3.12 Real Timer Test
To execute the Real Timer Test, select 9 from the DIAGNOSTIC TESTS menu, tap or press
Enter , and follow the directions on the screen. Three subtests test the real timer functions.
Select a subtest and tap or press Enter .
Subtest 01
Real Time
A new date and time can be input during this subtest. To execute this subtest
follow these steps:
1. Select subtest 01 and the following message will appear:
2. If the current date is not correct, input the correct date at the "Enter new
date" prompt and press Enter . The following prompt will appear:
3. If the current time is not correct, input the correct time in 24-hour format.
Pressing Enter toggles between the time and date. To exit, press Ctrl +
Break .
Subtest 02 Backup Memory
This subtest performs the following backup memory check:
The subtest then reads and compares this data with original data.
To exit, press Ctrl + Break .
Current date : XX-XX-XXXX
Current time : XX:XX:XX
Enter new date:
Enter new time :
Writes 1-bit of "on" data to address 01h through 80h
Writes 1-bit of "off" data to address FEh through 7Fh
Writes the data pattern AAh through 55h to the RTC 50-byte memory
(address 0Eh to 7Fh)
T200, T200CS