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Epson P-0082 Product Support Bulletin
Epson P-0082 Product Support Bulletin

Epson P-0082 Product Support Bulletin

Epson printer user manual


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Product Support Bulletin
Understanding and Using
Date: 12/4/91
Page(s): 1 of 14
This bulletin provides detailed explainations and illustrations for some of the more
commonly used printer commands used in ESC/P2 Listed below are the
commands discussed in this bulletin.
ESC X m n1 n2
ESC ( C m1 m2 n1 n1
ESC(v m1 m2 n1 n2
ESC(V m1 m2 n1 n2
ESC ( t n1 n2 d1 d2 d3
ESC( A nln2d,. . .& Print Data as Characters
Commands and Syntax
Command Name
Select Pitch and Point Size
Set Page Length in Defined Units
Set Relative Vertical Position
Set Absolute Vertical Position
Select Character Table
Assign Character Table
PSB No: P-0082
Originator: JW
PSB Page



Summary of Contents for Epson P-0082

  • Page 1 Date: 12/4/91 Page(s): 1 of 14 This bulletin provides detailed explainations and illustrations for some of the more commonly used printer commands used in ESC/P2 Listed below are the commands discussed in this bulletin. Command ESC X m n1 n2...
  • Page 2 In the Basic programming language, the command would look like this. LPRlf+lT cHR$(n);*xll;CHRS(l);CHR$(48);~~~(o);”~his is 24 point proportional spaced” Ch6(27) is ESC, cW(l) selects proportional spacing, chr$(48) selects 24 point character size. At this time, n2 is m zero (0). PSB No: P-0082 Page: 2 of 14 ForaUotbrfonts,Utevaluesusedfor tf’o”is...
  • Page 3 Line 30 - computes the value for “nl ” for advancing paper using the ESC ( v command. Line 40 - sends the “Set Pitch and Point Size” command to the printer. (Note: The pitch is set for proportional spacing for ail point sizes to ensure proper character spacing regardless of the point size.)
  • Page 4 These are 21 point characters These are 22 point characters These are 24 point characters These are 26 point characters These are 28 point characters These are 30 point characters These are 32 point characters PSB No: P-0082 Page: 4 of 14...
  • Page 5 Length in Defined Units” command. The proper page length setting can be confirmed by issuing a “Form Feed” command, chr$(l2), or by pressing the “FF button on the control panel while the printer is “Cff Line”. PSB No: P-0082 Page: 5 of 14...
  • Page 6 Multiply the distance by 360. Divide the result by 256 using long division. Subtract the remainder in the quotient computed in step 3 from 256. The result from step 4 is the value for n1. Thevaluefofn2willahnfaysbe255. PSB No: P-0082 Page: 6 of 14...
  • Page 7 In the Basic programming language, the command would look like this. LPRlNT CHR$(27);“(v”;CHR$(2);CHR$(O);CHR$(166);CHR$(255) This command, as listed in the line above, will feed the reverse feed the paper 1/4 inch from the current line. The current print column (horizontal position) IS NOT changed. PSB No: P-0082 Page: 7 of 14...
  • Page 8 Top of Form setting. For example, if the Top of Form setting is the top edge of the paper, the paper will be positioned so that the printer is ready to print 1 inch down from the top edge of the paper.
  • Page 9 (i.e. chr$(l) or “1”). In the Basic programming language, the command would look like this. Lf’RlNT CHR$(n);Y:CHR$(O); CHR$(27) is ESC and CHR$(O) selects table 4% (italic). PSB No: P-0082 Page: 9 of T a b l e I PC437 (US)
  • Page 10 For thii reason, only the above Registered Tables are available on LQ-570, LQ-1070, LQ-870 and LQ-1170 printers sold for the U.S. market. Foreign Character Generator ROMs ARE NOT available in the United States. The following PSB No: P-0082 Page: IO Iwic...
  • Page 11 70 tf the Registered Character Table number is not 0, send the Print Data as Characters command to the printer. Speckally, this command, as listed, tells the printer to print the next 31 bytes as data, not control codes. PSB No: P-0082...
  • Page 12 110 If ths Registered Character Table number is 0, send ASCII values 161 through 254 to the printer. 120 Sand 2 line feed commands ?o the printer to provide separation between tables. 130 If program lines 20 through 120 have not exacuted 6 times, return to line 20 and start again.
  • Page 13 XSTUWXYZ[\]--’ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o ~rstuvwxyz{I)~~~b~Alt~EBbii~~E~~~~X~iiO~6U~fbOf~‘66”.3-f~~~~~a:.,~~~~~~~~~~)~JJJ~ kt-fttL+nLLrrt+l w raprxCalrr~BQG~B~nnfLIFJ9=‘..Jn2r pble 9 PC865 (Norway) b~~~**no~~bORU,4:"~~-~tl~t~~A RSTUWYCYZ[\I--’ abcdefghijklmno qrstuvwxyz( I}CU~~~AA~oe~iiiXAB~b;~ij~a~~a~0f0Ptfbi6ri~RPo;~~f?;~n-:-~~.~)~i111~)lJJJ~ fH-ttLpTw+LLr+jJ rly raPrxCa~+~BQ6~8EnifL~rJ~~.*.~a2~ PSB No: P-0082 Page: 13 of 14 !“#SX&‘()*+,-./0123456789:;*=*?gABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP !“#$%C’()*+,-./Or23456789 :;<=*?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP !“#SX&‘()*+,-./0123456789 :;<=>?QABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP -:.x4111714 ll”“l...
  • Page 14 C l h n1 n2 d, . . . dk is the command for printing control codes as data where nl and n2 are variables and d, . ..d,representthedat&atistobeprintedas characbrs. The variables nl and n2 tell the printer Yhe next xx ASCII codes are to be interpreted as characters instead of control codes”. Thii command is used primarily...
  • Page 15 Al. The LQ-870 and LQ-1170 printers are the direct replacement of the LQ-850 and LQ-1050 printers. Q2. What is ESC/P2? A2. ESC/P2 stands for Epson Standard Code for Printers version Two. ESC/P2 is the newest version of Epson’s printer control language. Q3. What features does ESC/P2 offer? A3.
  • Page 16 Q5. Are there different tractors available for the LQ-870 and LQ-1170 printer? A5. The LQ-870 and LQ-1170 printers come with one tractor, this tractor can be positioned for three different purposes. The purposes are as follows: Front Feed Push Tractor...
  • Page 17 Q9. There was a diskette included in the box with my printer, what is it for? A9. The diskette contains Epson Printer Drivers for use with some of the most popular software programs. Below is a list of these software programs.
  • Page 18 Q10. What printers are supported by the printer drivers on the diskette? A10. All drivers on the diskette support the following Epson printers: LQ-570 LQ-1070 LQ-870 LQ-1170 AP-5000 AP-5500 Q11. What are the available accessories for the LQ-870 and LQ-1170 printers? A11.
  • Page 19 EPSON AMERICA INC. Product Support Bulletin Subject: Quick Reference for Current Dot-Matrix Printer Print Speeds Date: 10/9/92 Page(s): 1 of 1 Model AP-2250 200 CPS LX-810 200 CPS FX-870/1170 11 285 CPS 1 342 CPS 1 380 CPS 1 57 CPS I 68 CPS II...
  • Page 20 Date: 10/9/92 Page(s): 1 of 1 This PSB provides a quick reference for the paper specifications on Epson’s current line of 9-pin and 24-pin dot-matrix printers when using continuous paper. The ‘Maximum No. of Copies” is the maximum allowable number of copies when using continuous multi-part carbonless paper.