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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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(EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
Table of contents Table of contents Section 1 Introduction................23 This manual.................... 23 Intended audience.................. 23 Product documentation................24 Product documentation set..............24 Document revision history..............25 Related documents................26 Document symbols and conventions............26 Symbols.....................26 Document conventions..............27 IEC 61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping..........28 Section 2 Application................39 General IED application................39 Main protection functions................48...
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Table of contents Examples on how to connect, configure and set CT inputs for most commonly used CT connections........73 Example on how to connect a wye connected three-phase CT set to the IED................74 Example how to connect delta connected three-phase CT set to the IED................79 Example how to connect single-phase CT to the IED....
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Table of contents Operation principle................114 Frequency reporting..............116 Reporting filters................118 Scaling Factors for ANALOGREPORT channels....... 119 PMU Report Function Blocks Connection Rules in PCM600 Application Configuration Tool (ACT)......... 121 Setting guidelines................127 Section 7 Differential protection............133 Transformer differential protection T2WPDIF and T3WPDIF (87T)..133 Identification..................
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Table of contents Load encroachment..............204 Short line application..............205 Long transmission line application..........206 Parallel line application with mutual coupling......207 Tapped line application...............214 Setting guidelines................216 General..................216 Setting of zone 1.................217 Setting of overreaching zone............217 Setting of reverse zone...............218 Setting of zones for parallel line application....... 219 Setting the reach with respect to load........
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Table of contents Setting of reverse zone...............267 Series compensated and adjacent lines........267 Setting of zones for parallel line application....... 272 Setting of reach in resistive direction..........274 Load impedance limitation, without load encroachment function..................275 Zone reach setting higher than minimum load impedance..276 Parameter setting guidelines............
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Table of contents 100% stator earth fault protection..........329 Under impedance protection for generators and transformers ZGVPDIS....................330 Identification..................330 Application..................331 Operating zones................. 332 Zone 1 operation................ 333 Zone 2 operation................ 333 Zone 3 operation................ 334 CT and VT positions..............335 Undervoltage seal-in function.............
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Table of contents Setting guidelines................365 Common settings for all steps............ 365 2nd harmonic restrain..............367 Parallel transformer inrush current logic........367 Switch onto fault logic..............368 Settings for each step (x = 1, 2, 3 and 4)........369 Transformer application example..........372 Four step directional negative phase sequence overcurrent protection NS4PTOC (46I2)..............377 Identification..................
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Table of contents Negativ sequence time overcurrent protection for machines NS2PTOC (46I2).................. 417 Identification..................417 Application..................418 Features..................418 Generator continuous unbalance current capability....419 Setting guidelines................421 Operate time characteristic............422 Pickup sensitivity................ 423 Alarm function................423 Accidental energizing protection for synchronous generator AEGPVOC (50AE)................424 Identification..................
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Table of contents Disconnected equipment detection..........438 Power supply quality ..............438 Voltage instability mitigation............438 Backup protection for power system faults.........439 Settings for two step undervoltage protection......439 Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV (59)......... 440 Identification..................441 Application..................441 Setting guidelines................442 Equipment protection, such as for motors, generators, reactors and transformers............
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Table of contents Voltage restrained overcurrent protection for generator and step-up transformer..............495 Loss of excitation protection for a generator......495 Inadvertent generator energization..........497 General settings of the instance..........499 Settings for OC1................. 499 Setting for OC2................500 Setting for UC1................500 Setting for UC2................
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Table of contents Section 15 Control................519 Synchronism check, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN (25)..................519 Identification..................519 Application..................519 Synchronizing................519 Synchronism check..............521 Energizing check................ 523 Voltage selection................ 524 External fuse failure..............525 Application examples...............526 Single circuit breaker with single busbar........527 Single circuit breaker with double busbar, external voltage selection..................
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Table of contents Signals from bypass busbar............561 Signals from bus-coupler............562 Configuration setting..............566 Interlocking for bus-coupler bay ABC_BC (3)........567 Application.................. 567 Configuration................567 Signals from all feeders.............. 567 Signals from bus-coupler............570 Configuration setting..............571 Interlocking for transformer bay AB_TRAFO (3)......572 Application..................
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Table of contents Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGAPC....................643 Identification..................643 Application..................643 Setting guidelines................643 Selector mini switch VSGAPC.............. 644 Identification..................644 Application..................644 Setting guidelines................645 Generic communication function for Double Point indication DPGAPC....................645 Identification..................
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Table of contents Application..................660 Setting guidelines................660 Logic for group alarm ALMCALH............660 Identification..................660 Application..................661 Setting guidelines................661 Logic for group alarm WRNCALH............661 Identification..................661 Application.................. 661 Setting guidelines............... 661 Logic for group indication INDCALH.............661 Identification..................661 Application.................. 662 Setting guidelines...............
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Table of contents Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGAPC................672 Identification..................672 Application..................672 Setting guidelines................672 Comparator for integer inputs - INTCOMP........... 673 Identification..................673 Application..................673 Setting guidelines................673 Setting example................673 Comparator for real inputs - REALCOMP..........674 Identification..................
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Table of contents Disturbance report DRPRDRE............. 699 Identification..................700 Application..................700 Setting guidelines................701 Recording times................704 Binary input signals..............704 Analog input signals..............705 Sub-function parameters............706 Consideration................706 Logical signal status report BINSTATREP........... 707 Identification..................707 Application..................708 Setting guidelines................708 Limit counter L4UFCNT................
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Table of contents Application..................735 Setting guidelines................735 Redundant communication..............737 Identification..................737 Application..................737 Setting guidelines................739 Merging unit..................740 Application..................740 Setting guidelines................741 Routes....................741 Application..................741 Setting guidelines................741 Section 20 Station communication............743 Communication protocols..............743 IEC 61850-8-1 communication protocol..........
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Table of contents Section 21 Remote communication.............761 Binary signal transfer................761 Identification..................761 Application..................761 Communication hardware solutions........... 762 Setting guidelines................763 Section 22 Security................769 Authority status ATHSTAT..............769 Application..................769 Self supervision with internal event list INTERRSIG......769 Application..................769 Change lock CHNGLCK...............
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Table of contents Application..................778 Setting guidelines................778 Signal matrix for binary inputs SMBI.............778 Application..................778 Setting guidelines................778 Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO ..........779 Application..................779 Setting guidelines................779 Signal matrix for mA inputs SMMI............779 Application..................779 Setting guidelines................
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Table of contents Current transformers according to IEC 61869-2, class PX, PXR (and old IEC 60044-6, class TPS and old British Standard, class X)..........809 Current transformers according to ANSI/IEEE......809 Voltage transformer requirements............810 SNTP server requirements..............811 PTP requirements.................811 Sample specification of communication requirements for the protection and control terminals in digital telecommunication networks....................
Section 1 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual GUID-AB423A30-13C2-46AF-B7FE-A73BB425EB5F v18 The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function can be used.
Section 1 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Introduction Product documentation 1.3.1 Product documentation set GUID-3AA69EA6-F1D8-47C6-A8E6-562F29C67172 v15 Engineering manual Installation manual Commissioning manual Operation manual Application manual Technical manual Communication protocol manual Cyber security deployment guideline IEC07000220-4-en.vsd IEC07000220 V4 EN-US Figure 1: The intended use of manuals throughout the product lifecycle The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the various tools available within the PCM600 software.
Section 1 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Introduction The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED. The manual can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance during the testing phase. The manual provides procedures for the checking of external circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as verifying settings by secondary injection.
Section 1 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Introduction Class 1 Laser product. Take adequate measures to protect the eyes and do not view directly with optical instruments. The caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage to equipment or property.
Section 1 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Introduction • the character ^ in front of an input/output signal name indicates that the signal name may be customized using the PCM600 software. • the character * after an input signal name indicates that the signal must be connected to another function block in the application configuration to achieve a valid application configuration.
Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application Section 2 Application General IED application SEMOD155704-4 v7 The REG670 is used for protection, control and monitoring of generators and generator-transformer blocks from relatively small units up to the largest generating units. The IED has a comprehensive function library, covering the requirements for most generator applications.
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application Central Account Management is an authentication infrastructure that offers a secure solution for enforcing access control to IEDs and other systems within a substation. This incorporates management of user accounts, roles and certificates and the distribution of such, a procedure completely transparent to the user.
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application Note that during secondary injection testing of this feature, it is absolutely necessary to also inject the voltage signals used for frequency tracking even when a simple overcurrent protection is tested. If protection for lower frequencies than 9Hz is required (for example, for pump-storage schemes) four step overcurrent protection with RMS measurement shall be used.
Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application Main protection functions GUID-66BAAD98-851D-4AAC-B386-B38B57718BD2 v13 Table 2: Example of quantities = number of basic instances = option quantities 3-A03 = optional function included in packages A03 (refer to ordering details) IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Generator...
Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description function name REG670 (Customized) SAPTOF Overfrequency protection SAPFRC Rate-of-change of frequency protection FTAQFVR Frequency time accumulation protection 0-12 Multipurpose protection CVGAPC General current and voltage protection General calculation SMAIHPAC Multipurpose filter 1) 67 requires voltage...
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Generator function name REG670 (Customized) SINGLECMD Single command, 16 signals I103CMD Function commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103GENCMD Function commands generic for IEC 60870-5-103 I103POSCMD IED commands with position and select for IEC 60870-5-103 I103POSCMDV IED direct commands with position for IEC 60870-5-103...
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Generator function name REG670 (Customized) AND, GATE, INV, Extension logic package (see Table 6) LLD, OR, PULSETIMER, RSMEMORY, SLGAPC, SRMEMORY, TIMERSET, VSGAPC, XOR FXDSIGN Fixed signal function block B16I Boolean to integer conversion, 16 bit BTIGAPC...
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application Table 4: Number of function instances in APC30 Function name Function description Total number of instances SCILO Interlocking BB_ES A1A2_BS A1A2_DC ABC_BC BH_CONN BH_LINE_A BH_LINE_B DB_BUS_A DB_BUS_B DB_LINE ABC_LINE AB_TRAFO SCSWI Switch controller SXSWI Circuit switch QCRSV...
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application Configurable logic blocks Q/T Total number of instances RSMEMORYQT SRMEMORYQT TIMERSETQT XORQT Table 6: Total number of instances for extended logic package Extended configurable logic block Total number of instances GATE PULSETIMER RSMEMORY SLGAPC SRMEMORY TIMERSET...
Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application IEC 61850 or ANSI Function description Generator function name REG670 (Customized) SPGAPC Generic communication function for Single Point indication SP16GAPC Generic communication function for Single Point indication 16 inputs MVGAPC Generic communication function for measured values BINSTATREP Logical signal status report RANGE_XP...
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application IEC 61850 or function ANSI Function description Generator name REG670 (Customized) HORZCOMM Network variables via LON RS485GEN RS485 DNPGEN DNP3.0 communication general protocol CHSERRS485 DNP3.0 for EIA-485 communication protocol CH1TCP, CH2TCP, DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol CH3TCP, CH4TCP CHSEROPT DNP3.0 for TCP/IP and EIA-485 communication protocol...
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application IEC 61850 or function ANSI Function description Generator name REG670 (Customized) IEC 62439-3 High-availability seamless redundancy PMUCONF, Synchrophasor report, 16 phasors (see Table 7) PMUREPORT, PHASORREPORT1, ANALOGREPORT1 BINARYREPORT1, SMAI1 - SMAI12 3PHSUM PMUSTATUS Precision time protocol FRONTSTATUS Access point diagnostic for front Ethernet port...
Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application Function name Function description Number of instances BINARYREPORT1 Protocol reporting of binary data via IEEE 1344 and C37.118, binary 1-8 SMAI1–SMAI12 Signal matrix for analog inputs 3PHSUM Summation block 3 phase PMUSTATUS Diagnostics for C37.118 2011 and IEEE1344 protocol Basic IED functions GUID-C8F0E5D2-E305-4184-9627-F6B5864216CA v12 Table 8:...
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Section 2 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Application IEC 61850 or function Description name GBASVAL Global base values for settings ALTMS Time master supervision ALTIM Time management COMSTATUS Protocol diagnostic Table 9: Local HMI functions IEC 61850 or function ANSI Description name LHMICTRL Local HMI signals...
Section 3 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Configuration Section 3 Configuration Description of REG670 SEMOD175634-1 v2 3.1.1 Introduction SEMOD175645-1 v1 Description of configuration A20 SEMOD175637-4 v5 REG670 A20 configuration is used in applications where only generator protection within one IED is required. REG670 A20 is always delivered in 1/2 of 19" case size. Thus only 12 analogue inputs are available.
Section 3 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Configuration REG670 A20 – Generator differential + backup protection 12AI (7I + 5U) GEN_QA1 2(U0>) Usqi GEN_TRM_VT ROV2 PTOV V MMXU V MSQI f< f> 2(3U<) 2(3U>) f< f> SA PTUF SA PTOF UV2 PTUV OV2 PTOV VN MMXU SA PTUF...
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Section 3 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Configuration and all other typically required generator protection functions. In figure 9, this configuration is shown. REG670 B30 functional library includes additional functions, which are not configured, such as additional Multipurpose protection functions, Synchrocheck function, second generator differential protection function, and so on.
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Section 3 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Configuration REG670 B30 – Generator differential + backup protection 24AI (9I+3U, 9I+3U) HV_QA1 HV_CT Control Control 50BF 3I>BF 51_67 4(3I>) Isqi Control S SCBR S SCBR CC RBRF OC4 PTOC S SCBR C MSQI C MMXU HV_NCT 4(IN>)
Section 3 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Configuration Description of configuration C30 SEMOD175637-18 v6 REG670 C30 configuration is used in applications where generator-transformer block protection within one IED is required. REG670 C30 is always delivered in 1/1 of 19" case size. Thus 24 analog inputs are available. This configuration includes generator low impedance, differential protection, transformer differential protection and overall differential protection functions.
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Section 3 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Configuration REG670 C30 – Generator and block transformer protection HV_QA1 24AI (9I+3U, 6I+6U) HV_VT Usqi 2(3U>) U>/I< 51_67 4(3I>) V MMXU V MSQI OV2 PTOV FUF SPVC CV MMXN OC4 PTOC HV_CT Control 50BF Control IdN/I 3I>BF...
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Section 4 Analog inputs Introduction SEMOD55003-5 v11 Analog input channels must be configured and set properly in order to get correct measurement results and correct protection operations. For power measuring, all directional and differential functions, the directions of the input currents must be defined in order to reflect the way the current transformers are installed/connected in the field ( primary and secondary connections ).
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Example SEMOD55055-11 v5 Usually the A phase-to-ground voltage connected to the first VT channel number of the transformer input module (TRM) is selected as the phase reference. The first VT channel number depends on the type of transformer input module. For a TRM with 6 current and 6 voltage inputs the first VT channel is 7.
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Example 1 SEMOD55055-23 v6 Two IEDs used for protection of two objects. Line Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional functions Transformer protection Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter...
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Example 3 SEMOD55055-35 v7 One IED used to protect two objects. Transformer Line Forward Reverse Definition of direction for directional Transformer and line functions Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter CT_WyePoint with...
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs direction for the current channels to the line protection is set with the line as reference object and the directional functions of the line protection shall be set to Forward to protect the line. Transformer Line Reverse...
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Busbar Busbar Protection en06000196_ansi.vsd ANSI06000196 V1 EN-US Figure 16: Example how to set CT_WyePoint parameters in the IED For busbar protection, it is possible to set the CT_WyePoint parameters in two ways. The first solution will be to use busbar as a reference object.
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Regardless which one of the above two options is selected, busbar differential protection will behave correctly. The main CT ratios must also be set. This is done by setting the two parameters CTsec and CTprim for each current channel.
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs It shall be noted that depending on national standard and utility practices, the rated secondary current of a CT has typically one of the following values: • • However, in some cases, the following rated secondary currents are used as well: •...
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs SMAI_20 CT 600/5 Wye Connected Protected Object ANSI13000002-3-en.vsd ANSI13000002 V3 EN-US Figure 18: Wye connected three-phase CT set with wye point towards the protected object Where: The drawing shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a wye connected three-phase CT set to the three CT inputs of the IED.
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs These three connections are the links between the three current inputs and the three input channels of the preprocessing function block 4). Depending on the type of functions, which need this current information, more than one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to the same three physical CT inputs.
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs SMAI_20_2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2_A ^GRP2_B ^GRP2_C CT 800/1 ^GRP2N Wye Connected Protected Object ANSI11000026-5-en-.vsd ANSI11000026 V5 EN-US Figure 19: Wye connected three-phase CT set with its wye point away from the protected object In the example, everything is done in a similar way as in the above described example (Figure 18).
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P AI 01 (I) ^GRP2_A ^GRP2_B ^GRP2_C AI 02 (I) ^GRP2N TYPE AI 03 (I) CT 800/1 Wye Connected AI 04 (I) AI 05 (I) AI 06 (I) Protected Object ANSI06000644-2-en.vsd ANSI06000644 V2 EN-US Figure 20:...
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Is a connection made in the Signal Matrix tool (SMT) and Application configuration tool (ACT), which connects the residual/neutral current input to the fourth input channel of the preprocessing function block 6). Note that this connection in SMT shall not be done if the residual/neutral current is not connected to the IED.
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs SMAI_20 IA-IB IB-IC IC-IA ANSI11000027-2-en.vsd Protected Object ANSI11000027 V2 EN-US Figure 21: Delta DAB connected three-phase CT set Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a delta connected three-phase CT set to three CT inputs of the IED. is the TRM where these current inputs are located. It shall be noted that for all these current inputs the following setting values shall be entered.
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs SMAI_20 IA-IC IB-IA IC-IB ANSI11000028-2-en.vsd Protected Object ANSI11000028 V2 EN-US Figure 22: Delta DAC connected three-phase CT set In this case, everything is done in a similar way as in the above described example, except that for all used current inputs on the TRM the following setting parameters shall be entered: =800A...
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs For correct terminal designations, see the connection diagrams valid for the delivered IED. Protected Object SMAI_20_2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2_A ^GRP2_B ^GRP2_C ^GRP2_N ANSI11000029-3-en.vsd ANSI11000029 V3 EN-US Figure 23: Connections for single-phase CT input Where: shows how to connect single-phase CT input in the IED.
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs 4.2.3 Relationships between setting parameter Base Current, CT rated primary current and minimum pickup of a protection IED GUID-8EB19363-9178-4F04-A6AC-AF0C2F99C5AB v1 Note that for all line protection applications (e.g. distance protection or line differential protection) the parameter Base Current (i.e.
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Example SEMOD55055-47 v3 Consider a VT with the following data: 132kV 120V (Equation 1) EQUATION1937 V1 EN-US The following setting should be used: VTprim=132 (value in kV) VTsec=120 (value in Examples how to connect, configure and set VT inputs for most commonly used VT connections SEMOD55055-60 v6...
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs • 100 V • 110 V • 115 V • 120 V • 230 V The IED fully supports all of these values and most of them will be shown in the following examples.
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs AI 07 (I) SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P AI 08 (V) ^GRP2_A ^GRP2_B AI 09 (V) ^GRP2_C ^GRP2N #Not used AI 10 (V) TYPE AI 11 (V) AI 12 (V) ANSI06000599-2-en.vsd ANSI06000599 V2 EN-US Figure 25: A Three phase-to-ground connected VT SMAI2...
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect three secondary phase-to-ground voltages to three VT inputs on the is the TRM where these three voltage inputs are located. For these three voltage inputs, the following setting values shall be entered: VTprim = 132 kV VTsec = 110 V Inside the IED, only the ratio of these two parameters is used.
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs 13.8 13.8 AI 07(I) SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P AI 08 (V) ^GRP2_A (A-B) ^GRP2_B (B-C) AI 09 (V) ^GRP2_C (C-A) ^GRP2N #Not Used TYPE AI 10(V) AI 11(V) AI 12(V) ANSI06000600-3-en.vsd ANSI06000600 V3 EN-US Figure 27: A Two phase-to-phase connected VT Where:...
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs are three connections made in the Signal Matrix tool (SMT), Application configuration tool (ACT), which connects these three voltage inputs to first three input channels of the preprocessing function block 5). Depending on the type of functions, which need this voltage information, more than one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to these three VT inputs shows that in this example the fourth (that is, residual) input channel of the preprocessing block...
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs AI 07 (I) AI 08 (V) SMAI2 AI 09 (V) BLOCK AI3P ^GRP2_A # Not Used AI 10 (V) ^GRP2_B # Not Used ^GRP2_C # Not Used AI 11 (V) +3Vo ^GRP2N TYPE AI 12 (V) ANSI06000601-2-en.vsd...
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of the open delta VT to one VT input on the IED. +3Vo shall be connected to the IED is the TRM where this voltage input is located. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: ×...
Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Example how to connect the open delta VT to the IED for low impedance grounded or solidly grounded power systems SEMOD55055-199 v6 Figure gives an example about the connection of an open delta VT to the IED for low impedance grounded or solidly grounded power systems.
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs AI07 (I) AI08 (V) SMAI2 AI09 (V) BLOCK AI3P ^GRP2_A # Not Used AI10 (V) # Not Used ^GRP2_B # Not Used ^GRP2_C +3Vo AI11 (V) ^GRP2N TYPE AI12 (V) ANSI06000602-2-en.vsd ANSI06000602 V2 EN-US Figure 29: Open delta connected VT in low impedance or solidly grounded power system Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062...
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Section 4 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of open delta VT to one VT input in the IED. +3Vo shall be connected to the IED. is TRM where this voltage input is located. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: ×...
Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI Section 5 Local HMI AMU0600442 v14 ANSI13000239-2-en.vsd ANSI13000239 V2 EN-US Figure 30: Local human-machine interface The LHMI of the IED contains the following elements: Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI • Keypad • Display (LCD) • LED indicators • Communication port for PCM600 The LHMI is used for setting, monitoring and controlling. Display GUID-55739D4F-1DA5-4112-B5C7-217AAF360EA5 v11 The LHMI includes a graphical monochrome liquid crystal display (LCD) with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels.
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Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI IEC15000270-1-en.vsdx IEC15000270 V1 EN-US Figure 31: Display layout 1 Path 2 Content 3 Status 4 Scroll bar (appears when needed) The function key button panel shows on request what actions are possible with the function buttons.
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Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI IEC13000281-1-en.vsd GUID-C98D972D-D1D8-4734-B419-161DBC0DC97B V1 EN-US Figure 32: Function button panel The indication LED panel shows on request the alarm text labels for the indication LEDs. Three indication LED pages are available. IEC13000240-1-en.vsd GUID-5157100F-E8C0-4FAB-B979-FD4A971475E3 V1 EN-US Figure 33: Indication LED panel The function button and indication LED panels are not visible at the same time.
Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI LEDs AMU0600427 v13 The LHMI includes three protection status LEDs above the display: Normal, Pickup and Trip. There are 15 programmable indication LEDs on the front of the LHMI. Each LED can indicate three states with the colors: green, yellow and red.
Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI IEC16000076-1-en.vsd IEC16000076 V1 EN-US Figure 34: OPENCLOSE_LED connected to SXCBR Keypad AMU0600428 v17 The LHMI keypad contains push-buttons which are used to navigate in different views or menus. The push-buttons are also used to acknowledge alarms, reset indications, provide help and switch between local and remote control mode.
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Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI ANSI15000157-1-en.vsdx ANSI15000157 V1 EN-US Figure 35: LHMI keypad with object control, navigation and command push- buttons and RJ-45 communication port 1...5 Function button Close Open Escape Left Down Right Enter Remote/Local Uplink LED Not in use Multipage Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062...
Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI Menu Clear Help Communication port Programmable indication LEDs IED status LEDs Local HMI functionality 5.4.1 Protection and alarm indication GUID-09CCB9F1-9B27-4C12-B253-FBE95EA537F5 v15 Protection indicators The protection indicator LEDs are Normal, Pickup and Trip. Table 10: Normal LED (green) LED state...
Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI Table 12: Trip LED (red) LED state Description Normal operation. A protection function has tripped. An indication message is displayed if the auto-indication feature is enabled in the local HMI. The trip indication is latching and must be reset via communication, LHMI or binary input on the LEDGEN component.
Section 5 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Local HMI Numerical values are presented either in integer or in decimal format with minimum and maximum values. Character strings can be edited character by character. Enumerated values have a predefined set of selectable values. 5.4.3 Front communication GUID-FD72A445-C8C1-4BFE-90E3-0AC78AE17C45 v11...
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system corresponding PMU ID for that PMUREPORT instance. Whereas, for UDP clients, the PMUREPORT instance for each UDP channel is defined by the user in the PMU and the client has to know the PMU ID corresponding to that instance in order to be able to communicate.
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system As can be seen, there are two separate parameters in the IED for selecting port numbers for TCP connections; one for IEEE1344 protocol (1344TCPport) and another one for C37.118 protocol (C37.118 TCPport). Client can communicate with the IED over IEEE1344 protocol using the selected TCP port defined in 1344TCPport, and can communicate with the IED over IEEE C37.118 protocol using the selected TCP port number in C37.118TCPport.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system SendDataUDP[x] – Enable / disable UDP data stream ProtocolOnUDP[x] – Send IEEE1344 or C37.118 on UDP PMUReportUDP[x] – Instance number of PMUREPORT function block that must send data on this UDP stream (UDP client group[x]) UDPDestAddres[x] –...
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system The data streams in the IED can be sent as unicast or as multicast. The user-defined IP address set in the parameter UDPDestAddress[x] for each UDP stream defines if it is a Unicast or Multicast.
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system 6.2.2 Application GUID-8DF29209-252A-4E51-9F4A-B14B669E71AB v4 The phasor measurement reporting block moves the phasor calculations into an IEEE C37.118 and/or IEEE 1344 synchrophasor frame format. The PMUREPORT block contains parameters for PMU performance class and reporting rate, the IDCODE and Global PMU ID, format of the data streamed through the protocol, the type of reported synchrophasors, as well as settings for reporting analog and digital signals.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system IEC140000118-2-en.vsd IEC140000118 V2 EN-US Figure 38: Multiple instances of PMUREPORT function block Figure shows both instances of the PHASORREPORT function blocks. The instance number is visible in the bottom of each function block. For each instance, there are four separate PHASORREPORT blocks including 32 configurable phasor channels (8 phasor channels in each PHASORREPORT block).
