Language Device information Check for software upgrades 2 Your NP3300 Restore factory settings Introduction What's in the box 9 Register NP3300 with Philips Overview %HQHÀWV Register NP3300 3 Prepare Unregister NP3300 Install batteries into the remote control 11 Check registration information...
All manuals and user guides at h Do not remove the casing of this product. 1 Important i Only use this product indoors. Do not expose the product to dripping / splashing water, rain or high humidity. j Keep this product away from direct VXQOLJKW QDNHG ÁDPHV RU KHDW Safety k Do not install near any heat sources...
All manuals and user guides at Hearing Safety Environmental notices Listen at a moderate volume: Using headphones at a high volume can impair This product complies with the radio your hearing. This product can produce sounds LQWHUIHUHQFH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH (XURSHDQ in decibel ranges that may cause hearing loss for Community.
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All manuals and user guides at Please inform yourself about the local separate collection system for electrical and electronic products. Please act according to your local rules and do not dispose of your old products with your normal household waste. Correct disposal of your old product helps to prevent potential QHJDWLYH FRQVHTXHQFHV IRU WKH HQYLURQPHQW DQG human health.
All manuals and user guides at 2 Your NP3300 &RQJUDWXODWLRQV RQ \RXU SXUFKDVH DQG ZHOFRPH WR 3KLOLSV 7R IXOO\ EHQHÀW IURP WKH VXSSRUW WKDW 3KLOLSV RIIHUV UHJLVWHU \RXU SURGXFW at Introduction This unit can: connect to the existing home Wi-Fi/ ZLUHG QHWZRUN ZKLFK FDQ FRQVLVW RI computers and UPnP devices;...
All manuals and user guides at Overview Front and rear view 3.5 mm headphone jack. Increase/decrease the volume. IR sensor PRESET TUNNING1/2/3/4/5 POWER In INTERNET RADIO PRGH SUHVV WR Press to turn on the unit. select a preset station.
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All manuals and user guides at In LIBRARY/INTERNET RADIO mode: Remote control Superscroll ,Q D ORQJ OLVW RI RSWLRQV SUHVV and hold to start Superscroll. Release to MXPS WR WKH ÀUVW LWHP VWDUWLQJ ZLWK FXUUHQW alphabet/number. Search buttons on the play screen. In LIBRARY mode: ...
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All manuals and user guides at 7R PRYH WR WKH QH[W SDJH SUHVV SLEEP/TIMER repeatedly until you reach the end of the Set the sleep timer. page. SOUND MENU 7R JR EDFN WR SUHYLRXV VFUHHQ SUHVV Enter the menu for sound effect BACK.
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All manuals and user guides at
All manuals and user guides at 3 Prepare Install batteries into the remote control Caution 5LVN RI H[SORVLRQ .HHS EDWWHULHV DZD\ IURP KHDW VXQVKLQH RU ÀUH 1HYHU GLVFDUG EDWWHULHV LQ ÀUH Risk of decreased battery life! Never mix different brands or types of batteries.
All manuals and user guides at 4 First-time setup 7KH ÀUVW WLPH \RX WXUQ RQ 13 Select the desired language on the screen as prompted. Select your location and time zone from the list as prompted. Select [Yes] ZKHQ DVNHG ZKHWKHU WR VHW XS network connection.
All manuals and user guides at Connect to home Wi-Fi/ wired network Connect wirelessly TwonkyMedia Server (PC/Mac) NP3300 Connect through an Ethernet cable NP3300 TwonkyMedia Server (PC/Mac) To have the unit connected to the Internet You can connect NP3300 to home Wi-Fi/wired RYHU KRPH :L)LZLUHG QHWZRUN HQVXUH QHWZRUN LQ GLIIHUHQW ZD\V ZLUHOHVV RU ZLUHG automatic or manual.
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All manuals and user guides at Wireless connection: One-touch Wi- )L 3URWHFWHG 6HWXS :36 NP3300 supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup(WPS). <RX FDQ TXLFNO\ DQG VHFXUHO\ FRQQHFW NP3300 to a wireless router that also supports the WPS. You can select one of the two setup methods: 3%&...
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All manuals and user guides at Select the desired Wi-Fi network. Wireless connection: Enter $V SURPSWHG HQWHU WKH HQFU\SWLRQ NH\ WR encryption key manually the network. » 7KH XQLW VWDUWV WR DFTXLUH DQ ,3 NP3300 address assigned by the Wi-Fi network automatically.
