INSTRUCTION MANUAL 24’’ Colour TV 24HXJ15U 111/5516 Important - Please read these instructions fully before installing or operating and keep for future reference. These instructions contain important information which will help you get the best from your television and ensure safe and correct installation and operation.
Contents Safety Information ..........2 Quick Menu ............15 Preparation ............2 Menu Features and Functions ......16 Intended Use ............2 Menu Features and Functions ......17 Power source ............3 Menu Features and Functions ......18 Positioning the TV ..........3 Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) ....
Safety Information 7KH OLJKWQLQJ ÀDVK ZLWK DUURZKHDG V\PERO ZLWKLQ DQ HTXLODWHUDO WULDQJOH LV LQWHQGHG WR alert the user to the presence of uninsulated CAUTION “dangerous voltage” within the product’s RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK HQFORVXUH WKDW PD\ EH RI VXI¿FLHQW PDJQLWXGH DO NOT OPEN to constitute a risk of electric shock of persons.
Safety Information DON’T SODFH KRW REMHFWV RU QDNHG ÀDPH VRXUFHV Do not block the ventilation openings. VXFK DV OLJKWHG FDQGOHV RU QLJKWOLJKWV RQ RU FORVH WR Do not SODFH WKH 79 RQ VORSLQJ RU XQVWDEOH VXUIDFHV equipment. High temperatures can melt plastic and the TV may tip over.
Safety Information Batteries Heat sources and Flames Do not expose the TV to direct sunlight Warning: Incorrect installation of or other heat sources. batteries may cause battery leakage The TV should not be placed near to DQG FRUURVLRQ UHVXOWLQJ LQ GDPDJH WR RSHQ ÀDPHV DQG VRXUFHV RI LQWHQVH the remote control.
Safety Information Symbols in this Instruction Book CAUTION The following symbols are used in the Instruction 'R QRW SXW \RXU ¿QJHUV LQ WKH PLGGOH EHWZHHQ WKH 79 Book as a marker for restrictions and precautions DQG VWDQG HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ \RX FDUU\ WKH 79 DV WKH\ and safety instructions.
Getting Started Support Technical experts are available 7 days a week Simple help and advice on setting up your digital equipment (image). Guidance on connecting other devices to your television such as a DVD player, Sky, home cinema system or a games console.
Accessories included Environmental Information This television is designed to consume less energy to Remote Control help save the environment. You can not only help to Batteries: 2 x AAA save the environment but you can also save money ...
To change source: Press the middle of the button twice, the Viewing the TV source list will appear on screen. Scroll through the available sources by pushing the button up or down. To turn the TV off: Press the middle of the button down and hold it down for a few seconds, the TV will turn into standby mode.
Viewing remote control - TV 1. Standby 2. Numeric buttons 3. TV-AV / Channel List / DVB-T 4. Volume up/down 5. Mute 6. Navigation buttons 7. Menu on/off 8. OK / Channel List Return/Back Internet portal 11. Media Browser 12. My button 1 (*) 13.
Viewing remote control - DVD 1. Standby 2. TV Menu 3. OK / Select 4. Back 5. Angel 6. Display / DVD Menu 7. Repeat 8. Zoom 9. Language selection 10. Rapid reverse 11. Pause 12. Play 13. Stop 14. Rapid advance 15.
Viewing the Connections Connector Type Cables Device Scart Connection (back) Connection (back) PC/YPbPr SIDE AV Audio Connection Side Audio/Video (side) Connection Cable PC Audio Cable (Supplied) (Not supplied) HDMI Connection (back) SPDIF Connection (back) Side AV SIDE AV Connection AV Connection Cable (side) (supplied) Headphone...
6WDQGE\ 1RWL¿FDWLRQV Using a Conditional Access Module If the TV does not receive any input signal (e.g. From IMPORTANT: Insert or remove the CI module only when DQ DHULDO RU +'0, VRXUFH IRU PLQXWHV WKH 79 ZLOO the TV is SWITCHED OFF. JR LQWR VWDQGE\ :KHQ \RX QH[W VZLWFKRQ WKH 79 WKH ,Q RUGHU WR ZDWFK FHUWDLQ GLJLWDO FKDQQHOV D FRQGLWLRQDO following message will be displayed:...
Installing the Batteries to the Remote First Time Installation 1. Lift the cover on the back of the remote upward :KHQ WXUQHG RQ IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH WKH ³ODQJXDJH gently. selection” menu appears. The message “Welcome please select your language!” is displayed in all 2.