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system IEC140000120-2-en.vsd IEC140000120 V2 EN-US Figure 40: Multiple instances of ANALOGREPORT blocks Figure shows both instances of BINARYREPORT function blocks. The instance number is visible in the bottom of each function block. For each instance, there are three separate BINARYREPORT blocks capable of reporting up to 24 Binary signals (8 Binary signals in each BINARYREPORT block).
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system • To measure the power system related AC quantities (voltage, current) and to calculate the phasor representation of these quantities. • To synchronize the calculated phasors with the UTC by time-tagging, in order to make synchrophasors (time is reference).
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system This adaptive filtering is ensured by proper configuration and settings of all relevant pre-processing blocks, see Signal matrix for analog inputs in the Application manual. Note that in all preconfigured IEDs such configuration and settings are already made and the three-phase voltage are used as master for frequency tracking.
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description FREQREFCHSEL INTEGER Frequency reference channel number selected FREQREFCHERR BOOLEAN 0=Freq ref not Frequency reference channel available error 1=Freq ref error 2=Freq ref available FREQTRIG BOOLEAN Frequency trigger DFDTTRIG...
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system Scaling Factors for ANALOGREPORT channels GUID-0DDAF6A9-8643-4FDD-97CF-9E35EF40AF7E v2 The internal calculation of analog values in the IED is based on 32 bit floating point. Therefore, if the user selects to report the analog data (AnalogDataType) as Integer, there will be a down-conversion of a 32 bit floating value to a new 16 bit integer value.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system AnalogXRange = 3277.0 IECEQUATION2446 V1 EN-US The scale factor is calculated as follows: ´ (3277.0 2.0 ) sc alefactor 0.1 a nd offse t 65535.0 IECEQUATION2447 V1 EN-US The scale factor will be sent as 1 on configuration frame 2, and 0.1 on configuration frame 3.
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system PMU Report Function Blocks Connection Rules in PCM600 Application Configuration Tool (ACT) GUID-66667179-F3E1-455B-8B99-6D73F37E949B v3 There are 3 important general rules which have to be considered in PCM600 ACT for the connection of preprocessor blocks (SMAI) and 3PHSUM blocks to PHASORREPORT blocks: Rule 1:...
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system The PHASORREPORT filtering window is designed to receive updated input every 0.9 ms and therefore the application will fail. Rule 2: The same SMAI or 3PHSUM block can be connected to more than one PHASORREPORT block only if all the connected PHASORREPORT blocks have similar instance number or only if all the connected PHASORREPORT blocks have similar settings for SvcClass and ReportRate.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system IEC140000127-2-en.vsd IEC140000127 V2 EN-US Figure 46: An example of correct connection of SMAI and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT Figure shows an example of wrong connection of SMAI and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT where the same SMAI block is connected to different PHASORREPORT blocks with different instance numbers.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system IEC140000128-2-en.vsd IEC140000128 V2 EN-US Figure 47: An example of wrong connection of SMAI and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT Rule 3: This rule is only related to the connection of 3PHSUM block to the PHASORREPORT block.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system IEC140000129-2-en.vsd IEC140000129 V2 EN-US Figure 48: An example of correct connection of 3PHSUM and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT IEC140000130-1-en.vsd IEC140000130 V1 EN-US Figure 49: SMAI1 setting parameters example-showing that SMAI3 is selected as the DFT reference (DFTRefGrp3) Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system IEC140000131-1-en IEC140000131 V1 EN-US Figure 50: 3PHSUM setting parameters example-showing that 3PHSUM is using the External DFT reference coming indirectly from SMAI3 Figure shows an example of wrong connection of 3PHSUM and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT where SMAI3 is configured as the reference block for DFT reference external out (DFTRefExtOut) and 3PHSUM uses external DFT reference (from SMAI3).
Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system is adapted according to the performance class (SvcClass) and reporting rate of the connected instance of PHASORREPORT function block. On the other hand, when 3PHSUM uses external DFT reference, it also adapts its filtering according to the SMAI reference block.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system PMUREPORT PHASORREPORT ANALOGREPORT BINARYREPORT Each category has its corresponding parameter settings except for BINARYREPORT function block which does not have any specific parameters and settings. PMUREPORT is the main function block which controls the operation of other PMU reporting function blocks.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system synchrophasors. The options are Rectangular or Polar format. Rectangular format represents the synchrophasor as real and imaginary values, real value first (a + bj) while the Polar format represents the synchrophasor as jα...
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system The frequency-deviation and rate-of-change-of-frequency data are sent via the FREQ and DFREQ fields of data frame organization of IEEE C37.118.2 message format. Depends on the selected data type, the size of each field can be 2 (Integer) or 4 (Float) bytes per IEEE C37.118.2 message.
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system power system signal at the time it is applied to the PMU input. All of these estimates must be compensated for PMU processing delays including analog input filtering, sampling, and estimation group delay. If the sample time tags are compensated for all input delays, the time tag of the sample in the middle of the estimation window can be used for the phasor estimation (output) time tag as long as the filtering coefficients are symmetrical across the filtering...
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Section 6 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Wide area measurement system This setting is only important if the AnalogDataType setting is selected as Integer. More information is available under the section Scaling Factors for ANALOGREPORT channels. • AnalogXUnitType: Unit type for analog signal X. It refers to the 4-byte ANUNIT field of the configuration frames 1, 2 organization defined in IEEE C37.118.2 message format.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection current until it develops into an ground or phase fault. For this reason it is important that the differential protection has a high level of sensitivity and that it is possible to use a sensitive setting without causing unwanted operations during external faults.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection way of defining the bias current has been Ibias = (I1 + I2) / 2, where I1 is the magnitude of the power transformer primary current, and I2 the magnitude of the power transformer secondary current.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection windings or the current transformers will be in breakers that are part of the bus, such as a breaker-and-a-half or a ring bus scheme. For current transformers with primaries in series with the power transformer winding, the current transformer primary current for external faults will be limited by the transformer impedance.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection operate current [ times IBase ] Operate unconditionally UnrestrainedLimit Operate conditionally Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 SlopeSection3 IdMin SlopeSection2 Restrain EndSection1 restrain current [ times IBase ] EndSection2 en05000187-2.vsd IEC05000187 V2 EN-US Figure 52: Representation of the restrained, and the unrestrained operate characteristics...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Elimination of zero sequence currents M15266-286 v7 A differential protection may operate undesirably due to external ground-faults in cases where the zero sequence current can flow on only one side of the power transformer, but not on the other side.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection limit the operation is restrained. It is recommended to use I5/I1Ratio = 25% as default value in case no special reasons exist to choose another setting. Transformers likely to be exposed to overvoltage or underfrequency conditions (that is, generator step-up transformers in power stations) should be provided with a dedicated overexcitation protection based on V/Hz to achieve a trip before the core thermal limit is reached.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection This magnitude check, guarantees stability of the algorithm when the power transformer is energized. In cases where the protected transformer can be energized with a load connected on the LV side (e.g. a step-up transformer in a power station with directly connected auxiliary transformer on its LV side) the value for this setting shall be increased to at least 12%.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection External faults happen ten to hundred times more often than internal ones as far as the power transformers are concerned. If a disturbance is detected and the internal/external fault discriminator characterizes this fault as an external fault, the conventional additional criteria are posed on the differential algorithm before its trip is allowed.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection The above parameters are defined for OLTC1. Similar parameters shall be set for second on-load tap-changer designated with OLTC2 in the parameter names, for three– winding differential protection. Differential current alarm M15266-337 v6 Differential protection continuously monitors the level of the fundamental frequency differential currents and gives an alarm if the pre-set value is simultaneously exceeded...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Switch onto fault feature M15266-348 v5 The Transformer differential function in the IED has a built-in, advanced switch onto fault feature. This feature can be enabled or disabled by the setting parameter SOTFMode.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection intentionally set for √(3)=1.732 times smaller than actual ratio of individual phase CTs (for example, instead of 800/5 set 462/5) In case the ratio is 800/2.88A, often designed for such typical delta connections, set the ratio as 800/5 in the IED. At the same time the power transformer vector group shall be set as Yy0 because the IED shall not internally provide any phase angle shift compensation.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection For wye connected main CTs, the main CT ratio shall be set as it is in actual application. The “WyePoint” parameter, for the particular wye connection shown in figure 53, shall be set ToObject. If wye connected main CTs have their wye point away from the protected transformer this parameter should be set FromObject.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Input CT channels on the transformer input modules. General settings for the transformer differential protection where specific data about protected power transformer shall be entered. Finally the setting for the differential protection characteristic will be given for all presented applications.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection are rotated by 30° in clockwise direction. Thus the DAC delta CT connection must be used for 69 kV CTs in order to put 69 kV & 12.5 kV currents in phase. To ensure proper application of the IED for this power transformer it is necessary to do the following: 1.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Table 17: General settings of the differential protection function Setting parameter Select value for solution 1 (wye Selected value for solution 2 (delta connected CT) connected CT) GlobalBaseSelW1 CTPrim / GlobalBaseSelW1 (CTPrim / GlobalBaseSelW1) / sqrt(3) GlobalBaseSelW2 CTPrim / GlobalBaseSelW2...
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection CT 400/5 CT 400/5 60 MVA 60 MVA 115/24.9 kV 115/24.9 kV Dyn1 Dyn1 CT 1500/5 CT 1500/5 in Delta (DAB) en06000555_ansi.vsd ANSI06000555 V1 EN-US Figure 55: Two differential protection solutions for delta-wye connected power transformer For this particular power transformer the 115 kV side phase-to-ground no-load voltages lead by 30°...
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Table 18: CT input channels used for the HV side CTs Setting parameter Selected value for both solutions CTprim CTsec CT_WyePoint ToObject 5. Enter the following settings for all three CT input channels used for the LV side CTs, see table "CT input channels used for the LV side CTs".
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Setting parameter selected value for both Solution 1 Selected value for both Solution 2 (wye conected CT) (delta connected CT) LocationOLTC1 Not Used Not Used Other parameters Not relevant for this application. Not relevant for this application.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection shown in the right-hand side in figure 56) in order to put 110 kV & 36.75 kV currents in phase. To ensure proper application of the IED for this power transformer it is necessary to do the following: 1.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection To compensate for delta connected CTs, see equation 17. 7. Enter the following values for the general settings of the differential protection function, see table Table 22: General settings of the differential protection function Setting parameter Selected value for both Solution 1 Selected value for both Solution 2...
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection The ratio for delta connected CTs shall be set √(3)=1.732 times smaller than the actual individual phase CT ratio. The power transformer phase-shift shall typically be set as Yy0 because the compensation for power transformer the actual phase shift is provided by the external delta CT connection.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection IEC vector group ANSI designation Positive sequence no-load Required delta CT connection voltage phasor diagram type on wye side of the protected power transformer and internal vector group setting in the IED Dyn11 DAC/Yy0 IEC06000562 V1 EN-US...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection 7.2.2 Application IP14944-1 v3 SEMOD54734-4 v8 The 1Ph High impedance differential protection function HZPDIF (87) can be used as: • Generator differential protection • Reactor differential protection • Busbar differential protection • Autotransformer differential protection (for common and serial windings only) •...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection 3·87 3·87 ANSI05000738-2-en.vsd ANSI05000738 V2 EN-US Figure 57: Different applications of a 1Ph High impedance differential protection HZPDIF (87) function The basics of the high impedance principle SEMOD54734-153 v9 The high impedance differential protection principle has been used for many years and is well documented in literature publicly available.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection en05000164_ansi.vsd ANSI05000164 V1 EN-US Figure 58: Example for the high impedance restricted earth fault protection application For a through fault one current transformer might saturate when the other CTs still will feed current. For such a case a voltage will be developed across the measuring branch. The calculations are made with the worst situations in mind and a minimum operating voltage V is calculated according to equation...
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection The minimum operating voltage has to be calculated (all loops) and the IED function is set higher than the highest achieved value (setting TripPickup). As the loop resistance is the value to the connection point from each CT, it is advisable to do all the CT core summations in the switchgear to have shortest possible loops.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Table 23: 1 A channels: input with minimum operating down to 40 mA Operating Stabilizing Operating Stabilizing Operating voltage resistor R current level resistor R current level TripPickup ohms ohms 20 V 0.040 A 40 V 1000...
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection IED pickup current (U>Trip/SeriesResistor) Ires is the current through the voltage limiter and ΣImag is the sum of the magnetizing currents from all CTs in the circuit (for example, 4 for restricted earth fault protection, 2 for reactor differential protection, 3-5 for autotransformer differential protection).
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Rres I> Protected Object a) Through load situation b) Through fault situation c) Internal faults ANSI05000427-2-en.vsd ANSI05000427 V2 EN-US Figure 59: The high impedance principle for one phase with two current transformer inputs Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection 7.2.3 Connection examples for high impedance differential protection GUID-8C58A73D-7C2E-4BE5-AB87-B4C93FB7D62B v5 WARNING! USE EXTREME CAUTION! Dangerously high voltages might be present on this equipment, especially on the plate with resistors. De-energize the primary object protected with this equipment before connecting or disconnecting wiring or performing any maintenance.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Description Scheme grounding point It is important to insure that only one grounding point exist in this scheme. Three-phase plate with setting resistors and metrosils. Protective ground is a separate 4 mm screw terminal on the plate.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Configuration M13076-5 v4 The configuration is done in the Application Configuration tool. Settings of protection function M13076-10 v6 Operation: The operation of the high impedance differential function can be switched Enabled or Disabled.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection transformers in the feeder circuit (for example, in the transformer bushings). It is often required to separate the protection zones that the feeder is protected with one scheme while the T-zone is protected with a separate differential protection scheme. The 1Ph high impedance differential HZPDIF (87) function in the IED allows this to be done efficiently, see Figure 62.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Figure 62: The protection scheme utilizing the high impedance function for the T- feeder Normally this scheme is set to achieve a sensitivity of around 20 percent of the used CT primary rating so that a low ohmic value can be used for the series resistor. It is strongly recommended to use the highest tap of the CT whenever high impedance protection is used.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection 2000 ° + × - ° × £ 200 0 3 50 60 approx .100 (Equation 22) EQUATION1887-ANSI V1 EN-US where 100 mA is the current drawn by the IED circuit and 10 mA is the current drawn by each CT just at pickup 20 mA...
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection 3·87 ANSI05000176-2-en.vsd ANSI05000176 V2 EN-US Figure 63: Application of the1Ph High impedance differential protection HZPDIF (87) function on a reactor Setting example It is strongly recommended to use the highest tap of the CT whenever high impedance protection is used.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection but in the unused taps, owing to auto-transformer action, voltages much higher than design limits might be induced. Basic data: Current transformer ratio: 100/5 A (Note: Must be the same at all locations) CT Class: C200 Secondary resistance:...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Where 200mA is the current drawn by the IED circuit and 50mA is the current drawn by each CT just at pickup. The magnetizing current is taken from the magnetizing curve of the current transformer cores, which should be available. The current value at TripPickup is taken.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Setting example It is strongly recommended to use the highest tap of the CT whenever high impedance protection is used. This helps in utilizing maximum CT capability, minimize the current, thereby reducing the stability voltage limit.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection To calculate the sensitivity at operating voltage, refer to equation which is acceptable as it gives around 10% minimum operating current, ignoring the current drawn by the non-linear resistor. × ° + × - °...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection IEC05000749 V1 EN-US Figure 65: Current voltage characteristics for the non-linear resistors, in the range 10-200 V, the average range of current is: 0.01–10 mA Generator differential protection GENPDIF (87G) SEMOD156679-1 v3 7.3.1 Identification SEMOD158971-2 v5...
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection time. Fast fault clearance of this fault type is therefore of greatest importance to limit the damages and thus the economic loss. To limit the damages in connection to stator winding short circuits, the fault clearance time must be as fast as possible (instantaneous).
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection I(t) en06000312.vsd IEC06000312 V1 EN-US Figure 66: Typical for generators are long DC time constants. Their relation can be such that the instantaneous fault current is more than 100 % offset in the beginning. 7.3.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD156687-1 v1...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection General settings SEMOD155693-12 v6 IBase: Set as the rated current of the generator in primary A. GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define (IBase), (UBase) and (SBase). InvertCT2Curr: It is normally assumed that the secondary winding of the CTs of the generator are grounded towards the generator, as shown in figure 67.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection operate current [ times IBase ] Operate unconditionally UnrestrainedLimit Operate conditionally Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 SlopeSection3 IdMin SlopeSection2 Restrain EndSection1 restrain current [ times IBase ] EndSection2 en05000187-2.vsd IEC05000187 V2 EN-US Figure 68: Operate-restrain characteristic Ioperate...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection defined as the percentage value of DI , is proposed to be set to 80 %, if no diff Bias deeper analysis is done. IdUnre: IdUnre is the sensitivity of the unrestrained differential protection stage. The choice of setting value can be based on calculation of the largest short circuit current from the generator at fault in the external power system (normally three-phase short circuit just outside of the protection zone on the LV side of the step-up transformer).
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection 90 deg 120 deg NegSeqROA Angle could not be (Relay Operate Angle) measured. One or both currents too small Internal fault region 180 deg 0 deg IminNegSeq External fault region Internal / external fault boundary.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection • OpenCT: Open CT detected • OpenCTAlarm: Alarm issued after the setting delay • OpenCTIN: Open CT in CT group inputs (1 for input 1 and 2 for input 2) • OpenCTPH: Open CT with phase information (1 for phase A, 2 for phase B, 3 for phase C) Other additional options...
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection AddTripDelay: If the input DESENSIT is activated the operation time of the protection function can also be increased by the setting AddTripDelay. OperDCBiasing: If enabled the DC component of the differential current will be included in the bias current with a slow decay.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection • magnetizing inrush currents • overexcitation magnetizing currents • load tap changer • external and internal phase faults which do not involve ground • symmetrical overload conditions Due to its features, REFPDIF (87N) is often used as a main protection of the transformer winding for all faults involving ground.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection typical 800 to 2000 A for each transformer. The connection for this application is shown in figure 73. ANSI05000211_3_en.vsd ANSI05000211 V3 EN-US Figure 73: Connection of the low impedance Restricted earth-fault function REFPDIF for a zig-zag grounding transformer Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection Autotransformer winding, solidly grounded M13048-13 v9 Autotransformers can be protected with the low impedance restricted ground fault protection function REFPDIF. The complete transformer will then be protected including the HV side, the neutral connection and the LV side. The connection of REFPDIF (87N) for this application is shown in figure 74.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection ANSI05000213_3_en.vsd ANSI05000213 V3 EN-US Figure 75: Connection of restricted earth-fault, low impedance function REFPDIF (87N) for a solidly grounded reactor Multi-breaker applications M13048-23 v9 Multi-breaker arrangements including ring, one breaker-and-a-half, double breaker and mesh corner arrangements have two sets of current transformers on the phase side.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection REFPDIF (87N) I3PW1CT1 I3PW1CT2 ANSI05000214-2-en.vsd ANSI05000214 V2 EN-US Figure 76: Connection of Restricted earth fault, low impedance function REFPDIF (87N) in multi-breaker arrangements CT grounding direction M13048-29 v13 To make the restricted earth fault protection REFPDIF (87N) operate correctly, the main CTs are always supposed to be wye-connected.
Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection I3PW1CT1: Phase currents for winding 1 first current transformer set. I3PW1CT2: Phase currents for winding1 second current transformer set for multi- breaker arrangements. When not required configure input to "GRP-OFF". I3PW2CT1: Phase currents for winding 2 first current transformer set. Used for autotransformers.
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Section 7 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Differential protection ROA: Relay operate angle for zero sequence directional feature. It is used to differentiate an internal fault and an external fault based on measured zero sequence current and neutral current. CTFactorPri1: A factor to allow a sensitive function also at multi-breaker arrangement where the rating in the bay is much higher than the rated current of the transformer winding.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection ANSI10000101 V1 EN-US Figure 77: Mho function example configuration for generator protection application Settings GUID-53D13CBF-02DD-40EE-B579-5DFA16144C20 v4 Full-scheme distance measuring, Mho characteristic ZMHPDIS (21) used as an under- impedance function shall be set for the application example shown in figure Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection HV Substation HV CB 65MVA Step-up 123/13kV Transformer =10% Auxiliary Transformer Generator CB REG670 Excitation Transformer VT: 13,5kV/110V 70MVA 13,2kV 3062A CT: 4000/5 Z< ZMH PDIS IEC10000102 V1 EN-US Figure 78: Application example for generator under-impedance function The first under-impedance protection zone shall cover 100% of the step-up transformer impedance with a time delay of 1.0s.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Calculate the step-up transformer impedance, in primary ohms, from the 13kV side as follows: 10 13 × × 0, 26 100 65 IEC-EQUATION2318 V1 EN-US Then the reach in primary ohms shall be set to 100% of transformer impedance. Thus the reach shall be set to 0,26Ω...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection ZAngPP IEC10000105-1-en.vsd IEC10000105 V1 EN-US Figure 79: Operating characteristic for phase-to-phase loops High speed distance protection ZMFPDIS (21) GUID-CC4F7338-2281-411D-B55A-67BF03F31681 v4 ZMFPDIS can be used according to the application description below only if VT and CT of the line feeder are wired to REG670. 8.2.1 Identification GUID-8ACD3565-C607-4399-89D2-A05657840E6D v3...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection 8.2.2 Application IP14961-1 v2 GUID-2F952D87-6BEB-4425-B823-DF8511B9E742 v3 The fast distance protection function ZMFPDIS in the IED is designed to provide sub- cycle, down to half-cycle operating time for basic faults. At the same time, it is specifically designed for extra care during difficult conditions in high-voltage transmission networks, like faults on long heavily loaded lines and faults generating heavily distorted signals.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Where: is the phase-to-ground voltage (kV) in the faulty phase before fault is the positive sequence impedance (Ω/phase) is the negative sequence impedance (Ω/phase) is the zero sequence impedance (Ω/phase) is the fault impedance (Ω), often resistive is the ground-return impedance defined as (Z The voltage on the healthy phases during line to ground fault is generally lower than 140% of the nominal phase-to-ground voltage.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection £ (Equation 33) EQUATION2123 V1 EN-US Where is the resistive zero sequence of the source is the reactive zero sequence of the source is the resistive positive sequence of the source is the reactive positive sequence of the source The magnitude of the ground-fault current in effectively grounded networks is high enough for impedance measuring elements to detect ground faults.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The neutral point reactor is normally designed so that it can be tuned to a position where the reactive current balances the capacitive current from the network: × × (Equation 35) EQUATION1272 V1 EN-US ANSI05000216 V2 EN-US Figure 81: High impedance grounded network...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection × × × I p Z (Equation 36) EQUATION1273 V1 EN-US If we divide V by I we get Z present to the IED at A side. × × (Equation 37) EQUATION1274 V2 EN-US The infeed factor (I can be very high, 10-20 depending on the differences in source impedances at local and remote end.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The IED has a built in feature which shapes the characteristic according to the characteristic shown in figure 83. The load encroachment algorithm will increase the possibility to detect high fault resistances, especially for phase-to-ground faults at remote line end.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection In short line applications, the major concern is to get sufficient fault resistance coverage. Load encroachment is not such a common problem. The line length that can be recognized as a short line is not a fixed length; it depends on system parameters such as voltage and source impedance, see table 25.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The IED's ability to set resistive and reactive reach independent for positive and zero sequence fault loops and individual fault resistance settings for phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground fault together with load encroachment algorithm improves the possibility to detect high resistive faults at the same time as the security is improved (risk for unwanted trip due to load encroachment is eliminated), see figure 83.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The distance protection within the IED can compensate for the influence of a zero sequence mutual coupling on the measurement at single phase-to-ground faults in the following ways, by using: • The possibility of different setting values that influence the ground-return compensation for different distance zones within the same group of setting parameters.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection FAULT en05000221_ansi.vsd ANSI05000221 V1 EN-US Figure 84: Class 1, parallel line in service The equivalent circuit of the lines can be simplified, see figure 85. IEC09000253_1_en.vsd IEC09000253 V1 EN-US Figure 85: Equivalent zero sequence impedance circuit of the double-circuit, parallel, operating line with a single phase-to-ground fault at the remote busbar When mutual coupling is introduced, the voltage at the relay point A will be changed...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The second part in the parentheses is the error introduced to the measurement of the line impedance. If the current on the parallel line has negative sign compared to the current on the protected line, that is, the current on the parallel line has an opposite direction compared to the current on the protected line, the distance function will overreach.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The zero sequence mutual coupling can reduce the reach of distance protection on the protected circuit when the parallel line is in normal operation. The reduction of the reach is most pronounced with no current infeed in the IED closest to the fault. This reach reduction is normally less than 15%.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The influence on the distance measurement will be a considerable overreach, which must be considered when calculating the settings. It is recommended to use a separate setting group for this operation condition since it will reduce the reach considerably when the line is in operation.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection distance protection zone is reduced if, due to operating conditions, the equivalent zero sequence impedance is set according to the conditions when the parallel system is out of operation and grounded at both ends. IEC09000255_1_en.vsd IEC09000255 V1 EN-US Figure 89:...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection × é ù é ù ë û ë û (Equation 52) EQUATION1288 V2 EN-US Ensure that the underreaching zones from both line ends will overlap a sufficient amount (at least 10%) in the middle of the protected circuit. Tapped line application GUID-740E8C46-45EE-4CE8-8718-9FAE658E9FCE v1...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection ·Z (Equation 53) DOCUMENT11524-IMG3509 V3 EN-US × × Z ) ( (Equation 54) EQUATION1714 V1 EN-US Where: and Z is the line impedance from the A respective C station to the T point. and I is fault current from A respective C station for fault between T and B.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Fault resistance GUID-83E3E475-3243-4308-9A91-B8DD9B47C276 v4 The performance of distance protection for single phase-to-ground faults is very important, because normally more than 70% of the faults on transmission lines are single phase-to-ground faults. At these faults, the fault resistance is composed of three parts: arc resistance, resistance of a tower construction, and tower-footing resistance.The resistance is also depending on the presence of ground shield conductor at the top of the tower, connecting tower-footing resistance in parallel.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection • The phase impedance of non transposed lines is not identical for all fault loops. The difference between the impedances for different phase-to-ground loops can be as large as 5-10% of the total line impedance. •...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection zone 2 must not be reduced below 120% of the protected line section. The whole line must be covered under all conditions. The requirement that the zone 2 shall not reach more than 80% of the shortest adjacent line at remote end is highlighted in the example below.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection In many applications it might be necessary to consider the enlarging factor due to fault current infeed from adjacent lines in the reverse direction in order to obtain certain sensitivity. Setting of zones for parallel line application GUID-4E0C3824-41B6-410F-A10E-AB9C3BFE9B12 v1 Parallel line in service –...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection × (Equation 62) EQUATION1428 V2 EN-US Parallel line is out of service and grounded in both ends GUID-345B36A6-B5FB-46DD-B5AE-81A1599FFC6E v1 Apply the same measures as in the case with a single set of setting parameters. This means that an underreaching zone must not overreach the end of a protected circuit for the single phase-to-ground faults.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Setting of the resistive reach for the underreaching zone 1 should follow the condition to minimize the risk for overreaching: £ × RFPG 4.5 X1 (Equation 67) ANSIEQUATION2305 V1 EN-US The fault resistance for phase-to-phase faults is normally quite low compared to the fault resistance for phase-to-ground faults.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection loa d min (Equation 69) EQUATION1718 V1 EN-US Where: the minimum phase-to-phase voltage in kV the maximum apparent power in MVA. The load impedance [Ω/phase] is a function of the minimum operation voltage and the maximum load current: loa d ×...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection é × ù £ × × ¶ - × ¶ RFPG ê ú ë û load × (Equation 72) EQUATION1721 V2 EN-US Where: ∂ is a maximum load-impedance angle, related to the maximum load power. To avoid load encroachment for the phase-to-phase measuring elements, the set resistive reach of any distance protection zone must be less than 160% of the minimum load impedance.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection RLdFwd RLdFwd LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle Possible LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle load RLdRev RLdRev ANSI12000176-1-en.vsd ANSI12000176 V1 EN-US Figure 92: Load impedance limitation with load encroachment During the initial current change for phase-to-phase and for phase-to-ground faults, operation may be allowed also when the apparent impedance of the load encroachment element is located in the load area.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Both current limits IMinOpPGZx and IMinOpPPZx are automatically reduced to 75% of regular set values if the zone is set to operate in reverse direction, that is, OperationDir is set to Reverse. OpModePPZx and OpModePEZx These settings, two per zone (x=1,2..5&RV), with options {Off, Quadrilateral, Mho, Offset}, are used to set the operation and characteristic for phase-to-earth and phase-to-...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection 3I0Enable_PG This setting opens up an opportunity to enable phase-to-ground measurement for phase-to-phase-ground faults. It determines the level of residual current (3I0) above which phase-to-ground measurement is activated (and phase-to-phase measurement is blocked).
