For PerFecT resulTs Thank you for choosing this aeG product. We have created it to give you impeccable performance for many years, with innovative technologies that help make life simpler – features you might not find on ordinary appliances. Please spend a few minutes reading to get the very best from it.
recoMMenDaTIons anD bottom of the pan only, making sure that it does not engulf the sides. suGGesTIons • Deep fat fryers must be continuously moni- • The Instructions for use apply to several ver- tored during use: overheated oil can burst into sions of this appliance.
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english conTrols e: Manages lighting Intensity: 0-l1-l2-l3-lMax. When this area is touched, the lights turn on at the required intensity. When the lighting intensity is touched, it will become brighter a: hood Functions on/off. (intensity 100%) than the other functions (intensity 50%).
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function without lifting it off. If the motor and lights are turned off, by setting them to zero, all the command leDs will remain on at 50%, and if no further commands are given in the next 10 seconds, then all the leDs will be turned off with the exception of the “0”...