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SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU230P-2 Parameter Manual · 01/2011 SINAMICS...
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Parameters Function diagrams SINAMICS Faults and Alarms SINAMICS G120 Appendix Control Units CU230P-2 List of Abbreviations Parameter Manual Index Valid for Control Units Firmware version CU230P-2 HVAC CU230P-2 CAN CU230P-2 DP A5E02297932B AD 01/2011...
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Trademarks All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
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Description: Enter the inductance of a filter connected at the power unit output. Dependency: This parameter is automatically pre-set when you select a filter via p0230 if a SIEMENS filter is defined for the power unit. Refer to: p0230 Note: When exiting the quick commissioning using p3900 = 1, the parameter value is set to the value of the defined SIE- MENS filter or to zero.
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If bit 2 = 1, then bit 3 is automatically set to 1. Manual de-selection is possible and may be sensible if the saturation characteristic (p1960) was not measured for third-party motors. Generally, for standard SIEMENS motors, the already pre-assigned (default value) saturation characteristic is adequate.
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If bit 2 = 1, then bit 3 is automatically set to 1. Manual de-selection is possible and may be sensible if the saturation characteristic (p1960) was not measured for third-party motors. Generally, for standard SIEMENS motors, the already pre-assigned (default value) saturation characteristic is adequate.
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When calculating motor, open-loop and closed-loop control parameters (such as for p0340 = 1) parameters associ- ated with a selected Siemens catalog motor are not overwritten. If a catalog motor has not been selected (see p0300), then the following parameters are reset with p3900 > 0 in order to restore the situation that applied when commissioning the drive for the first time: for induction motors p0320, p0352, p0362 ...
Motor data identification modulated voltage generation / MotID U_gen mod 1.3.3 Motor Data Sets (MDS) Product: SINAMICS G120, Version: 4402100, Language: eng, Type: MDS p0300[0...n] Motor type selection / Mot type sel p0301[0...n] Motor code number selection / Mot code No. sel p0304[0...n]...
Alternating voltage generation base voltage amplitude / Alt U_gen U_base 1.3.4 Power unit Data Set (PDS) Product: SINAMICS G120, Version: 4402100, Language: eng, Type: PDS r0200[0...n] Power unit code number actual / PU code no. act p0201[0...n] Power unit code number / PU code no r0203[0...n]...
Connector/Binector (BICO)-Parameters Connector/Binector (BICO)-Parameters 1.4.1 Binector Input Parameters Product: SINAMICS G120, Version: 4402100, Language: eng, Type: BI p0730 BI: CU signal source for terminal DO 0 / CU S_src DO 0 p0731 BI: CU signal source for terminal DO 1 / CU S_src DO 1...
BI: Multi-zone control day/night switchover / Zone_ctl day_night 1.4.2 Connector Input Parameters Product: SINAMICS G120, Version: 4402100, Language: eng, Type: CI p0641[0...n] CI: Current limit, variable / Curr lim var p0771[0...1] CI: CU analog outputs signal source / CU AO S_src p1042[0...n]...
CI: Multi-zone control actual-value input / Zon_ctrl act inp 1.4.3 Binector Output Parameters Product: SINAMICS G120, Version: 4402100, Language: eng, Type: BO r0751.0...10 BO: CU analog inputs status word / CU AI status word r0785.0...1 BO: CU analog outputs status word / CU AO ZSW r0807.0...
Parameters Connectors Binectors Data sets Meaning Symbol Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning pxxxx[C] Parameter name [Unit] Monitoring parameter with Parameter name Connector input CI with Parameter name Binector input BI with with Parameter belongs to the rxxxx[y..z] unit [Unit] and index range index range [y..z] index range [y..z] or data set Command Data Set (CDS).
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Symbols for logic functions Symbols for computational and closed-loop control functions Logical inversion Threshold value switch 1/0 AND element Outputs at y a logical "1" if x < S. & with logical inversion of an input signal OR element Threshold value switch 0/1 Exclusiv-OR/XOR Outputs at y a logical "1"...
Page 502
Switch-on delay Switch symbol 2nd-order filter (bandstop/general filter) pxxxx pxxxx Simple changeover switch Natural frequency, Damping, numerator numerator The switch position is shown according to fn_z pxxxx the factory setting pxxxx pxxxx (in this case, switch position 1 in the default The digital signal x must have the value "1"...