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Hysteresis value in % of range (ZMax-ZMin), common for all limits. It is used to avoid the frequent update of the value for the attribute “range”. ZMax Estimated maximum impedance value. An impedance that is higher than ZMax has the quality attribute as “Out of Range”.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection heavily distorted signals. These faults are handled with outmost security and dependability, although sometimes with reduced operating speed. System grounding GUID-FC9BF10E-8CA1-4B23-887D-2EAB6A2A0A6E v1 The type of system grounding plays an important role when designing the protection system.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The voltage on the healthy phases is generally lower than 140% of the nominal phase- to-ground voltage. This corresponds to about 80% of the nominal phase-to-phase voltage. The high zero-sequence current in solidly grounded networks makes it possible to use impedance measuring techniques to detect ground faults.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The magnitude of the ground-fault current in effectively grounded networks is high enough for impedance measuring elements to detect ground faults. However, in the same way as for solidly grounded networks, distance protection has limited possibilities to detect high resistance faults and should therefore always be complemented with other protection function(s) that can carry out the fault clearance in this case.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection p*ZL (1-p)*ZL en05000217_ansi.vsd ANSI05000217 V1 EN-US Figure 96: Influence of fault current infeed from remote line end The effect of fault current infeed from remote line end is one of the most driving factors to justify complementary protection to distance protection.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Nevertheless, always set RLdFwd, RldRev and LdAngleaccording to the expected maximum load since these settings are used internally in the function as reference points to improve the performance of the phase selection. Load impedance area in LdAngle forward direction...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection possibility to detect high resistive faults without conflict with the load impedance, see figure 97. For very short line applications, the underreaching zone 1 cannot be used due to the voltage drop distribution throughout the line will be too low causing risk for overreaching.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle RLdRev RLdFwd en05000220_ansi.vsd ANSI05000220 V1 EN-US Figure 98: Characteristic for zone measurement for a long line Parallel line application with mutual coupling GUID-1F856628-0CEE-4679-BB71-40177187390D v1 General GUID-1D633249-8BF6-4992-A06E-E8BD23B2C315 v2 Introduction of parallel lines in the network is increasing due to difficulties to get necessary area for new lines.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The different network configuration classes are: Parallel line with common positive and zero sequence network Parallel circuits with common positive but separated zero sequence network Parallel circuits with positive and zero sequence sources separated. One example of class 3 networks could be the mutual coupling between a 400 kV line and rail road overhead lines.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection From symmetrical components, we can derive the impedance Z at the relay point for normal lines without mutual coupling according to equation 82. × × × (Equation 82) EQUATION1275 V3 EN-US Where: is phase to ground voltage at the relay point.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection When mutual coupling is introduced, the voltage at the relay point A will be changed according to equation 83. æ ö × × ç ÷ × × è ø (Equation 83) EQUATION1276 V4 EN-US By dividing equation by equation and after some simplification we can write the...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Simplification of equation 86, solving it for 3I0 and substitution of the result into equation gives that the voltage can be drawn as: æ ö × ç ÷ × × × è ø...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection When the parallel line is out of service and grounded at both line ends on the bus bar side of the line CTs so that zero sequence current can flow on the parallel line, the equivalent zero sequence circuit of the parallel lines will be according to figure 102.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Parallel line out of service and not grounded GUID-DF8B0C63-E6D1-4E11-A8CB-D0C8EAE10FF0 v1 OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED en05000223_ansi.vsd ANSI05000223 V1 EN-US Figure 103: Parallel line is out of service and not grounded When the parallel line is out of service and not grounded, the zero sequence on that line can only flow through the line admittance to the ground.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection This means that the reach is reduced in reactive and resistive directions. If the real and imaginary components of the constant A are equal to equation and equation 94. × × + × ×...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection GUID-77388095-4EE8-4915-A1D4-D0767D1E04F5 v1 ANSI05000224-2-en.vsd ANSI05000224 V2 EN-US Figure 105: Example of tapped line with Auto transformer This application gives rise to a similar problem that was highlighted in section Fault infeed from remote end, that is increased measured impedance due to fault current infeed.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection V2/V1 Transformation ratio for transformation of impedance at V1 side of the transformer to the measuring side V2 (it is assumed that current and voltage distance function is taken from V2 side of the transformer). is the line impedance from the T point to the fault (F).
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection In practice, the setting of fault resistance for both phase-to-ground RFPE and phase-to- phase RFPP should be as high as possible without interfering with the load impedance in order to obtain reliable fault detection. 8.3.3 Series compensation in power systems GUID-7F3BBF91-4A17-4B31-9828-F2757672C440 v2...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Line (Equation 100) EQUATION1895 V1 EN-US A typical 500 km long 500 kV line is considered with source impedance (Equation 101) EQUATION1896 V1 EN-US Power line Load Seires capacitor en06000585.vsd IEC06000585 V1 EN-US Figure 106: A simple radial power system limit...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection en06000590_ansi.vsd ANSI06000590 V1 EN-US Figure 108: Transmission line with series capacitor The effect on the power transfer when considering a constant angle difference (δ) between the line ends is illustrated in figure 109. Practical compensation degree runs from 20 to 70 percent.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Voltage distribution on faulty lossless serial compensated line from fault point F to the bus is linearly dependent on distance from the bus, if there is no capacitor included in scheme (as shown in figure 111). Voltage V measured at the bus is equal to voltage drop D V on the faulty line and lags the current I...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection With bypassed With inserted capacitor capacitor en06000606_ansi.vsd ANSI06000606 V1 EN-US Figure 111: Phasor diagrams of currents and voltages for the bypassed and inserted series capacitor during voltage inversion It is obvious that voltage V will lead the fault current I as long as X >...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection With inserted capacitor Source voltage Pre -fault voltage With bypassed capacitor V’ Fault voltage Source en06000607_ansi.vsd ANSI06000607 V1 EN-US Figure 112: Current inversion on series compensated line The relative phase position of fault current I compared to the source voltage V depends in general on the character of the resultant reactance between the source and the fault position.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection With bypassed With inserted capacitor capacitor en06000608_ansi.vsd ANSI06000608 V1 EN-US Figure 113: Phasor diagrams of currents and voltages for the bypassed and inserted series capacitor during current inversion It is a common practice to call this phenomenon current inversion. Its consequences on operation of different protections in series compensated networks depend on their operating principle.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Figure shows schematically the possible locations of instrument transformers related to the position of line-end series capacitor. - jX CT 1 CT 2 VT 2 en06000611_ansi.vsd ANSI06000611 V1 EN-US Figure 114: Possible positions of instrument transformers relative to line end series capacitor Bus side instrument transformers GUID-B7D1F10A-5467-4F91-9BC1-AB8906357428 v1...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection installations also in switchyards with double-bus double-breaker and breaker-and-a- half arrangement. The advantage of such schemes is that the unit protections cover also for shunt faults in series capacitors and at the same time the voltage inversion does not appear for faults on the protected line.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection MOV protected series capacitor Line current as a function of time Capacitor voltage as a function of time Capacitor current as a function of time MOV current as a function of time en06000614_ansi.vsd ANSI06000614 V1 EN-US Figure 117:...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Extensive studies at Bonneville Power Administration in USA ( ref. Goldsworthy, D,L “A Linearized Model for MOV-Protected series capacitors” Paper 86SM357–8 IEEE/PES summer meeting in Mexico City July 1986) have resulted in construction of a non-linear equivalent circuit with series connected capacitor and resistor.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection • Series capacitor becomes nearly completely bridged by MOV when the line current becomes higher than 10-times the protective current level (I £ 10· k · I Impact of series compensation on protective IED of adjacent lines GUID-DA1DBB5B-0AFD-49F4-87C7-0E8AB5006051 v2 Voltage inversion is not characteristic for the buses and IED points closest to the series compensated line only.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection equation indicates the deepness of the network to which it will feel the influence of series compensation through the effect of voltage inversion. It is also obvious that the position of series capacitor on compensated line influences in great extent the deepness of voltage inversion in adjacent system.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection compensated and adjacent lines are concentrated on finding some parallel ways, which may help eliminating the basic reason for wrong measurement. The most known of them are decrease of the reach due to presence of series capacitor, which apparently decreases the line reactance, and introduction of permanent memory voltage in directional measurement.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Equation is applicable for the case when the VTs are located on the bus side of series capacitor. It is possible to remove X from the equation in cases of VTs installed in line side, but it is still necessary to consider the safety factor K If the capacitor is out of service or bypassed, the reach with these settings can be less than 50% of protected line dependent on compensation degree and there will be a...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection < < (Equation 112) EQUATION1898 V1 EN-US and in figure a three phase fault occurs beyond the capacitor. The resultant IED impedance seen from the D IED location to the fault may become negative (voltage inversion) until the spark gap has flashed.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection en06000621_ansi.vsd ANSI06000621 V1 EN-US Figure 123: Distance IED on adjacent power lines are influenced by the negative impedance Normally the first zone of this protection must be delayed until the gap flashing has taken place.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection ordinary fault. However, a good protection system should be able to operate correctly before and after gap flashing occurs. en06000584_small.vsd en06000625.vsd IEC06000584-SMALL V1 EN-US IEC06000625 V1 EN-US Figure 125: Quadrilateral Figure 124: Cross-polarized characteristic with quadrilateral...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection However, depending upon the setting of the MOV, the fault current will have a resistive component. > (Equation 119) EQUATION2036 V2 EN-US The problems described here are accentuated with a three phase or phase-to-phase fault, but the negative fault current can also exist for a single-phase fault.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection grounded at both IEDs. The effect of zero sequence mutual impedance on possible overreaching of distance IEDs at A bus is increased compared to non compensated operation, because series capacitor does not compensate for this reactance. The reach of underreaching distance protection zone 1 for phase-to-ground measuring loops must further be decreased for such operating conditions.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection blocks distance protection. Another method employed is to temporarily block the signals received at the healthy line as soon as the parallel faulty line protection initiates tripping. The second mentioned method has an advantage in that not the whole protection is blocked for the short period.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Setting of zone 1 GUID-12E84C05-93A2-4FA3-B7BA-0963FB1C098F v1 The different errors mentioned earlier usually require a limitation of the underreaching zone (zone 1) to 75%...90% of the protected line. In case of parallel lines, consider the influence of the mutual coupling according to section "Parallel line application with mutual coupling"...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (Equation 121) EQUATION302 V5 EN-US Z AC Z CB Z CF I A+ IB ANSI05000457-2-en.vsd ANSI05000457 V2 EN-US Figure 129: Setting of overreaching zone
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Setting of zone 1 GUID-69E8535D-F3E2-483D-8463-089063712C67 v2 A voltage reversal can cause an artificial internal fault (voltage zero) on faulty line as well as on the adjacent lines. This artificial fault always have a resistive component, this is however small and can mostly not be used to prevent tripping of a healthy adjacent line.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection is the reactance of the series capacitor p is the maximum allowable reach for an under-reaching zone with respect to the sub- harmonic swinging related to the resulting fundamental frequency reactance the zone is not allowed to over-reach.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Reactive Reach line LLOC en06000584-2.vsd IEC06000584 V2 EN-US Figure 131: Measured impedance at voltage inversion Forward direction: Where equals line reactance up to the series capacitor(in the picture LLoc approximate 33% of XLine) is set to (XLine-X ) ·...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection For protection on non compensated lines facing series capacitor on next line. The setting is thus: • X1Fw is set to (XLine-XC · K) · p/100. • X1Rvcan be set to the same value as X1Fw •...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The increased reach related to the one used in non compensated system is recommended for all protections in the vicinity of series capacitors to compensate for delay in the operation caused by the sub harmonic swinging. Settings of the resistive reaches are limited according to the minimum load impedance.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection (Equation 125) EQUATION554 V1 EN-US Check the reduction of a reach for the overreaching zones due to the effect of the zero sequence mutual coupling. The reach is reduced for a factor: ×...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Setting of reach in resistive direction GUID-43EE13AF-BEBC-4A13-95B3-53C28B9164CB v3 Set the resistive reach R1 independently for each zone. Set separately the expected fault resistance for phase-to-phase faults RFPP and for the phase-to-ground faults RFPG for each zone. For each distance zone, set all remaining reach setting parameters independently of each other.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Load impedance limitation, without load encroachment function GUID-16C2EB30-7FEA-42E4-98C8-52CCC36644C6 v5 The following instructions are valid when setting the resistive reach of the distance zone itself with a sufficient margin towards the maximum load, that is, without the common load encroachment characteristic (set by RLdFwd, RldRev and ArgLd).
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection times the load-impedance angle, more accurate calculations are necessary according to equation 138. é × ù £ × × ¶ - × ¶ RFPG ê ú ë û load × (Equation 138) GUID-11DD90FA-8FB5-425F-A46F-6553C00025BE V1 EN-US Where: ϑ...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection phase-to-phase faults, this corresponds to the per-phase, or positive-sequence, impedance. For a phase-to-ground fault, it corresponds to the per-loop impedance, including the ground return impedance. RLdFwd RLdFwd LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle LdAngle Possible LdAngle LdAngle...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The output of a phase-to-phase loop mn is blocked if Imn < IMinOpPPZx. Imn is the RMS value of the vector difference between phase currents m and n. Both current limits IMinOpPGZx and IMinOpPPZx are automatically reduced to 75% of regular set values if the zone is set to operate in reverse direction, that is, OperationDir=Reverse.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection OperationSC Choose the setting value SeriesComp if the protected line or adjacent lines are compensated with series capacitors. Otherwise maintain the NoSeriesComp setting value. CVTtype If possible, the type of capacitive voltage transformer (CVT) that is used for measurement should be identified.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection unless there are very specific reasons to enable phase-to-ground measurement. Please note that, even with the default setting value, phase-to-ground measurement is activated whenever appropriate, like in the case of simultaneous faults: two ground faults at the same time, one each on the two circuits of a double line.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection 8.4.2 Application SEMOD143248-4 v3 Normally, the generator operates synchronously with the power system, that is, all the generators in the system have the same angular velocity and approximately the same phase angle difference. If the phase angle between the generators gets too large the stable operation of the system cannot be maintained.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection amplitude increases. When the critical fault clearance time is reached the stability cannot be maintained. Un-damped oscillations occur in the power system, where generator groups at different locations, oscillate against each other. If the connection between the generators is too weak the amplitude of the oscillations will increase until the angular stability is lost.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The relative angle of the generator is shown a contingency in the power system, causing un-damped oscillations. After a few periods of the oscillation the swing amplitude gets to large and the stability cannot be maintained. If the excitation of the generator gets too low there is a risk that the generator cannot maintain synchronous operation.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Zone 1 Zone 2 X’ Pole slip impedance movement Zone 2 TripAngle Zone 1 WarnAngle IEC06000548_2_en.vsd IEC06000548 V2 EN-US Figure 136: Settings for the Pole slip detection function The ImpedanceZA is the forward impedance as show in figure 136. ZA should be the sum of the transformer impedance XT and the equivalent impedance of the external system ZS.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The ImpedanceZB is the reverse impedance as show in figure 136. ZB should be equal to the generator transient reactance X'd. The impedance is given in % of the base impedance, see equation 143. The ImpedanceZC is the forward impedance giving the borderline between zone 1 and zone 2.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection ZA = forward source impedance Line impedance = ZC IEC07000014_2_en.vsd IEC07000014 V2 EN-US Figure 137: Line application of pole slip protection If the apparent impedance crosses the impedance line ZB – ZA this is the detection criterion of out of step conditions, see figure 138.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Apparent anglePhi impedance at normal load IEC07000015_2_en.vsd IEC07000015 V2 EN-US Figure 138: Impedances to be set for pole slip protection The setting parameters of the protection is: Line + source impedance in the forward direction The source impedance in the reverse direction The line impedance in the forward direction AnglePhi :...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection With all phase voltages and phase currents available and fed to the protection IED, it is recommended to set the MeasureMode to positive sequence. The impedance settings are set in pu with ZBase as reference: UBase ZBase SBase...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The warning angle (StartAngle) should be chosen not to cross into normal operating area. The maximum line power is assumed to be 2000 MVA. This corresponds to apparent impedance: 2000 (Equation 150) EQUATION1967 V1 EN-US Simplified, the example can be shown as a triangle, see figure 139.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection For the TripAngle it is recommended to set this parameter to 90° to assure limited stress for the circuit breaker. In a power system it is desirable to split the system into predefined parts in case of pole slip.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Apparent anglePhi impedance at normal load IEC07000015_2_en.vsd IEC07000015 V2 EN-US Figure 141: Impedances to be set for pole slip protection PSPPPAM (78) The setting parameters of the protection are: Block transformer + source impedance in the forward direction The generator transient reactance The block transformer reactance AnglePhi...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Use the following block transformer data: VBase : 20 kV (low voltage side) SBase set to 200 MVA : 15% Short circuit power from the external network without infeed from the protected line: 5000 MVA (assumed to a pure reactance).
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection × 0.15 (Equation 157) EQUATION1974 V1 EN-US This corresponds to: Ð 0.15 0.15 90 (Equation 158) EQUATION1975 V2 EN-US Set ZC to 0.15 and AnglePhi to 90°. The warning angle (StartAngle) should be chosen not to cross into normal operating area.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Zload en07000016.vsd IEC07000016 V1 EN-US Figure 142: Simplified figure to derive StartAngle 0.25 0.19 ³ » angleStart arctan arctan arctan + arctan = 7.1 + 5.4 Zload Zload (Equation 160) EQUATION1977 V2 EN-US In case of minor damped oscillations at normal operation we do not want the protection to start.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM (78) GUID-8321AC72-187C-4E43-A0FC-AAC7829397C3 v1 8.5.1 Identification GUID-BF2F1533-BA39-48F0-A55C-0B13A393F780 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM < 8.5.2 Application GUID-11643CF1-4EF5-47F0-B0D4-6715ACEEC8EC v6 Under balanced and stable conditions, a generator operates with a constant rotor (power) angle, delivering an active electrical power to the power system, which is equal to the mechanical input power on the generator axis, minus the small losses in the generator.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Synchronous Synchronous Synchronous Synchronous machine 1 machine 1 machine 2 machine 2 Voltages of all phases V, I to ground are zero in the center of oscillation Center of oscillation ANSI10000107_3_en.vsd ANSI10000107 V3 EN-US Figure 143: The center of electromechanical oscillation The center of the electromechanical oscillation can be in the generator unit (or...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The out-of-step condition of a generator can be caused by different reasons. Sudden events in an electrical power system such as large changes in load, fault occurrence or slow fault clearance, can cause power oscillations, that are called power swings. In a non-recoverable situation, the power swings become so severe that the synchronism is lost: this condition is called pole slipping.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection • Stator windings are under high stress due to electrodynamic forces. • The current levels during an out-of-step condition can be higher than those during a three-phase fault and, therefore, there is significant torque impact on the generator-turbine shaft.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection • For the synchronous machines as the generator in Table 29, the transient reactance Xd' shall be used. This due to the relatively slow electromechanical oscillations under out-of-step conditions. • Sometimes the equivalent resistance of the generator is difficult to get. A good estimate is 1 percent of transient reactance Xd'.
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InvertCTCurr: If the currents fed to the Out-of-step protection are measured on the protected generator neutral side (LV-side) then inversion is not necessary (InvertCTCurr = Disabled), provided that the CT’s orientation complies with ABB recommendations, as shown in Table 29. If the currents fed to the Out-of-step Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062...
(HV- side), then invertion is necessary (InvertCTCurr = Enabled), provided that the CT’s actual direction complies with ABB recommendations, as shown in Table 29. Loss of excitation LEXPDIS(40) SEMOD156735-1 v3 8.6.1...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection I, (P, Q) en06000321.vsd IEC06000321 V1 EN-US Figure 145: A generator connected to a power system, represented by an equivalent single phase circuit where: represents the internal voltage in the generator, is the stationary reactance of the generator, is an equivalent reactance representing the external power system and is an infinite voltage source representing the lumped sum of the generators in the system.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection 70º 80º 90º en06000322.vsd IEC06000322 V1 EN-US Figure 146: The complex apparent power from the generator, at different angles δ To prevent damages to the generator block, the generator should be tripped at low excitation.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection 70º 80º 90º Underexcitation Protection Operation area IEC06000450-2-en.vsd IEC06000450 V2 EN-US Figure 147: Suitable area, in the PQ-plane, for protection operation Often the capability curve of a generator describes also low excitation capability of the generator, see figure 148.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Q [pu] Motor Generator Overexcited P [pu] Underexcited =0.2 -0.3 -0.5 en06000451.vsd IEC06000451 V1 EN-US Figure 148: Capability curve of a generator where: = Field current limit = Stator current limit = End region heating limit of stator, due to leakage flux = Possible active power limit due to turbine output power limitation = Steady-state limit without AVR = Source impedance of connected power system...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The straight line in the PQ-diagram will be equivalent with a circle in the impedance plane, see figure 149. In this example the circle is corresponding to constant Q, that is, characteristic parallel with P-axis. Underexcitation Protection Operation area en06000452.vsd...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Underexcitation Protection Restraint area Z1, Fast zone Z2, Slow zone IEC06000453_3_en.vsd IEC06000453 V3 EN-US Figure 150: LEXPDIS (40) in the IED, realized by two impedance circles and a directional restraint possibility 8.6.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD156277-4 v5 Here is described the setting when there are two zones activated of the protection.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection IBase × (Equation 163) EQUATION2037 V2 EN-US VBase: The setting VBase is set to the generator rated Voltage (phase-phase) in kV. OperationZ1, OperationZ2: With the settingsOperationZ1 and OperationZ2 each zone can be set Enabled or Disabled. For the two zones the impedance settings are made as shown in figure 151.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection DirSuperv: The directional restrain characteristic allows impedance setting with positive X value without the risk of unwanted operation of the under-excitation function. To enable the directional restrain option the parameter DirSuperv shall be set Enabled.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection REX 061 Rotor Reference Impedance ANSI11000065_1_en.vsd ANSI11000065 V1 EN-US Figure 154: Equivalent diagram for Sensitive rotor earth fault protection principle The impedance Z is equal to the capacitive reactance between the rotor winding Measured and ground (1/ωC ) and the ground fault resistance (R...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection The injection unit REX060 is connected to the generator and to IED as shown in figure 155. Step -up Transformer U> V inj Rshunt REX061 REX060/ RIM module REG670 Generator Protection Panel ANSI11000014_1_en.vsd ANSI11000014 V1 EN-US Figure 155:...
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection bare IECEQUATION17021 V1 EN-US The factors k and k [Ω] are derived during the calibration measurements under commissioning. As support for the calibration, the Injection Commissioning tool must be used. This tool is an integrated part of the PCM600 tool. In connection to this calibration, the reference impedance is also derived.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection 8.7.3 Setting guidelines Setting injection unit REX060 GUID-324AB5BD-3C62-4C9B-9999-706B06DA93F1 v1 The rotor injection module (RIM) in the REX060 generates a square wave signal for injection into the field winding circuit (rotor circuit). The injected voltage and current are connected to the measuring part of REX060.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Always start with default gain. Other gains shall be used only if requested during commissioning procedure by the ICT tool. Connecting and setting voltage inputs GUID-BE3E0554-3E96-4489-B8C9-E62953853BB7 v4 The RIM module of REX060 has two analog output channels that shall be connected to two voltage input channels of the IED.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection REX060 VOLTAGE MEASURE (V) STATOR MODULE SIM CURRENT MEASURE (V) ROTOR MODULE RIM ANSI11000210_1_en.vsd ANSI11000210 V1 EN-US Figure 157: Connection to IED with two analogue voltage inputs Some settings are required for the analog voltage inputs. Set the voltage ratio for the inputs to 1/1, for example, VTSecx = 100 V VTPrimx = 0.1 kV The analog inputs are linked to a pre-processor block in the Signal Matrix Tool.