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All manuals and user guides at Enter the IP address manually Wireless connection: Enter IP address On the NP3300 HQWHU DQ ,3 DGGUHVV WKDW manually allows the unit to be in the same subnet as NP3300 the router. )RU H[DPSOH LI WKH URXWHU KDV ,3 DGGUHVV 6XEQHW PDVN;...
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All manuals and user guides at Select [Yes] ZKHQ DVNHG ZKHWKHU WR VHW Connect to the Internet up network connection (see 'First-time Connect to the Internet as prompted. » <RX HQWHU +RPH VFUHHQ DIWHU WKH ÀUVW setup'). time setup is complete. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the unit to the router.
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All manuals and user guides at Acquiring IP address... Press <Back> to enter IP address manually Press repeatedly to select the entry location; 7R HQWHU WKH GHVLUHG GLJLWV XVH WKH alphanumeric buttons on the remote control; or press repeatedly.
All manuals and user guides at 5 Play from home Wi-Fi/wired network Stream from a UPnP server TwonkyMedia Server (PC/Mac) NP3300 Wireless Modem PC Power Through the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) You can stream music between computers and SURWRFROV D 83Q3 PHGLD VHUYHU DOORZV PXVLF NP3300 ZKHQ ÀOHV WR EH VWUHDPHG IURP WKH VHUYHU WR D 83Q3...
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All manuals and user guides at Play favorite songs Library on a UPnP server 2Q 13 \RX PD\ ZLVK WR OLVWHQ WR FHUWDLQ VRQJV IURP GLIIHUHQW DUWLVWV DOEXPV DQG JHQUHV 2Q WKH FRPSXWHUV 83Q3 VHUYHUV WKH VXSSOLHG Add the songs to [Favorites]. software Media Browser or TwonkyMedia Server can access music libraries that are Go to a list of songs.
All manuals and user guides at 2Q 13 GR WKH IROORZLQJ WR H[LW WKH external control. Press on the remote control; Press Press HOME. Note The external control is stopped if the sleeper timer is turned on after the set time duration.
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All manuals and user guides at Go to [All stations] > [Locations] to To play a preset station locate stations by region; Go to [Internet Radio] > [Presets]. 7R VHDUFK IRU D VWDWLRQ E\ QDPH 2U RQ WKH UDGLR SOD\ VFUHHQ SUHVV WKH use the remote control to start PRESET TUNNING1/2/3/4/5 keys on...
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Manage Internet radio online NP3300 Internet By registering NP3300 on ZHOFRPH VHH
\RX FDQ ORJ LQ WR &OXE 3KLOLSV 2Q &OXE 3KLOLSV you can do the following to manage the Internet Radio on a computer: ...
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All manuals and user guides at 2Q D FRPSXWHU ORJ LQ WR &OXE 3KLOLSV VHH 'Register NP3300 with Philips'). 7R DGG D VWDWLRQ FOLFN >6WUHDPLXP management] > [My media] > [Music]. To change the order of favorite stations in the list: ...
All manuals and user guides at Alphanumeric search Stream from online music services ,Q D ORQJ OLVW RI RSWLRQV VWDUW DOSKDQXPHULF search by entering characters that an item starts with or contains. 2Q 13 \RX FDQ HQMR\ WKH RQOLQH PXVLF services.
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All manuals and user guides at 7R UHDFK WKH ÀUVW LWHP WKDW VWDUWV ZLWK WKH next letter Press . 7R UHDFK WKH ÀUVW LWHP WKDW VWDUWV ZLWK WKH previous letter Press . Superscroll ,Q D ORQJ OLVW RI RSWLRQV Superscroll allows you to start a search in an alphabetical order.
Or tap the Market icon on your Tap an icon on the home screen to select Android enabled Smartphone. the source you want. Search for 'Philips MyRemote' in the App Tap [Now Playing] at the bottom of the Store or Market. screen.
All manuals and user guides at 7 Multiroom Music NP3300 MCi8080 :LWK WKH 0XOWLURRP 0XVLF IHDWXUH \RX FDQ SOD\ Wait until the Multiroom Music feature is the same song on MCi8080 and NP3300 at the enabled successfully. same time. ...
All manuals and user guides at 8 Settings Incredible Surround Incredible Surround allows you to experience total surround with greater depth and width of VRXQG ZLWKRXW WKH XVH RI DGGLWLRQDO VSHDNHUV In [Settings] > [Sound settings] > Play modes [Incredible Surround] WXUQ LW RQ RU RII :KHQ SOD\LQJ PXVLF \RX FDQ FKRRVH WR SOD\ Bass and treble...
