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Using the Cloud TV Service feature
Viewing movie files
Basic Playback
Select a file, see "To select a file in the list of contents" on page 143.
Press the OK button or PLAY button to begin playback.
Depending o n thefile size,it maytakesometimeto startplayback.
Press the STOP button to stop playback.
The screen returns to the list.
If playback finishes before the STOP button is pressed, the screen
returns to the list.
Whenthe repeat m odeis settoAll, thenextfile will startplaying
Resume Playback
You can resume playback from where it was last stopped.
o**oPress the STOP button while playing the movie to memorize the
stopped position.
If the same file is selected and played, playback will resume from
the last stopped position.
o:, If youplaydifferent c ontentor exit MediaShare, thememorized
stoppedpositionwill bedeleted.
¢ Thisfunctionmaynotbeavailable depending on thecontent.
To pause playback
°:o Press the PAUSE button during playback.
°:* To resume normal playback, press the PLAY button.
ThePAUSE buttonor operations duringPause maynotbe functional
depending on contentor mediaserver.
Tolocatea specific file
o:* Press the Skip Reverse or Skip Forward
button repeatedly to
access the desired file.
o:* (_,i): Playback starts from the beginning of the current file or
previous file.
o:* (t,_): To locate subsequent files.