This tool is an integrated part of the PCM600. FilterLength should be left at its default value; any change of this parameter should be defined under ABB supervision. FilterLength setting affects the TRIP signal, see figure Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection generator rated frequency is injected into the stator circuit. The response of this injected signal is used to detect stator ground faults. To implement the above concept, a separate injection box is required. The injection box generates a square wave voltage signal which for example, can be fed into the secondary winding of the generator neutral point voltage transformer or the grounding transformer.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Bare Measured series stat Û fault stat Stator Reference Impedance Z ANSI11000008_1_en.vsd ANSI11000008 V1 EN-US Figure 159: High-resistance generator grounding with a neutral point resistor There are some alternatives for connection of the neutral point resistor as shown in figure (low voltage neutral point resistor connected via a DT).
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection stat ANSI11000009_1_en.vsd ANSI11000009 V1 EN-US Figure 160: Effective high-resistance generator grounding via a distribution transformer Another alternative is shown in figure (High-resistance grounding via a grounded wye-broken delta transformer). In this case the transformer must withstand the large secondary current caused by primary ground fault.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection stat ANSI11000010_1_en.vsd ANSI11000010 V1 EN-US Figure 161: High-resistance generator grounding via a grounded wye-broken delta transformer It is also possible to make the injection via VT open delta connection, as shown in figure 162.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection stat æ ö × ç ÷ × è ø ANSI11000011_2_en.vsd ANSI11000011 V2 EN-US Figure 162: Injection via open delta VT connection It must be observed that the resistor R is normally applied for ferro-resonance damping.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Accuracy for STTIPHIZ (64S) is installation dependent and it mainly depends on the characteristic of grounding or voltage transformer used to inject signal into the stator. Note that large variation of the ambient temperature and variation of stator capacitance and conductance to ground between standstill and fully loaded machine will also limit the possible setting level for the alarm stage.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Stator gain should be set to the VT/DT rating. That voltage is dependent on the VT/DT ratio and the highest possible voltage at neutral point. Gain factor (VmaxEF) shall be selected to correspond to this voltage which shall be at least the same as VT/DT value in table below.
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Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection REX060 VOLTAGE MEASURE (U) STATOR MODULE SIM CURRENT MEASURE (U) VOLTAGE MEASURE (U) ROTOR MODULE RIM CURRENT MEASURE (U) IEC11000209-1-en.vsd IEC11000209 V1 EN-US Figure 163: Separate analogue inputs for stator (STTIPHIZ, 64S)) and rotor (ROTIPHIZ, 64R)) protection It is possible to use a mixed connection that requires only two IED voltage channels for both ROTIPHIZ and STTIPHIZ.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection REX060 VOLTAGE MEASURE (V) STATOR MODULE SIM CURRENT MEASURE (V) ROTOR MODULE RIM ANSI11000210_1_en.vsd ANSI11000210 V1 EN-US Figure 164: Connection to IED with two analogue voltage inputs Some settings are required for the analog voltage inputs in the IED. The voltage ratio for the inputs shall be set 1/1, for example, VTSecx = 100 V VTPrimx = 0.1 kV The analogue inputs are linked to a pre-processor (SMAI) block in the Signal Matrix Tool.
FilterLength the setting affects the length of samples used to calculate R . Default value 1s shall normally be used. Leave FilterLength at its default value; any change of this parameter shall be defined under ABB supervision. Under impedance protection for generators and transformers ZGVPDIS GUID-1A3A4890-5CFA-417B-BDA4-EA001502AA60 v2 8.9.1...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection 8.9.2 Application GUID-ACC76B44-C071-4034-AB9D-880A77E12E66 v2 Under impedance protection for generator is generally used as back up protection for faults on generator, transformer and transmission lines. Zone 1 can be used to provide high speed protection for phase faults in the generator, bus ducts or cables and part of the generator transformer.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Operating zones GUID-FE7ADB29-3A48-41BF-AE43-94884D305A29 v2 Zone3 Zone2 Zone1 REG670 A) Power system model Z3Fwd Z2Fwd ImpedanceAn ImpedanceAn Z3Rev Z2Rev Z1Fwd ImpedanceAn R(ohm) Z1Rev B) Typical setting of zones for under impedance relay IEC11000308-3-en.vsd IEC11000308 V3 EN-US Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Figure 165: Zone characteristics and typical power system model The settings of all the zones is provided in terms of percentage of impedance based on current and voltage ratings of the generator. Zone 1 operation GUID-D5A94DC8-64AB-4623-88B6-64AD0AF5D53C v5...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Phase-to-phase loop Voltage phasor Current phasor Enhanced reach loop Max current Loop selected Voltage phasor Current phasor VAG-V0 VBG-V0 VCG-V0 If the currents are equal, A–G loop has higher priority than B-G and B- G loop has higher priority than C-G.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection Zone 3 provides protection for phase-to-ground, phase-to-phase and three phase faults on the HV side of the system. Hence, all these faults can be detected using three phase- to-phase loops or three phase-to-ground loops similar to zone 2. These options can be selected in the function and their operation is quite similar to the operation of zone 2.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection ANSI11000304-1-en.vsd ANSI11000304 V1 EN-US Figure 166: Load Encroachment characteristic in under Impedance function The resistive settings of this function is also provided in percentage of ZBase. It is calculated according to equation 165. ZBase VRated / 3) /...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection 8.9.3 Setting Guidelines GUID-5867C713-AF93-46B3-9F3C-1A46D253ECA2 v1 General GUID-292795EB-0605-4065-971D-169F55E2AFCF v5 The settings for the underimpedance protection for generator (ZGVPDIS) are done in percentage and base impedance is calculated from the VBase and IBase settings. The base impedance is calculated according to equation 166.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection tZ2: Zone 2 trip time delay in seconds. Time delay should be provided in order to coordinate with zone 1 element provided for the outgoing line. Zone 3 Zone 3 in ZGVPDIS function has offset mho characteristic and it can evaluate three phase-to-phase impedance measuring loops or EnhancedReach loop OpModeZ3: Zone 3 distance element can be selected as Disabled, PP Loops or EnhancedReach.
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection æ ö × × ç ÷ è ø exp max (Equation 167) GUID-AF9BD6F2-E64B-424D-B361-49448A1CF690-ANSI V1 EN-US Where, Pexpmax is the maximum exporting active power Vmin Pexpmax occurs is the minimum voltage for which RLd can be lesser than the calculated is the security factor to ensure that the setting of minimal resistive load...
Section 8 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Impedance protection triggered with zone 2 pickup, Z2pick up enumeration has to be selected . If zone 3 select Z3pick up enumeration. 27_COMP: The pickup value of the under voltage seal-in feature can be set using 27_COMP.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection must operate very quickly for faults very close to the generation (and relay) point, for which very high fault currents are characteristic. The instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC (50) can operate in 10 ms for faults characterized by very high currents.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection MultPU: The set operate current can be changed by activation of the binary input MULTPU to the set factor MultPU. Meshed network without parallel line M12915-9 v8 The following fault calculations have to be done for three-phase, single-phase-to- ground and two-phase-to-ground faults.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Fault ANSI09000023-1-en.vsd ANSI09000023 V1 EN-US Figure 169: Through fault current from B to A: I The IED must not trip for any of the two through-fault currents. Hence the minimum theoretical current setting (Imin) will be: ³...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Fault ANSI09000024-1-en.vsd ANSI09000024 V1 EN-US Figure 170: Fault current: I The IED setting value Pickup is given in percentage of the primary base current value, IBase. The value for Pickup is given from this formula: ×...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Line 1 Fault Line 2 ANSI09000025_2_en.vsd ANSI09000025 V2 EN-US Figure 171: Two parallel lines. Influence from parallel line to the through fault current: I The minimum theoretical current setting for the overcurrent protection function (Imin) will be: ³...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection delay characteristics. The selectivity between different overcurrent protections is normally enabled by co-ordination between the function time delays of the different protections. To enable optimal co-ordination between all overcurrent protections, they should have the same time delay characteristic. Therefore, a wide range of standardized inverse time characteristics are available for IEC and ANSI.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection The parameters for the directional phase overcurrent protection, four steps OC4PTOC (51/67) are set via the local HMI or PCM600. The following settings can be done for OC4PTOC (51/67). Common base IED values for primary current (IBase), primary voltage (UBase) and primary power (SBase) are set in the global base values for settings function GBASVAL.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection ANSI09000636-1-en.vsd ANSI09000636 V1 EN-US Figure 172: Directional function characteristic 1. RCA = Relay characteristic angle 2. ROA = Relay operating angle 3. Reverse 4. Forward Settings for each step M12982-19 v10 x means step 1, 2, 3 and 4.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Characteristx: Selection of time characteristic for step x. Definite time delay and different types of inverse time characteristics are available according to Table 34. Table 34: Inverse time characteristics Curve name ANSI Extremely Inverse ANSI Very Inverse ANSI Normal Inverse ANSI Moderately Inverse...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection IMinx: Minimum pickup current for step x in % of IBase. Set IMinx below Pickupx for every step to achieve ANSI reset characteristic according to standard. If IMinx is set above Pickupx for any step the ANSI reset works as if current is zero when current drops below IMinx.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Table 35: Reset possibilities Curve name Curve index no. Instantaneous IEC Reset (constant time) ANSI Reset (inverse time) The delay characteristics are described in Technical manual. There are some restrictions regarding the choice of the reset delay. For the definite time delay characteristics, the possible delay time setting instantaneous (1) and IEC (2 = set constant time reset).
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Setting example GUID-20729467-24AB-42F0-9FD1-D2959028732E v1 Directional phase overcurrent protection, four steps can be used in different ways, depending on the application where the protection is used. A general description is given below. The pickup current setting of the inverse time protection, or the lowest current step of the definite time protection, must be defined so that the highest possible load current does not cause protection operation.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Im ax ³ × Ipu 1.2 (Equation 175) EQUATION1262 V2 EN-US where: is a safety factor is the reset ratio of the protection Imax is the maximum load current The load current up to the present situation can be found from operation statistics. The current setting must remain valid for several years.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection protected zone). A fault current calculation gives the largest current of faults, Iscmax, at the most remote part of the primary protected zone. The risk of transient overreach must be considered, due to a possible DC component of the short circuit current. The lowest current setting of the fastest stage can be written according to ³...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Time-current curves tfunc1 tfunc2 n 0.01 10000 Fault Current IEC05000204 V2 EN-US Figure 175: Fault time with maintained selectivity The operation time can be set individually for each overcurrent protection. To assure selectivity between different protection functions in the radial network, there has to be a minimum time difference Dt between the time delays of two protections.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Example for time coordination Assume two substations A and B directly connected to each other via one line, as shown in the Figure 176. Consider a fault located at another line from the station B. The fault current to the overcurrent protection of IED B1 has a magnitude so that the overcurrent protection will start and subsequently trip, and the overcurrent protection of IED A1 must have a delayed operation in order to avoid maloperation.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection D ³ (Equation 179) EQUATION1266 V1 EN-US where it is considered that: the operate time of overcurrent protection B1 is 40 ms the breaker open time is 100 ms the resetting time of protection A1 is 40 ms and the additional margin is 40 ms...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection M12762-6 v8 Common base IED values for primary current (IBase), primary voltage (VBase) and primary power (SBase) are set in the global base values for settings function GBASVAL. GlobalBaseSel: This is used to select GBASVAL function for reference of base values. The basic requirement is to assure selectivity, that is EFPIOC (50N) shall not be allowed to operate for faults at other objects than the protected object (line).
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection The function shall not operate for any of the calculated currents to the protection. The minimum theoretical current setting (Imin) will be: in MAX I (Equation 180) EQUATION284 V2 EN-US A safety margin of 5% for the maximum static inaccuracy and a safety margin of 5% for maximum possible transient overreach have to be introduced.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Considering the safety margins mentioned previously, the minimum setting (Is) is: = 1.3 × I (Equation 183) EQUATION288 V3 EN-US The IED setting value IN>> is given in percent of the primary base current value, IBase.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.4.2 Application M12509-12 v10 The directional residual overcurrent protection, four steps EF4PTOC (51N_67N) is used in several applications in the power system. Some applications are: • Ground-fault protection of feeders in effectively grounded distribution and subtransmission systems.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Table 36: Time characteristics Curve name ANSI Extremely Inverse ANSI Very Inverse ANSI Normal Inverse ANSI Moderately Inverse ANSI/IEEE Definite time ANSI Long Time Extremely Inverse ANSI Long Time Very Inverse ANSI Long Time Inverse IEC Normal Inverse IEC Very Inverse IEC Inverse...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.4.3 Setting guidelines IP14988-1 v1 M15282-3 v11 When inverse time overcurrent characteristic is selected, the trip time of the stage will be the sum of the inverse time delay and the set definite time delay.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection V pol = 3V or V Operation IDirPU en 05000135-4- ansi. vsd ANSI05000135 V3 EN-US Figure 180: Relay characteristic angle given in degree In a normal transmission network a normal value of RCA is about 65°. The setting range is -180°...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection calculate the value of ZN as V/(√3 · 3I ) Typically, the minimum ZNPol (3 · zero sequence source) is set. The setting is in primary ohms. When the dual polarizing method is used, it is important that the setting Pickupx or the product 3I ·...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection residual fundamental current will however be significant. The inrush current of the transformer in service before the parallel transformer energizing, will be a little delayed compared to the first transformer. Therefore, we will have high 2 harmonic current initially.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection The function is divided into two parts. The SOTF function will give operation from step 2 or 3 during a set time after change in the position of the circuit breaker. The SOTF function has a set time delay.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection To assure selectivity between different protections, in the radial network, there has to be a minimum time difference Dt between the time delays of two protections. To determine the shortest possible time difference, the operation time of protections, breaker opening time and protection resetting time must be known.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Trip time txMin Pickup current ANSI10000058-1-en.vsdx ANSI10000058 V1 EN-US Figure 182: Minimum pickup current and trip time for inverse time characteristics In order to fully comply with the curves definition, the setting parameter txMin shall be set to the value which is equal to the operate time of the selected IEC inverse curve for measured current of twenty times the set current pickup value.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection æ ö ç ÷ ç ÷ × ç ÷ æ ö ç ÷ ç ÷ è ø è ipickup ø (Equation 185) EQUATION1722 V1 EN-US Further description can be found in the technical reference manual. tPRCrvx, tTRCrvx, tCRCrvx: Parameters for user programmable of inverse reset time characteristic curve.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection WYE/DELTA or WYE/WYE transformer Three phase CT summated Single CT en05000490_ansi.vsd ANSI05000490 V1 EN-US Figure 183: Residual overcurrent protection application on a directly grounded transformer winding In this case the protection has two different tasks: •...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection WYE/DELTA, DELTA/WYE or WYE/WYE transformer Three phase CT summated en05000491_ansi.vsd ANSI05000491 V1 EN-US Figure 184: Residual overcurrent protection application on an isolated transformer winding In the calculation of the fault current fed to the protection, at different ground faults, are highly dependent on the positive and zero sequence source impedances, as well as the division of residual current in the network.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection YN/D or YN/Y transformer Three phase CT summated Single phase- Single CT to-ground fault ANSI05000492_3_en.vsd ANSI05000492 V3 EN-US Figure 185: Step 1 fault calculation 1 This calculation gives the current fed to the protection: 3I 0fault1 To assure that step 1, selectivity to other ground-fault protections in the network a short delay is selected.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection YN/D or YN/Y transformer Three phase CT summated Single CT Single phase- to- ground fault ANSI05000493_3_en.vsd ANSI05000493 V3 EN-US Figure 186: Step 1 fault calculation 1 The fault is located at the borderline between instantaneous and delayed operation of the line protection, such as Distance protection or line residual overcurrent protection.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection can be chosen very low. As it is required to detect ground faults in the transformer winding, close to the neutral point, values down to the minimum setting possibilities can be chosen. However, one must consider zero-sequence currents that can occur during normal operation of the power system.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection In many applications several steps with different current pickup levels and time delays are needed. NS4PTOC (4612) can have up to four, individual settable steps. The flexibility of each step of NS4PTOC (4612) function is great. The following options are possible: Non-directional/Directional function: In some applications the non-directional functionality is used.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Curve name User Programmable ASEA RI RXIDG (logarithmic) There is also a user programmable inverse time characteristic. Normally it is required that the negative sequence overcurrent function shall reset as fast as possible when the current level gets lower than the operation level. In some cases some sort of delayed reset is required.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection DirModeSelx: The directional mode of step x. Possible settings are off/nondirectional/ forward/reverse. Characteristx: Selection of time characteristic for step x. Definite time delay and different types of inverse time characteristics are available. Table 38: Inverse time characteristics Curve name...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection MultPUx: Multiplier for scaling of the current setting value. If a binary input signal (ENMULTx) is activated the current operation level is multiplied by this setting constant. txMin: Minimum operation time for inverse time characteristics. At high currents the inverse time characteristic might give a very short operation time.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection For IEC inverse time delay characteristics the possible delay time settings are instantaneous (1) and IEC (2 = set constant time reset). For the programmable inverse time delay characteristics all three types of reset time characteristics are available;...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Reverse Area AngleRCA Vpol=-V2 Forward Area Iop = I2 ANSI10000031-1-en.vsd ANSI10000031 V1 EN-US Figure 188: Relay characteristic angle given in degree In a transmission network a normal value of RCA is about 80°. VPolMin: Minimum polarization (reference) voltage % of VBase.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.6.1 Identification SEMOD172025-2 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Sensitive directional residual over SDEPSDE current and power protection 9.6.2 Application SEMOD171959-4 v12 In networks with high impedance grounding, the phase-to-ground fault current is significantly smaller than the short circuit currents.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection When should the sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection be used and when should the sensitive directional residual power protection be used? Consider the following: • Sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection gives possibility for better sensitivity.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.6.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD171961-4 v10 The sensitive ground-fault protection is intended to be used in high impedance grounded systems, or in systems with resistive grounding where the neutral point resistor gives an ground-fault current larger than what normal high impedance gives but smaller than the phase to phase short circuit current.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Where is the capacitive ground fault current at a non-resistive phase-to-ground fault is the capacitive reactance to ground In a system with a neutral point resistor (resistance grounded system) the impedance Z can be calculated as: ×...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Source impedance (pos. seq) (pos. seq) (zero seq) Substation A (pos. seq) lineAB,1 (zero seq) lineAB,0 Substation B (pos. seq) lineBC,1 (zero seq) lineBC,0 Phase to ground fault en06000654_ansi.vsd ANSI06000654 V1 EN-US Figure 190: Equivalent of power system for calculation of setting The residual fault current can be written:...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection × 3I (Z 3R ) T ,0 (Equation 194) EQUATION2024-ANSI V1 EN-US × 3I (Z T ,0 lineAB,0 (Equation 195) EQUATION2025-ANSI V1 EN-US The residual power, measured by the sensitive ground fault protections in A and B will ×...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection GlobalBaseSel: It is used to select a GBASVAL function for reference of base values. RotResU: It is a setting for rotating the polarizing quantity (3V ) by 0 or 180 degrees. This parameter is set to 180 degrees by default in order to inverse the residual voltage -jRCADir ) to calculate the reference voltage (-3V ).
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection RCA = -90°, ROA = 90° ) – ang(V = ang(3I en06000649_ansi.vsd ANSI06000649 V1 EN-US Figure 192: Characteristic for RCADir equal to -90° When OpModeSel is set to 3I03V0Cosfi the apparent residual power component in the direction is measured.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection RCA = 0º ROA = 80º Operate area =-3V ANSI06000652-2-en.vsd ANSI06000652 V2 EN-US Figure 193: Characteristic for RCADir = 0° and ROADir = 80° DirMode is set Forward or Reverse to set the direction of the operation for the directional function selected by the OpModeSel.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection ROADir is Relay Operating Angle. ROADir is identifying a window around the reference direction in order to detect directionality. ROADir is set in degrees. For angles differing more than ROADir from RCADir the function is blocked. The setting can be used to prevent unwanted operation for non-faulted feeders, with large capacitive ground fault current contributions, due to CT phase angle error.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Table 39: Inverse time characteristics Curve name ANSI Extremely Inverse ANSI Very Inverse ANSI Normal Inverse ANSI Moderately Inverse ANSI/IEEE Definite time ANSI Long Time Extremely Inverse ANSI Long Time Very Inverse ANSI Long Time Inverse IEC Normal Inverse IEC Very Inverse...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection tVN is the definite time delay for the trip function of the residual voltage protection, given in s. Thermal overload protection, two time constants TRPTTR (49) IP14513-1 v4 9.7.1 Identification M14877-1 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection The protection can have two sets of parameters, one for non-forced cooling and one for forced cooling. Both the permissive steady state loading level as well as the thermal time constant is influenced by the cooling system of the transformer. The two parameters sets can be activated by the binary input signal COOLING.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection the load ability is increased and vice versa. IRefMult can be set within a range: 0.01 - 10.00. IBase1: Base current for setting given as percentage of IBase. This setting shall be related to the status with no COOLING input.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Tau1High: Multiplication factor to adjust the time constant Tau1 if the current is higher than the set value IHighTau1. IHighTau1 is set in % of IBase1. Tau1Low: Multiplication factor to adjust the time constant Tau1 if the current is lower than the set value ILowTau1.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Breaker failure protection CCRBRF(50BF) IP14514-1 v6 9.8.1 Identification M14878-1 v5 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Breaker failure protection, 3-phase CCRBRF 50BF activation and output 3I>BF SYMBOL-U V1 EN-US 9.8.2 Application...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection FunctionMode This parameter can be set Current or Contact. This states the way the detection of failure of the breaker is performed. In the mode current the current measurement is used for the detection. In the mode Contact the long duration of breaker position signal is used as indicator of failure of the breaker.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection applications 1 out of 3 is sufficient. For Contact operation means back-up trip is done when circuit breaker is closed (breaker position is used). Pickup_PH: Current level for detection of breaker failure, set in % of IBase. This parameter should be set so that faults with small fault current can be detected.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection It is often required that the total fault clearance time shall be less than a given critical time. This time is often dependent of the ability to maintain transient stability in case of a fault close to a power plant.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection tPulse: Trip pulse duration. This setting must be larger than the critical impulse time of circuit breakers to be tripped from the breaker failure protection. Typical setting is 200 Pole discrepancy protection CCPDSC(52PD) IP14516-1 v5 9.9.1 Identification...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.9.3 Setting guidelines M13274-3 v8 The parameters for the Pole discordance protection CCPDSC (52PD) are set via the local HMI or PCM600. The following settings can be done for the pole discrepancy protection. GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define IBase, VBase and SBase as applicable.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.10.1 Identification SEMOD158941-2 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP P < SYMBOL-LL V2 EN-US 9.10.2 Application SEMOD151283-4 v5 The task of a generator in a power plant is to convert mechanical energy available as a torque on a rotating shaft to electric energy.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection blades. When a steam turbine rotates without steam supply, the electric power consumption will be about 2% of rated power. Even if the turbine rotates in vacuum, it will soon become overheated and damaged. The turbine overheats within minutes if the turbine loses the vacuum.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Underpower protection Overpower protection Operate Operate Line Line Margin Margin Operating point Operating point without without turbine torque turbine torque IEC09000019-2-en.vsd IEC09000019 V2 EN-US Figure 195: Reverse power protection with underpower or overpower protection 9.10.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD172134-4 v7...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Mode Set value Formula used for complex power calculation × (Equation 211) EQUATION2060-ANSI V1 EN-US = × × (Equation 212) EQUATION2061-ANSI V1 EN-US = × × (Equation 213) EQUATION2062-ANSI V1 EN-US = × ×...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Power1(2) Angle1(2) Operate en06000441.vsd IEC06000441 V1 EN-US Figure 196: Underpower mode The setting Power1(2) gives the power component pick up value in the Angle1(2) direction. The setting is given in p.u. of the generator rated power, see equation 215. Minimum recommended setting is 0.2% of S when metering class CT inputs into the IED are used.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Operate ° Angle1(2) = 0 Power1(2) en06000556.vsd IEC06000556 V1 EN-US Figure 197: For low forward power the set angle should be 0° in the underpower function TripDelay1(2) is set in seconds to give the time delay for trip of the stage after pick up. Hysteresis1(2) is given in p.u.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection The value of k=0.92 is recommended in generator applications as the trip delay is normally quite long. The calibration factors for current and voltage measurement errors are set % of rated current/voltage: IMagComp5, IMagComp30, IMagComp100 VMagComp5, VMagComp30, VMagComp100 IMagComp5, IMagComp30, IMagComp100...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Often, the motoring condition may imply that the turbine is in a very dangerous state. The task of the reverse power protection is to protect the turbine and not to protect the generator itself.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection may cause cavitations. The risk for damages to hydro turbines can justify reverse power protection in unattended plants. A hydro turbine that rotates in water with closed wicket gates will draw electric power from the rest of the power system.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Mode: The voltage and current used for the power measurement. The setting possibilities are shown in table 42. Table 42: Complex power calculation Mode Set value Formula used for complex power calculation A,B,C ×...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Operate Power1(2) Angle1(2) en06000440.vsd IEC06000440 V1 EN-US Figure 199: Overpower mode The setting Power1(2) gives the power component pick up value in the Angle1(2) direction. The setting is given in p.u. of the generator rated power, see equation 228. Minimum recommended setting is 0.2% of S when metering class CT inputs into the IED are used.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Angle1(2 ) = 180 Operate Power 1(2) IEC06000557-2-en.vsd IEC06000557 V2 EN-US Figure 200: For reverse power the set angle should be 180° in the overpower function TripDelay1(2) is set in seconds to give the time delay for trip of the stage after pick up. Hysteresis1(2) is given in p.u.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection S TD S TD S ⋅ − ⋅ Calculated (Equation 230) EQUATION1893-ANSI V1 EN-US Where is a new measured value to be used for the protection function is the measured value given from the function in previous execution cycle is the new calculated value in the present execution cycle Calculated is settable parameter...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.12.2 Application GUID-66CBDF76-B548-478F-8D59-CBAC4F6C1F85 v1 GUID-ED2E176E-BE14-45C2-875F-369E1F27BC29 v1 Negative sequence overcurrent protection for machines NS2PTOC (46I2) is intended primarily for the protection of generators against possible overheating of the rotor caused by negative sequence component in the stator current. The negative sequence currents in a generator may, among others, be caused by: •...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection • Two steps, independently adjustable, with separate tripping outputs. • Sensitive protection, capable of detecting and tripping for negative sequence currents down to 3% of rated generator current with high accuracy. • Two time delay characteristics: •...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Table 43: ANSI requirements for unbalanced faults on synchronous machines Types of Synchronous Machine Permissible Salient pole generator Synchronous condenser Cylindrical rotor generators: Indirectly cooled Directly cooled (0 – 800 MVA) Directly cooled (801 – 1600 See Figure MVA) shows a graphical representation of the relationship between generator...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Table 44: Continous I capability Type of generator Permissible I (in percent of rated generator current) Salient Pole: with damper winding without damper winding Cylindrical Rotor Indirectly cooled Directly cooled to 960 MVA 961 to 1200 MVA 1201 to 1500 MVA As it is described in the table above that the continuous negative sequence current...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection definite time delay. Thus, if only the inverse time delay is required, it is important to set the definite time delay for that stage to zero. Operate time characteristic GUID-0F3D5C8B-B485-4FEC-8448-CEAA1F6710D6 v6 Negative sequence time overcurrent protection for machines NS2PTOC (46I2) provides two operating time delay characteristics for step 1 and 2: •...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Negative sequence inverse time characteristic 10000 tMax 1000 tMin 0.01 Negative sequence current IEC08000355-2-en.vsd IEC08000355 V2 EN-US Figure 202: Inverse Time Delay characteristic, step 1 The example in figure indicates that the protection function has a set minimum trip time t1Min of 5 sec.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection the generator from service. A settable time delay tAlarm is provided for the alarm function to avoid false alarms during short-time unbalanced conditions. 9.13 Accidental energizing protection for synchronous generator AEGPVOC (50AE) GUID-B8AED221-36B4-45C3-8FD9-713DAAB4A365 v2 9.13.1 Identification...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection energisation network (Equation 231) ANSIEQUATION2398 V1 EN-US Where is the rated voltage of the generator ’’ is the subtransient reactance for the generator (Ω) is the reactance of the step-up transformer (Ω) is the short circuit source impedance of the connected network recalculated to the generator network voltage level (Ω)
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.14 Voltage-restrained time overcurrent protection VRPVOC (51V) GUID-613620B1-4092-4FB6-901D-6810CDD5C615 v4 9.14.1 Identification GUID-7835D582-3FF4-4587-81CE-3B40D543E287 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Voltage-restrained time overcurrent VRPVOC I>/U< protection 9.14.2 Application GUID-622CDDDD-6D03-430E-A82D-861A4CBE067C v7 A breakdown of the insulation between phase conductors or a phase conductor and...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection The undervoltage function can be enabled or disabled. Sometimes in order to obtain the desired application functionality it is necessary to provide interaction between the two protection elements within the VRPVOC (51V) function by appropriate IED configuration (for example, overcurrent protection with under-voltage seal-in).
