Movie List Problems
Subtitle is not working.
Downloaded From Manuals
The file does not
appear on the Movie
Check whether the file extension is supported.
Message is displayed
Check whether the file is playing normally on a PC. (Check whether the
saying "This file is
file is damaged.)
invalid" or the audio is
Check whether the resolution is supported.
working normally but
Check whether the video/audio codec is supported.
the video is not work-
Check whether the frame rate is supported.
ing normally.
Message is displayed
Check whether the file is playing normally on a PC. (Check whether the
saying "Unsupported
file is damaged.)
Audio" or the video is
Check whether the audio codec is supported.
working normally but
Check whether the bit rate is supported.
the audio is not work-
Check whether the sample rate is supported.
ing normally.
Check whether the file is playing normally on a PC. (Check whether the
file is damaged.)
Check whether the video file and subtitle file name are the same.
Check whether the video file and subtitle file are located in the same
Check whether the subtitle file is supported.
Check whether the language is supported. (When you open the subtitle
file on a PC, you can check the language of the subtitle file.)