • ‚INDEX‘: This input parameter defines the data set type which is transacted hereby. For reasons of backward compatibility there are several possible values which are treated internally the same by the KEB F5 PROFINET operator: • -20434 (= B02EH): Base Parameter Mode Access – Local •...
F5 OPERATOR INTERNAL ERROR MESSAGES 9 Annex 9.1 F5 Operator internal error messages Display Description Error Communication error during initialisation o_Flo Overflow in value calculation t_out Timeout, control board doesn't answer IDAtA Data invalid rOnly Parameter Read_Only E_Bcc Communication error: wrong checksum Busy Drive converter busy ISruc Communication error: Invalid service No PA Parameter locked by password...
MIXED MAPPING (SPEcIAL cASE) 10 Examples for the setting of PD mappings 10.1 Mixed mapping (special case) A mixed mapping of 32 bit and 16 bit is a very special PD mapping. In this example the PDOUT data shall be assigned as follows: LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB Sy43...
2 X 32-bIT PDOUT PLUS 4 X 16-bIT PDIN 10.2 2 x 32-bit Pdout plus 4 x 16-bit Pdin The following example is used to demonstrate that PDout data and PDin data may have a different structure: Pdout data: LSB MSB Sy43 oP63 Fb28...
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Tel: +55 16 31161294 E-Mail: Room 1709, 415 Missy 2000 725 Su Seo Dong Gangnam Gu 135- 757 Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: +82 2 6253 6771 Fax: +82 2 6253 6770 E-Mail: Société Française KEB SASU France Z.I.