(*) LCN is the Logical Channel Number system that You can activate Store mode option by using “ ” or “ ” organizes available broadcasts in accordance with a EXWWRQ ,I 6WRUH 0RGH LV VHOHFWHG 6WRUH PRGH RSWLRQ ZLOO EH recognizable channel sequence.
Press MENU button and select Media Browser tab by Press OK to view menu contents. Select Edit Channel using Left/Right and OK buttons. Main media browser List to manage all stored channels. Use Up or Down screen will be displayed. You can display the related and OK buttons to select Edit Channel List.
Menu Features and Functions Picture Menu Contents )RU \RXU YLHZLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV \RX FDQ VHW WKH UHODWHG PRGH RSWLRQ 3LFWXUH PRGH FDQ EH Mode set to one of these options: CinemaGameDynamic Sport and Natural. Contrast Sets the lightness and darkness values of the screen. Brightness Sets the brightness value for the screen.
Menu Features and Functions Sound Menu Contents Volume $GMXVWV YROXPH OHYHO ,Q HTXDOL]HU PHQX WKH SUHVHW FDQ EH FKDQJHG WR Music Movie Speech Flat Classic Equalizer: and User. Press the MENU button to return to the previous menu. Equalizer menu settings can be changed manually only when the Equalizer Mode is in User.
Menu Features and Functions Settings Menu Contents Conditional Access Controls conditional access modules when available. Language &RQ¿JXUHV ODQJXDJH VHWWLQJV &RQ¿JXUHV SDUHQWDO VHWWLQJV Default PIN code can change depending on the selected country. Parental ,I \RX DUH DVNHG WR HQWHU D 3,1 FRGH IRU YLHZLQJ D PHQX RSWLRQ XVH RQH RI WKH IROORZLQJ FRGHV RU Timers Sets timers for selected programmes.
f. When the DVD player is restarted or the disc How to watch a DVD LV FKDQJHG WKH VXEWLWOH VHOHFWLRQ LV DXWRPDWLFDOO\ changed back to the initial settings. NOTE: DVD mode cannot be accessed unless a DVD g. If a language is selected that is not supported by is inserted or a DVD control button is pressed.
DISC MENU Connectivity Functions You can select the DVD’s disc menu language among Connecting to a Wired Network these languages. Disc menu appears in the selected For connecting to a wired LAN network, you ODQJXDJH LI VXSSRUWHG E\ WKH '9' GLVF should perform the following steps: SUBTITLE ...
8VH /$1 FRQQHFWLRQ IRU TXLFNHU ¿OH VKDULQJ EHWZHHQ other devices like computers. The frequency and channel differ depending on the area. The transmission speed differs depending on the distance and number of obstructions between the WUDQVPLVVLRQ SURGXFWV WKH FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ RI WKHVH SURGXFWV WKH UDGLR ZDYH FRQGLWLRQV WKH OLQH WUDI¿F and the products that you use.
7R HQDEOH :L)L IHDWXUH SUR¿OHV VKRXOG EH FRQ¿JXUHG Network Type properly. Please plug in the Wi-Fi dongle (sold Network type can be selected as Wired or Wireless separately) to one of the USB ports. GHYLFH LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH DFWLYH FRQQHFWLRQ WR WKH Press YELLOW button to scan wireless network from TV set.
You can navigate between menu tabs by pressing left/ Connectivity Troubleshooting right buttons. The help bar on the bottom of the dialog Wireless Network Not Available shows features that you may use. Press BLUE button to check your internet connection speed. Ensure that the firewalls of your network allows You can check the signal strenght by using the network the TV wireless connection.
OK ,Q WKH VHWWLQJV RSWLRQV KLJKOLJKW View Style and Select Videos from this screen to list all the available change to Folder using Left or Right button. YLGHR ¿OHV IURP WKH VHOHFWHG QHWZRUN Please select desired media type and press OK. 7R SOD\ RWKHU PHGLD W\SHV IURP WKLV VFUHHQ \RX must go back to main Media Browser screen and select media type as desired and then perform the...
Press BACK to go to the previous screen. 2) 3.AM search and upgrade mode Press EXIT to quit internet portal mode. ,I Automatic scanning in Upgrade Options menu LV HQDEOHG 79 ZDNHV XS DW DQG VHDUFKHV Note: Possible application dependent problems may broadcast channels for new software upgrade.
