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User Authentication And Accounting; Types Of Users; Roles - Dell S3840cdn User Manual

Color smart printer
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User Authentication and Accounting

Types of Users

The Authentication feature restricts operations according to the user type.
System Administrator
The system administrator can register and change system settings to adapt to the
environment to be used.
The system administrator uses a specific user ID called a system administrator's user ID.
To login as the system administrator, enter the system administrator's user ID in the user
ID entry field on the screen.
• The default user ID for the system administrator is "admin".
• The default password for the system administrator is "admin".
Login User
Login User is a user registered on the machine or a remote server.
To use restricted features, enter the user ID and passcode on the screen.
Unregistered User
Unregistered User is a user not registered on the machine.
Unregistered User cannot use restricted services.


Role is used to control the permissions on printer features and access to some settings.
You can create and assign roles to users to give them appropriate permissions.
The following shows the types of roles.
For details on the settings, see "Roles".
System Administrator
System Administrator is assigned to the system administrator account by default.
The System Administrator role cannot be customized.
Basic User
Basic User is automatically assigned to a user with no device user role assigned, and
Basic Printing User is automatically assigned to a user with no printing user role assigned.
Features other than setup and configuration are allowed by default.
You can customize the basic user permissions.
You can create roles and set custom permissions to the roles.
User Authentication and Accounting

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