All manuals and user guides at Screensaver Display settings 2Q 13 WKH VFUHHQVDYHU LV WXUQHG RQ ZKHQ NP3300 is switched to active standby. Brightness :KHQ WXUQHG RQ WKH VHOHFWHG VFUHHQVDYHU appears. The clock is shown on the lower right 2Q 13 \RX FDQ DGMXVW WKH EULJKWQHVV RI corner of the screen.
All manuals and user guides at Album art Album art (the picture of CD/album cover) is sometimes available for music downloads. With VRPH PHGLD PDQDJHPHQW VRIWZDUH DOEXP art can be inserted for the songs. By turning [Album art] RQ RU RII \RX FDQ FKRRVH ZKHWKHU to show the picture of CD/album cover for corresponding songs.
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All manuals and user guides at To play a song or Internet radio station as the Sleep timer next alarm sound Ensure that you have selected [Music] in :LWK WKH VOHHS WLPHU \RX FDQ KDYH 13 the Step 3 above; turned off automatically after the set timer duration.
All manuals and user guides at Set date/time format Select how date and time are displayed in the clock. Automatic (Internet) Follow Step 1-2 under "Manual setting". Manual In [Date and time] JR WR [Time format] or [Date format] to select options. Network settings Setup network $IWHU WKH ÀUVWWLPH VHWXS \RX FDQ FKDQJH...
All manuals and user guides at Location and time zone Restore factory settings $IWHU WKH ÀUVWWLPH VHWXS \RX FDQ FKDQJH WKH You can restore NP3300 to factory settings. All selected location and time zone when moving \RXU VHWWLQJV DUH UHPRYHG LQFOXGLQJ WKH VHWWLQJV to a new location or time zone.
Register on the web site $V SURPSWHG HQWHU \RXU YDOLG email address (see 'Your NP3300'- To register NP3300 directly on >'Overview'->'Text entry'). FRPZHOFRPH \RX QHHG WR ÀOO LQ WKH IROORZLQJ » You receive an email message from information as prompted during registration:
>[Unregister]. $V SURPSWHG FRQÀUP WR VWDUW unregistering the account. :KHQ UHUHJLVWHULQJ WKH DFFRXQW \RX FDQ UHFRYHU WKH Internet radio stations that you maintained with Philips online services. Check registration information You can check whether you have registered WKH 13 DQG ZKDW DFFRXQW \RX KDYH XVHG IRU UHJLVWUDWLRQ 7R FKHFN WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ go to [Settings] >...
All manuals and user guides at 10 Maintenance This chapter tells you how to care for NP3300. Cleaning Note Avoid moisture and abrasion. Clean NP3300 only with a soft dry cloth.
All manuals and user guides at 11 Technical data Loudspeakers Power handling Front speakers: 2 W Impedance General )URQW VSHDNHUV AC Power Sensitivity The voltage information is printed on the Front speakers: 83 dB / 1 m / W power adaptor (backside).
50-100m. Reposition the devices if you experience transmission problems. I have not received any registration email from Check that the email address that is entered in the user registration section is valid and spelled correctly.
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Limitations on Access to Streams. Philips does not guarantee access to any particular stream or to the content contained in any stream. Philips may, in its discretion, add or remove access to any specific stream or content at any time. Some streams are accessible through arrangements with online service providers which determine which streams are listed on their directories.
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Most of that software is contained in the Device and is not accessible to you. Some of that software is owned by Philips and some is owned by others. Your use of software owned by Philips is subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use and any applicable license agreement.
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Software, but you do not acquire any rights, express or implied, in the Software other than those specified in this Agreement. Philips and its licensors retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Software, including all patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights incorporated therein. The Software is protected by copyright laws, international treaty provisions, and other intellectual property laws.
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3KLOLSV·V ULJKWV DQG \RXU REOLJDWLRQV VKDOO VXUYLYH WKH WHUPLQDWLRQ RI WKLV $JUHHPHQW 7. Upgrades. Philips may, at its sole option, make upgrades to the Software available by general posting on a website or by any other means or methods. Such upgrades may be made available pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or the release of such upgrades to you may be subject to your acceptance of another agreement.
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All manuals and user guides at meet the warranty set forth herein and that is returned to Philips with a copy of your receipt. This limited warranty shall be void if failure of the Software has resulted from any accident, abuse, misuse or wrongful application.