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection To apply the VRPVOC(51V) function, the configuration is done according to figure 203. As seen in the figure, the pickup of the overcurrent stage will enable the undervoltage stage. Once enabled, the undervoltage stage will start a timer, which causes function tripping, if the voltage does not recover above the set value.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection tMin: Minimum operation time for all inverse time characteristics. At high currents the inverse time characteristic might give a very short operation time. By setting this parameter the operation time of the step can never be shorter than the setting. Operation_UV: it sets On/Off the operation of the under-voltage stage.
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection • Inverse Time Over Current IDMT curve: IEC very inverse, with multiplier k=1 • Pickup current of 185% of generator rated current at rated generator voltage • Pickup current 25% of the original pickup current value for generator voltages below 25% of rated voltage To ensure proper operation of the function: Set Operation to Enabled...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection IBase × (Equation 233) EQUATION1816 V1 EN-US IBase × (Equation 233) EQUATION2037 V2 EN-US VBase: The parameter VBase is set to the generator rated Voltage (phase-phase) in kV. Overcurrent protection with undervoltage seal-in GUID-B58E1CD6-F9AE-4301-ABE7-90DBFC987D69 v6 To obtain this functionality, the IED application configuration shall include a logic in accordance to figure...
Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 9.16.1 Identification GUID-2FB631FB-E6F7-4FAC-A350-BEB2867C7E9E v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Generator rotor overload protection GRPTTR < SYMBOL-MM V1 EN-US 9.16.2 Application GUID-ED0BC8FC-8679-4C6F-B4C4-5904F7951F03 v3 The overload GRPTTR (49R) protection is intended to prevent thermal damage. A generator may suffer thermal damage as a result of overloads.
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection 100MVA 320MVA 380/18kV 242/11kV YNd5 YNd5 100/1 100/5 500kVA 1400kVA 18/0,4kV 11/0,55kV Yd11 1000/5 1500/5 100MVA 315MVA 18kV 11kV 3210A 16533A Field rating: Field rating: 810A, 260V DC 1520A, 295V DC ANSI12000182-1-en.vsd ANSI12000182 V1 EN-US Figure 204: Two application examples...
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Section 9 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Current protection Parameter name Selected value Comment VrLV 400.0 Rated LV side AC voltage (in Volts) VrHV 18.00 Rated HV side AC voltage in kV PhAngleShift 5*30= 150 degree, this provides 150 degrees clock-wise phase angle shift across the excitation transformer Note that last three parameters from the table above have no direct influence on function operation (that is, LV side CT is used) but are anyhow set to the correct...
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection The function has a high measuring accuracy and a settable hysteresis to allow applications to control reactive load. In many cases, UV2PTUV (27) is a useful function in circuits for local or remote automation processes in the power system.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection Backup protection for power system faults M13851-62 v3 The setting must be below the lowest occurring "normal" voltage and above the highest occurring voltage during the fault conditions under consideration. Settings for two step undervoltage protection M13851-65 v14 The following settings can be done for Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV...
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection there is a short circuit or ground faults in the system. The time delay must be coordinated to the other short circuit protections. tResetn: Reset time for step n if definite time delay is used, given in s. The default value is 25 ms.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection 10.2.1 Identification M17002-1 v8 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 identification ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification device number Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV 3U> SYMBOL-C-2U-SMALLER-THAN V2 EN-US 10.2.2 Application M13799-3 v9 Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV (59) is applicable in all situations, where reliable detection of high voltage is necessary.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection expectancy. In many cases, it is a useful function in circuits for local or remote automation processes in the power system. 10.2.3 Setting guidelines M13852-4 v10 The parameters for Two step overvoltage protection (OV2PTOV ,59) are set via the local HMI or PCM600.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection Power supply quality M13852-16 v1 The setting has to be well above the highest occurring "normal" voltage and below the highest acceptable voltage, due to regulation, good practice or other agreements. High impedance grounded systems M13852-19 v6...
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection Characteristicn: This parameter gives the type of time delay to be used. The setting can be Definite time, Inverse Curve A, Inverse Curve B, Inverse Curve C or I/Prog. inv. curve. The choice is highly dependent of the protection application. OpModen: This parameter describes how many of the three measured voltages that should be above the set level to give operation.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection Therefore a tuning parameter CrvSatn is set to compensate for this phenomenon. In the voltage interval Pickup> up to Pickup> · (1.0 + CrvSatn/100) the used voltage will be: Pickup> · (1.0 + CrvSatn/100). If the programmable curve is used, this parameter must be calculated so that: CrvSatn ×...
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection does not provide any guidance in finding the faulted component. Therefore, ROV2PTOV (59N) is often used as a backup protection or as a release signal for the feeder ground fault protection. 10.3.3 Setting guidelines M13853-3 v8 All the voltage conditions in the system where ROV2PTOV (59N) performs its...
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection mechanical or thermal damage to the insulating material or the anti-corona paint on a stator coil. Turn-to-turn faults, which normally are difficult to detect, quickly develop into an ground fault and are tripped by the stator ground-fault protection. Common practice in most countries is to ground the generator neutral through a resistor, which limits the maximum ground-fault current to 5-10 A primary.
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection 110kV Bus Unit Transformer 29MVA 0.11 121/11kV YNd5 3Vo> Unit ROV2 PTOV transformer LV side VT Generator Circuit Breaker 0.11 Generator 3Vo> terminal VT ROV2 PTOV Generator 29MVA 11kV 150rpm / 0.11 Grounding Vo>...
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection − Ph Ph 6 35 (Equation 237) ANSIEQUATION2394 V1 EN-US One VT input is to be used in the IED. The VT ratio should be set according to the neutral point transformer ratio. For this application, the correct primary and secondary rating values are 6.35 kV and 110 V respectively.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection Due to such connection, ROV2PTOV (59N) measures the 3Vo voltage at generator HV terminals. Maximum 3Vo voltage is present for a single phase-to-ground fault at the HV terminal of the generator and it has the primary maximum value 3Vo ⋅...
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection ANSI07000190-1-en.vsd ANSI07000190 V1 EN-US Figure 206: Ground fault in Non-effectively grounded systems Direct grounded system GUID-EA622F55-7978-4D1C-9AF7-2BAB5628070A v8 In direct grounded systems, an ground fault on one phase is indicated by voltage collapse in that phase.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection Settings for two step residual overvoltage protection M13853-21 v13 Operation: Disabled or Enabled VBase (given in GlobalBaseSel) is used as voltage reference for the set pickup values. The voltage can be fed to the IED in different ways: The IED is fed from a normal voltage transformer group where the residual voltage is calculated internally from the phase-to-ground voltages within the protection.
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection tn: time delay of step n, given in s. The setting is highly dependent on the protection application. In many applications, the protection function has the task to prevent damage to the protected object. The speed might be important, for example, in the case of the protection of a transformer that might be overexcited.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection 10.4 Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH (24) IP14547-1 v3 10.4.1 Identification M14867-1 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH U/f > SYMBOL-Q V1 EN-US 10.4.2 Application M13785-3 v6 When the laminated core of a power transformer is subjected to a magnetic flux density...
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection The capability of a transformer (or generator) to withstand overexcitation can be illustrated in the form of a thermal capability curve, that is, a diagram which shows the permissible time as a function of the level of over-excitation. When the transformer is loaded, the induced voltage and hence the flux density in the core can not be read off directly from the transformer terminal voltage.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection en05000208_ansi.vsd ANSI05000208 V1 EN-US Figure 208: Alternative connections of an Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH (24) (Volt/Hertz) 10.4.3 Setting guidelines IP15039-1 v1 Recommendations for input and output signals M6496-75 v4 Recommendations for Input signals M6496-79 v5 Please see the default factory configuration.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection BFI: The BFI output indicates that the level Pickup1> has been reached. It can be used to initiate time measurement. TRIP: The TRIP output is activated after the operate time for the V/f level has expired. TRIP signal is used to trip the circuit breaker(s).
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection TDforIEEECurve: The time constant for the inverse characteristic. Select the one giving the best match to the transformer capability. t_CooolingK: The cooling time constant giving the reset time when voltages drops below the set value. Shall be set above the cooling time constant of the transformer. The default value is recommended to be used if the constant is not known.
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection This is the case when VBase is equal to the transformer rated voltages. For other values, the percentage settings need to be adjusted accordingly. When the overexcitation is equal to the set value of Pickup2, tripping is obtained after a time equal to the setting of t6.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection V/Hz transformer capability curve relay operate characteristic Continous 0.05 Time (minutes) en01000377.vsd IEC01000377 V1 EN-US Figure 209: Example on overexcitation capability curve and V/Hz protection settings for power transformer 10.5 Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV (60) SEMOD153860-1 v2 10.5.1 Identification...
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection indicates a fault, either short-circuited or open element in the capacitor bank. It is mainly used on elements with external fuses but can also be used on elements with internal fuses instead of a current unbalance protection measuring the current between the neutrals of two half’s of the capacitor bank.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection The application to supervise the voltage on two voltage transformers in the generator circuit is shown in figure 211. To Protection Vd> To Excitation en06000389_ansi.vsd ANSI06000389 V1 EN-US Figure 211: Supervision of fuses on generator circuit voltage transformers 10.5.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD153915-5 v3...
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection factor is defined as V2 · RFLx and shall be equal to the V1 voltage. Each phase has its own ratio factor. VDTrip: The voltage differential level required for tripping is set with this parameter. For application on capacitor banks the setting will depend of the capacitor bank voltage and the number of elements per phase in series and parallel.
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection 10.6 100% Stator ground fault protection, 3rd harmonic based STEFPHIZ (59THD) SEMOD156719-1 v3 10.6.1 Identification SEMOD158987-2 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number 100% Stator ground fault protection, STEFPHIZ 59THD 3rd harmonic based...
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection Ne g lig ible burning are a en06000316.vsd IEC06000316 V1 EN-US Figure 212: Relation between the magnitude of the generator ground fault current and the fault time As mentioned earlier, for medium and large generators, the common practice is to have high impedance grounding of generating units.
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection overvoltage protection or a residual differential protection. These protection schemes are simple and have served well during many years. However, at best these schemes protect only 95% of the stator winding. They leave 5% at the neutral end unprotected. Under unfavorable conditions the blind zone may extend to 20% from the neutral.
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection In some applications the neutral point resistor is connected to the low voltage side of a single-phase distribution transformer, connected to the generator neutral point. In such a case the voltage measurement can be made directly across the secondary resistor. Generator unit transformer ANSI11000094_1_en.vsd ANSI11000094 V1 EN-US...
Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection One difficulty with this solution is that the current transformer ratio is normally so large so that the secondary residual current will be very small. The false residual current, due to difference between the three phase current transformers, can be in the same range as the secondary ground fault current.
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection Common base IED values for primary current (setting IBase), primary voltage (setting VBase) and primary power (setting SBase) are set in a Global base values for settings function GBASVAL. Setting GlobalBaseSel is used to select a GBASVAL function for reference of base values.
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Section 10 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Voltage protection FactorCBopen: The setting FactorCBopen gives a constant to be multiplied to beta if the generator circuit breaker is open, input 52a is not active and CBexists is set to Yes . VN3rdHPU: The setting VN3rdHPU gives the undervoltage operation level if TVoltType is set to NoVoltage.
Section 11 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Frequency protection 11.1.3 Setting guidelines M13355-3 v8 All the frequency and voltage magnitude conditions in the system where SAPTUF (81) performs its functions should be considered. The same also applies to the associated equipment, its frequency and time characteristic. There are two specific application areas for SAPTUF (81): to protect equipment against damage due to low frequency, such as generators, transformers, and motors.
Section 11 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Frequency protection 11.2.1 Identification M14866-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Overfrequency protection SAPTOF f > SYMBOL-O V1 EN-US 11.2.2 Application M14952-3 v4 Overfrequency protection function SAPTOF (81) is applicable in all situations, where reliable detection of high fundamental power system frequency is needed.
Section 11 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Frequency protection Equipment protection, such as for motors and generators The setting has to be well above the highest occurring "normal" frequency and well below the highest acceptable frequency for the equipment. Power system protection, by generator shedding The setting must be above the highest occurring "normal"...
Section 11 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Frequency protection 11.3.3 Setting guidelines M14971-3 v7 The parameters for Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC (81) are set via the local HMI or or through the Protection and Control Manager (PCM600). All the frequency and voltage magnitude conditions in the system where SAPFRC (81) performs its functions should be considered.
Section 11 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Frequency protection 11.4 Frequency time accumulation protection function FTAQFVR (81A) GUID-124A1F91-44C0-4DB6-8603-CC8CA19AE2A6 v3 11.4.1 Identification GUID-87605DA0-EAA6-4A6C-BF03-7FDB187E1B29 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/ identification identification IEEEidentification Frequency time accumulation FTAQFVR f<> protection 11.4.2 Application GUID-82CA8336-82BE-42AB-968A-D4F08941C9D0 v3 Generator prime movers are affected by abnormal frequency disturbances.
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Section 11 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Frequency protection Frequency or Resonant Frequency Ratio IEC12000611-2-en.vsd IEC12000611 V2 EN-US Figure 217: Typical stress magnification factor curve according ANSI/IEEE C37.106-2003 Standard Each turbine manufactured for different design of blades has various time restriction limits for various frequency bands.
Section 11 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Frequency protection Prohibited Operation Prohibited Operation Restricted Time Operation Continuous operation Continuous operation Restricted Time Operation Prohibited Operation Restricted Time Operation 0.01 1000 0.01 1000 Time (Minutes) Time (Minutes) Prohibited Operation Prohibited Operation Restricted Time Operation Continuous operation Continuous operation Restricted Time Operation...
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Section 11 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Frequency protection Setting procedure on the IED The parameters for the frequency time accumulation protection FTAQFVR (81A) are set using the local HMI or through the dedicated software tool in Protection and Control Manager (PCM600). Common base IED values for primary current IBase and primary voltage VBase are set in the global base values for settings function GBASVAL.
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection Section 12 Multipurpose protection 12.1 General current and voltage protection CVGAPC IP14552-1 v2 12.1.1 Identification M14886-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number General current and voltage protection CVGAPC 2(I>/U<) 12.1.2...
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection • Definite time delay or Inverse Time Overcurrent TOC/IDMT delay for both steps • Second harmonic supervision is available in order to only allow operation of the overcurrent stage(s) if the content of the second harmonic in the measured current is lower than pre-set level •...
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Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection The user can select, by a setting parameter CurrentInput, to measure one of the following current quantities shown in table 48. Table 48: Available selection for current quantity within CVGAPC function Set value for parameter Comment "CurrentInput”...
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Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection Table 49: Available selection for voltage quantity within CVGAPC function Set value for parameter Comment "VoltageInput" PhaseA CVGAPC function will measure the phase A voltage phasor PhaseB CVGAPC function will measure the phase B voltage phasor PhaseC CVGAPC function will measure the phase C voltage phasor PosSeq...
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection phase-to-phase voltages VAB, VBC and VCA. This information about actual VT connection is entered as a setting parameter for the pre-processing block, which will then take automatically care about it. Base quantities for CVGAPC function SEMOD53443-112 v3 The parameter settings for the base quantities, which represent the base (100%) for pickup levels of all measuring stages shall be entered as setting parameters for every...
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection There is a risk that the current into the generator at inadvertent energization will be limited so that the “normal” overcurrent or underimpedance protection will not detect the dangerous situation. The delay of these protection functions might be too long. The reverse power protection might detect the situation but the operation time of this protection is normally too long.
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Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection practically constant. It shall be noted that directional negative sequence OC element offers protection against all unbalance faults (phase-to-phase faults as well). Care shall be taken that the minimum pickup of such protection function shall be set above natural system unbalance level.
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection If required, this CVGAPC function can be used in directional comparison protection scheme for the power line protection if communication channels to the remote end of this power line are available. In that case typically two NegSeq overcurrent steps are required.
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Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection æ ö ç ÷ è ø (Equation 242) EQUATION1740-ANSI V1 EN-US where: is the operating time in seconds of the negative sequence overcurrent IED is the generator capability constant in seconds is the measured negative sequence current is the generator rated current By defining parameter x equal to maximum continuous negative sequence rating of the generator in accordance with the following formula...
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Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection æ ö × ç ÷ è ø (Equation 245) EQUATION1742-ANSI V1 EN-US where: is the operating time in seconds of the Inverse Time Overcurrent TOC/IDMT algorithm is time multiplier (parameter setting) is ratio between measured current magnitude and set pickup current level A, B, C and P are user settable coefficients which determine the curve used for Inverse Time Overcurrent TOC/IDMT calculation When the equation...
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection Generator stator overload protection in accordance with IEC or ANSI standards M13088-81 v3 Example will be given how to use one CVGAPC function to provide generator stator overload protection in accordance with IEC or ANSI standard if minimum-operating current shall be set to 116% of generator rating.
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Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection In order to achieve such protection functionality with one CVGAPC functions the following must be done: Connect three-phase generator currents to one CVGAPC instance (for example, GF01) Set parameter CurrentInput to value PosSeq Set base current value to the rated generator current in primary amperes Enable one overcurrent step (for example OC1) Select parameter CurveType_OC1 to value Programmable...
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection Proper timing of CVGAPC function made in this way can easily be verified by secondary injection. All other settings can be left at the default values. If required delayed time reset for OC1 step can be set in order to insure proper function operation in case of repetitive overload conditions.
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection Voltage restrained overcurrent protection for generator and step-up transformer M13088-158 v4 Example will be given how to use one CVGAPC function to provide voltage restrained overcurrent protection for a generator. Let us assume that the time coordination study gives the following required settings: •...
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Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection generator can be achieved. Let us assume that from rated generator data the following values are calculated: • Maximum generator capability to contentiously absorb reactive power at zero active loading 38% of the generator MVA rating •...
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection Q [pu] Operating region ILowSet P [pu] -rca -0.2 -0.4 ILowSet Operating Region -0.6 -0.8 en05000535_ansi.vsd ANSI05000535 V1 EN-US Figure 219: Loss of excitation Inadvertent generator energization SEMOD158317-4 v2 When the generator is taken out of service, and stand-still, there is a risk that the generator circuit breaker is closed by mistake.
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Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection reverse power protection might detect the situation but the operation time of this protection is normally too long. For big and important machines, fast protection against inadvertent energizing should, therefore, be included in the protective scheme. The protection against inadvertent energization can be made by a combination of undervoltage, overvoltage and overcurrent protection functions.
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection The setting of the function in the inadvertent energization application is done as described below. It is assumed that the instance is used only for the inadvertent energization application. It is however possible to extent the use of the instance by using OC2, UC1, UC2, OV2, UV2 for other protection applications.
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection VCntrlMode_OC1: Voltage control mode for OC1: VCntrlMode_OC1 is set Disabled. HarmRestr_OC1: Harmonic restrain for OC1: HarmRestr_OC1 is set Disabled. DirMode_OC1: Direction mode for OC1: DirMode_OC1 is set Disabled. Setting for OC2 SEMOD158317-33 v2 Operation_OC2: Operation_OC2 is set Disabled if the function is not used for other protection function.
Section 12 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Multipurpose protection Setting for OV2 SEMOD158317-50 v2 Operation_OV2:Operation_OV2 is set Disabled if the function is not used for other protection function. Settings for UV1 SEMOD158317-53 v2 Operation_UV1: The parameter Operation_UV1 is set Enabled to activate this function.
Section 13 1MRK 502 071-UUS A System protection and control Section 13 System protection and control 13.1 Multipurpose filter SMAIHPAC GUID-6B541154-D56B-452F-B143-4C2A1B2D3A1F v1 13.1.1 Identification GUID-8224B870-3DAA-44BF-B790-6600F2AD7C5D v1 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Multipurpose filter SMAIHPAC 13.1.2 Application...
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Section 13 1MRK 502 071-UUS A System protection and control • Sub-synchronous resonance protection for turbo generators • Sub-synchronous protection for wind turbines/wind farms • Detection of sub-synchronous oscillation between HVDC links and synchronous generators • Super-synchronous protection • Detection of presence of the geo-magnetic induced currents •...
Section 13 1MRK 502 071-UUS A System protection and control 13.1.3 Setting guidelines Setting example GUID-5A3F67BD-7D48-4734-948C-01DAF9470EF8 v2 A relay type used for generator subsynchronous resonance overcurrent protection shall be replaced. The relay had inverse time operating characteristic as given with the following formula: (Equation 250) EQUATION13000029 V1 EN-US...
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Section 13 1MRK 502 071-UUS A System protection and control FreqBandWidth FilterLength 1.0 s OverLap Operation Now the settings for the multi-purpose overcurrent stage one shall be derived in order to emulate the existing relay operating characteristic. To achieve exactly the same inverse time characteristic the programmable IDMT characteristic is used which for multi-purpose overcurrent stage one, which has the following equation (for more information see Section “Inverse time characteristics”...
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Section 13 1MRK 502 071-UUS A System protection and control then exact replica of the existing relay will be achieved. The following table summarizes all required settings for the multi-purpose function: Setting Group1 Operation CurrentInput MaxPh IBase 1000 VoltageInput MaxPh UBase 20.50 OPerHarmRestr...
Section 14 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Secondary system supervision 14.1.3 Setting guidelines M12397-17 v8 GlobalBaseSel: Selects the global base value group used by the function to define IBase, VBase and SBase as applicable. Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC (87) compares the residual current from a three- phase set of current transformer cores with the neutral point current on a separate input taken from another set of cores on the same current transformer.
Section 14 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Secondary system supervision to the voltage instrument transformers, and shall be equipped with auxiliary contacts that are wired to the IEDs. Separate fuse-failure monitoring IEDs or elements within the protection and monitoring devices are another possibilities. These solutions are combined to get the best possible effect in the fuse failure supervision function (FUFSPVC).
Section 14 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Secondary system supervision Setting of common parameters M13683-9 v9 Set the operation mode selector Operation to Enabled to release the fuse failure function. The voltage threshold VPPU is used to identify low voltage condition in the system. Set VPPU below the minimum operating voltage that might occur during emergency conditions.
Section 14 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Secondary system supervision VBase (Equation 254) EQUATION1757-ANSI V4 EN-US where: V2PU is the maximal negative sequence voltage during normal operation conditions, plus a margin of 10...20% VBase is the base voltage for the function according to the setting GlobalBaseSel The setting of the current limit 3I2PU is in percentage of parameter IBase.
Section 14 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Secondary system supervision I PU × IBase (Equation 257) EQUATION2293-ANSI V2 EN-US where: 3I0PU is the maximal zero sequence current during normal operating conditions, plus a margin of 10...20% IBase is the base current for the function according to the setting GlobalBaseSel Delta V and delta I...
Section 14 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Secondary system supervision Set the IDLDPU with a sufficient margin below the minimum expected load current. A safety margin of at least 15-20% is recommended. The operate value must however exceed the maximum charging current of an overhead line, when only one phase is disconnected (mutual coupling to the other phases).
Section 14 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Secondary system supervision Main Vt circuit FuseFailSupvn ANSI12000143-1-en.vsd ANSI12000143 V1 EN-US Figure 222: Application of VDSPVC 14.3.3 Setting guidelines GUID-0D5A517C-1F92-46B9-AC2D-F41ED4E7C39E v1 GUID-52BF4E8E-0B0C-4F75-99C4-0BCB22CDD166 v2 The parameters for Fuse failure supervision VDSPVC are set via the local HMI or PCM600.
