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HP b2600 Release Note page 17

Distributed file system
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7 Configure security replica:
tcl_dce_config_secreplica (hostname celladmin \
> celladmin_pw)
This function allows an existing dce client machine to become a security replica.
The hostname will be the used as the name of the replica. The node you run
this function on must be an existing dce client machine.
For example:
dcecp> tcl_dce_config_secreplica oddball cell_admin \
> -dce-
8 Configure cds replica:
tcl_dce_config_cdsreplica (hostname cds_server \
> celladmin celladmin_pw cds_dirlist)
Will create a CDS replica server on an existing dce client machine. The node you
run this function on must be an existing dce client. The hostname will be used
as the name of the clearinghouse (with '_ch' appended). The cds_dirlist
parameter is a space-separated list (in braces) of CDS directories that should be
replicated in the new CDS server. The "/.:" directory is always automatically
For example:
dcecp> tcl_dce_config_cdsreplica oddball harpoon
cell_admin -dce- \> {/.:/hosts /.:/hosts/oddball /.:/
hosts/blech}: dcecp>
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