GTWIN Reference Manual
changed. Line Graph
System Setting GT Configuration Line Graph allows you to define reference devices
(i.e. addresses) which can be sampled in order to generate line graphs. Use a line graph part
(see p. 196) to define how the line graph looks on the screen.
Line graph tab
Select [Settings] on the line graph tab to specify the settings for each "graph no.". You can
specify as many graphs as the list allows.
Select [Settings] and then "On" to display the following dialog.
Sampling settings for line graph objects
Data Format
Number of Lines
Enter the name for the selected graph.
Specify the Start Device (i.e. address) for sampling.
Specify the format of the data to be sampled.
Specify the number of devices to be sampled, i.e. the number of addresses to
be read, beginning with the address of the start device.
4.5 System Setting Menu