4. Is the aerial cable damaged? 4. Try to change the sound or subtitles using DVD’s title menu. Some DVD’s do not allow the user to 5. Are suitable plugs used to connect the aerial? change these settings without using the disc’s menu. 6.
DVB-T functionality information 640x480 72Hz 640x480 75Hz This DVB receiver is only suitable for use in the country which it was designed to be used in. 640x480 85Hz 800x600 56Hz Although this DVB receiver conforms to the latest DVB VSHFL¿FDWLRQV DW WKH WLPH RI PDQXIDFWXUH ZH FDQQRW 800x600 60Hz guarantee compatibility with future DVB transmissions...
POWER CONSUMPTION (W) 50 W (max) 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV PANEL 16:9 TV BROADCASTING TV Dimensions PAL/SECAM B/G D/K K’ I/I’ L/L’ DxLxH (with foot): 135 x 563 x 380 DIGITAL RECEPTION DxLxH (without foot): 55 x 563 x 345 DVB-T MPEG2 DVB-T MPEG4 HD DVB-T MHEG-5 Engine (for UK only) Weight NJ ZLWK IRRW NJ ZLWKRXW IRRW...
DVD Controls <RX FDQ RSHUDWH '9' PRYLH &' PXVLF RU SLFWXUH &'¶V FRQWHQW E\ XVLQJ WKH FRUUHFW EXWWRQV RQ \RXU UHPRWH control. Below are main functions of commonly used remote control buttons. Buttons DVD Playback Movie Playback Picture Playback Music Playback Play Play Play...
Appendix: Nero MediaHome Installation To install Nero MediaHome, please proceed as follows: Note: To use DLNA function, this software should be installed to your PC. 1. Insert the Nero MediaHome installation disc in your optical disc drive. The Nero MultiInstaller screen with a button to start the installation process will open automatically.
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7. Use Typical installation and click the Next 10. ,QVWDOODWLRQ ¿QLVKHV button. The Help us to Enhance Nero Software screen is The Prerequisites screen is displayed. GLVSOD\HG ,Q RUGHU WR RIIHU D EHWWHU VHUYLFH 1HUR is collecting anonymous data to determine which The Nero MediaHome installation wizard checks the IHDWXUHV DUH XVHG DQG ZKDW SUREOHPV LI DQ\ RFFXU availability of required third-party software on your PC.
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14. Run Nero MediaHome by pressing shortcut icon. Click ADD icon from LOCAL FOLDERS to add the folder you want to share with the network. Select the folder that you want to share and click START SERVER. 15. You can display all media types from the library. Click Refresh icon to refresh.
Getting Started with Skype Make voice calls and video calls with Skype on your TV. Select the Skype app from the portal section to start a conversation. Follow the on screen instructions to see how to operate related features. NOTE ...
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Adding a contact By pressing the EXWWRQ VHOHFW WKH ³6HDUFK &RQWDFWV´ RSWLRQ (QWHU WKH IXOO QDPH VN\SH QDPH RU HPDLO DGGUHVV RI WKH FRQWDFW \RX ZDQW WR ¿QG DQG DGG Use the remote control or virtual keyboard to enter a keyword. Recent history Incoming call Outgoing call...
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Actions $ F F R X Q W 1 D P H O n l i n e Select a Menu by pressing the button. mood message and status SUR¿OH SLFWXUH Your contact list (Press Ok to use video&voice call) Help bar Select a person from the contact list screen and press OK.
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Incoming call The incoming call dialog is shown when you are logged into Skype and when other users initiate a Skype call. A small dialog box will appear in the lower right corner of the TV screen whether the user watches TV or is browsing through Skype. Use the remote control button and choose your action.
Guarantee Product Guarantee This product is guaranteed against manufacturing defects for a period of Year This product is guaranteed for twelve months from the date of original purchase. $Q\ GHIHFW WKDW DULVHV GXH WR IDXOW\ PDWHULDOV RU ZRUNPDQVKLS ZLOO HLWKHU EH UHSODFHG refunded or repaired free of charge where possible during this period by the dealer from whom you purchased the unit.
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,/d ,/ Product No. 10084805 24HXJ15U 19 inches / 48 cm 0,5W 1366 x 768 English - 43 - For any help concerning set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpline: 0845 604 0105...