Contents 1 Important 2 Your Micro Music System 3 Before use 4 Get started 5 Play 6 Play from iPod/iPhone/iPad 7 Listen to radio 8 Other features 8SJUDGH WKH ÀUPZDUH 10 Product information 11 Troubleshooting 12 Notice...
1 Important Important notes for users in the U.K. Mains fuse +RZ WR FRQQHFW D SOXJ Safety Risk of electric shock! 5LVN RI VKRUW FLUFXLW RU ÀUH Risk of injury or damage to the product!
Risk of overheating! Risk of contamination! 5LVN RI VZDOORZLQJ EDWWHULHV Hearing safety Listen at a moderate volume. To establish a safe volume level: Listen for reasonable periods of time: %H VXUH WR REVHUYH WKH IROORZLQJ JXLGHOLQHV ZKHQ XVLQJ \RXU KHDGSKRQHV Note...
2 Your Micro Music System Introduction With this product, you can: <RX FDQ HQULFK VRXQG RXWSXW ZLWK WKHVH VRXQG effects: The product supports these media formats: What's in the box 2YHUYLHZ RI WKH UHPRWH control...
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2YHUYLHZ RI WKH PDLQ XQLW Dock for iPod/iPhone/iPad Disc compartment MP3-LINK IR sensor SOURCE...
5 Play Play a disc Caution Play from a USB storage device Note If the play does not start automatically, PRESET/ALBUM Basic control MODE/SCAN RDS DISPLAY Program audio tracks PROG/CLOCK SET [PRG] PROG/CLOCK SET...
7 Listen to radio Note Product information RDS program types Store DAB radio stations automatically DAB/FM [FULL SCAN] Basic operations 7XQH WR WKH QH[W )0 UDGLR VWDWLRQ ZLWK VXIÀFLHQW VLJQDO VWUHQJWK DW WKH ORZHUKLJKHU frequency 7XQH WR WKH )0 UDGLR VWDWLRQ DW D VSHFLÀF frequency Program FM radio stations automatically MODE/SCAN...
VOL +/- SLEEP TIMER SLEEP TIMER Note Listen to external audio device MP3 LINK USB MP3-LINK Listen through headphone Note 9 Upgrade the ILUPZDUH Note VOL +/- Register your product Register my product DCB2020/05...
DAB Tuner Speakers General information USB playability information Compatible USB devices: Supported formats: Unsupported formats: Supported MP3 disc formats RDS program types...