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Section 14 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Secondary system supervision The connection type for the main and the pilot fuse groups must be consistent. The settings Vdif Main block, Vdif Pilot alarm and VSealIn are in percentage of the base voltage, VBase. Set VBase to the primary rated phase-to-phase voltage of the potential voltage transformer.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Section 15 Control 15.1 Synchronism check, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN (25) IP14558-1 v4 15.1.1 Identification M14889-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Synchrocheck, energizing check, and SESRSYN synchronizing sc/vc...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • The voltages V-Line and V-Bus are higher than the set values for VHighBusSynch and VHighLineSynch of the respective base voltages GblBaseSelBus and GblBaseSelLine. • The difference in the voltage is smaller than the set value of VDiffSynch. •...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The reference voltage can be phase-neutral A, B, C or phase-phase A-B, B-C, C-A or positive sequence (Require a three phase voltage, that is VA, VB and VC) . By setting the phases used for SESRSYN, with the settings SelPhaseBus1, SelPhaseBus2, SelPhaseLine2 and SelPhaseLine2, a compensation is made automatically for the voltage amplitude difference and the phase angle difference caused if different setting values are selected for the two sides of the breaker.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • Live line and live bus. • Voltage level difference. • Frequency difference (slip). The bus and line frequency must also be within a range of ±5 Hz from rated frequency. • Phase angle difference. A time delay is available to ensure that the conditions are fulfilled for a minimum period of time.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control SynchroCheck Bus voltage VHighBusSC > 50 – 120% of GblBaseSelBus Fuse fail VHighLineSC >50 – 120% of GblBaseSelLine Line Line Bus Voltage VDiffSC < 0.02 – 0.50 p.u. reference PhaseDiffM < 5 – 90 degrees voltage PhaseDiffA <...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Bus voltage Line voltage EnergizingCheck VLiveBusEnerg > 50 - 120 % of GblBaseSelBus VLiveLineEnerg > 50 - 120 % of GblBaseSelLine VDeadBusEnerg < 10 - 80 % of GblBaseSelBus VDeadLineEnerg < 10 - 80 % of GblBaseSelLine VMaxEnerg <...
(B16I). If the PSTO input is used, connected to the Local-Remote switch on the local HMI, the choice can also be from the station HMI system, typically ABB Microscada through IEC 61850–8–1 communication.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control SLGGIO SESRSYN (25) PSTO INTONE NAME1 SWPOSN MENMODE NAME2 NAME3 NAME4 ANSI09000171_1_en.vsd ANSI09000171 V1 EN-US Figure 226: Selection of the energizing direction from a local HMI symbol through a selector switch function block. 15.1.3 Application examples M12323-3 v7...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control A double breaker arrangement requires two function blocks, one for breaker WA1_QA1 and one for breaker WA2_QA1. No voltage selection is necessary, because the voltage from busbar 1 VT is connected to V3PB1 on SESRSYN for WA1_QA1 and the voltage from busbar 2 VT is connected toV3PB1 on SESRSYN for WA2_QA1.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The connections are similar in all SESRSYN functions, apart from the breaker position indications. The physical analog connections of voltages and the connection to the IED and SESRSYN (25) function blocks must be carefully checked in PCM600. In all SESRSYN functions the connections and configurations must abide by the following rules: Normally apparatus position is connected with contacts showing both open (b- type) and closed positions (a-type).
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.1.4 Setting guidelines M12550-3 v14 The setting parameters for the Synchronizing, synchronism check and energizing check function SESRSYN (25) are set via the local HMI (LHMI) or PCM600. This setting guidelines describes the settings of the SESRSYN (25) function via the LHMI.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • no voltage selection, No voltage sel. • single circuit breaker with double bus, Double bus • breaker-and-a-half arrangement with the breaker connected to busbar 1, 1 1/2 bus • breaker-and-a-half arrangement with the breaker connected to busbar 2, 1 1/2 bus alt.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control are provided, and it is better to let the synchronizing function close, as it will close at exactly the right instance if the networks run with a frequency difference. To avoid overlapping of the synchronizing function and the synchrocheck function the setting FreqDiffMin must be set to a higher value than used setting FreqDiffM, respective FreqDiffA used for synchrocheck.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control expected to be outside the limits from the start, a margin needs to be added. A typical setting is 600 seconds. tMinSynch The setting tMinSynch is set to limit the minimum time at which the synchronizing closing attempt is given.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control PhaseDiffA setting. Fluctuations occurring at high speed autoreclosing limit PhaseDiffA setting. tSCM and tSCA The purpose of the timer delay settings, tSCM and tSCA, is to ensure that the synchrocheck conditions remains constant and that the situation is not due to a temporary interference.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The threshold voltages VDeadBusEnerg and VDeadLineEnerg, have to be set to a value greater than the value where the network is considered not to be energized. A typical value can be 40% of the base voltages. A disconnected line can have a considerable potential due to, for instance, induction from a line running in parallel, or by being fed via the extinguishing capacitors in the circuit breakers.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control principle for the use of QCBAY, LOCREM, LOCREMCTRL, SCILO, SCSWI, SXCBR. Figure shows from which places the apparatus control function receives commands. The commands to an apparatus can be initiated from the Control Centre (CC), the station HMI or the local HMI on the IED front.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The apparatus control function is realized by means of a number of function blocks designated: • Switch controller SCSWI • Circuit breaker SXCBR • Circuit switch SXSWI • Bay control QCBAY • Bay reserve QCRSV •...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control IEC 61850 QCBAY SXCBR SCSWI SXCBR SXCBR SCILO SCSWI SXSWI SCILO en05000116_ansi.vsd ANSI05000116 V1 EN-US Figure 233: Signal flow between apparatus control function blocks when all functions are situated within the IED Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control IEC 61850 on station bus Bay level IED QCBAY SCSWI SCILO GOOSEXLNRCV XLNPROXY SCSWI SCILO GOOSEXLNRCV XLNPROXY GOOSE over process bus Merging Unit XCBR -QB1 XCBR XCBR -QA1 XSWI -QB9 IEC16000070-1-EN.vsdx IEC16000070 V1 EN-US Figure 234: Signal flow between apparatus control functions with XCBR and XSWI located in a breaker IED...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Control operation can be performed from the local IED HMI. If users are defined in the IED, then the local/remote switch is under authority control, otherwise the default user can perform control operations from the local IED HMI without logging in. The default position of the local/remote switch is on remote.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Bay control QCBAY M16595-3 v9 The Bay control (QCBAY) is used to handle the selection of the operator place per bay. The function gives permission to operate from two main types of locations either from Remote (for example, control centre or station HMI) or from Local (local HMI on the IED) or from all (Local and Remote).
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Switch controller SCSWI M16596-3 v5 SCSWI may handle and operate on one three-phase device or three one-phase switching devices. After the selection of an apparatus and before the execution, the switch controller performs the following checks and actions: •...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The purpose of these functions is to provide the actual status of positions and to perform the control operations, that is, pass all the commands to the primary apparatus via output boards and to supervise the switching operation and position. Switches have the following functionalities: •...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control IEC16000071 V1 EN-US Figure 236: Configuration with XLNPROXY and GOOSEXLNRCV where all the IEC 61850 modelled data is used, including selection Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control IEC16000072 V1 EN-US Figure 237: Configuration with XLNPROXY and GOOSEXLNRCV where only the mandatory data in the IEC 61850 modelling is used All the information from the XLNPROXY to the SCSWI about command following status, causes for failed command and selection status is transferred in the output XPOS.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Table 54: Possible cause values from XLNPROXY Cause No Cause Description Conditions Blocked-by-Mode The BEH input is 5. Blocked-by-switching-hierarchy The LOC input indicates that only local commands are allowed for the breaker IED function. Blocked-for-open-cmd The BLKOPN is active indicating that the switch is blocked for open commands.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control wants the reservation sends a reservation request to other bays and then waits for a reservation granted signal from the other bays. Actual position indications from these bays are then transferred over the station bus for evaluation in the IED. After the evaluation the operation can be executed with high security.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control SCSWI RES_ EXT SELECTED Other SCSWI in the bay en 05000118_ ansi. vsd ANSI05000118 V2 EN-US Figure 239: Application principles for reservation with external wiring The solution in Figure can also be realized over the station bus according to the application example in Figure 240.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • The Switch controller (SCSWI) initializes all operations for one apparatus. It is the command interface of the apparatus. It includes the position reporting as well as the control of the position • The Circuit breaker (SXCBR) is the process interface to the circuit breaker for the apparatus control function.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Synchronizing OK SMPPTRC SESRSYN (Trip logic) (Synchrocheck & Synchronizer) Trip QCBAY Operator place (Bay control) selection Open cmd Close cmd SCSWI SXCBR Res. req. (Switching control) (Circuit breaker) Res. granted QCRSV (Reservation) Res. req. Close CB SMBRREC (Auto-...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control SMPPTRC ZMQPDIS SECRSYN (Trip logic) (Synchrocheck) (Distance) Trip Synchrocheck QCBAY Operator place (Bay control) selection Open cmd Close cmd Res. req. SCSWI SXCBR (Switching control) Res. granted (Circuit breaker) QCRSV (Reservation) Res. req. Close CB SMBRREC (Auto-...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.2.3 Setting guidelines M16669-3 v4 The setting parameters for the apparatus control function are set via the local HMI or PCM600. Bay control (QCBAY) M16670-3 v7 If the parameter AllPSTOValid is set to No priority, all originators from local and remote are accepted without any priority.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The time parameter tResResponse is the allowed time from reservation request to the feedback reservation granted from all bays involved in the reservation function. When the time has expired, the control function is reset, and a cause-code is given. tSynchrocheck is the allowed time for the synchronism check function to fulfill the close conditions.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control command output pulse remains active until the timer tOpenPulsetClosePulse has elapsed. tOpenPulse is the output pulse length for an open command. If AdaptivePulse is set to Adaptive, it is the maximum length of the output pulse for an open command. The default length is set to 200 ms for a circuit breaker (SXCBR) and 500 ms for a disconnector (SXSWI).
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Bay Reserve (QCRSV) M16677-3 v3 The timer tCancelRes defines the supervision time for canceling the reservation, when this cannot be done by requesting bay due to for example communication failure. When the parameter ParamRequestx (x=1-8) is set to Only own bay res. individually for each apparatus (x) in the bay, only the own bay is reserved, that is, the output for reservation request of other bays (RES_BAYS) will not be activated at selection of apparatus x.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control example < 40% of rated voltage) before grounding and some current (for example < 100A) after grounding of a line. Circuit breakers are usually not interlocked. Closing is only interlocked against running disconnectors in the same bay, and the bus-coupler opening is interlocked during a busbar transfer.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control when they are set to 0=FALSE. 15.3.2 Interlocking for line bay ABC_LINE (3) IP14139-1 v2 Application M13561-3 v8 The interlocking for line bay (ABC_LINE, 3) function is used for a line connected to a double busbar arrangement with a transfer busbar according to figure 242.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control These signals from each line bay (ABC_LINE, 3) except that of the own bay are needed: Signal 789OPTR 789 is open VP789TR The switch status for 789 is valid. EXDU_BPB No transmission error from the bay that contains the above information. For bay n, these conditions are valid: 789OPTR (bay 1) BB7_D_OP...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Section 1 Section 2 (WA1)A1 (WA2)B1 (WA7)C A1A2_DC(BS) B1B2_DC(BS) ABC_LINE ABC_BC ABC_LINE ABC_BC en04000479_ansi.vsd ANSI04000479 V1 EN-US Figure 244: Busbars divided by bus-section disconnectors (circuit breakers) To derive the signals: Signal BC_12_CL A bus-coupler connection exists between busbar WA1 and WA2. BC_17_OP No bus-coupler connection between busbar WA1 and WA7.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control These signals from each bus-section disconnector bay (A1A2_DC) are also needed. For B1B2_DC, corresponding signals from busbar B are used. The same type of module (A1A2_DC) is used for different busbars, that is, for both bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC and B1B2_DC.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Configuration setting M13560-108 v4 If there is no bypass busbar and therefore no 789 disconnector, then the interlocking for 789 is not used. The states for 789, 7189G, BB7_D, BC_17, BC_27 are set to open by setting the appropriate module inputs as follows.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.3.3 Interlocking for bus-coupler bay ABC_BC (3) IP14144-1 v2 Application M13555-3 v8 The interlocking for bus-coupler bay (ABC_BC, 3) function is used for a bus-coupler bay connected to a double busbar arrangement according to figure 246. The function can also be used for a single busbar arrangement with transfer busbar or double busbar arrangement without transfer busbar.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Signal Q1289OPTR 189 or 289 or both are open. VP1289TR The switch status of 189 and 289 are valid. EXDU_12 No transmission error from the bay that contains the above information. For bus-coupler bay n, these conditions are valid: 1289OPTR (bay 1) BBTR_OP 1289OPTR (bay 2)
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The following signals from each bus-section disconnector bay (A1A2_DC) are needed. For B1B2_DC, corresponding signals from busbar B are used. The same type of module (A1A2_DC) is used for different busbars, that is, for both bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC and B1B2_DC.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Signals from bus-coupler M13553-58 v5 If the busbar is divided by bus-section disconnectors into bus-sections, the signals BC_12 from the busbar coupler of the other busbar section must be transmitted to the own busbar coupler if both disconnectors are closed.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control If the busbar is divided by bus-section circuit breakers, the signals from the bus-section coupler bay (A1A2_BS), rather than the bus-section disconnector bay (A1A2_DC), must be used. For B1B2_BS, corresponding signals from busbar B are used. The same type of module (A1A2_BS) is used for different busbars, that is, for both bus-section circuit breakers A1A2_BS and B1B2_BS.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • 7189G_OP = 1 • 7189G_CL = 0 If there is no second busbar B and therefore no 289 and 2089 disconnectors, then the interlocking for 289 and 2089 are not used. The states for 289, 2089, 2189G, BC_12, BBTR are set to open by setting the appropriate module inputs as follows.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control WA1 (A) WA2 (B) 189G AB_TRAFO 289G 389G 252 and 489G are not used in this interlocking 489G en04000515_ansi.vsd ANSI04000515 V1 EN-US Figure 252: Switchyard layout AB_TRAFO (3) M13566-4 v4 The signals from other bays connected to the module AB_TRAFO are described below.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Section 1 Section 2 (WA1)A1 (WA2)B1 (WA7)C A1A2_DC(BS) B1B2_DC(BS) AB_TRAFO ABC_BC AB_TRAFO ABC_BC en04000487_ansi.vsd ANSI04000487 V1 EN-US Figure 253: Busbars divided by bus-section disconnectors (circuit breakers) The project-specific logic for input signals concerning bus-coupler are the same as the specific logic for the line bay (ABC_LINE): Signal BC_12_CL...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control If there is no second busbar B at the other side of the transformer and therefore no 489 disconnector, then the state for 489 is set to open by setting the appropriate module inputs as follows: •...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Section 1 Section 2 (WA1)A1 (WA2)B1 (WA7)C A1A2_BS B1B2_BS ABC_BC ABC_BC ABC_LINE AB_TRAFO ABC_LINE AB_TRAFO en04000489_ansi.vsd ANSI04000489 V1 EN-US Figure 255: Busbars divided by bus-section circuit breakers To derive the signals: Signal BBTR_OP No busbar transfer is in progress concerning this bus-section.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Signal S1S2OPTR No bus-section coupler connection between bus-sections 1 and 2. VPS1S2TR The switch status of bus-section coupler BS is valid. EXDU_BS No transmission error from the bay that contains the above information. For a bus-section circuit breaker between A1 and A2 section busbars, these conditions are valid: S1S2OPTR (B1B2)
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.3.6 Interlocking for bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC (3) IP14159-1 v2 Application M13544-3 v7 The interlocking for bus-section disconnector (A1A2_DC, 3) function is used for one bus-section disconnector between section 1 and 2 according to figure 258. A1A2_DC (3) function can be used for different busbars, which includes a bus-section disconnector.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Signal S1DC_OP All disconnectors on bus-section 1 are open. S2DC_OP All disconnectors on bus-section 2 are open. VPS1_DC The switch status of disconnectors on bus-section 1 is valid. VPS2_DC The switch status of disconnectors on bus-section 2 is valid. EXDU_BB No transmission error from any bay that contains the above information.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control For a bus-section disconnector, these conditions from the A1 busbar section are valid: 189OPTR (bay 1/sect.A1) S1DC_OP ..189OPTR (bay n/sect.A1) VP189TR (bay 1/sect.A1) VPS1_DC .
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The same type of module (A1A2_DC) is used for different busbars, that is, for both bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC and B1B2_DC. But for B1B2_DC, corresponding signals from busbar B are used. Section 1 Section 2 (WA1)A1 (WA2)B1 A1A2_DC(BS)
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Section 1 Section 2 (WA1)A1 (WA2)B1 A1A2_DC(BS) B1B2_DC(BS) BH_LINE BH_LINE BH_LINE BH_LINE en04000503_ansi.vsd ANSI04000503 V1 EN-US Figure 269: Busbars divided by bus-section disconnectors (circuit breakers) The project-specific logic is the same as for the logic for the double-breaker configuration.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Signals in single breaker arrangement M15053-6 v5 The busbar grounding switch is only allowed to operate if all disconnectors of the bus- section are open. Section 1 Section 2 (WA1)A1 (WA2)B1 (WA7)C A1A2_DC(BS) B1B2_DC(BS) BB_ES...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Signal DCOPTR The bus-section disconnector is open. VPDCTR The switch status of bus-section disconnector DC is valid. EXDU_DC No transmission error from the bay that contains the above information. If no bus-section disconnector exists, the signal DCOPTR, VPDCTR and EXDU_DC are set to 1 (TRUE).
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control For a busbar grounding switch on bypass busbar C, these conditions are valid: 789OPTR (bay 1) BB_DC_OP ..789OPTR (bay n) VP789TR (bay 1) VP_BB_DC .
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Signal 189OPTR 189 is open. 289OPTR 289 is open. VP189TR The switch status of 189 is valid. VP289TR The switch status of 289 is valid. EXDU_DB No transmission error from the bay that contains the above information. These signals from each bus-section disconnector bay (A1A2_DC) are also needed.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.3.8 Interlocking for double CB bay DB (3) IP14167-1 v2 Application M13585-3 v10 The interlocking for a double busbar double circuit breaker bay including DB_BUS_A (3), DB_BUS_B (3) and DB_LINE (3) functions are used for a line connected to a double busbar arrangement according to figure 279.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • 989_OP = 1 • 989_CL = 0 • 989G_OP = 1 • 989G_CL = 0 If, in this case, line voltage supervision is added, then rather than setting 989 to open state, specify the state of the voltage supervision: •...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control WA1 (A) WA2 (B) 189G 189G 289G 289G 389G 389G BH_LINE_B BH_LINE_A 6189 6289 289G 189G 989G 989G BH_CONN en04000513_ansi.vsd ANSI04000513 V1 EN-US Figure 280: Switchyard layout breaker-and-a-half M13570-7 v4 Three types of interlocking modules per diameter are defined. BH_LINE_A (3) and BH_LINE_B (3) are the connections from a line to a busbar.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control If, in this case, line voltage supervision is added, then rather than setting 989 to open state, specify the state of the voltage supervision: • 989_OP = VOLT_OFF • 989_CL = VOLT_ON If there is no voltage supervision, then set the corresponding inputs as follows: •...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • With the master-follower method • With the reverse reactance method • With the circulating current method Of these alternatives, the first and the last require communication between the function control blocks of the different transformers, whereas the middle alternative does not require any communication.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control control (QCBAY), Local remote (LOCREM) and Local remote control (LOCREMCTRL) are used. Information about the control location is given to TR1ATCC (90) or TR8ATCC (90) function through connection of the Permitted Source to Operate (PSTO) output of the QCBAY function block to the input PSTO of the TR1ATCC (90) or TR8ATCC (90) function block.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control High Voltage Side raise,lower signals/alarms position (Load Current) I 3ph or ph-ph or 1ph Currents 3ph or ph-ph or 1ph Voltages Low Voltage Side VB (Busbar Voltage) Line Impedance R+jX Load Center VL (Load Point Voltage) ANSI10000044-1-en.vsd ANSI10000044 V1 EN-US Figure 281:...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Automatic voltage control for a single transformer SEMOD159053-73 v6 Automatic voltage control for tap changer, single control TR1ATCC (90) measures the magnitude of the busbar voltage V . If no other additional features are enabled (line voltage drop compensation), this voltage is further used for voltage regulation.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control When V falls below setting Vblock, or alternatively, falls below setting Vmin but still above Vblock, or rises above Vmax, actions will be taken in accordance with settings for blocking conditions (refer to table 59). If the busbar voltage rises above Vmax, TR1ATCC (90) can initiate one or more fast step down commands (VLOWER commands) in order to bring the voltage back into the security range (settings Vmin, and Vmax).
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control tMin (Equation 263) EQUATION1848 V2 EN-US Where: absolute voltage deviation from the set point relative voltage deviation in respect to set deadband value For the last equation, the condition t1 > tMin shall also be fulfilled. This practically means that tMin will be equal to the set t1 value when absolute voltage deviation DA is equal to ΔV ( relative voltage deviation D is equal to 1).
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Line voltage drop SEMOD159053-105 v6 The purpose with the line voltage drop compensation is to control the voltage, not at the power transformer low voltage side, but at a point closer to the load point. Figure shows the vector diagram for a line modelled as a series impedance with the voltage V...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control ANSI06000487-2-en.vsd ANSI06000487 V2 EN-US Figure 284: Vector diagram for line voltage drop compensation The calculated load voltage V is shown on the local HMI as value ULOAD under Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/TransformerVoltageControl(ATCC,90)/ TR1ATCC:x/TR8ATCC:x. Load voltage adjustment SEMOD159053-118 v6 Due to the fact that most loads are proportional to the square of the voltage, it is possible to provide a way to shed part of the load by decreasing the supply voltage a...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control With these factors, TR1ATCC (90) or TR8ATCC (90) adjusts the value of the set voltage Vset according to the following formula: × Vsetadjust Vset I Base (Equation 264) EQUATION1978-ANSI V2 EN-US Adjusted set voltage in per unit set, adjust VSet Original set voltage: Base quality is V...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Assuming for instance that they start out on the same tap position and that the LV is within VSet ± DV, then a gradual increase or decrease in the load busbar voltage V fall outside VSet ±...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control two inputs are pulse activated, and the most recent activation is valid that is, an activation of any of these two inputs overrides previous activations. If none of these inputs has been activated, the default is that the transformer acts as a follower (given of course that the settings are parallel control with the master follower method).
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Figure 287, shows a vector diagram where the principle of reverse reactance has been introduced for the transformers in figure 286. The transformers are here supposed to be on the same tap position, and the busbar voltage is supposed to give a calculated compensated value V that coincides with the target voltage VSet.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control cc..T2 cc..T1 Load en06000491_ansi.vsd ANSI06000491 V1 EN-US Figure 288: Circulating current caused by T1 on a higher tap than T2. The circulating current I is predominantly reactive due to the reactive nature of the transformers.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control that the busbar or load voltage is regulated to a preset target value that the load is shared between parallel transformers in proportion to their ohmic short circuit reactance If the transformers have equal percentage impedance given in the respective transformer MVA base, the load will be divided in direct proportion to the rated power of the transformers when the circulating current is minimized.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control × × cc _ i (Equation 265) EQUATION1979-ANSI V1 EN-US where X is the short-circuit reactance for transformer i and C , is a setting parameter named Comp which serves the purpose of alternatively increasing or decreasing the impact of the circulating current in TR8ATCC control calculations.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Line voltage drop compensation for parallel control SEMOD159053-186 v3 The line voltage drop compensation for a single transformer is described in section "Line voltage drop". The same principle is used for parallel control with the circulating current method and with the master –...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control HV side, but open on the LV side (hot stand-by), to follow the voltage regulation of loaded parallel transformers, and thus be on a proper tap position when the LV circuit breaker closes. For this function, it is needed to have the LV VTs for each transformer on the cable (tail) side (not the busbar side) of the CB, and to have the LV CB position hardwired to the IED.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control TR8ATCC (90) in adapt mode will continue the calculation of V , but instead of to the measured busbar voltage, it will compare it with the deadband DV. adding V The following control rules are used: is positive and its modulus is greater than DV, then initiate an VLOWER If V command.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control the calculation of circulating currents. The capacitive current is part of the imaginary load current and therefore essential in the calculation. The calculated circulating current and the real circulating currents will in this case not be the same, and they will not reach a minimum at the same time.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control for T2 and T1. This in turn would be misinterpreted as a circulating current, and would upset a correct calculation of I . Thus, if the actual connection is as in the left figure the capacitive current I needs to be compensated for regardless of the operating conditions and in ATCC this is made numerically.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control HV-side Pforward Qforward (inductive) ATCC LV-side ANSI06000536-2-en.vsd ANSI06000536 V2 EN-US Figure 290: Power direction references With the four outputs in the function block available, it is possible to do more than just supervise a level of power flow in one direction. By combining the outputs with logical elements in application configuration, it is also possible to cover for example, intervals as well as areas in the P-Q plane.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 99000952.VSD ANSI99000952 V1 EN-US Figure 291: Disconnection of one transformer in a parallel group When the busbar arrangement is more complicated with more buses and bus couplers/bus sections, it is necessary to engineer a specific station topology logic. This logic can be built in the application configuration in PCM600 and will keep record on which transformers that are in parallel (in one or more parallel groups).
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control TCMYLTC or TCLYLTC (84) function block for the same transformer as TR8ATCC (90) block belongs to. There are 10 binary signals and 6 analog signals in the data set that is transmitted from one TR8ATCC (90) block to the other TR8ATCC (90) blocks in the same parallel group: Table 56:...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • SetV • VCTRStatus • The transformers controlled in parallel with the circulating current method or the master-follower method must be assigned unique identities. These identities are entered as a setting in each TR8ATCC (90), and they are predefined as T1, T2, T3,..., T8 (transformers 1 to 8).
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control For the Automatic voltage control for tap changer function, TR1ATCC (90) for single control and TR8ATCC (90) for parallel control, three types of blocking are used: Partial Block: Prevents operation of the tap changer only in one direction (only VRAISE or VLOWER command is blocked) in manual and automatic control mode.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Setting Values (Range) Description RevActPartBk(auto Alarm The risk of voltage instability increases as transmission matically reset) Auto Block lines become more heavily loaded in an attempt to maximize the efficient use of existing generation and transmission facilities.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Setting Values (Range) Description TapChgBk Alarm If the input TCINPROG of TCMYLTC or TCLYLTC (84) (manually reset Auto Block function block is connected to the tap changer Auto&Man Block mechanism, then this blocking condition will be active if the TCINPROG input has not reset when the tTCTimeout timer has timed out.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Setting Values (Range) Description TapPosBk Alarm This blocking/alarm is activated by either: (automatically Auto Block The tap changer reaching an end position i.e. one of reset/manually Auto&Man Block the extreme positions according to the setting reset) LowVoltTap and HighVoltTap .