Handling BICO technology Binector: r0723.15 Connectors are "analog signals" that can be freely interconnected (e.g. percentage variables, speeds or torques). Connector: r0723 Connectors are also "CO:" display parameters (CO = Connector Output). Parameterization: At the signal destination, the required binector or connector is selected using appropriate parameters: "BI:"...
Page 513
External power supply 24 V DC Kl.9 Kl.9 +24 V OUT +24 V OUT 1 = Simulation on Kl.28 Kl.28 <1> CU DI simulation CU DI status inv p0795 CU DI t_debounce Kl.69 DI COM Kl.69 DI COM Kl.69 DI COM r0723 p0724 r0721.0...
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For Example: <1> Kl.1 +10 V OUT Kl.2 1 = Simulation on CU DI simulation 1.6 V 4.0 V p0795 CU DI t_debounce p0724 r0721.11 CU DI status inv Kl.3 AI0+ (DI11) r0723 CU DI status r0723 Kl.4 AI0- r0722 p0796.11 r0722 p0795.12...
Page 515
CU DO inv p0748 CU DO status CU S_src DO 0 r0747 <2> p0730 (52.3) Kl.18 Kl.19 Kl.20 CU DO inv p0748 CU DO status CU S_src DO 1 r0747 p0731 (52.7) Kl.21 Kl.22 CU DO inv p0748.2 CU DO status CU S_src DO 2 r0747 p0732...
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<2> <3> <4> CU AI type 0 ... 8 p0756[0..3] (4) CU WireBrkThresh CU wire brk t_del CU AI status word 0.00 ... 20.00 CU AI sim_mode 0 ... 1000 [ms] r0751 p0761[0..3] (2.00) 0 ... 1 p0762[0..3] (100) p0797[0..3] (0) 20 mA F03505 20 mA...
<2> <3> <4> CU AI type 0 ... 8 p0756 (4) [2] (2) CU WireBrkThresh CU wire brk t_del CU AI status word CU AI sim_mode 0.00 ... 20.00 0 ... 1000 [ms] r0751 0 ... 1 p0761 (2.00) [2] (0.00) p0762 (100) [2] (100) p0797 (0)
<2> CU AI U/I_inp act <2> <2> <3> r0752 CU AI char x1 CU AI char x2 CU AI type -50.000 ... 160.000 -50.000 ... 160.000 0 ... 8 p0757 (0.000) p0759 (10.000) CU AI sim_mode [3] (0.00) [3] (0.00) CU AI T_smooth p0756 (4) [3] (8)
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CU AO outp_val [%] <4> CU AO char x1 CU char x2 r0772 CU AO type -1000.00 ... 1000.00 [%] -1000.00 ... 1000.00 [%] 0 ... 2 p0779 (100.00) CU AO absVal act CU AO T_smooth p0777 (0.00) [0] (0) [0] (100) p0776 (0) [0] (0)
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Fieldbus configuration Fieldbus t_monit 0 ... 1999999 [ms] p2040 (100) Monitoring functions Cyclic telegrams from Field bus baud the master 4 ... 13 p2020 (8) Field bus address 0 ... 247 0 ... 30 p2021 (0) configuration Field bus USS PZD 0 ...
Signal targets for fieldbus STW1 (p0700 = 6) [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Interconnection Signal Meaning Inverted internal control word signal target parameters = ON (pulses can be enabled) STW1.0 p0840[0] = r2090.0 [2501.3] Sequence control 0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse cancellation & ready for switching on) 1 = No OFF2 (enable is possible) STW1.1 p0844[0] = r2090.1...
Signal sources for fieldbus ZSW1 (p0700 = 6) Inverted Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning signal target <1> parameters internal control word ZSW1.0 p2080[0] = r0899.0 [2503.7] 1 = Ready for switching on Sequence control ZSW1.1 1 = Ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) p2080[1] = r0899.1 [2503.7] Sequence control...
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A01901 "PROFIBUS: Parameterizing telegram incorrect" Diagnostic parameters <1> The response monitoring time t_An is automatically defined by the configuration tool (e.g. HW Config made by Siemens) within the framework of PROFIBUS configuration. PROFIdrive / PROFIBUS Function diagram FP_2410_97_61.vsd - 2410 -...
<2> Data type according to to the PROFIdrive profile: I16 = Integer16, U16 = Unsigned16. <3> Display parameters for receive data according to [2460]. <4> Only SIEMENS telegram 350 PROFIdrive / PROFIBUS Function diagram FP_2440_97_61.vsd - 2440 - PZD receive signals interconnection G120 CU230P-2 DP 13.12.2010...
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Signal targets for STW1 in Interface Mode VIK-NAMUR (p2038 = 2) <1> Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Meaning Signal Inverted parameters internal control signal target word = ON (pulses can be enabled) STW1.0 p0840[0] = r2090.0 [2501.3] Sequence control 0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse cancellation & ready for switching on) 1 = No OFF2 (enable is possible) STW1.1 p0844[0] = r2090.1...
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Signal targets for STW1 in Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0) <1> [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Interconnection Signal Meaning Inverted internal control word signal target parameters = ON (pulses can be enabled) STW1.0 p0840[0] = r2090.0 [2501.3] Sequence control 0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse cancellation & ready for switching on) 1 = No OFF2 (enable is possible) STW1.1 p0844[0] = r2090.1...
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Signal targets for STW3 in Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0) <1> [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Interconnection Signal Meaning Inverted internal control word signal target parameters STW3.0 p1020[0] = r2093.0 [3010.2] [3010.2] 1 = Fixed setp bit 0 STW3.1 1 = Fixed setp bit 1 p1021[0] = r2093.1 [2513.2] [3010.2]...
Signal sources for PZD send signals PZD send word 1...8 <1> PROFIdrive send p2051[0...7] WORD PROFIdrive Interconnection Function telegram Signal Scaling Description Data type r2053[0...7] WORD Signal No. parameter diagram ZSW1 Status word 1 r2089[0] [2452] Header NIST_A Actual speed A (16 bit) r0063[0] 4000 hex p2000...
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Signal sources for ZSW1 in Interface Mode VIK-NAMUR (p2038 = 2) <1> Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Inverted Signal Meaning parameters internal control word signal target <2> ZSW1.0 1 = Ready for switching on p2080[0] = r0899.0 [2503.7] Sequence control ZSW1.1 1 = Ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) p2080[1] = r0899.1...
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Signal sources for ZSW1 im Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0) <1> Inverted Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning signal target <2> parameters internal control word ZSW1.0 p2080[0] = r0899.0 [2503.7] 1 = Ready for switching on Sequence control ZSW1.1 1 = Ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) p2080[1] = r0899.1...
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Signal sources for ZSW3 im Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0) <1> Inverted Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning signal source parameters internal status word 1 = DC brake active ZSW3.0 [2511.7] [7017.5] 0 = DC brake not active ZSW3.1 1 = |n_act| >...
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r2090.0 PZD1 recv bitw r2090.15 PZD1 recv bitw PZD receive word 1 r2050 <1> PZD recv word r2091.0 PROFIBUS PZD2 recv bitw r2091.15 PZD2 recv bitw r2050 PZD receive word 2 PZD recv word r2092.0 PZD3 recv bitw r2092.15 PZD3 recv bitw PROFIdrive r2050 PZD receive word 3...
Page 540
Diag send word r2053 [0 7] p2051 [0] PZD send word <1> PZD send word 1 <1> p2051 [1] PZD send word PZD send word 2 p2051 [2] PZD send word PROFIdrive send PZD send word 3 telegram p2051 [3] PZD send word Header PZD send word 4...
Signal targets for control word CANopen (r8795) Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning parameters internal control word signal target <1> = ON (pulses can be enabled) STW1.0 p0840[0] = r2090.0 [2501.3] 0 = OFF1 (braking with RFG, then pulse suppression and ready for switching on) 1 = No coast-down activated (enable possible) STW1.1 p0844[0] = r2090.1...
Status word Bit No. Status word CANopen r8784 From sequence control 1 = Ready for switching on From sequence control 1 = Ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) From sequence control 1 = Operation enabled (drive follows n_set) From fault buffer [8060] 1 = Fault present...
PROFIdrive-Bit STW seq_ctrl 1. OFF2 r0898 p0844 [C] Control word sequence control (r0898) <2> r0898 <3> ON/OFF1 p0840 [C] 2. OFF2 = ON <3> (722.0) r0898.0 To the control unit p0845 [C] 0 = OFF1 active 1 = Operating condition, no coast down active (OFF2 inactive) To the control unit r0898.1 0 = OFF2 active...
PROFIdrive-Bit ZSW seq_ctrl r0899 Bit No. Status word sequence control (r0899) r0899 From the control unit 1 = Ready for switching on r0899.0 From the control unit 1 = Ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses inhibited) r0899.1 From the control unit 1 = Operation enabled (drive follows n_set) r0899.2 From the control unit...
STW setpoint chan r1198 Bit No. Control word, setpoint channel (r1198) r1198 n_set_fixed Bit 0 p1020 [C] 1 = Fixed setpoint, bit 0 r1198.0 To fixed speed setpoints [3010.2] n_set_fixed Bit 1 p1021 [C] 1 = Fixed setpoint, bit 1 r1198.1 To fixed speed setpoints [3010.2] n_set_fixed Bit 2 p1022 [C]...
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ZSW 1 r0052 Bit No. Status word 1 (r0052) r0052 r0899 ZSW seq_ctrl [2503.7] 1 = Drive ready for switching on r0899 r0052.0 0 = Drive not ready for switching on r0899 [2503.7] ZSW seq_ctrl 1 = Drive ready for operation (DC link loaded, pulses disabled) r0899 r0052.1 0 = Drive not ready for operation...
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ZSW 2 r0053 Bit No. Status word 2 (r0053) r0053 r1239 [7017.5] DCBRK ZSW 1 = DC brake active r1239 r0053.0 0 = DC brake not active r2197 [2534.7] ZSW monitor 1 1 = |n_act| > p1226 (n_standstill) r0053.1 r2197 r2197 [2534.7] ZSW monitor 1...
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STW 1 1. OFF2 r0054 Bit No. Control word 1 (r0054) p0844 [C] r0054 STW seq_ctrl ON/OFF1 p0840 [C] [2501.7] r0898 2. OFF2 0 = OFF1, Shutdown via ramp, followed by pulse disable Sequence control (722.0) r0898 Setpoint channel 1 = ON, operating condition (edge-controlled) p0845 [C] [2501.7] r0898...
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Suppl STW r0055 Bit No. Control word 2 (r0055) r0055 r1198 [2505.7] STW setpoint chan r1198 1 = Fixed setp bit 0 Fixed frequencies r1198 [2505.7] STW setpoint chan r1198 1 = Fixed setp bit 1 Fixed frequencies r1198 [2505.7] STW setpoint chan Fixed frequencies r1198...
STW n_ctrl r1406 Control word, speed controller (r1406) Bit No. r1406 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved n_ctrl integ stop p1476 [C] 1 = speed controller, hold I component r1406.4 To the speed controller [6040.4] n_ctrl integ set p1477 [C] 1 = speed controller, set I component r1406.5 To the speed controller [6040.4] Reserved...
ZSW n_ctrl r1407 Bit No. Status word, speed controller (r1407) r1407 1 = V/f control active r1407.0 From the changeover, closed-loop control types 1 = Sensorless operation active r1407.1 r1406 1 = Torque control [2520.7] r1406 To speed setpoint, droop [6030.5] &...
ZSW I_ctrl r1408 Bit No. Status word closed-loop current control (r1408) r1408 1 = Closed-loop current control active r1408.0 [6714.5] 1 = Id controller I comp. limitation r1408.1 Reserved [6714.8] 1 = Voltage limitation r1408.3 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved r1408.10 [6730.3]...
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ZSW monitor 1 r2197 Bit No. Status word, monitoring functions 1 (r2197) r2197 From extended signals [8020.8] 1 = |n_act| <= n_min p1080 r2197.0 <1> From speed signals [8010.8] 1 = |n_act| <= speed threshold value 2 (p2155) r2197.1 1 = |n_act| > speed threshold value 2 (p2155) <1>...
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ZSW monitor 2 r2198 Bit No. Status word, monitoring functions 2 (r2198) r2198 1 = |n_act| <= speed threshold 5 [8021.8] r2198.0 From extended signals From extended signals [8021.8] 1 = |n_act| > speed threshold 5 r2198.1 From extended signals [8021.8] 1 = |n_act| <= speed threshold 6 r2198.2...