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Setting Values (Range) Description MFPosDiffBk Alarm In the master-follower mode, if the tap difference between (manually reset) Auto Block a follower and the master is greater than the set value MFPosDiffLim ) then this blocking (setting parameter condition is fulfilled and the outputs OUTOFPOS and AUTOBLK (alternatively an alarm) will be set.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Blockings activated by the operating conditions, without setting or separate external activation possibilities, are listed in table 62. Table 62: Blockings without setting possibilities Activation Type of blocking Description Disconnected Auto Block Automatic control is blocked for a transformer when transformer parallel control with the circulating current method is (automatically reset)
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control block is received from any of the group members, automatic operation is blocked in the receiving TR8ATCCs (90) that is, all units of the parallel group. The following conditions in any one of TR8ATCCs (90) in the group will cause mutual blocking when the circulating current method is used: •...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control example, IBLK for over-current blocking. The other TR8ATCCs (90) that receive a mutual block signal will only set its AUTOBLK output. The mutual blocking remains until TR8ATCC (90) that dispatched the mutual block signal is de-blocked.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Usually the tap changer mechanism can give a signal, “Tap change in progress”, during the time that it is carrying through an operation. This signal from the tap changer mechanism can be connected via a BIM module to TCMYLTC (84) or TCLYLTC (84) input TCINPROG, and it can then be used by TCMYLTC (84) or TCLYLTC (84) function in three ways, which is explained below with the help of figure 292.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control The second use is to detect a jammed tap changer. If the timer tTCTimeout times out before the TCINPROG signal is set back to zero, the output signal TCERRAL is set high and TR1ATCC (90) or TR8ATCC (90) function is blocked. The third use is to check the proper operation of the tap changer mechanism.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Wearing of the tap changer contacts SEMOD159053-376 v4 Two counters, ContactLife and NoOfOperations are available within the Tap changer control and supervision function, 6 binary inputs TCMYLTC or 32 binary inputs TCLYLTC (84). They can be used as a guide for maintenance of the tap changer mechanism.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control tAutoMSF: Time delay set in a follower for execution of a raise or lower command given from a master. This feature can be used when a parallel group is controlled in the master-follower mode, follow tap, and it is individually set for each follower, which means that different time delays can be used in the different followers in order to avoid simultaneous tapping if this is wanted.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control I1Base: Base current in primary Ampere for the HV-side of the transformer. I2Base: Base current in primary Ampere for the LV-side of the transformer. VBase: Base voltage in primary kV for the LV-side of the transformer. MeasMode: Selection of single phase, or phase-phase, or positive sequence quantity to be used for voltage and current measurement on the LV-side.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control equal to DV . The setting shall be smaller than VDeadband. Typically the inner deadband can be set to 25-70% of the VDeadband value. Vmax: This setting gives the upper limit of permitted busbar voltage (see section "Automatic voltage control for a single transformer", figure 282).
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Rline and Xline: For line voltage drop compensation, these settings give the line resistance and reactance from the station busbar to the load point. The settings for Rline and Xline are given in primary system ohms. If more than one line is connected to the LV busbar, equivalent Rline and Xline values should be calculated and given as settings.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Assume that we want to achieve that j = -90°, then: ´ ß ´ ß ß = - - (Equation 270) EQUATION1983-ANSI V1 EN-US If for example cosj = 0.8 then j = arcos 0.8 = 37°. With the references in figure 293, j will be negative (inductive load) and we get: j = - - ( 37 ) 90...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control =-79 Rline Xline Zline *Rline *Xline j=30 en06000630_ansi.vsd ANSI06000630 V1 EN-US Figure 294: Transformer with reverse reactance regulation poorly adjusted to the power factor As can be seen in figure 294, the change of power factor has resulted in an increase of j2 which in turn causes the magnitude of V to be greater than V .
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control A combination of line voltage drop compensation and parallel control with the negative reactance method is possible to do simply by adding the required Rline values and the required Xline values separately to get the combined impedance. However, the line drop impedance has a tendency to drive the tap changers apart, which means that the reverse reactance impedance normally needs to be increased.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control tWindowHunt: Setting of the time window for the window hunting function. This function is activated when the number of contradictory commands to the tap changer exceeds the specified number given by NoOpWindow within the time tWindowHunt. NoOpWindow: Setting of the number of contradictory tap changer operations (RAISE, LOWER, RAISE, LOWER etc.) required during the time window tWindowHunt to activate the signal HUNTING.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Q>: When the reactive power exceeds the value given by this setting, the output QGTFWD will be activated after the time delay tPower. It shall be noticed that the setting is given with sign, which effectively means that the function picks up for all values of reactive power greater than the set value, similar to the functionality for P>.
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control • a is a safety margin that shall cover component tolerances and other non-linear measurements at different tap positions (for example, transformer reactances changes from rated value at the ends of the regulation range). In most cases a value of a = 1.25 serves well.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control TCMYLTC and TCLYLTC (84) general settings SEMOD171501-150 v6 LowVoltTap: This gives the tap position for the lowest LV-voltage. HighVoltTap: This gives the tap position for the highest LV-voltage. mALow: The mA value that corresponds to the lowest tap position. Applicable when reading of the tap position is made via a mA signal.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.5 Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGAPC SEMOD114936-1 v4 15.5.1 Identification SEMOD167845-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Logic rotating switch for function SLGAPC selection and LHMI presentation 15.5.2...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control NrPos: Sets the number of positions in the switch (max. 32). OutType: Steady or Pulsed. tPulse: In case of a pulsed output, it gives the length of the pulse (in seconds). tDelay: The delay between the UP or DOWN activation signal positive front and the output activation.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control INPUT VSGAPC PSTO INTONE IPOS1 IPOS2 SMBRREC_79 NAM_POS1 CMDPOS12 SETON Disabled NAM_POS2 CMDPOS21 Enabled ANSI07000112-3-en.vsd ANSI07000112 V3 EN-US Figure 297: Control of Autorecloser from local HMI through Selector mini switch VSGAPC is also provided with IEC 61850 communication so it can be controlled from SA system as well.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control It is especially intended to be used in the interlocking station-wide logics. To be able to get the signals into other systems, equipment or functions, one must use other tools, described in the Engineering manual, and define which function block in which systems, equipment or functions should receive this information.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.8.1 Identification SEMOD176456-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GAPC 15.8.2 Application SEMOD176511-4 v6 The Single point generic control 8 signals (SPC8GAPC) function block is a collection of 8 single point commands that can be used for direct commands for example reset of LED's or putting IED in "ChangeLock"...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.9.1 Identification GUID-C3BB63F5-F0E7-4B00-AF0F-917ECF87B016 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number AutomationBits, command function for AUTOBITS DNP3 15.9.2 Application SEMOD158637-5 v4 Automation bits, command function for DNP3 (AUTOBITS) is used within PCM600 in order to get into the configuration the commands coming through the DNP3.0 protocol.The AUTOBITS function plays the same role as functions GOOSEBINRCV (for IEC 61850) and MULTICMDRCV (for LON).AUTOBITS function block have 32...
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control 15.10.2 Application M12445-3 v3 Single command, 16 signals (SINGLECMD) is a common function and always included in the IED. The IEDs may be provided with a function to receive commands either from a substation automation system or from the local HMI.
Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Single command function Function n SINGLECMD Function n CMDOUTy OUTy en04000207.vsd IEC04000207 V2 EN-US Figure 299: Application example showing a logic diagram for control of built-in functions Single command function Configuration logic circuits SINGLESMD Device 1 CMDOUTy...
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Section 15 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Control Parameters to be set are MODE, common for the whole block, and CMDOUTy which includes the user defined name for each output signal. The MODE input sets the outputs to be one of the types Disabled, Steady, or Pulse. •...
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic tripping and autoreclosing is used on the line, both breakers are normally set up for 1/3-pole tripping and 1/3-phase autoreclosing. Alternatively, the breaker chosen as master can have single-pole tripping, while the slave breaker could have three-pole tripping and autoreclosing.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic Single- and/or three-pole tripping M14828-11 v6 The single-/three-pole tripping operation mode will give single-pole tripping for single-phase faults and three-pole tripping for multi-phase fault. This operating mode is always used together with a single-phase autoreclosing scheme. The single-pole tripping can include different options and the use of the different inputs in the function block.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic Other back-up functions are connected to the input TRINP_3P as described above for three-pole tripping. A typical connection for a single-pole tripping scheme is shown in figure 302. Protection functions with 3 SMPPTRC (94) phase trip, for example time TRIP BLOCK...
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic Lock-out M14828-18 v5 The SMPPTRC function block is provided with possibilities to initiate lock-out. The lock-out can be set to only activate the block closing output CLLKOUT or initiate the block closing output and also maintain the trip signal output TR3P (latched trip). The lock-out can then be manually reset after checking the primary fault by activating the input reset lock-out RSTLKOUT.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic The trip function (SMPPTRC) splits up the directional data as general output data for BFI_3P, BFI_A, BFI_B, BFI_C, STN, FW and REV. All start and directional outputs are mapped to the logical node data model of the trip function and provided via the IEC 61850 attributes dirGeneral, DIRL1, DIRL2, DIRL3 and DIRN.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic 16.2.1 Identification SEMOD167882-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC 16.2.2 Application M15321-3 v12 The trip matrix logic TMAGAPC function is used to route trip signals and other logical output signals to different output contacts on the IED.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic 16.3.2 Application GUID-70B268A9-B248-422D-9896-89FECFF80B75 v1 Group alarm logic function ALMCALH is used to route alarm signals to different LEDs and/or output contacts on the IED. ALMCALH output signal and the physical outputs allows the user to adapt the alarm signal to physical tripping outputs according to the specific application needs.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic Application GUID-9BAD30FB-4B75-4E14-82A8-6A59B09FA6EA v1 Group indication logic function INDCALH is used to route indication signals to different LEDs and/or output contacts on the IED. INDCALH output signal IND and the physical outputs allows the user to adapt the indication signal to physical outputs according to the specific application needs.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic For controllable gates, settable timers and SR flip-flops with memory, the setting parameters are accessible via the local HMI or via the PST tool. Configuration GUID-D93E383C-1655-46A3-A540-657141F77CF0 v4 Logic is configured using the ACT configuration tool in PCM600. Execution of functions as defined by the configurable logic blocks runs according to a fixed sequence with different cycle times.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic Always be careful when connecting function blocks with a fast cycle time to function blocks with a slow cycle time. Remember to design the logic circuits carefully and always check the execution sequence for different functions. In other cases, additional time delays must be introduced into the logic schemes to prevent errors, for example, race between functions.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic REFPDIF (87N) I3PW1CT1 I3PW2CT1 ANSI11000083_1_en.vsd ANSI11000083 V1 EN-US Figure 306: REFPDIF (87N) function inputs for autotransformer application For normal transformers only one winding and the neutral point is available. This means that only two inputs are used. Since all group connections are mandatory to be connected, the third input needs to be connected to something, which is the GRP_OFF signal in FXDSIGN function block.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic 16.8.2 Application SEMOD175832-4 v4 Boolean 16 to integer conversion function B16I is used to transform a set of 16 binary (logical) signals into an integer. It can be used – for example, to connect logical output signals from a function (like distance protection) to integer inputs from another function (like line differential protection).
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all INx (where 1≤x≤16) are active that is=1; is 65535. 65535 is the highest boolean value that can be converted to an integer by the B16I function block. 16.9 Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit BTIGAPC...
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic according to the table below from 0 to 32768. This follows the general formula: INx = where 1≤x≤16. The sum of all the values on the activated INx will be available on the output OUT as a sum of the values of all the inputs INx that are activated. OUT is an integer.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic 16.11.1 Identification SEMOD167944-2 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Integer to boolean 16 conversion with ITBGAPC logic node representation 16.11.2 Application SEMOD158512-5 v7 Integer to boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation function (ITBGAPC) is used to transform an integer into a set of 16 boolean signals.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic Name of OUTx Type Description Value when Value when activated deactivated OUT14 BOOLEAN Output 14 8192 OUT15 BOOLEAN Output 15 16384 OUT16 BOOLEAN Output 16 32768 The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all OUTx (1≤x≤16) are active equals 65535.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic 16.13 Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGAPC 16.13.1 Identification GUID-1913E066-37D1-4689-9178-5B3C8B029815 v3 Function Description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device identification identification number Elapsed time integrator TEIGAPC 16.13.2 Application GUID-B4B47167-C8DE-4496-AEF1-5F0FD1768A87 v2 The function TEIGAPC is used for user-defined logics and it can also be used for different purposes internally in the IED.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic 16.14 Comparator for integer inputs - INTCOMP 16.14.1 Identification GUID-5992B0F2-FC1B-4838-9BAB-2D2542BB264D v1 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Comparison of integer values INTCOMP Int<=> 16.14.2 Application GUID-4C6D730D-BB1C-45F1-A719-1267234BF1B9 v1 The function gives the possibility to monitor the level of integer values in the system relative to each other or to a fixed value.
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic Set the RefSource = Input REF Similarly for Signed comparison between inputs Set the EnaAbs = Signed Set the RefSource =Input REF For absolute comparison between input and setting Set the EnaAbs = Absolute Set the RefSource = Set Value SetValue shall be set between -2000000000 to 2000000000 Similarly for signed comparison between input and setting...
Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic EnaAbs: This setting is used to select the comparison type between signed and absolute values. • Absolute: Comparison is performed with absolute values of input and reference. • Signed: Comparison is performed with signed values of input and reference. RefSource: This setting is used to select the reference source between input and setting for comparison.
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Section 16 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Logic EqualBandLow = 5.0 % of reference value Operation The function will set the outputs for the following conditions, INEQUAL will set when the INPUT is between the ranges of 95 to 105 kA. INHIGH will set when the INPUT crosses above 105 kA.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Section 17 Monitoring 17.1 Measurement GUID-9D2D47A0-FE62-4FE3-82EE-034BED82682A v1 17.1.1 Identification SEMOD56123-2 v8 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Power system measurements CVMMXN P, Q, S, I, U, f SYMBOL-RR V1 EN-US Phase current measurement CMMXU...
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.1.2 Application SEMOD54488-4 v12 Measurement functions are used for power system measurement, supervision and reporting to the local HMI, monitoring tool within PCM600 or to station level for example, via IEC 61850. The possibility to continuously monitor measured values of active power, reactive power, currents, voltages, frequency, power factor etc.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring • I: phase currents (magnitude and angle) (CMMXU) • V: voltages (phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase voltage, magnitude and angle) (VMMXU, VNMMXU) The CVMMXN function calculates three-phase power quantities by using fundamental frequency phasors (DFT values) of the measured current and voltage signals. The measured power quantities are available either, as instantaneously calculated quantities or, averaged values over a period of time (low pass filtered) depending on the selected settings.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring System mean voltage, calculated according to selected mode System mean current, calculated according to selected mode Frequency Relevant settings and their values on the local HMI under Main menu/Settings/IED settings/Monitoring/Servicevalues(P_Q)/CVMMXN(P_Q): • When system voltage falls below UGenZeroDB, values for S, P, Q, PF, ILAG, ILEAD, U and F are forced to zero.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring VGenZeroDb: Minimum level of voltage in % of VBase, used as indication of zero voltage (zero point clamping). If measured value is below VGenZeroDb calculated S, P, Q and PF will be zero. IGenZeroDb: Minimum level of current in % of IBase, used as indication of zero current (zero point clamping).
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Observe the related zero point clamping settings in Setting group N for CVMMXN (VGenZeroDb and IGenZeroDb). If measured value is below VGenZeroDb and/or IGenZeroDb calculated S, P, Q and PF will be zero and these settings will override XZeroDb.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Magnitude % of In compensation IMagComp5 Measured current IMagComp30 IMagComp100 % of In 0-5%: Constant 5-30-100%: Linear >100%: Constant Angle Degrees compensation Measured IAngComp30 current IAngComp5 IAngComp100 % of In ANSI05000652_3_en.vsd ANSI05000652 V3 EN-US Figure 308: Calibration curves
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Measurement function application for a 380kV OHL SEMOD54481-12 v11 Single line diagram for this application is given in figure 309: 380kV Busbar 800/5 A 380kV 120V 380kV OHL ANSI09000039-1-en.vsd ANSI09000039 V1 EN-US Figure 309: Single line diagram for 380kV OHL application In order to monitor, supervise and calibrate the active and reactive power as indicated in figure...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Table 65: General settings parameters for the Measurement function Setting Short Description Selected Comments value Operation Operation Off/On Function must be PowAmpFact Amplitude factor to scale power 1.000 It can be used during commissioning calculations to achieve higher measurement accuracy.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Setting Short Description Selected Comments value PHiHiLim High High limit (physical value), High alarm limit that is, extreme % of SBase overload alarm, hence it will be 415 PHiLim High limit (physical value), in % High warning limit that is, overload of SBase warning, hence it will be 371 MW.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 132kV Busbar 200/5 31.5 MVA 500/5 33kV 120V 33kV Busbar ANSI09000040-1-en.vsd ANSI09000040 V1 EN-US Figure 310: Single line diagram for transformer application In order to measure the active and reactive power as indicated in figure 310, it is necessary to do the following: Set correctly all CT and VT and phase angle reference channel PhaseAngleRef data using PCM600 for analog input channels...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Table 68: General settings parameters for the Measurement function Setting Short description Selected Comment value Operation Disabled / Enabled Enabled Enabled Operation Function must be PowAmpFact Magnitude factor to scale power 1.000 Typically no scaling is required calculations PowAngComp Angle compensation for phase...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 230kV Busbar 300/5 100 MVA 15/0.12kV AB , 100 MVA 15.65kV 4000/5 ANSI09000041-1-en.vsd ANSI09000041 V1 EN-US Figure 311: Single line diagram for generator application In order to measure the active and reactive power as indicated in figure 311, it is necessary to do the following: Set correctly all CT and VT data and phase angle reference channel PhaseAngleRef using PCM600 for analog input channels...
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Table 69: General settings parameters for the Measurement function Setting Short description Selected Comment value Operation Operation Off/On Function must be PowAmpFact Amplitude factor to scale power 1.000 Typically no scaling is required calculations PowAngComp Angle compensation for phase...
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.2.3 Setting guidelines GUID-DF6BEC98-F806-41CE-8C29-BEE9C88FC1FD v2 The parameters for Gas medium supervision SSIMG can be set via local HMI or Protection and Control Manager PCM600. Operation: This is used to disable/enable the operation of gas medium supervision i.e. Off/On.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.3 Liquid medium supervision SSIML (71) GUID-37669E94-4830-4C96-8A67-09600F847F23 v3 17.3.1 Identification GUID-4CE96EF6-42C6-4F2E-A190-D288ABF766F6 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Insulation liquid monitoring function SSIML 17.3.2 Application GUID-140AA10C-4E93-4C23-AD57-895FADB0DB29 v6 Liquid medium supervision (SSIML ,71) is used for monitoring the transformers and tap changers.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring tTempAlarm: This is used to set the time delay for a temperature alarm indication, given in s. tTempLockOut: This is used to set the time delay for a temperature lockout indication, given in s. tResetLevelAlm: This is used for the level alarm indication to reset after a set time delay in s.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Circuit breaker status Monitoring the breaker status ensures proper functioning of the features within the protection relay such as breaker control, breaker failure and autoreclosing. The breaker status is monitored using breaker auxiliary contacts. The breaker status is indicated by the binary outputs.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 100000 50000 20000 10000 5000 2000 1000 Interrupted current (kA) IEC12000623_1_en.vsd IEC12000623 V1 EN-US Figure 312: An example for estimating the remaining life of a circuit breaker Calculation for estimating the remaining life The graph shows that there are 10000 possible operations at the rated operating current and 900 operations at 10 kA and 50 operations at rated fault current.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring rated current. The remaining life of the CB would be (10000 – 10) = 9989 at the rated operating current after one operation at 10 kA. • Breaker interrupts at and above rated fault current, that is, 50 kA, one operation at 50 kA is equivalent to 10000/50 = 200 operations at the rated operating current.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.4.3 Setting guidelines GUID-AB93AD9B-E6F8-4F1A-B353-AA1008C15679 v2 The breaker monitoring function is used to monitor different parameters of the circuit breaker. The breaker requires maintenance when the number of operations has reached a predefined value. For proper functioning of the circuit breaker, it is also essential to monitor the circuit breaker operation, spring charge indication or breaker wear, travel time, number of operation cycles and accumulated energy during arc extinction.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring SpChAlmTime: Time delay for spring charging time alarm. tDGasPresAlm: Time delay for gas pressure alarm. tDGasPresLO: Time delay for gas pressure lockout. DirCoef: Directional coefficient for circuit breaker life calculation. RatedOperCurr: Rated operating current of the circuit breaker. RatedFltCurr: Rated fault current of the circuit breaker.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.5.3 Setting guidelines IP14841-1 v1 M12811-3 v3 The input parameters for the Event function (EVENT) can be set individually via the local HMI (Main Menu/Settings / IED Settings / Monitoring / Event Function) or via the Parameter Setting Tool (PST).
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.6.1 Identification M16055-1 v8 Function description IEC 61850 identification IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification device number Disturbance report DRPRDRE Disturbance report A1RADR - A4RADR Disturbance report B1RBDR - B22RBDR 17.6.2 Application M12152-3 v9 To get fast, complete and reliable information about disturbances in the primary and/or in the secondary system it is very important to gather information on fault currents, voltages and events.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring the PCM600 using the Disturbance handling tool, for report reading or further analysis (using WaveWin, that can be found on the PCM600 installation CD). The user can also upload disturbance report files using FTP or MMS (over 61850–8–1) clients. If the IED is connected to a station bus (IEC 61850-8-1), the disturbance recorder (record made and fault number) and the fault locator information are available.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring AxRADR Disturbance Report DRPRDRE Analog signals Trip value rec BxRBDR Disturbance recorder Binary signals Sequential of events Event recorder Indications ANSI09000337-2-en.vsd ANSI09000337 V2 EN-US Figure 313: Disturbance report functions and related function blocks For Disturbance report function there are a number of settings which also influences the sub-functions.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Red LED: Steady light Triggered on binary signal N with SetLEDx = Trip (or Start and Trip) Flashing The IED is in configuration mode Operation M12179-82 v6 The operation of Disturbance report function DRPRDRE has to be set Enabled or Disabled.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Recording times M12179-88 v5 Prefault recording time (PreFaultRecT) is the recording time before the starting point of the disturbance. The setting should be at least 0.1 s to ensure enough samples for the estimation of pre-fault values in the Trip value recorder (TVR) function.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring For each of the 352 signals, it is also possible to select if the signal is to be used as a trigger for the start of the Disturbance report and if the trigger should be activated on positive (1) or negative (0) slope.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Sub-function parameters M12179-389 v3 All functions are in operation as long as Disturbance report is in operation. Indications M12179-448 v4 IndicationMaN: Indication mask for binary input N. If set (Show), a status change of that particular input, will be fetched and shown in the disturbance summary on local HMI.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring handled if the recording functions do not have proper settings. The goal is to optimize the settings in each IED to be able to capture just valuable disturbances and to maximize the number that is possible to save in the IED. The recording time should not be longer than necessary (PostFaultrecT and TimeLimit).
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.7.2 Application GUID-F9D225B1-68F7-4D15-AA89-C9211B450D19 v3 The Logical signal status report (BINSTATREP) function makes it possible to poll signals from various other function blocks. BINSTATREP has 16 inputs and 16 outputs. The output status follows the inputs and can be read from the local HMI or via SPA communication.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.8.2 Application GUID-41B13135-5069-4A5A-86CE-B7DBE9CFEF38 v2 Limit counter (L4UFCNT) is intended for applications where positive and/or negative sides on a binary signal need to be counted. The limit counter provides four independent limits to be checked against the accumulated counted value.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 17.9.3 Setting guidelines GUID-D3BED56A-BA80-486F-B2A8-E47F7AC63468 v1 The settings tAlarm and tWarning are user settable limits defined in hours. The achievable resolution of the settings is 0.1 hours (6 minutes). tAlarm and tWarning are independent settings, that is, there is no check if tAlarm >...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring transformer MVA rating is based on maximum allowable temperature of the insulation. Design standards express temperature limits for transformers exceeds ambient temperature. Use of ambient temperature as a base ensures that a transformer has adequate thermal capacity and independent of daily environmental conditions.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring empirical formulae given by relevant standards. The hot spot temperature shall be monitored continuously so that it will not exceed the transformer oil flashover value. Figure shows the complex transformer temperature distribution. The assumptions made are: •...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring temperature without separately considering the effects of oil flow blockage and malfunction of cooler groups. Normal life expected of the transformer is a conventional reference based on the designed operating condition and ambient temperature. If the transformer load exceeds its rated condition, ageing will accelerate.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring 140°C 140°C 130°C 130°C 120°C 120°C 110°C 110°C 100°C 100°C 90°C 90°C 80°C 80°C Hours of the day Hours of the day Planned loading beyond nameplate rating Normal life expectancy loading 170°C 160°C 140°C 150°C 130°C...