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PROFIdrive-Bit ZSW monitor 3 r2199 Bit No. Status word, monitoring functions 3 (r2199) r2199 From speed signals [8010.8] r2199.0 1 = |n_act| < speed threshold value 3 (p2161) <1> From speed signals [8010.8] 1 = f or n comparison value reached or exceeded (p2141) r2199.1 Reserved Reserved...
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Data save active The setpoint for the motorized potentiometer is not saved and after ON is entered using p1040. The setpoint for the motorized potentiometer is saved in a ashion after OFF and after ON set to the saved value. Automatic mode Without ramp generator in automatic mode (ramp-up/ramp-down time = 0).
Linear U_output max [Veff] U_output max r0071 r0071 Mot U_rated p0304 ECO Mode r1348 0 ... 22 Mot f_rated p1300 [D] (2) U/f Eco fac act v [%] Flux current control (FCC) Dependent on the load 0.00 ... 650.00 [Hz] current p0310 [D] (0.00) U_output max [Veff]...
Current limiting Speed limiting Mot L_leak total [mH] r0377 [D] U_output max [Veff] Kp from speed controller [6040.5] r0071 Tn from speed controller [6040.6] [6722.1] Iq stall [6723.4] calculation [6724.4] n_limit pos eff [1/min] I_outp max [Aeff] Current limit [3050.8] r1084 r0067 0.00 ...
I_set T_smooth 4 ... 10000 [ms] p1616 [D] (40) r1751.0 from the model From Id_field weakening control Id_setp total [Aeff] [6724] r1624 Mot phi_load opt 0.0 ... 135.0 [°] [6714] p0327 [D] (90.0) Id_inject To current controller Iq_set [Aeff] [6714] r0077 Load angle correction Id_set...
Power Module Control Unit Vdc act val [V] [6723.1] r0070 DC link voltage [6799.1] U_output [Veff] Pulse enable HW r0072 Modulat_depth [%] [6799.1] r0074 U_set [6799.1] [1690.8] U_angle [6714.8] ZSW cl-loop ctrl Gain res_damp p1740 r0056 r0056 f_Slip [2526.2] r0065 Current model Vibration damping...
Control Unit Power Module Vdc act val [V] [6724.1] r0070 DC link voltage [6799.1] U_output [Veff] Pulse enable HW r0072 Modulat_depth [%] [6799.1] r0074 U_set [6799.1] [6714.8] U_angle [6714.8] ZSW cl-loop ctrl Gain res_damp r0056 p1740 r0056 [2526.2] Current model Vibration damping f_outp [Hz] r0066...
Run-time group RTG sampling time [ms] r20001[1] = 8 ms r20001[2] = 16 ms r20001[3] = 32 ms r20001[4] = 64 ms r20001[5] = 128 ms r20001[6] = 256 ms r20001[0..9] Logic function blocks AND, OR, XOR, NOT Arithmetic function blocks ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, AVA, NCM, PLI Time function blocks MFP, PCL, PDE, PDF, PST...
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AND 0 AND 2 AND 0 RTG AND 2 RTG 1 ... 9999 1 ... 9999 p20032 (9999) p20040 (9999) AND 0 inputs AND 2 inputs p20030 p20038 AND 0 output Q AND 2 output Q r20031 r20039 AND 0 RunSeq AND 2 RunSeq 0 ...
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OR 0 OR 2 OR 0 RTG OR 2 RTG 1 ... 9999 1 ... 9999 p20048 (9999) p20056 (9999) OR 0 inputs OR 2 inputs p20046 p20054 OR 0 output Q OR 2 output Q r20047 r20055 OR 0 RunSeq OR 2 RunSeq 0 ...
NOT 0 NOT 3 NOT 0 RTG NOT 3 RTG 1 ... 9999 1 ... 9999 p20080 (9999) p20092 (9999) NOT 0 input I NOT 3 input I p20078 NOT 0 inv output p20090 NOT 3 inv output r20079 r20091 NOT 0 RunSeq NOT 3 RunSeq 0 ...
ADD 0 RTG ADD 0 5 ... 9999 p20096 (9999) ADD 0 inputs SUB 0 p20094 ADD 0 output Y SUB 0 RTG r20095 5 ... 9999 p20104 (9999) SUB 0 inputs ADD 0 RunSeq p20102 SUB 0 difference Y 0 ...
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MUL 0 DIV 0 DIV 0 RTG MUL 0 RTG 5 ... 9999 5 ... 9999 p20121 (9999) p20112 (9999) MUL 0 inputs DIV 0 quotient DIV 0 inputs p20110 DIV 0 Quotient r20119 p20118 MUL 0 product Y DIV 0 Multiple integer quotient r20111 DIV 0...
AVA 0 AVA 0 RTG 5 ... 9999 p20131 (9999) AVA 0 output Y AVA 0 input X p20128 r20129 AVA 0 input neg SN r20130 AVA 0 RunSeq 0 ... 32000 p20132 (340) AVA 1 AVA 1 RTG 5 ... 9999 p20136 (9999) AVA 1 output Y AVA 1 input X...
PDF 0 PDF 2 PDF 0 RTG PDF 0 t_ext ms PDF 2 RTG PDF 2 t_ext ms 5 ... 9999 0.00 ... 60000.00 5 ... 9999 0.00 ... 60000.00 p20171 (9999) p20169 (0.00) p20347 (9999) p20345 (0.00) PDF 0 inp_pulse I PDF 2 inp_pulse I p20168 PDF 0 output Q...
INT 0 INT 0 RTG INT 0 RunSeq 5 ... 9999 0 ... 32000 p20264 (9999) p20265 (700) INT 0 T_Integr ms 0.00 ... 340.28235E36 p20259 (0.00) INT 0 QU INT 0 inputs INT 0 upper lim LU -340.28235E36 ... 340.28235E36 r20262 p20256 Input...
Page 631
Tec_ctrl sel bit 0 p2220 [C] 0 ... 15 Tec_ctrl sel bit 1 Tec_ctrl No. act 0.00 % 0 0 0 0 r2229 p2221 [C] Tec_ctrl fix val1 -200.00 ... 200.00 [%] 0 0 0 1 Tec_ctrl sel bit 2 p2201 [D] (10.00) p2222 [C] Tec_ctrl fix val 2...
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Tec_ctrl sel bit 0 p2220 [C] Tec_ctrl sel bit 1 p2221 [C] Tec_ctr FixVal ZSW r2225 Tec_ctrl sel bit 2 p2222 [C] r2225 Tec_ctrl sel bit 3 p2223 [C] Tec_ctrl fix val1 -200.00 ... 200.00 [%] 0 0 0 1 p2201 [D] (10.00) Tec_ctrl fix val 2 -200.00 ...
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Tec_ctr mop config p2230 [D] (0000 0100 bin) Data save active The setpoint for the motorized potentiometer is not saved and after ON is entered using p2240. The setpoint for the motorized potentiometer is saved after OFF and after ON is entered using r2231. Without initial rounding.
Power module Control Unit Thermal monitoring for the power module ZSW fault/alarm 2 Maximum power module temperature 1 = Fault thermal overload in power module r2135 T_max heatsink r2135 [2548.2] Temperature measurement Faults "Power unit overtemperature" F30004 Inverter heatsink F30024 Thermal model F30025 Chip F30035 Air intake PU temperatures [°C]...
LED "RDY" [= red for fault] Actual fault code r2131 1 ms t_System relative 0 = "No fault present" <2> 0 ... 4294967295 [ms] p0969 (0) Fault time 32 bit counter, Fault code Fault value Fault time "removed" free running "come"...
Actual alarm code r2132 <1> 0 = "No alarm present" Alarm time Alarm time Alarm value Alarm code "come" "removed" Operating time [8060.1] Alarm times Counter 16 bit Alarms Alarm comes Alarm 1 r2124[0] [I32] r2123[0] [ms] r2125[0] [ms] STW fault/alarm counter r2122[0] (oldest)
The fault response, acknowledge mode and message type for all faults and alarms are set to meaningful default values in the factory setting. Changes that may be required are only possible in specific value ranges specified by SIEMENS. When the message type is changed, the supplementary information is tranferred from fault value r0949 to alarm value r2124 and vice versa.
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Acknowledge: NONE Cause: At least one firmware file in the directory /SIEMENS/SINAMICS/ has been changed without authorization with respect to the version shipped from the factory. No changes are permitted in this directory. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 0: Checksum of one file is incorrect.