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Insulation aging or deterioration is a time function of temperature, moisture content, and oxygen content. With modern oil preservation systems, the moisture and oxygen contributions to insulation deterioration can be minimized, leaving insulation temperature as the controlling parameter.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring • Three Phase Trafo: The function considers the given transformer as three phase transformer. • Single Phase Trafo: The function considers the given transformer as single phase transformer. Based on the settings TrafoRating and TrafoType, transformer parameters are selected for temperature calculations.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring • IEC: Transformer parameters like constants, winding and oil exponents will be taken from IEC 60076-7 standard for temperature calculations. • IEEE: Transformer parameters like constants, winding and oil exponents will be taken from IEEE C57.96-1995 standard for temperature calculations. CurrSelectMode: This setting is used to select the current determining method which is used for the load factor calculation.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring • Winding 1&3: Only winding 1 and winding 3 CTs are available. This option can be selected when three winding transformer is considered. • Winding 2&3: Only winding 2 and winding 3 CTs are available. This option can be selected when three winding transformer is considered.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring TankMass: This setting is used to set the transformer tank mass. This mass is only the tank and fittings that are in contact with heated oil. LoadLoss: This setting is used to set the transformer load loss at rated condition. TTLoadLoss: This setting is used to set the transformer load loss arrived from type test.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring GUID-5832E7AF-0A4F-4B50-8045-94BF9433A1BF v1 Winding to oil temperature gradient differs from winding to winding depending on current density in the winding, physical dimensions, cooling system etc., This value can be between 10 to 20 ̊ C for both distribution and power transformers. For low current density winding it can be 10 ̊...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring LowVoltTap: This setting is used to set the position number of tap changer at possible minimum voltage. GUID-E9EC48CC-08D6-498E-BFB7-6F40AD9436A7 v1 The following settings are required to perform the calculation of top oil temperature using monthly model of ambient temperature when AMBVALID is low: JanAmbTmp: This setting is used to set the January month average ambient temperature.
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring HPTmpRiseW3: This setting is used to set the hot spot temperature rise of winding 3 above ambient temperature in K (Kelvin). TopOilTmpRise: This setting is used to set the top oil temperature rise above ambient temperature in K (Kelvin).
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring ExpectedLife: The transformer expected insulation life in hours can be set by this setting. As per IEEE C57.91-1995 the normal life expectancy at a continuous hot spot temperature of 110 ̊ C is 180,000 Hours. AgeingRateMeth: This setting is used to select the method to be used for transformer insulation relative ageing rate calculation between IEC standard method and IEEE standard method.
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring • Top oil temperature = 120°C • Hot spot winding temperature = 200°C • Short-time loading (1/2 h or less) = 300% • For power transformer with 65°C hot spot temperature rise: • Top oil temperature = 110°C •...
Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Parameter Value Note CT ratio Winding 1 1000/1 A CT ratio Winding 2 2000/1 A CT ratio Winding 3 1000/1 A Setting parameters for insulation loss of life calculation function (LOL1) GUID-6869A06A-4DDC-4FB5-AC56-5463F3709862 v1 Table 73: Setting parameters for insulation loss of life calculation function (LOL1) Setting...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Setting Short Description Selected value AvgOilTmpRise 45° C Set the transformer average oil temperature rise for the calculation of oil time constant CoilCoreMass 65.0 t Set the transformer coil and core assembly mass for the calculation of oil time constant OilMass 35.0 t...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Setting Short Description Selected value WdgToOilGrad3 20° C Set the transformer winding to oil temperature gradient for the winding 3 when the winding time constant mode is selected as Calculated CuLossW1 2.0 MW Set the transformer winding loss for the winding 1 when the winding time constant Calculated...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Setting Short Description Selected value MarchAmbTmp 30° C Set the March month average ambient temperature for the calculation of top oil temperature when ambient temperature sensor failure/absence AprilAmbTmp 30° C Set the April month average ambient temperature for the calculation of top oil temperature when ambient temperature sensor failure/absence...
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Section 17 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Monitoring Setting Short Description Selected value TopOilTmpRise 55° C Set the top oil temperature rise for the calculation of hot spot to top oil temperature gradient RatedCurrW1 696.0 A Set the rated current of the winding 1 RatedCurrW2 Set the rated current of the winding 2 1255.0 A...
Section 18 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Metering Configuration of inputs and outputs of PCFCNT is made via PCM600. On the Binary input module (BIM), the debounce filter default time is set to 1 ms, that is, the counter suppresses pulses with a pulse length less than 1 ms. The input oscillation blocking frequency is preset to 40 Hz meaning that the counter detects the input to oscillate if the input frequency is greater than 40 Hz.
Section 18 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Metering ETPMMTR CVMMXN P_ INST Q_ INST STARTACC STOPACC RSTACC RSTDMD IEC130 00190-2-en.vsdx IEC13000190 V2 EN-US Figure 317: Connection of energy calculation and demand handling function ETPMMTR to the measurements function (CVMMXN) The energy values can be read through communication in MWh and MVArh in monitoring tool of PCM600 and/or alternatively the values can be presented on the local HMI.
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Section 18 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Metering Operation: Disabled/Enabled EnaAcc: Disabled/Enabled is used to switch the accumulation of energy on and off. tEnergy: Time interval when energy is measured. tEnergyOnPls: gives the pulse length ON time of the pulse. It should be at least 100 ms when connected to the Pulse counter function block.
Section 19 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Ethernet-based communication Section 19 Ethernet-based communication 19.1 Access point 19.1.1 Application GUID-2942DF07-9BC1-4F49-9611-A5691D2C925C v1 The access points are used to connect the IED to the communication buses (like the station bus) that use communication protocols. The access point can be used for single and redundant data communication.
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Section 19 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Ethernet-based communication When saving the ECT configuration after selecting a subnetwork, ECT creates the access point in the SCL model. Unselecting the subnetwork removes the access point from the SCL model. This column is editable for IEC61850 Ed2 IEDs and not editable for IEC61850 Ed1 IEDs because in IEC61850 Ed1 only one access point can be modelled in SCL.
Section 19 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Ethernet-based communication IEC16000039-1-en.vsdx IEC16000039 V1 EN-US Figure 320: ECT screen with Redundancy set to PRP-1 on Access point 1 and HSR Access point 3 19.3 Merging unit 19.3.1 Application GUID-E630C16F-EDB8-40AE-A8A2-94189982D15F v1 The IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE process bus communication protocol enables an IED to communicate with devices providing measured values in digital format, commonly known as Merging Units (MU).
Section 19 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Ethernet-based communication IEC17000044-1-en.vsdx IEC17000044 V1 EN-US Figure 321: Merging unit 19.3.2 Setting guidelines GUID-3449AB24-8C9D-4D9A-BD46-5DDF59A0F8E3 v1 For information on the merging unit setting guidelines, see section IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE communication protocol. 19.4 Routes 19.4.1 Application GUID-19616AC4-0FFD-4FF4-9198-5E33938E5ABD v1 Setting up a route enables communication to a device that is located in another subnetwork.
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Section 19 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Ethernet-based communication Destination specifies the destination. Destination subnet mask specifies the subnetwork mask of the destination. Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication Section 20 Station communication 20.1 Communication protocols M14815-3 v13 Each IED is provided with several communication interfaces enabling it to connect to one or many substation level systems or equipment, either on the Substation Automation (SA) bus or Substation Monitoring (SM) bus.
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Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication Engineering Station HSI Workstation Gateway Base System Printer KIOSK 3 KIOSK 1 KIOSK 2 IEC09000135_en.v IEC09000135 V1 EN-US Figure 322: SA system with IEC 61850–8–1 M16925-3 v4 Figure323 shows the GOOSE peer-to-peer communication. Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication Station HSI MicroSCADA Gateway GOOSE Control Protection Control and protection Control Protection en05000734.vsd IEC05000734 V1 EN-US Figure 323: Example of a broadcasted GOOSE message 20.2.2 Setting guidelines SEMOD55317-5 v7 There are two settings related to the IEC 61850–8–1 protocol: Operation: User can set IEC 61850 communication to Enabled or Disabled.
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication Application SEMOD55350-5 v8 Generic communication function for Single Point Value (SPGAPC) function is used to send one single logical output to other systems or equipment in the substation. SP16GAPC can be used to send up to 16 single point values from the application functions running in the same cycle time.
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Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication Application GUID-808177B7-02CA-40DF-B41B-8B580E38478B v1 The GOOSE receive function blocks are used to receive subscribed data from the GOOSE protocol. The validity of the data value is exposed as outputs of the function block as well as the validity of the communication. It is recommended to use these outputs to ensure that only valid data is handled on the subscriber IED.
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication 20.3 LON communication protocol IP14420-1 v1 20.3.1 Application IP14863-1 v1 M14804-3 v5 Control Center Station HSI MicroSCADA Gateway Star coupler RER 111 IEC05000663-1-en.vsd IEC05000663 V2 EN-US Figure 325: Example of LON communication structure for a substation automation system An optical network can be used within the substation automation system.
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Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication Glass fibre Plastic fibre Wavelength 820-900 nm 660 nm Transmitted power -13 dBm (HFBR-1414) -13 dBm (HFBR-1521) Receiver sensitivity -24 dBm (HFBR-2412) -20 dBm (HFBR-2521) The LON Protocol M14804-32 v2 The LON protocol is specified in the LonTalkProtocol Specification Version 3 from Echelon Corporation.
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication The node address is transferred to LNT via the local HMI by setting the parameter ServicePinMsg = Yes. The node address is sent to LNT via the LON bus, or LNT can scan the network for new nodes.
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Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication When communicating with a PC connected to the utility substation LAN via WAN and the utility office LAN (see Figure 326), and when using the rear optical Ethernet port, the only hardware required for a station monitoring system is: •...
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication 20.4.2 Setting guidelines M11876-3 v6 SPA, IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP3 use the same rear communication port. This port can be set for SPA use on the local HMI under Main menu /Configuration / Communication /Station communication/Port configuration/SLM optical serial port/PROTOCOL:1.
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication 20.5 IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol IP14615-1 v2 20.5.1 Application IP14864-1 v1 M17109-3 v6 TCP/IP Control Station Center Gateway Star coupler ANSI05000660-4-en.vsd ANSI05000660 V4 EN-US Figure 327: Example of IEC 60870-5-103 communication structure for a substation automation system IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol is mainly used when a protection IED communicates with a third party control or monitoring system.
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication the IEC 60870-5-103 communication messages. For detailed information about IEC 60870-5-103, refer to IEC 60870 standard part 5: Transmission protocols, and to the section 103, Companion standard for the informative interface of protection equipment. Design M17109-41 v1...
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Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication Function block with pre-defined functions in control direction, I103CMD. This block includes the FUNCTION TYPE parameter, and the INFORMATION NUMBER parameter is defined for each output signal. • Function commands in control direction Function block with user defined functions in control direction, I103UserCMD.
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication connected to the disturbance function blocks A1RADR to A4RADR. The eight first ones belong to the public range and the remaining ones to the private range. 20.5.2 Settings M17109-116 v1 Settings for RS485 and optical serial communication M17109-118 v12 General settings SPA, DNP and IEC 60870-5-103 can be configured to operate on the SLM optical...
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication GUID-CD4EB23C-65E7-4ED5-AFB1-A9D5E9EE7CA8 V3 EN GUID-CD4EB23C-65E7-4ED5-AFB1-A9D5E9EE7CA8 V3 EN-US Figure 328: Settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communication The general settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communication are the following: • SlaveAddress and BaudRate: Settings for slave number and communication speed (baud rate).
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Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication In addition there is a setting on each event block for function type. Refer to description of the Main Function type set on the local HMI. Commands M17109-138 v2 As for the commands defined in the protocol there is a dedicated function block with eight output signals.
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication DRA#-Input IEC103 meaning Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range...
Section 20 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Station communication REB 207 Private range REG 150 Private range REQ 245 Private range RER 152 Private range RES 118 Private range Refer to the tables in the Technical reference manual /Station communication, specifying the information types supported by the communication protocol IEC 60870-5-103.
Section 21 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Remote communication where the differential current is evaluated. If the evaluation results in a trip, the trip signal will be sent over the two communication links. 3-end differential protection with two communication links Ldcm312 Ldcm312 IED-A IED-B...
Section 21 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Remote communication en06000519-2.vsd IEC06000519 V2 EN-US Figure 330: Direct fibre optical connection between two IEDs with LDCM The LDCM can also be used together with an external optical to galvanic G.703 converter as shown in figure 331. These solutions are aimed for connections to a multiplexer, which in turn is connected to a telecommunications transmission network (for example PDH).
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Section 21 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Remote communication ChannelMode defines how an IED discards the LDCM information when one of the IEDs in the system is out of service: it can either be done on the IED out of service by setting all local LDCMs to channel mode OutOfService or at the remote end by setting the corresponding LDCM to channel mode Blocked.
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Section 21 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Remote communication The same is applicable for slot 312-313 and slot 322-323. DiffSync defines the method of time synchronization for the line differential function: Echo or GPS. Using Echo in this case is safe only if there is no risk of varying transmission asymmetry.
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Section 21 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Remote communication MaxTransmDelay indicates maximum transmission delay. Data for maximum 40 ms transmission delay can be buffered up. Delay times in the range of some ms are common. If data arrive in wrong order, the oldest data is disregarded. MaxtDiffLevel indicates the maximum time difference allowed between internal clocks in respective line ends.
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Section 21 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Remote communication LinkForwarded is used to configure the LDCM to merge the inter-trip and block signals from another LDCM-receiver. This is used when the analog signals for the LDCM-transmitter is connected to the receiver of another LDCM. Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
Section 22 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Security Section 22 Security 22.1 Authority status ATHSTAT SEMOD158575-1 v2 22.1.1 Application SEMOD158527-5 v3 Authority status (ATHSTAT) function is an indication function block, which informs about two events related to the IED and the user authorization: •...
Section 22 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Security • built-in real time clock (in operation/out of order). • external time synchronization (in operation/out of order). Events are also generated: • whenever any setting in the IED is changed. The internal events are time tagged with a resolution of 1 ms and stored in a list. The list can store up to 40 events.
CHNGLCK input, that logic must be designed so that it cannot permanently issue a logical one to the CHNGLCK input. If such a situation would occur in spite of these precautions, then please contact the local ABB representative for remedial action. 22.4 Denial of service SCHLCCH/RCHLCCH 22.4.1...
Section 22 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Security • LINKSTS indicates the Ethernet link status for the rear ports (single communication) • CHALISTS and CHBLISTS indicates the Ethernet link status for the rear ports channel A and B (redundant communication) • LinkStatus indicates the Ethernet link status for the front port 22.4.2 Setting guidelines...
• FirmwareVer • SerialNo • OrderingNo • ProductionDate • IEDProdType This information is very helpful when interacting with ABB product support (for example during repair and maintenance). Generator protection REG670 2.2 ANSI and Injection equipment REX060, REX061, REX062 Application manual...
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions 23.2.2 Factory defined settings M11789-39 v10 The factory defined settings are very useful for identifying a specific version and very helpful in the case of maintenance, repair, interchanging IEDs between different Substation Automation Systems and upgrading.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions 23.3.1 Identification SEMOD113212-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Measured value expander block RANGE_XP 23.3.2 Application SEMOD52434-4 v5 The current and voltage measurements functions (CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU and VNMMXU), current and voltage sequence measurement functions (CMSQI and VMSQI) and IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions (MVGAPC) are provided with measurement supervision functionality.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions parameters are available in the IED. Any of them can be activated through the different programmable binary inputs by means of external or internal control signals. A function block, SETGRPS, defines how many setting groups are used. Setting is done with parameter MAXSETGR and shall be set to the required value for each IED.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions 23.6 Summation block 3 phase 3PHSUM SEMOD55968-1 v2 23.6.1 Application SEMOD56004-4 v3 The analog summation block 3PHSUM function block is used in order to get the sum of two sets of 3 phase analog signals (of the same type) for those IED functions that might need it.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions 23.7.2 Application GUID-D58ECA9A-9771-443D-BF84-8EF582A346BF v4 Global base values function (GBASVAL) is used to provide global values, common for all applicable functions within the IED. One set of global values consists of values for current, voltage and apparent power and it is possible to have twelve different sets.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions 23.9 Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO SEMOD55215-1 v2 23.9.1 Application SEMOD55213-5 v4 The Signal matrix for binary outputs function SMBO is used within the Application Configuration tool in direct relation with the Signal Matrix tool. SMBO represents the way binary outputs are sent from one IED configuration.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions 23.11.1 Application SEMOD55744-4 v10 Signal matrix for analog inputs (SMAI), also known as the preprocessor function block, analyses the connected four analog signals (three phases and neutral) and calculates all relevant information from them like the phasor magnitude, phase angle, frequency, true RMS value, harmonics, sequence components and so on.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions The above described scenario does not work if SMAI setting ConnectionType is Ph-N. If only one phase-ground voltage is available, the same type of connection can be used but the SMAI ConnectionType setting must still be Ph-Ph and this has to be accounted for when setting MinValFreqMeas.
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Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions DFTRefGrp(n) will use DFT reference from the selected group block, when own group is selected, an adaptive DFT reference will be used based on calculated signal frequency from own group. The setting ExternalDFTRef will use reference based on what is connected to input DFTSPFC.
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Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions importance that parameter setting DFTReference has the same set value for all of the preprocessing blocks involved Task time group 1 SMAI instance 3 phase group SMAI1:1 SMAI2:2 SMAI3:3 AdDFTRefCh7 SMAI4:4 SMAI5:5 SMAI6:6 SMAI7:7...
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Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions The examples shows a situation with adaptive frequency tracking with one reference selected for all instances. In practice each instance can be adapted to the needs of the actual application. The adaptive frequency tracking is needed in IEDs that belong to the protection system of synchronous machines and that are active during run-up and shout-down of the machine.
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Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions For task time group 3 this gives the following settings: SMAI1:25 – SMAI12:36: DFTReference = ExternalDFTRef to use DFTSPFC input as reference (SMAI7:7) Example 2 SMAI1:1 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1_A ^GRP1_B ^GRP1_C SMAI1:13...
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions SMAI1:25 – SMAI12:36: DFTReference = ExternalDFTRef to use DFTSPFC input as reference (SMAI4:16) 23.12 Test mode functionality TESTMODE IP1647-1 v3 23.12.1 Application M11407-3 v8 The protection and control IEDs may have a complex configuration with many included functions.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions It is possible that the behavior is also influenced by other sources as well, independent of the mode, such as the insertion of the test handle, loss of SV, and IED configuration or LHMI.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions 23.13 Time synchronization TIMESYNCHGEN IP1750-1 v2 23.13.1 Application M11345-3 v10 Use time synchronization to achieve a common time base for the IEDs in a protection and control system. This makes it possible to compare events and disturbance data between all IEDs in the system.
Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions • Coarse time messages are sent every minute and contain complete date and time, that is year, month, day, hour, minute, second and millisecond. • Fine time messages are sent every second and comprise only seconds and milliseconds.
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Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions HMI is Main menu/Configuration/Time/Synchronization. The parameters are categorized as Time Synchronization (TIMESYNCHGEN) and IRIG-B settings (IRIG- B:1) in case that IRIG-B is used as the external time synchronization source. TimeSynch M11348-167 v15 When the source of the time synchronization is selected on the local HMI, the parameter is called TimeSynch.
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Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions • Disabled • SNTP -Server Set the course time synchronizing source (CoarseSyncSrc) to Disabled when GPS time synchronization of line differential function is used. Set the fine time synchronization source (FineSyncSource) to GPS. The GPS will thus provide the complete time synchronization.
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Section 23 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Basic IED functions Setting example Station bus Process bus SAM600-TS SAM600-CT SAM600-VT IEC16000167-1-en.vsdx IEC16000167 V1 EN-US Figure 337: Example system Figure describes an example system. The REC and REL are both using the 9-2 stream from the SAM600, and gets its synch from the GPS.
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements Section 24 Requirements 24.1 Current transformer requirements IP15171-1 v2 M11609-3 v2 The performance of a protection function will depend on the quality of the measured current signal. Saturation of the current transformers (CTs) will cause distortion of the current signals and can result in a failure to operate or cause unwanted operations of some functions.
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80% have been considered when CT requirements have been decided for ABB IEDs. Even in the future this level of remanent flux probably will be the maximum level that will be considered when decided the CT requirements.
VHR type CTs (i.e. with new material) to be used together with ABB protection IEDs. However, this may result in unacceptably big CT cores, which can be difficult to manufacture and fit in available space.
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements acceptable at all maximum remanence has been considered for fault cases critical for the security, for example, faults in reverse direction and external faults. Because of the almost negligible risk of additional time delays and the non-existent risk of failure to operate the remanence have not been considered for the dependability cases.
CT (TPZ) is not well defined as far as the phase angle error is concerned. If no explicit recommendation is given for a specific function we therefore recommend contacting ABB to confirm that the non remanence type can be used. The CT requirements for the different functions below are specified as a rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f.
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements Guide for calculation of CT for generator differential protection GUID-590F218B-5DE3-48FB-ADBE-59CAE1A96B06 v2 This section is an informative guide describing the practical procedure when dimensioning CTs for the generator differential protection IED. Two different cases are of interest.
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Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements CT secondary winding resistance The resistance of the secondary wire. For phase to earth faults the loop resistance containing the phase and neutral wires (double length) shall be used and for three phase faults the phase wire (single length) can be used.
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Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements Ext fault IEC11000215-1-en.vsd IEC11000215 V1 EN-US Figure 338: Generator data: Rated apparent power: 90 MVA Rated voltage: 16 kV Short circuit impedance: 25 % The existing CTs (CT1 and CT2) have the following data: •...
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Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements 250 V (Equation 279) EQUATION2531 V2 EN-US The rated current of the generator and the fault current for a three phase external short circuit must be calculated. 3.25 kA × × 3 16 (Equation 280) EQUATION2532 V2 EN-US 3.25...
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Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements The rated current of the generator and the fault current for a three phase external short circuit is calculated. 3.25 kA × × 3 16 (Equation 284) EQUATION2532 V2 EN-US 3.25 13.0 kA 0.25 (Equation 285) EQUATION2533 V2 EN-US...
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Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements 13000 ³ = × × = × × × 1 3 2.5 0.3 alreqExt addbu 4000 (Equation 288) EQUATION2538 V2 EN-US The conclusion is that we need a CT with E > 142 V. For example a CT class 5P with the rated burden 5 VA and R <...
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements This can give the CT manufacturer a possibility to optimize the relation between the resistance of the CT winding and the area of the iron core. If the CT shall be specified as a class PX the following relation between the knee point e.m.f.
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements In substations with breaker-and-a-half or double-busbar double-breaker arrangement, the fault current may pass two main CTs for the transformer differential protection without passing the power transformer. In such cases and if both main CTs have equal ratios and magnetization characteristics the CTs must satisfy equation equation 297.
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Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements phase CTs are depending whether it is three individual CTs connected in parallel or it is a cable CT enclosing all three phases. Neutral CTs and phase CTs for solidly ground transformers GUID-7CD7512F-F7BD-479E-B7B6-0D5DF22869D4 v3 The neutral CT and the phase CTs must have a rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f.
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Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements Where: Maximum primary fundamental frequency phase-to-ground fault current that passes two main CTs without passing the power transformer neutral (A) Neutral CTs and phase CTs for impedance grounded transformers GUID-FA79C943-A19B-47E2-BFC5-C9D01347302A v3 The neutral CT and phase CTs must have a rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. that is larger than or equal to the required rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f.
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements Where: Maximum primary fundamental frequency three-phase fault current that passes the CTs and the power transformer (A). The resistance of the single secondary wire and additional load (Ω). In impedance grounded systems the phase-to-ground fault currents often are relatively small and the requirements might result in small CTs.
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements Current transformers according to IEC 61869-2, class P, PR M11623-6 v4 A CT according to IEC 61869-2 is specified by the secondary limiting e.m.f. E . The value of the E is approximately equal to the corresponding E .
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements × × × × × × 20 I 20 I 20 I ANS I bANS I a lANS I (Equation 307) EQUATION1682 V1 EN-US where: The impedance (that is, with a complex quantity) of the standard ANSI burden for the specific C bANSI class (W) The secondary terminal voltage for the specific C class (V)
Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements The transient responses for three different standard transient response classes, T1, T2 and T3 are specified in chapter 6.503 of the standard. CCVTs according to all classes can be used. The protection IED has effective filters for these transients, which gives secure and correct operation with CCVTs.
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Section 24 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Requirements During disturbed conditions, the trip security function can cope with high bit error rates up to 10 or even up to 10 . The trip security can be configured to be independent of COMFAIL from the differential protection communication supervision, or blocked when COMFAIL is issued after receive error >100ms.
Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary Section 25 Glossary M14893-1 v16 Alternating current Actual channel Application configuration tool within PCM600 A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision Analog digital conversion module, with time synchronization Analog input ANSI American National Standards Institute Autoreclosing ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer...
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Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary Circuit breaker Combined backplane module CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephony. A United Nations-sponsored standards body within the International Telecommunications Union. CAN carrier module CCVT Capacitive Coupled Voltage Transformer Class C Protection Current Transformer class as per IEEE/ ANSI CMPPS Combined megapulses per second...
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Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary DBLL Dead bus live line Direct current Data flow control Discrete Fourier transform DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DIP-switch Small switch mounted on a printed circuit board Digital input DLLB Dead line live bus Distributed Network Protocol as per IEEE Std 1815-2012 Disturbance recorder DRAM...
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Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary File Transfer Protocol Function type G.703 Electrical and functional description for digital lines used by local telephone companies. Can be transported over balanced and unbalanced lines Communication interface module with carrier of GPS receiver module Graphical display editor within PCM600 General interrogation command...
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Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary IEEE 802.12 A network technology standard that provides 100 Mbits/s on twisted-pair or optical fiber cable IEEE P1386.1 PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) standard for local bus modules. References the CMC (IEEE P1386, also known as Common Mezzanine Card) standard for the mechanics and the PCI specifications from the PCI SIG (Special Interest Group) for the electrical EMF (Electromotive force).
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Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary International Telecommunications Union Local area network LIB 520 High-voltage software module Liquid crystal display LDCM Line data communication module Local detection device Light-emitting diode LON network tool Local operating network Miniature circuit breaker Mezzanine carrier module Milli-ampere module Main processing module...
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Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary PCM600 Protection and control IED manager PC-MIP Mezzanine card standard PCI Mezzanine card Permissive overreach POTT Permissive overreach transfer trip Process bus Bus or LAN used at the process level, that is, in near proximity to the measured and/or controlled components Parallel redundancy protocol Power supply module...
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Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary Serial communication module. SMA connector Subminiature version A, A threaded connector with constant impedance. Signal matrix tool within PCM600 Station monitoring system SNTP Simple network time protocol – is used to synchronize computer clocks on local area networks. This reduces the requirement to have accurate hardware clocks in every embedded system in a network.
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Section 25 1MRK 502 071-UUS A Glossary TPZ, TPY, TPX, TPS Current transformer class according to IEC Transformer Module. This module transforms currents and voltages taken from the process into levels suitable for further signal processing. Type identification User management tool Underreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition.